diff --git a/HLTrigger/Tools/python/convertToRaw.py b/HLTrigger/Tools/python/convertToRaw.py index 92caf7fbf8587..b0a6587bc959e 100644 --- a/HLTrigger/Tools/python/convertToRaw.py +++ b/HLTrigger/Tools/python/convertToRaw.py @@ -26,19 +26,11 @@ fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring() # to be overwritten after parsing the command line options ) -process.EvFDaqDirector = cms.Service( "EvFDaqDirector", - runNumber = cms.untracked.uint32( 0 ), # to be overwritten after parsing the command line options - baseDir = cms.untracked.string( "" ), # to be overwritten after parsing the command line options - buBaseDir = cms.untracked.string( "" ), # to be overwritten after parsing the command line options - useFileBroker = cms.untracked.bool( False ), - fileBrokerKeepAlive = cms.untracked.bool( True ), - fileBrokerPort = cms.untracked.string( "8080" ), - fileBrokerUseLocalLock = cms.untracked.bool( True ), - fuLockPollInterval = cms.untracked.uint32( 2000 ), - requireTransfersPSet = cms.untracked.bool( False ), - selectedTransferMode = cms.untracked.string( "" ), - mergingPset = cms.untracked.string( "" ), - outputAdler32Recheck = cms.untracked.bool( False ), +from EventFilter.Utilities.EvFDaqDirector_cfi import EvFDaqDirector as _EvFDaqDirector +process.EvFDaqDirector = _EvFDaqDirector.clone( + baseDir = "", # to be overwritten after parsing the command line options + buBaseDir = "", # to be overwritten after parsing the command line options + runNumber = 0 # to be overwritten after parsing the command line options ) process.writer = cms.OutputModule("RawStreamFileWriterForBU", diff --git a/HLTrigger/Tools/scripts/convertToRaw b/HLTrigger/Tools/scripts/convertToRaw index b2aaef2bb3da0..32eb9fc4a18a1 100755 --- a/HLTrigger/Tools/scripts/convertToRaw +++ b/HLTrigger/Tools/scripts/convertToRaw @@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ for f in files: if parsing: run, lumi, events = tuple(map(int, line.split())) if not args.range.is_in_range(run, lumi): - print(f' run {run}, lumisetion {lumi} is outside of the given range and will be skipped') + print(f' run {run}, lumisection {lumi} is outside of the given range and will be skipped') continue if events == 0: - print(f' run {run}, lumisetion {lumi} is empty and will be skipped') + print(f' run {run}, lumisection {lumi} is empty and will be skipped') continue - print(f' run {run}, lumisetion {lumi} with {events} events will be processed') + print(f' run {run}, lumisection {lumi} with {events} events will be processed') if not run in content: content[run] = {} if not lumi in content[run]: @@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ for run in sorted(content): os.makedirs(lumi_path) cmsRun(config_py, args.verbose, inputFiles = ','.join(content[run][lumi].files), runNumber = run, lumiNumber = lumi, eventsPerLumi = args.events_per_lumi, eventsPerFile = args.events_per_file, rawDataCollection = args.raw_data_collection, outputPath = lumi_path) - # merge all lumisetions data + # merge all lumisections data # number of events expected to be processed if args.events_per_lumi < 0: