diff --git a/[refs] b/[refs] index b4b6c1d3306cf..2799e31d34b1b 100644 --- a/[refs] +++ b/[refs] @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ --- refs/heads/gh-pages: ac155dadd83efa75cad55c0508a57a2b9dd3d66c -"refs/heads/CMSSW_7_1_X": fdd7a7c7ddaa755806f92886b3b23c297f11e640 +"refs/heads/CMSSW_7_1_X": 11420ec397b16648b17b7f14b8078877ecded481 diff --git a/trunk/FastSimulation/Validation/test/SingleElectronAnalyzer-full_cfg.py b/trunk/FastSimulation/Validation/test/SingleElectronAnalyzer-full_cfg.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..65e7e8a7822f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/trunk/FastSimulation/Validation/test/SingleElectronAnalyzer-full_cfg.py @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version: + +# histos limits and binning + +import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms + +process = cms.Process("PROD") +# Keep the logging output to a nice level # +process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi") + +process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( + input = cms.untracked.int32(-1) +) +process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource", + fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('/store/relval/2008/6/6/RelVal-RelValSingleElectronPt35-1212531852-IDEAL_V1-2nd-02/0000/4202AC1C-EA33-DD11-9082-001617DC1F70.root', + '/store/relval/2008/6/6/RelVal-RelValSingleElectronPt35-1212531852-IDEAL_V1-2nd-02/0000/6206F77E-EB33-DD11-9B1B-001617DBD5B2.root', + '/store/relval/2008/6/6/RelVal-RelValSingleElectronPt35-1212531852-IDEAL_V1-2nd-02/0000/86842A33-E933-DD11-887F-001617C3B5F4.root') +) + +process.gsfElectronAnalysis = cms.EDAnalyzer("GsfElectronMCAnalyzer", + electronCollection = cms.InputTag("pixelMatchGsfElectrons"), + Nbinxyz = cms.int32(50), + Nbineop2D = cms.int32(30), + Nbinp = cms.int32(50), + Nbineta2D = cms.int32(50), + Etamin = cms.double(-2.5), + Nbinfhits = cms.int32(20), + Dphimin = cms.double(-0.01), + Pmax = cms.double(300.0), + Phimax = cms.double(3.2), + Phimin = cms.double(-3.2), + Eopmax = cms.double(5.0), + mcTruthCollection = cms.InputTag("source"), + # efficiency cuts + MaxPt = cms.double(100.0), + Nbinlhits = cms.int32(5), + Nbinpteff = cms.int32(19), + Nbinphi2D = cms.int32(32), + Nbindetamatch2D = cms.int32(50), + Nbineta = cms.int32(50), + DeltaR = cms.double(0.05), + outputFile = cms.string('gsfElectronHistos-full.root'), + Nbinp2D = cms.int32(50), + Nbindeta = cms.int32(100), + Nbinpt2D = cms.int32(50), + Nbindetamatch = cms.int32(100), + Fhitsmax = cms.double(20.0), + Lhitsmax = cms.double(10.0), + Nbinphi = cms.int32(64), + Eopmaxsht = cms.double(3.0), + MaxAbsEta = cms.double(2.5), + Nbindphimatch = cms.int32(100), + Detamax = cms.double(0.005), + Nbinpt = cms.int32(50), + Nbindphimatch2D = cms.int32(50), + Etamax = cms.double(2.5), + Dphimax = cms.double(0.01), + Dphimatchmax = cms.double(0.2), + Detamatchmax = cms.double(0.05), + Nbindphi = cms.int32(100), + Detamatchmin = cms.double(-0.05), + Ptmax = cms.double(100.0), + Nbineop = cms.int32(50), + Dphimatchmin = cms.double(-0.2), + Detamin = cms.double(-0.005) +) + +process.Timing = cms.Service("Timing") + +process.p1 = cms.Path(process.gsfElectronAnalysis) +process.MessageLogger.destinations = ['detailedInfo.txt'] + + diff --git a/trunk/FastSimulation/Validation/test/SingleElectronAnalyzer_cfg.py b/trunk/FastSimulation/Validation/test/SingleElectronAnalyzer_cfg.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9edffb90bcbdd --- /dev/null +++ b/trunk/FastSimulation/Validation/test/SingleElectronAnalyzer_cfg.py @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +# The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version: + +# replace famosSimHits.SimulateMuons = false +# The digis are needed for the L1 simulation +# replace caloRecHits.RecHitsFactory.doDigis=true + +# histos limits and binning + +import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms + +process = cms.Process("PROD") +# Include the RandomNumberGeneratorService definition +process.load("FastSimulation.Configuration.RandomServiceInitialization_cff") + +# Generate H -> ZZ -> l+l- l'+l'- (l,l'=e or mu), with mH=180GeV/c2 +# include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/HZZllll.cfi" +# Generate ttbar events +# include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/ttbar.cfi" +# Generate multijet events with different ptHAT bins +# include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/QCDpt80-120.cfi" +# include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/QCDpt600-800.cfi" +# Generate Minimum Bias Events +# include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/MinBiasEvents.cfi" +# Generate muons with a flat pT particle gun, and with pT=10. +# include "FastSimulation/Configuration/data/FlatPtMuonGun.cfi" +# replace FlatRandomPtGunSource.PGunParameters.PartID={130} +# Generate di-electrons with pT=35 GeV +process.load("FastSimulation.Configuration.DiElectrons_cfi") + +# Famos sequences (no HLT here) +process.load("FastSimulation.Configuration.CommonInputsFake_cff") + +process.load("FastSimulation.Configuration.FamosSequences_cff") + +# +# Keep the logging output to a nice level # +process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi") + +process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( + input = cms.untracked.int32(10000) +) +process.gsfElectronAnalysis = cms.EDAnalyzer("GsfElectronMCAnalyzer", + electronCollection = cms.InputTag("pixelMatchGsfElectrons"), + Nbinxyz = cms.int32(50), + Nbineop2D = cms.int32(30), + Nbinp = cms.int32(50), + Nbineta2D = cms.int32(50), + Etamin = cms.double(-2.5), + Nbinfhits = cms.int32(20), + Dphimin = cms.double(-0.01), + Pmax = cms.double(300.0), + Phimax = cms.double(3.2), + Phimin = cms.double(-3.2), + Eopmax = cms.double(5.0), + mcTruthCollection = cms.InputTag("source"), + # efficiency cuts + MaxPt = cms.double(100.0), + Nbinlhits = cms.int32(5), + Nbinpteff = cms.int32(19), + Nbinphi2D = cms.int32(32), + Nbindetamatch2D = cms.int32(50), + Nbineta = cms.int32(50), + DeltaR = cms.double(0.05), + outputFile = cms.string('gsfElectronHistos.root'), + Nbinp2D = cms.int32(50), + Nbindeta = cms.int32(100), + Nbinpt2D = cms.int32(50), + Nbindetamatch = cms.int32(100), + Fhitsmax = cms.double(20.0), + Lhitsmax = cms.double(10.0), + Nbinphi = cms.int32(64), + Eopmaxsht = cms.double(3.0), + MaxAbsEta = cms.double(2.5), + Nbindphimatch = cms.int32(100), + Detamax = cms.double(0.005), + Nbinpt = cms.int32(50), + Nbindphimatch2D = cms.int32(50), + Etamax = cms.double(2.5), + Dphimax = cms.double(0.01), + Dphimatchmax = cms.double(0.2), + Detamatchmax = cms.double(0.05), + Nbindphi = cms.int32(100), + Detamatchmin = cms.double(-0.05), + Ptmax = cms.double(100.0), + Nbineop = cms.int32(50), + Dphimatchmin = cms.double(-0.2), + Detamin = cms.double(-0.005) +) + +process.Timing = cms.Service("Timing") + +process.o1 = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule", + outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring('keep *', + 'drop *_mix_*_*'), + fileName = cms.untracked.string('MyFirstFamosFile.root') +) + +process.p1 = cms.Path(process.famosWithEverything*process.gsfElectronAnalysis) +process.outpath = cms.EndPath(process.o1) +process.famosPileUp.PileUpSimulator.averageNumber = 0.0 +process.VolumeBasedMagneticFieldESProducer.useParametrizedTrackerField = True +process.famosSimHits.SimulateCalorimetry = True +process.famosSimHits.SimulateTracking = True +process.MessageLogger.destinations = ['detailedInfo.txt'] + +