diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/BuildFile.xml b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/BuildFile.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..13cf66377b213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/BuildFile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/BuildFile.xml b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/BuildFile.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ccd1c6c40c741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/BuildFile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..15cc09dd7d2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/** \class MuNtupleBmtfFiller MuNtupleBmtfFiller.cc DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.cc
+ *
+ * Helper class : the BMTF filler
+ *
+ * \author L. Borgonovi (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.h"
+MuNtupleBmtfFiller::MuNtupleBmtfFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller(config),
+ m_tpgPhiToken{config, consumesCollector(), "dtTpTag"},
+ m_bmtfToken{config, consumesCollector(), "bmtfTag"} {
+ produces();
+void MuNtupleBmtfFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "l1tBmtfOut");
+ desc.add("dtTpTag", edm::InputTag{"bmtfDigis"});
+ desc.add("bmtfTag", edm::InputTag{"bmtfDigis"});
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleBmtfFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nBmtfCands{0};
+ std::vector wheel;
+ std::vector sector;
+ std::vector pt;
+ std::vector phi;
+ std::vector eta;
+ std::vector bx;
+ std::vector dxy;
+ std::vector qual;
+ std::vector etaFine;
+ std::vector matchedTpIdxMB1;
+ std::vector matchedTpIdxMB2;
+ std::vector matchedTpIdxMB3;
+ std::vector matchedTpIdxMB4;
+ auto bmtfColl = m_bmtfToken.conditionalGet(ev);
+ auto tpColl = m_tpgPhiToken.conditionalGet(ev);
+ if (bmtfColl.isValid()) {
+ auto bmtfCandBX = bmtfColl->getFirstBX();
+ auto bmtfCandLastBX = bmtfColl->getLastBX();
+ for (; bmtfCandBX <= bmtfCandLastBX; ++bmtfCandBX) {
+ auto bmtfCand = bmtfColl->begin(bmtfCandBX);
+ auto bmtfCandLast = bmtfColl->end(bmtfCandBX);
+ for (; bmtfCand != bmtfCandLast; ++bmtfCand) {
+ std::map mapTA = bmtfCand->trackAddress();
+ int wsign = mapTA[0] == 0 ? 1 : -1;
+ int wh = wsign * mapTA[1];
+ int sec = bmtfCand->processor();
+ wheel.push_back(wh);
+ sector.push_back(sec);
+ std::array triggerIndex{{0, 0, 0, 0}};
+ if (mapTA[2] != 3) {
+ w_mb[0] = wh;
+ s_mb[0] = sec;
+ ts_mb[0] = (mapTA[2] & 1) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ for (int iSt = 1; iSt <= N_STAT; ++iSt) {
+ if (mapTA[iSt + 2] != 15) {
+ ts_mb[iSt] = (mapTA[iSt + 2] & 1) ? 1 : 0; // 0 for ts1 , 1 for ts2
+ w_mb[iSt] =
+ (mapTA[iSt + 2] & 8)
+ ? wh
+ : wh +
+ wsign; // own wheel if true, nex wheel if false (depends on sign of the wheel -> case 0+, +1: +1, case 0-, -1: -1)
+ int tmpMapValue = mapTA[iSt + 2] >> 1; // temp value to remove less significant bit
+ if (tmpMapValue & 1)
+ s_mb[iSt] =
+ sec != 0 ? sec - 1 : 11; // if last two remained bit == 01 -> sector-1 (N+1 column of ref table)
+ else if (tmpMapValue & 2)
+ s_mb[iSt] =
+ sec != 11 ? sec + 1 : 0; // if last two remained bit == 10 -> sector+1 (N-1 column of ref table)
+ else
+ s_mb[iSt] = sec; // if last two remained bit == 00 -> sector (N column of ref table)
+ }
+ }
+ int tmpIdx = 0;
+ for (int iSt = 0; iSt < N_STAT; ++iSt) {
+ int iTP = 0;
+ if (tpColl.isValid()) {
+ const auto trigs = tpColl->getContainer();
+ for (const auto& trig : (*trigs)) {
+ if (trig.code() != 7) {
+ if (bmtfCandBX == trig.bxNum()) {
+ if ((w_mb[iSt] == trig.whNum()) && (ts_mb[iSt] == trig.Ts2Tag()) && (s_mb[iSt] == trig.scNum()) &&
+ (iSt + 1 == trig.stNum())) {
+ triggerIndex[tmpIdx] = iTP;
+ tmpIdx++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iTP++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int iPhi = bmtfCand->hwPhi() + bmtfCand->processor() * 48 - 15;
+ if (iPhi < 0)
+ iPhi += 576;
+ bx.push_back(bmtfCandBX);
+ pt.push_back((bmtfCand->hwPt()) * PT_SCALE);
+ phi.push_back(iPhi * PHI_SCALE); //no conversion yet
+ eta.push_back((bmtfCand->hwEta()) * ETA_SCALE);
+ dxy.push_back(bmtfCand->hwDXY());
+ qual.push_back(bmtfCand->hwQual());
+ etaFine.push_back(bmtfCand->hwHF());
+ matchedTpIdxMB1.push_back(triggerIndex[0]);
+ matchedTpIdxMB2.push_back(triggerIndex[1]);
+ matchedTpIdxMB3.push_back(triggerIndex[2]);
+ matchedTpIdxMB4.push_back(triggerIndex[3]);
+ ++nBmtfCands;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto table = std::make_unique(nBmtfCands, m_label, false, false);
+ table->setDoc("BMTF information");
+ addColumn(table, "pt", pt, "BMTF cand pt - GeV/c ");
+ addColumn(table, "phi", phi, "BMTF cand phi - rad");
+ addColumn(table, "eta", eta, "BMTF cand eta");
+ addColumn(table, "wheel", pt, "BMTF cand wheel");
+ addColumn(table, "sector ", pt, "BMTF cand sector");
+ addColumn(table, "dxy", dxy, "BMTF cand dxy - units?");
+ addColumn(table, "qual", qual, "BMTF cand quality");
+ addColumn(table, "etaFine", etaFine, "BMTF cand fine eta bit");
+ addColumn(table, "matchedTpIdxMB1", matchedTpIdxMB1, "BMTF link to TP index (MB1)");
+ addColumn(table, "matchedTpIdxMB2", matchedTpIdxMB2, "BMTF link to TP index (MB2)");
+ addColumn(table, "matchedTpIdxMB3", matchedTpIdxMB3, "BMTF link to TP index (MB3)");
+ addColumn(table, "matchedTpIdxMB4", matchedTpIdxMB4, "BMTF link to TP index (MB4)");
+ ev.put(std::move(table));
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.h b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d9b5099d5936d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#ifndef MuNtuple_MuNtupleBmtfFiller_h
+#define MuNtuple_MuNtupleBmtfFiller_h
+/** \class MuNtupleBmtfFiller MuNtupleBmtfFiller.h DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleBmtfFiller.h
+ *
+ * Helper class : the BMTF filler
+ *
+ * \author L. Borgonovi (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleBaseFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "DataFormats/L1DTTrackFinder/interface/L1MuDTChambPhContainer.h"
+#include "DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/RegionalMuonCand.h"
+class MuNtupleBmtfFiller : public MuNtupleBaseFiller {
+ /// Constructor
+ MuNtupleBmtfFiller(const edm::ParameterSet &);
+ /// Fill descriptors
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);
+ /// Fill tree branches for a given events
+ void fill(edm::Event &ev) final;
+ /// Scale to convert HW pt to GeV
+ static constexpr double PT_SCALE = 0.5;
+ /// Scale to convert HW eta to phisical value
+ static constexpr double ETA_SCALE = 0.010875;
+ /// Scale to convert HW eta to rad
+ static constexpr double PHI_SCALE = 0.010908308; // 2 * pi / 576
+ /// Number of DT stations
+ static constexpr int N_STAT = 4;
+ /// The trigger tokens
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_tpgPhiToken;
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_bmtfToken;
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9ca13cc2056c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/** \class MuNtupleDigiFiller MuNtupleDigiFiller.cc DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.cc
+ *
+ * Helper class : the digi filler for Phase-1 / Phase2 DT digis (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.h"
+MuNtupleDTDigiFiller::MuNtupleDTDigiFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller{config}, m_token{config, consumesCollector(), "dtDigiTag"} {
+ produces();
+void MuNtupleDTDigiFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "dtDigis");
+ desc.add("dtDigiTag", edm::InputTag{"muonDTDigis"});
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleDTDigiFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nDigis{0};
+ std::vector wheel;
+ std::vector sector;
+ std::vector station;
+ std::vector superLayer;
+ std::vector layer;
+ std::vector wire;
+ std::vector time;
+ auto dtDigis = m_token.conditionalGet(ev);
+ if (dtDigis.isValid()) {
+ auto dtLayerIdIt = dtDigis->begin();
+ auto dtLayerIdEnd = dtDigis->end();
+ for (; dtLayerIdIt != dtLayerIdEnd; ++dtLayerIdIt) {
+ const auto& [dtLayerId, range] = (*dtLayerIdIt);
+ for (auto digiIt = range.first; digiIt != range.second; ++digiIt) {
+ wheel.push_back(dtLayerId.wheel());
+ sector.push_back(dtLayerId.sector());
+ station.push_back(dtLayerId.station());
+ superLayer.push_back(dtLayerId.superLayer());
+ layer.push_back(dtLayerId.layer());
+ wire.push_back(digiIt->wire());
+ time.push_back(digiIt->time());
+ ++nDigis;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto table = std::make_unique(nDigis, m_label, false, false);
+ table->setDoc("DT digi information");
+ addColumn(table, "wheel", wheel, "wheel - [-2:2] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "sector",
+ sector,
+ "sector - [1:14] range"
+ "
sector 13 used for the second MB4 of sector 4"
+ "
sector 14 used for the second MB4 of sector 10");
+ addColumn(table, "station", station, "station - [1:4] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "superLayer",
+ superLayer,
+ "superlayer - [1:3] range"
+ "
SL 1 and 3 are phi SLs"
+ "
SL 2 is theta SL");
+ addColumn(table, "layer", layer, "station - [1:4] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "wire",
+ wire,
+ "wire - [1:X] range"
+ "
X varies for different chambers SLs and layers");
+ addColumn(table, "time", time, "digi time in ns (no pedestal subtraction)");
+ ev.put(std::move(table));
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.h b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5b24cf433c653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+#ifndef MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTDigiFiller_h
+#define MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTDigiFiller_h
+/** \class MuNtupleDTDigiFiller MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.h DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTDigiFiller.h
+ *
+ * Helper class : the digi filler for Phase-1 / Phase2 DT digis (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleBaseFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "DataFormats/DTDigi/interface/DTDigiCollection.h"
+class MuNtupleDTDigiFiller : public MuNtupleBaseFiller {
+ /// Constructor
+ MuNtupleDTDigiFiller(const edm::ParameterSet&);
+ /// Fill descriptors
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
+ /// Fill tree branches for a given event
+ void fill(edm::Event& ev) final;
+ /// The digi token
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_token;
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2331888736445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+/** \class MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.cc DTDPGAnalysis/MuonDPGNtuples/src/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.cc
+ *
+ * Helper class : the segment filler for Phase-1 / Phase2 segments (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.h"
+#include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/StraightLinePlaneCrossing.h"
+#include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/Propagator.h"
+#include "CalibMuon/DTDigiSync/interface/DTTTrigSyncFactory.h"
+MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller::MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller{config},
+ m_token{config, consumesCollector(), "dtSegmentTag"},
+ m_fillHits{config.getParameter("fillHits")},
+ m_fillExtr{config.getParameter("fillExtrapolation")},
+ m_dtGeometry{consumesCollector()},
+ m_trackingGeometry{consumesCollector()} {
+ produces();
+ if (m_fillHits) {
+ produces("hits");
+ }
+ if (m_fillExtr) {
+ produces("extr");
+ }
+ m_dtSync = DTTTrigSyncFactory::get()->create(config.getParameter("tTrigMode"),
+ config.getParameter("tTrigModeConfig"),
+ consumesCollector());
+void MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "dtSegments");
+ desc.add("dtSegmentTag", edm::InputTag{"dt4DSegments"});
+ desc.add("fillExtrapolation", true);
+ desc.add("fillHits", true);
+ desc.add("tTrigMode", "DTTTrigSyncFromDB");
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription tTrigModeParams;
+ tTrigModeParams.add("doTOFCorrection", true);
+ tTrigModeParams.add("tofCorrType", 2);
+ tTrigModeParams.add("vPropWire", 24.4);
+ tTrigModeParams.add("doWirePropCorrection", true);
+ tTrigModeParams.add("wirePropCorrType", 0);
+ tTrigModeParams.add("tTrigLabel", "");
+ tTrigModeParams.add("doT0Correction", true);
+ tTrigModeParams.add("t0Label", "");
+ tTrigModeParams.addUntracked("debug", false);
+ desc.add("tTrigModeConfig", tTrigModeParams);
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller::getFromES(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& environment) {
+ m_dtGeometry.getFromES(environment);
+void MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller::getFromES(const edm::EventSetup& environment) {
+ m_trackingGeometry.getFromES(environment);
+ m_dtSync->setES(environment);
+void MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nSegments{0};
+ std::vector seg4D_wheel;
+ std::vector seg4D_sector;
+ std::vector seg4D_station;
+ std::vector seg4D_hasPhi;
+ std::vector seg4D_hasZed;
+ std::vector seg4D_posLoc_x;
+ std::vector seg4D_posLoc_y;
+ std::vector seg4D_posLoc_z;
+ std::vector seg4D_dirLoc_x;
+ std::vector seg4D_dirLoc_y;
+ std::vector seg4D_dirLoc_z;
+ std::vector seg4D_posLoc_x_SL1;
+ std::vector seg4D_posLoc_x_SL3;
+ std::vector seg4D_posLoc_x_midPlane;
+ std::vector seg4D_posGlb_phi;
+ std::vector seg4D_posGlb_eta;
+ std::vector seg4D_dirGlb_phi;
+ std::vector seg4D_dirGlb_eta;
+ std::vector seg4D_extr_begin;
+ std::vector seg4D_extr_end;
+ std::vector seg2D_phi_t0;
+ std::vector seg2D_phi_vDrift;
+ std::vector seg2D_phi_normChi2;
+ std::vector seg2D_phi_nHits;
+ std::vector seg2D_z_normChi2;
+ std::vector seg2D_z_nHits;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_begin;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_end;
+ // segment extrapolation to DT layers filled, if m_fillExtr == true
+ unsigned int nExtr{0};
+ std::vector seg4D_hitsExpPos;
+ std::vector seg4D_hitsExpPosCh;
+ std::vector seg4D_hitsExpWire;
+ // rec-hits vectors, filled if m_fillHits == true
+ unsigned int nHits{0};
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_pos;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_posCh;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_posErr;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_side;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_wire;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_wirePos;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_layer;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_superLayer;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_time;
+ std::vector seg2D_hits_timeCali;
+ auto fillHits = [&](const DTRecSegment2D* seg, const GeomDet* chamb) {
+ const auto& recHits = seg->specificRecHits();
+ for (const auto& recHit : recHits) {
+ ++nHits;
+ const auto wireId = recHit.wireId();
+ const auto layerId = wireId.layerId();
+ const auto* layer = m_dtGeometry->layer(layerId);
+ seg2D_hits_pos.push_back(recHit.localPosition().x());
+ seg2D_hits_posCh.push_back(chamb->toLocal(layer->toGlobal(recHit.localPosition())).x());
+ seg2D_hits_posErr.push_back(recHit.localPositionError().xx());
+ seg2D_hits_side.push_back(recHit.lrSide());
+ seg2D_hits_wire.push_back(wireId.wire());
+ seg2D_hits_wirePos.push_back(layer->specificTopology().wirePosition(wireId.wire()));
+ seg2D_hits_layer.push_back(layerId.layer());
+ seg2D_hits_superLayer.push_back(layerId.superlayer());
+ auto digiTime = recHit.digiTime();
+ auto tTrig = m_dtSync->offset(wireId);
+ seg2D_hits_time.push_back(digiTime);
+ seg2D_hits_timeCali.push_back(digiTime - tTrig);
+ }
+ };
+ auto segments4D = m_token.conditionalGet(ev);
+ if (segments4D.isValid()) {
+ auto chambIt = segments4D->id_begin();
+ const auto chambEnd = segments4D->id_end();
+ for (; chambIt != chambEnd; ++chambIt) {
+ const auto& range = segments4D->get(*chambIt);
+ for (auto segment4D = range.first; segment4D != range.second; ++segment4D) {
+ auto wheel = (*chambIt).wheel();
+ auto sector = (*chambIt).sector();
+ auto station = (*chambIt).station();
+ seg4D_wheel.push_back(wheel);
+ seg4D_sector.push_back(sector);
+ seg4D_station.push_back(station);
+ bool hasPhi = segment4D->hasPhi();
+ bool hasZed = segment4D->hasZed();
+ seg4D_hasPhi.push_back(hasPhi);
+ seg4D_hasZed.push_back(hasZed);
+ auto pos = segment4D->localPosition();
+ auto dir = segment4D->localDirection();
+ seg4D_posLoc_x.push_back(pos.x());
+ seg4D_posLoc_y.push_back(pos.y());
+ seg4D_posLoc_z.push_back(pos.z());
+ seg4D_dirLoc_x.push_back(dir.x());
+ seg4D_dirLoc_y.push_back(dir.y());
+ seg4D_dirLoc_z.push_back(dir.z());
+ bool hasPptSL[2] = {false, false};
+ auto xPosLocMidPlane = DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL;
+ const auto* chamb = m_dtGeometry->chamber(*chambIt);
+ StraightLinePlaneCrossing segmentPlaneCrossing{
+ chamb->toGlobal(pos).basicVector(), chamb->toGlobal(dir).basicVector(), anyDirection};
+ if (hasPhi) {
+ for (int iSL = 0; iSL < 2; ++iSL) {
+ const auto* sl = chamb->superLayer(1 + iSL * 2);
+ auto pptSL = segmentPlaneCrossing.position(sl->surface());
+ hasPptSL[iSL] = pptSL.first;
+ if (hasPptSL[iSL]) {
+ GlobalPoint segExrapolationToSL(pptSL.second);
+ xPosLocSL[iSL] = chamb->toLocal(segExrapolationToSL).x();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ seg4D_posLoc_x_SL1.push_back(xPosLocSL[0]);
+ seg4D_posLoc_x_SL3.push_back(xPosLocSL[1]);
+ if (hasPptSL[0] && hasPptSL[1])
+ xPosLocMidPlane = (xPosLocSL[0] + xPosLocSL[1]) * 0.5;
+ seg4D_posLoc_x_midPlane.push_back(xPosLocMidPlane);
+ const auto begin = seg4D_hitsExpPos.size();
+ auto size{station == 4 ? 8 : 12};
+ nExtr += size;
+ seg4D_extr_begin.push_back(begin);
+ seg4D_extr_end.push_back(begin + size);
+ std::vector iSLs{1, 2, 3};
+ // CB find a better way
+ if (station == 4)
+ iSLs.erase(++iSLs.begin());
+ for (int iL = 1; iL < 5; ++iL) {
+ for (const auto iSL : iSLs) {
+ auto* layer = m_dtGeometry->layer(DTWireId{wheel, station, sector, iSL, iL, 2});
+ auto ppt = segmentPlaneCrossing.position(layer->surface());
+ bool success{ppt.first}; // check for failure
+ auto expPos{DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL};
+ auto expPosCh{DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL};
+ auto expWire{DEFAULT_INT_VAL_POS};
+ if (success) {
+ GlobalPoint segExrapolationToLayer(ppt.second);
+ LocalPoint segPosAtZWireLayer = layer->toLocal(segExrapolationToLayer);
+ LocalPoint segPosAtZWireChamber = chamb->toLocal(segExrapolationToLayer);
+ if (hasPhi && iSL != 2) {
+ expPos = segPosAtZWireLayer.x();
+ expPosCh = segPosAtZWireChamber.x();
+ expWire = layer->specificTopology().channel(segPosAtZWireLayer);
+ } else if (hasZed && iSL == 2) {
+ expPos = segPosAtZWireLayer.x();
+ expPosCh = segPosAtZWireChamber.y();
+ expWire = layer->specificTopology().channel(segPosAtZWireLayer);
+ }
+ }
+ seg4D_hitsExpPos.push_back(expPos);
+ seg4D_hitsExpPosCh.push_back(expPosCh);
+ seg4D_hitsExpWire.push_back(expWire);
+ }
+ }
+ const GeomDet* geomDet = m_trackingGeometry->idToDet(segment4D->geographicalId());
+ auto posGlb = geomDet->toGlobal(pos);
+ auto dirGlb = geomDet->toGlobal(dir);
+ seg4D_posGlb_phi.push_back(posGlb.phi());
+ seg4D_posGlb_eta.push_back(posGlb.eta());
+ seg4D_dirGlb_phi.push_back(dirGlb.phi());
+ seg4D_dirGlb_eta.push_back(dirGlb.eta());
+ seg2D_hits_begin.push_back(seg2D_hits_pos.size());
+ if (hasPhi) {
+ const auto* phiSeg = segment4D->phiSegment();
+ seg2D_phi_t0.push_back(phiSeg->t0());
+ seg2D_phi_vDrift.push_back(phiSeg->vDrift());
+ seg2D_phi_normChi2.push_back(phiSeg->chi2() / phiSeg->degreesOfFreedom());
+ seg2D_phi_nHits.push_back(phiSeg->specificRecHits().size());
+ fillHits(phiSeg, geomDet);
+ } else {
+ seg2D_phi_t0.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ seg2D_phi_vDrift.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ seg2D_phi_normChi2.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL_POS);
+ seg2D_phi_nHits.push_back(0);
+ }
+ if (hasZed) {
+ const auto* zSeg = segment4D->zSegment();
+ seg2D_z_normChi2.push_back(zSeg->chi2() / zSeg->degreesOfFreedom());
+ seg2D_z_nHits.push_back(zSeg->specificRecHits().size());
+ fillHits(zSeg, geomDet);
+ } else {
+ seg2D_z_normChi2.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL_POS);
+ seg2D_z_nHits.push_back(0);
+ }
+ seg2D_hits_end.push_back(seg2D_hits_pos.size());
+ ++nSegments;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto table = std::make_unique(nSegments, m_label, false, false);
+ table->setDoc("DT segment information");
+ addColumn(table, "wheel", seg4D_wheel, "wheel - [-2:2] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "sector",
+ seg4D_sector,
+ "sector - [1:14] range"
+ "
sector 13 used for the second MB4 of sector 4"
+ "
sector 14 used for the second MB4 of sector 10");
+ addColumn(table, "station", seg4D_station, "station - [1:4] range");
+ addColumn(table, "hasPhi", seg4D_hasPhi, "has segment phi view - 0/1 = no/yes");
+ addColumn(table, "hasZed", seg4D_hasZed, "has segment zed view - 0/1 = no/yes");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_posLoc_x", seg4D_posLoc_x, "position x in local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_posLoc_y", seg4D_posLoc_y, "position y in local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_posLoc_z", seg4D_posLoc_z, "position z in local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_dirLoc_x", seg4D_dirLoc_x, "direction x in local coordinates");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_dirLoc_y", seg4D_dirLoc_y, "direction y in local coordinates");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_dirLoc_z", seg4D_dirLoc_z, "direction z in local coordinates");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_posLoc_x_SL1", seg4D_posLoc_x_SL1, "position x at SL1 in local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_posLoc_x_SL3", seg4D_posLoc_x_SL3, "position x at SL3 in local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "seg4D_posLoc_x_midPlane",
+ seg4D_posLoc_x_midPlane,
+ "position x at SL1 - SL3 mid plane in local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_posGlb_phi", seg4D_posGlb_phi, "position phi in global coordinates - radians [-pi:pi]");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_posGlb_eta", seg4D_posGlb_eta, "position eta in global coordinates");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_dirGlb_phi", seg4D_dirGlb_phi, "direction phi in global coordinates - radians [-pi:pi]");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_dirGlb_eta", seg4D_dirGlb_eta, "direction eta in global coordinates");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_phi_t0", seg2D_phi_t0, "t0 from segments with phi view - ns");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_phi_vDrift", seg2D_phi_vDrift, "v_drift from segments with phi view");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_phi_normChi2", seg2D_phi_normChi2, "chi2/n.d.o.f. from segments with phi view");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_phi_nHits", seg2D_phi_nHits, "# hits in phi view - [0:8] range");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_z_normChi2", seg2D_z_normChi2, "chi2/n.d.o.f. from segments with z view");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_z_nHits", seg2D_z_nHits, "# hits in z view - [0:4] range");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_hits_begin", seg2D_hits_begin, "begin of range of quantities in the hits_* vectors");
+ addColumn(table, "seg2D_hits_end", seg2D_hits_end, "end of range of quantities in the hits_* vectors");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_extr_begin", seg4D_extr_begin, "begin of range of quantities in the extr_* vectors");
+ addColumn(table, "seg4D_extr_end", seg4D_extr_end, "end of range of quantities in the extr_* vectors");
+ ev.put(std::move(table));
+ if (m_fillHits) {
+ auto tabHits = std::make_unique(nHits, m_label + "_hits", false, false);
+ tabHits->setDoc("Size of DT segment hits_* vectors");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "pos", seg2D_hits_pos, "local position of a hit in layer local coordinates - x coordinate");
+ addColumn(
+ tabHits, "posCh", seg2D_hits_posCh, "local position of a hit in chamber local coordinates - x coordinate");
+ addColumn(tabHits,
+ "posErr",
+ seg2D_hits_posErr,
+ "local position error of a hit in layer local coordinates - xx component of error matrix");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "side", seg2D_hits_side, "is hit on L/R side of a cell wire - 1/2 is R/L");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "wire", seg2D_hits_wire, "hit wire number - range [1:X] X");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "wirePos", seg2D_hits_wirePos, "hit wire position in layer local coordinates - x coordinate");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "layer", seg2D_hits_layer, "hit layer number - range [1:4]");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "superLayer", seg2D_hits_superLayer, "hit SL number - [1 or 3] the two phi SLs");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "time", seg2D_hits_time, "digi time - ns, pedestal not subtracted");
+ addColumn(tabHits, "timeCali", seg2D_hits_timeCali, "digi time - ns, pedestal subtracted");
+ ev.put(std::move(tabHits), "hits");
+ }
+ if (m_fillExtr) {
+ auto tabExtr = std::make_unique(nExtr, m_label + "_extr", false, false);
+ tabExtr->setDoc("Size of DT segment extr_* vectors");
+ addColumn(tabExtr,
+ "ExpPos",
+ seg4D_hitsExpPos,
+ "expected position of segment extrapolated"
+ "
to a given layer in layer local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(tabExtr,
+ "ExpPosCh",
+ seg4D_hitsExpPosCh,
+ "expected position of segment extrapolated"
+ "
to a given layer in chhamber local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(tabExtr,
+ "ExpWire",
+ seg4D_hitsExpWire,
+ "expected wire crossed by segment extrapolated"
+ "
to a given layer - range depends on chamber size");
+ ev.put(std::move(tabExtr), "extr");
+ }
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.h b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..8e14b2a078842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#ifndef MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller_h
+#define MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller_h
+/** \class MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.h DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller.h
+ *
+ * Helper class : the segment filler for Phase-1 / Phase2 DT segments (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleBaseFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "CalibMuon/DTDigiSync/interface/DTTTrigBaseSync.h"
+#include "DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTRecSegment4DCollection.h"
+#include "Geometry/DTGeometry/interface/DTGeometry.h"
+#include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
+#include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GlobalTrackingGeometry.h"
+#include "Geometry/Records/interface/GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord.h"
+class MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller : public MuNtupleBaseFiller {
+ /// Constructor
+ MuNtupleDTSegmentFiller(const edm::ParameterSet &);
+ /// Fill descriptors
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);
+ /// Fill tree branches for a given event
+ void fill(edm::Event &ev) final;
+ /// Get info from the ES by run
+ void getFromES(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &environment) final;
+ /// Get info from the ES for a given event
+ void getFromES(const edm::EventSetup &environment) final;
+ /// The segment token
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_token;
+ /// Fill rec-hit table
+ bool m_fillHits;
+ /// Fill segment extrapolation table
+ bool m_fillExtr;
+ /// DT Geometry
+ nano_mu::ESTokenHandle m_dtGeometry;
+ /// Tracking Geometry
+ nano_mu::ESTokenHandle m_trackingGeometry;
+ /// Handle DT trigger time pedestals
+ std::unique_ptr m_dtSync;
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..616f267e4e92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+/** \class MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.cc DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.cc
+ *
+ * Helper class : the Phase-1 local trigger filler for TwinMux in/out and BMTF in (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/allowedValues.h"
+MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller::MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller{config},
+ m_tag{getTag(config)},
+ m_token{config, consumesCollector(), "dtTpTag"},
+ m_trigGeomUtils{consumesCollector()} {
+ produces();
+void MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "ltBmtfIn");
+ desc.ifValue(edm::ParameterDescription("tag", "BMTF_IN", true),
+ edm::allowedValues("BMTF_IN", "TM_IN", "TM_OUT"));
+ desc.add("dtTpTag", edm::InputTag{"bmtfDigis"});
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller::getFromES(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& environment) {
+ m_trigGeomUtils.getFromES(run, environment);
+void MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nTrigs{0};
+ std::vector wheel;
+ std::vector sector;
+ std::vector station;
+ std::vector quality;
+ std::vector rpcBit;
+ std::vector phi;
+ std::vector phiB;
+ std::vector posLoc_x;
+ std::vector dirLoc_phi;
+ std::vector bx;
+ std::vector is2nd;
+ auto trigColl = m_token.conditionalGet(ev);
+ if (trigColl.isValid()) {
+ const auto trigs = trigColl->getContainer();
+ for (const auto& trig : (*trigs)) {
+ if (trig.code() != 7) {
+ wheel.push_back(trig.whNum());
+ sector.push_back(trig.scNum() + (m_tag != TriggerTag::BMTF_IN ? 1 : 0));
+ station.push_back(trig.stNum());
+ quality.push_back(trig.code());
+ if (m_tag == TriggerTag::TM_OUT)
+ rpcBit.push_back(trig.RpcBit());
+ phi.push_back(trig.phi());
+ phiB.push_back(trig.phiB());
+ auto [x, dir] = m_trigGeomUtils.trigToReco(&trig);
+ posLoc_x.push_back(x);
+ dirLoc_phi.push_back(dir);
+ bx.push_back(trig.bxNum() - (m_tag == TriggerTag::TM_IN && trig.Ts2Tag() ? 1 : 0));
+ is2nd.push_back(trig.Ts2Tag());
+ ++nTrigs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto table = std::make_unique(nTrigs, m_label, false, false);
+ table->setDoc("DT trigger primitive information (phi view)");
+ addColumn(table, "wheel", wheel, "wheel - [-2:2] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "sector",
+ sector,
+ "sector"
+ "
- [1:12] range for TwinMux"
+ "
- [0:11] range for BMTF input"
+ "
- double MB4 stations are part of S4 and S10 in TwinMux"
+ "
- double MB4 stations are part of S3 and S9 in BMTF input");
+ addColumn(table, "station", station, "station - [1:4] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "quality",
+ quality,
+ "quality - [0:6] range"
+ "
- [0:1] : uncorrelated L triggers"
+ "
- [2:3] : uncorrelated H triggers"
+ "
- 4 : correlated LL triggers"
+ "
- 5 : correlated HL triggers"
+ "
- 6 : correlated HH triggers");
+ if (m_tag == TriggerTag::TM_OUT) {
+ addColumn(table,
+ "rpcBit",
+ rpcBit,
+ "use of RPC - [0:2] range"
+ "
- 0 : RPC not used"
+ "
- 1 : RPC+DT combined trigger"
+ "
- 2 : RPC-only trigger");
+ }
+ addColumn(table,
+ "phi",
+ phi,
+ "phi - scale and range:"
+ "
- 4096 correstpond to 1 rad"
+ "
- 0 is @ (DT sector - 1) * 30 deg in global CMS phi");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "phiB",
+ phiB,
+ "phiB - scale and range:"
+ "
- 512 correstpond to 1 rad"
+ "
- 0 is a muon with infinite pT (straight line)");
+ addColumn(table, "posLoc_x", posLoc_x, "position x in chamber local coordinates - cm");
+ addColumn(table, "dirLoc_phi", dirLoc_phi, "direction phi angle in chamber local coordinates - deg");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "bx",
+ bx,
+ "bx:"
+ "
- BX = 0 is the one where the event is collected"
+ "
- TwinMux range [X:Y]"
+ "
- BMT input range [X:Y]");
+ addColumn(table, "is2nd", is2nd, "1st/2nd track flag - [0:1]");
+ ev.put(std::move(table));
+MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller::TriggerTag MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller::getTag(const edm::ParameterSet& config) {
+ auto tag{TriggerTag::TM_IN};
+ auto tagName = config.getParameter("tag");
+ if (tagName != "TM_IN" && tagName != "TM_OUT" && tagName != "BMTF_IN")
+ edm::LogError("") << "[MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller]::getTag: " << tagName << " is not a valid tag, defaulting to TM_IN";
+ if (tagName == "TM_OUT") {
+ tag = TriggerTag::TM_OUT;
+ } else if (tagName == "BMTF_IN") {
+ tag = TriggerTag::BMTF_IN;
+ }
+ return tag;
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.h b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f9dd020e94548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#ifndef MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller_h
+#define MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller_h
+/** \class MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.h DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller.h
+ *
+ * Helper class : the Phase-1 local trigger filler for TwinMux in/out and BMTF in (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleBaseFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "DataFormats/L1DTTrackFinder/interface/L1MuDTChambPhContainer.h"
+class MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller : public MuNtupleBaseFiller {
+ enum class TriggerTag { TM_IN = 0, TM_OUT, BMTF_IN };
+ /// Constructor
+ MuNtupleDTTPGPhiFiller(const edm::ParameterSet&);
+ /// Fill descriptors
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
+ /// Fill tree branches for a given event
+ void fill(edm::Event& ev) final;
+ /// Get info from the ES by run
+ void getFromES(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& environment) final;
+ /// Enum to activate "flavour-by-flavour"
+ /// changes in the filling logic
+ TriggerTag m_tag;
+ /// The trigger-primitive token
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_token;
+ /// The class to perform DT local trigger coordinate conversions
+ nano_mu::DTTrigGeomUtils m_trigGeomUtils;
+ /// Helper function translating config parameter into TriggerTag
+ TriggerTag getTag(const edm::ParameterSet& config);
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1af9dc3ab3869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+/** \class MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.cc DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.cc
+ *
+ * Helper class : the Phase-1 local trigger filler for TwinMux in/out and BMTF in (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/allowedValues.h"
+MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller::MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller{config}, m_tag{getTag(config)}, m_token{config, consumesCollector(), "dtTpTag"} {
+ produces();
+void MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "ltBmtfInTh");
+ desc.ifValue(edm::ParameterDescription("tag", "BMTF_IN", true),
+ edm::allowedValues("BMTF_IN", "TM_IN"));
+ desc.add("dtTpTag", edm::InputTag{"bmtfDigis"});
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nTrigs{0};
+ std::vector wheel;
+ std::vector sector;
+ std::vector station;
+ std::vector bx;
+ std::vector hitMap;
+ auto trigColl = m_token.conditionalGet(ev);
+ if (trigColl.isValid()) {
+ const auto trigs = trigColl->getContainer();
+ for (const auto& trig : (*trigs)) {
+ bool hasData = false;
+ for (int pos = 0; pos < 7; ++pos) {
+ if (trig.code(pos)) {
+ hasData = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasData)
+ continue;
+ wheel.push_back(trig.whNum());
+ sector.push_back(trig.scNum() + (m_tag != TriggerTag::BMTF_IN ? 1 : 0));
+ station.push_back(trig.stNum());
+ bx.push_back(trig.bxNum());
+ uint32_t hitMapCh = 0;
+ for (int pos = 0; pos < 7; ++pos)
+ if (trig.code(pos))
+ hitMapCh = hitMapCh | (0x1 << pos);
+ hitMap.push_back(hitMapCh);
+ ++nTrigs;
+ }
+ }
+ auto table = std::make_unique(nTrigs, m_label, false, false);
+ table->setDoc("DT trigger primitive information (theta view)");
+ addColumn(table, "wheel", wheel, "wheel - [-2:2] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "sector",
+ sector,
+ "sector"
+ "
- [1:12] range for TwinMux"
+ "
- [0:11] range for BMTF input"
+ "
- double MB4 stations are part of S4 and S10 in TwinMux"
+ "
- double MB4 stations are part of S3 and S9 in BMTF input");
+ addColumn(table, "station", station, "station - [1:3] range");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "bx",
+ bx,
+ "bx:"
+ "
- BX = 0 is the one where the event is collected"
+ "
- TwinMux range [X:Y]"
+ "
- BMTF input range [X:Y]");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "hitMap",
+ hitMap,
+ "Map groups of BTIs that fired (unsigned int):"
+ "
there are 7 groups of BTI per chamber, the first one"
+ "
being the less significant bit of the map [CHECK]");
+ ev.put(std::move(table));
+MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller::TriggerTag MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller::getTag(const edm::ParameterSet& config) {
+ auto tag{TriggerTag::TM_IN};
+ auto tagName = config.getParameter("tag");
+ if (tagName != "TM_IN" && tagName != "BMTF_IN")
+ edm::LogError("") << "[MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller]::getTag: " << tagName
+ << " is not a valid tag, defaulting to TM_IN";
+ if (tagName == "BMTF_IN")
+ tag = TriggerTag::BMTF_IN;
+ return tag;
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.h b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1df81ceec51ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#ifndef MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller_h
+#define MuNtuple_MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller_h
+/** \class MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.h DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller.h
+ *
+ * Helper class : the Phase-1 local trigger filler for TwinMux and BMTF in (the DataFormat is the same)
+ *
+ * \author C. Battilana (INFN BO)
+ *
+ *
+ */
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleBaseFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "DataFormats/L1DTTrackFinder/interface/L1MuDTChambThContainer.h"
+class MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller : public MuNtupleBaseFiller {
+ enum class TriggerTag { TM_IN = 0, BMTF_IN };
+ /// Constructor
+ MuNtupleDTTPGThetaFiller(const edm::ParameterSet&);
+ /// Fill descriptors
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
+ /// Fill tree branches for a given events
+ void fill(edm::Event& ev) final;
+ /// Enum to activate "flavour-by-flavour"
+ /// changes in the filling logic
+ TriggerTag m_tag;
+ /// The trigger-primitive token
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_token;
+ /// Helper function translating config parameter into TriggerTag
+ TriggerTag getTag(const edm::ParameterSet& config);
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6a338198e39b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller.h"
+MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller::MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller(config), m_token{config, consumesCollector(), "gemDigiTag"}, m_gemGeometry{consumesCollector()} {
+ produces();
+void MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "gemDigis");
+ desc.add("gemDigiTag", edm::InputTag{"muonGEMDigis"});
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller::getFromES(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& environment) {
+ m_gemGeometry.getFromES(environment);
+void MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nDigis{0};
+ std::vector station;
+ std::vector roll;
+ std::vector strip;
+ std::vector bx;
+ std::vector region;
+ std::vector g_r;
+ std::vector g_phi;
+ std::vector g_eta;
+ std::vector g_x;
+ std::vector g_y;
+ std::vector g_z;
+ auto gemDigis = m_token.conditionalGet(ev);
+ if (gemDigis.isValid()) {
+ auto gemDetIdIt = gemDigis->begin();
+ auto gemDetIdEnd = gemDigis->end();
+ for (; gemDetIdIt != gemDetIdEnd; ++gemDetIdIt) {
+ const auto& [gemDetId, range] = (*gemDetIdIt);
+ const auto etaPart = m_gemGeometry->etaPartition(gemDetId);
+ const auto& surface = etaPart->surface();
+ for (auto digi = range.first; digi != range.second; ++digi) {
+ station.push_back(gemDetId.station());
+ roll.push_back(gemDetId.roll());
+ strip.push_back(digi->strip());
+ bx.push_back(digi->bx());
+ region.push_back(gemDetId.region());
+ const auto& localPos = etaPart->centreOfStrip(digi->strip());
+ const auto& globalPos = surface.toGlobal(localPos);
+ g_r.push_back(globalPos.perp());
+ g_phi.push_back(globalPos.phi());
+ g_eta.push_back(globalPos.eta());
+ g_x.push_back(globalPos.x());
+ g_y.push_back(globalPos.y());
+ g_z.push_back(globalPos.z());
+ ++nDigis;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto table = std::make_unique(nDigis, m_label, false, false);
+ table->setDoc("GEM digi information");
+ addColumn(table, "station", station, "GEM station
always 1 for GE1/1)");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "roll",
+ roll,
+ "roll id (also known as eta partition)"
+ "
(partitions numbered from 1 to 8");
+ addColumn(table, "strip", strip, "index of the readout strip associated to the digi");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "region",
+ region,
+ "GE11 region where the digi is detected"
+ "
(int, positive endcap: +1, negative endcap: -1");
+ addColumn(table, "bx", bx, "bunch crossing associated to the digi");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "g_r",
+ g_r,
+ "Global digi position"
+ "
(global radial coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "g_phi",
+ g_phi,
+ "Global digi position"
+ "
(global azimuthal coordinates, rad)");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "g_eta",
+ g_eta,
+ "Global digi position"
+ "
(global pseudorapidity coordinates)");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "g_x",
+ g_x,
+ "Global digi position"
+ "
(global x coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "g_y",
+ g_y,
+ "Global digi position"
+ "
(global y coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(table,
+ "g_z",
+ g_z,
+ "Global digi position"
+ "
(global z coordinates, cm)");
+ ev.put(std::move(table));
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller.h b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..29e8bea7d6b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#ifndef MuNtuple_MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller_h
+#define MuNtuple_MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller_h
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleBaseFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "DataFormats/GEMDigi/interface/GEMDigiCollection.h"
+#include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMGeometry.h"
+#include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
+class MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller : public MuNtupleBaseFiller {
+ //Constructor
+ MuNtupleGEMDigiFiller(const edm::ParameterSet &);
+ /// Fill descriptors
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);
+ void fill(edm::Event &ev) final;
+ /// Get info from the ES by run
+ void getFromES(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &environment) final;
+ /// The digi token
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_token;
+ /// GEM Geometry
+ nano_mu::ESTokenHandle m_gemGeometry;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..45badbf846b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller.h"
+#include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/MuonSubdetId.h"
+#include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/GEMDetId.h"
+#include "DataFormats/MuonDetId/interface/CSCDetId.h"
+#include "DataFormats/GeometryCommonDetAlgo/interface/ErrorFrameTransformer.h"
+#include "TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixStateInfo.h"
+MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller::MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller{config},
+ m_token{config, consumesCollector(), "muonToken"},
+ m_fillPropagated{config.getParameter("fillPropagated")},
+ m_gemGeometry{consumesCollector()},
+ m_transientTrackBuilder{consumesCollector(), "TransientTrackBuilder"},
+ m_muonSP{std::make_unique(config.getParameter("ServiceParameters"),
+ consumesCollector())} {
+ produces();
+ if (m_fillPropagated) {
+ produces("propagated");
+ }
+void MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "gemMuon");
+ desc.add("muonToken", edm::InputTag{"muons"});
+ desc.add("fillPropagated", true);
+ desc.setAllowAnything();
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller::getFromES(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& environment) {
+ m_gemGeometry.getFromES(environment);
+void MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller::getFromES(const edm::EventSetup& environment) {
+ m_transientTrackBuilder.getFromES(environment);
+ m_muonSP->update(environment);
+void MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nMuons{0};
+ std::vector pt;
+ std::vector phi;
+ std::vector eta;
+ std::vector charge;
+ std::vector isGlobal;
+ std::vector isStandalone;
+ std::vector isTracker;
+ std::vector isGEM;
+ std::vector isCSC;
+ std::vector isME11;
+ std::vector isLoose;
+ std::vector isMedium;
+ std::vector isTight;
+ std::vector numberOfValidPixelHits;
+ std::vector innerTracker_ValidFraction;
+ std::vector numberOfValidTrackerHits;
+ std::vector trackNormChi2;
+ std::vector innermost_x;
+ std::vector innermost_y;
+ std::vector innermost_z;
+ std::vector outermost_x;
+ std::vector outermost_y;
+ std::vector outermost_z;
+ unsigned int nProp{0};
+ std::vector propagated_muIdx;
+ std::vector propagated_isincoming;
+ std::vector propagated_isinsideout;
+ std::vector propagated_region;
+ std::vector propagated_layer;
+ std::vector propagated_chamber;
+ std::vector propagated_etaP;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_x;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_y;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_z;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_r;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_phi;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_dirX;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_dirY;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_dirZ;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_errX;
+ std::vector propagatedLoc_errY;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_x;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_y;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_z;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_r;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_phi;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_errX;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_errY;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_phierr;
+ std::vector propagatedGlb_rerr;
+ std::vector propagated_EtaPartition_centerX;
+ std::vector propagated_EtaPartition_centerY;
+ std::vector propagated_EtaPartition_phiMax;
+ std::vector propagated_EtaPartition_phiMin;
+ std::vector propagated_EtaPartition_rMax;
+ std::vector propagated_EtaPartition_rMin;
+ std::vector propagated_nME1hits;
+ std::vector propagated_nME2hits;
+ std::vector propagated_nME3hits;
+ std::vector propagated_nME4hits;
+ auto muons = m_token.conditionalGet(ev);
+ // edm::ESHandle
+ auto&& propagator_any = m_muonSP->propagator("SteppingHelixPropagatorAny");
+ auto&& propagator_along = m_muonSP->propagator("SteppingHelixPropagatorAlong");
+ auto&& propagator_opposite = m_muonSP->propagator("SteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite");
+ if (!propagator_any.isValid() || !propagator_along.isValid() || !propagator_opposite.isValid()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (muons.isValid() && m_transientTrackBuilder.isValid()) {
+ //loop on recoMuons
+ for (const auto& muon : (*muons)) {
+ pt.push_back(muon.pt());
+ eta.push_back(muon.eta());
+ phi.push_back(muon.phi());
+ charge.push_back(muon.charge());
+ isGlobal.push_back(muon.isGlobalMuon());
+ isStandalone.push_back(muon.isStandAloneMuon());
+ isTracker.push_back(muon.isTrackerMuon());
+ isGEM.push_back(muon.isGEMMuon());
+ isLoose.push_back(muon.passed(reco::Muon::CutBasedIdLoose));
+ isMedium.push_back(muon.passed(reco::Muon::CutBasedIdMedium));
+ isTight.push_back(muon.passed(reco::Muon::CutBasedIdTight));
+ if (!muon.innerTrack().isNull()) {
+ numberOfValidPixelHits.push_back(muon.innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits());
+ innerTracker_ValidFraction.push_back(muon.innerTrack()->validFraction());
+ numberOfValidTrackerHits.push_back(muon.innerTrack()->hitPattern().numberOfValidTrackerHits());
+ } else {
+ numberOfValidPixelHits.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ innerTracker_ValidFraction.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ numberOfValidTrackerHits.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ }
+ ++nMuons;
+ bool is_csc = false;
+ bool is_me11 = false;
+ if (!muon.outerTrack().isNull()) {
+ const auto track = muon.outerTrack().get();
+ const auto outerTrackRef = muon.outerTrack();
+ float p2_in = track->innerMomentum().mag2();
+ float p2_out = track->outerMomentum().mag2();
+ float pos_out = track->outerPosition().mag2();
+ float pos_in = track->innerPosition().mag2();
+ bool is_insideout = pos_in > pos_out;
+ if (is_insideout) {
+ std::swap(pos_in, pos_out);
+ std::swap(p2_in, p2_out);
+ }
+ bool is_incoming = p2_out > p2_in;
+ const auto&& transient_track = m_transientTrackBuilder->build(track);
+ const auto& htp = transient_track.hitPattern();
+ if (transient_track.isValid()) {
+ trackNormChi2.push_back(transient_track.normalizedChi2());
+ innermost_x.push_back(transient_track.innermostMeasurementState().globalPosition().x());
+ innermost_y.push_back(transient_track.innermostMeasurementState().globalPosition().y());
+ innermost_z.push_back(transient_track.innermostMeasurementState().globalPosition().z());
+ outermost_x.push_back(transient_track.outermostMeasurementState().globalPosition().x());
+ outermost_y.push_back(transient_track.outermostMeasurementState().globalPosition().y());
+ outermost_z.push_back(transient_track.outermostMeasurementState().globalPosition().z());
+ } else {
+ trackNormChi2.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ innermost_x.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ innermost_y.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ innermost_z.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ outermost_x.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ outermost_y.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ outermost_z.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto&& start_state =
+ is_insideout ? transient_track.outermostMeasurementState() : transient_track.innermostMeasurementState();
+ auto& propagator = is_incoming ? propagator_along : propagator_opposite;
+ auto recHitMu = outerTrackRef->recHitsBegin();
+ auto recHitMuEnd = outerTrackRef->recHitsEnd();
+ //loop on recHits which form the outerTrack
+ for (; recHitMu != recHitMuEnd; ++recHitMu) {
+ DetId detId{(*recHitMu)->geographicalId()};
+ if (detId.det() == DetId::Muon && detId.subdetId() == MuonSubdetId::CSC) {
+ is_csc = true;
+ const CSCDetId csc_id{detId};
+ // ME11 chambers consist of 2 subchambers: ME11a, ME11b.
+ // In CMSSW they are referred as Stat. 1 Ring 1, Stat. 1 Ring. 4 respectively
+ if (csc_id.station() == 1 && ((csc_id.ring() == 1) || (csc_id.ring() == 4)))
+ is_me11 = true;
+ }
+ } //loop on recHits
+ //if at least one CSC hit is found, perform propagation
+ if (is_csc) {
+ // CSC Hits
+ int8_t nME1_hits = 0;
+ int8_t nME2_hits = 0;
+ int8_t nME3_hits = 0;
+ int8_t nME4_hits = 0;
+ int nHits{htp.numberOfAllHits(htp.TRACK_HITS)};
+ for (int i = 0; i != nHits; ++i) {
+ uint32_t hit = htp.getHitPattern(htp.TRACK_HITS, i);
+ int substructure = htp.getSubStructure(hit);
+ int hittype = htp.getHitType(hit);
+ if (substructure == 2 && hittype == 0) { // CSC Hits
+ int CSC_station = htp.getMuonStation(hit);
+ switch (CSC_station) {
+ case 1:
+ ++nME1_hits;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ ++nME2_hits;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ ++nME3_hits;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ++nME4_hits;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // do nothing
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //loop on GEM etaPartitions
+ for (const auto& eta_partition : m_gemGeometry->etaPartitions()) {
+ if (eta_partition->id().station() != 1) {
+ continue; //Only takes GE1/1
+ }
+ const GEMDetId&& gem_id = eta_partition->id();
+ bool is_opposite_region = muon.eta() * gem_id.region() < 0;
+ if (is_incoming xor is_opposite_region) {
+ continue; //Check on muon direction
+ }
+ const BoundPlane& bound_plane = eta_partition->surface();
+ const auto& dest_state = propagator->propagate(start_state, bound_plane);
+ if (!dest_state.isValid()) {
+ // std::cout << "failed to propagate" << std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ const GlobalPoint&& dest_global_pos = dest_state.globalPosition();
+ const LocalPoint&& local_point = eta_partition->toLocal(dest_global_pos);
+ const LocalPoint local_point_2d{local_point.x(), local_point.y(), 0.0f};
+ if (eta_partition->surface().bounds().inside(local_point_2d)) {
+ // X,Y
+ double xx = dest_state.curvilinearError().matrix()(3, 3);
+ double yy = dest_state.curvilinearError().matrix()(4, 4);
+ double xy = dest_state.curvilinearError().matrix()(4, 3);
+ double dest_glob_error_x = sqrt(0.5 * (xx + yy - sqrt((xx - yy) * (xx - yy) + 4 * xy * xy)));
+ double dest_glob_error_y = sqrt(0.5 * (xx + yy + sqrt((xx - yy) * (xx - yy) + 4 * xy * xy)));
+ // R,Phi
+ const LocalPoint&& dest_local_pos = eta_partition->toLocal(dest_global_pos);
+ const LocalError&& dest_local_err = dest_state.localError().positionError();
+ const GlobalError& dest_global_err =
+ ErrorFrameTransformer().transform(dest_local_err, eta_partition->surface());
+ const double dest_global_r_err = std::sqrt(dest_global_err.rerr(dest_global_pos));
+ const double dest_global_phi_err = std::sqrt(dest_global_err.phierr(dest_global_pos));
+ ++nProp;
+ propagated_muIdx.push_back(nMuons - 1);
+ propagated_nME1hits.push_back(nME1_hits);
+ propagated_nME2hits.push_back(nME2_hits);
+ propagated_nME3hits.push_back(nME3_hits);
+ propagated_nME4hits.push_back(nME4_hits);
+ propagated_EtaPartition_centerX.push_back(eta_partition->position().x());
+ propagated_EtaPartition_centerY.push_back(eta_partition->position().y());
+ propagated_EtaPartition_rMin.push_back(eta_partition->surface().rSpan().first);
+ propagated_EtaPartition_rMax.push_back(eta_partition->surface().rSpan().second);
+ propagated_EtaPartition_phiMin.push_back(eta_partition->surface().phiSpan().first);
+ propagated_EtaPartition_phiMax.push_back(eta_partition->surface().phiSpan().second);
+ propagatedGlb_x.push_back(dest_global_pos.x());
+ propagatedGlb_y.push_back(dest_global_pos.y());
+ propagatedGlb_z.push_back(dest_global_pos.z());
+ propagatedGlb_r.push_back(dest_global_pos.perp());
+ propagatedGlb_phi.push_back(dest_global_pos.phi());
+ propagatedLoc_x.push_back(dest_local_pos.x());
+ propagatedLoc_y.push_back(dest_local_pos.y());
+ propagatedLoc_z.push_back(dest_local_pos.z());
+ propagatedLoc_r.push_back(dest_local_pos.perp());
+ propagatedLoc_phi.push_back(dest_local_pos.phi());
+ propagatedLoc_dirX.push_back(dest_state.localDirection().x());
+ propagatedLoc_dirY.push_back(dest_state.localDirection().y());
+ propagatedLoc_dirZ.push_back(dest_state.localDirection().z());
+ propagatedLoc_errX.push_back(dest_local_err.xx());
+ propagatedLoc_errY.push_back(dest_local_err.yy());
+ propagatedGlb_errX.push_back(dest_glob_error_x);
+ propagatedGlb_errY.push_back(dest_glob_error_y);
+ propagatedGlb_rerr.push_back(dest_global_r_err);
+ propagatedGlb_phierr.push_back(dest_global_phi_err);
+ propagated_region.push_back(gem_id.region());
+ propagated_layer.push_back(gem_id.layer());
+ propagated_chamber.push_back(gem_id.chamber());
+ propagated_etaP.push_back(gem_id.roll());
+ propagated_isinsideout.push_back(is_insideout);
+ propagated_isincoming.push_back(is_incoming);
+ } //propagation is inside boundaries
+ } //loop on EtaPartitions
+ } //is_csc therefore perform propagation
+ } else { //!muon.outerTrack().isNull()
+ trackNormChi2.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ innermost_x.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ innermost_y.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ innermost_z.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ outermost_x.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ outermost_y.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ outermost_z.push_back(DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VAL);
+ }
+ isCSC.push_back(is_csc);
+ isME11.push_back(is_me11);
+ } //loop on reco muons
+ }
+ auto table = std::make_unique(nMuons, m_label, false, false);
+ table->setDoc("RECO muon information (GEM specific object)");
+ addColumn(table, "pt", pt, "");
+ addColumn(table, "phi", phi, "");
+ addColumn(table, "eta", eta, "");
+ addColumn(table, "charge", charge, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isGlobal", isGlobal, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isStandalone", isStandalone, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isTracker", isTracker, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isGEM", isGEM, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isCSC", isCSC, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isME11", isME11, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isLoose", isLoose, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isMedium", isMedium, "");
+ addColumn(table, "isTight", isTight, "");
+ addColumn(table, "numberOfValidPixelHits", numberOfValidPixelHits, "");
+ addColumn(table, "innerTracker_ValidFraction", innerTracker_ValidFraction, "");
+ addColumn(table, "numberOfValidTrackerHits", numberOfValidTrackerHits, "");
+ addColumn(table, "trackNormChi2", trackNormChi2, "");
+ addColumn(table, "innermost_x", innermost_x, "");
+ addColumn(table, "innermost_y", innermost_y, "");
+ addColumn(table, "innermost_z", innermost_z, "");
+ addColumn(table, "outermost_x", outermost_x, "");
+ addColumn(table, "outermost_y", outermost_y, "");
+ addColumn(table, "outermost_z", outermost_z, "");
+ ev.put(std::move(table));
+ if (m_fillPropagated) {
+ auto tabProp = std::make_unique(nProp, m_label + "_propagated", false, false);
+ addColumn(tabProp, "propagated_muIdx", propagated_muIdx, "");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_nME1hits",
+ propagated_nME1hits,
+ "number of hits in the CSC ME1 station"
+ "in the STA muon track extrapolated to GE11");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_nME2hits",
+ propagated_nME2hits,
+ "number of hits in the CSC ME2 station"
+ "in the STA muon track extrapolated to GE11");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_nME3hits",
+ propagated_nME3hits,
+ "number of hits in the CSC ME3 station"
+ "in the STA muon track extrapolated to GE11");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_nME4hits",
+ propagated_nME4hits,
+ "number of hits in the CSC ME4 station"
+ "in the STA muon track extrapolated to GE11");
+ addColumn(
+ tabProp, "propagated_isincoming", propagated_isincoming, "bool, condition on the muon STA track direction");
+ addColumn(
+ tabProp, "propagated_isinsideout", propagated_isinsideout, "bool, condition on the muon STA track direction");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_region",
+ propagated_region,
+ "GE11 region where the extrapolated muon track falls"
+ "
(int, positive endcap: +1, negative endcap: -1");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_layer",
+ propagated_layer,
+ "GE11 layer where the extrapolated muon track falls"
+ "
(int, layer1: 1, layer2: 2");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_chamber",
+ propagated_chamber,
+ "GE11 superchamber where the extrapolated muon track falls"
+ "
(int, chambers numbered from 0 to 35");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_etaP",
+ propagated_etaP,
+ "GE11 eta partition where the extrapolated muon track falls"
+ "
(int, partitions numbered from 1 to 8");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_x",
+ propagatedLoc_x,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, local layer x coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_y",
+ propagatedLoc_y,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, local layer y coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_z",
+ propagatedLoc_z,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, local layer z coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_r",
+ propagatedLoc_r,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, local layer radial coordinate, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_phi",
+ propagatedLoc_phi,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, local layer phi coordinates, rad)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_dirX",
+ propagatedLoc_dirX,
+ "direction cosine of angle between local x axis and GE11 plane"
+ "
(float, dir. cosine)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_dirY",
+ propagatedLoc_dirY,
+ "direction cosine of angle between local y axis and GE11 plane"
+ "
(float, dir. cosine)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_dirZ",
+ propagatedLoc_dirZ,
+ "direction cosine of angle between local z axis and GE11 plane"
+ "
(float, dir. cosine)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_errX",
+ propagatedLoc_errX,
+ "uncertainty on expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, local layer x coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedLoc_errY",
+ propagatedLoc_errY,
+ "uncertainty on expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, local layer y coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_x",
+ propagatedGlb_x,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global x coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_y",
+ propagatedGlb_y,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global y coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_z",
+ propagatedGlb_z,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global z coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_r",
+ propagatedGlb_r,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global radial (r) coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_phi",
+ propagatedGlb_phi,
+ "expected position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global phi coordinates, rad)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_errX",
+ propagatedGlb_errX,
+ "uncertainty on position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global x coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_errY",
+ propagatedGlb_errY,
+ "uncertainty on position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global y coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_rerr",
+ propagatedGlb_rerr,
+ "uncertainty on position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global radial (r) coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagatedGlb_phierr",
+ propagatedGlb_phierr,
+ "uncertainty on position of muon track extrapolated to GE11 surface"
+ "
(float, global phi coordinates, rad)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_EtaPartition_centerX",
+ propagated_EtaPartition_centerX,
+ "global X coordinate of the center of the etaPartition"
+ "
where the extrapolated muon track position falls"
+ "
(float, global x coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_EtaPartition_centerY",
+ propagated_EtaPartition_centerY,
+ "global Y coordinate of the center of the etaPartition"
+ "
where the extrapolated muon track position falls"
+ "
(float, global x coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_EtaPartition_phiMax",
+ propagated_EtaPartition_phiMax,
+ "upper edge in phi global coordinates of the etaPartition"
+ "
where the extrapolated muon track position falls"
+ "
(float, global phi coordinates, rad)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_EtaPartition_phiMin",
+ propagated_EtaPartition_phiMin,
+ "lower edge in phi global coordinates of the etaPartition"
+ "
where the extrapolated muon track position falls"
+ "
(float, global phi coordinates, rad)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_EtaPartition_rMax",
+ propagated_EtaPartition_rMax,
+ "upper edge in r global coordinates of the etaPartition"
+ "
where the extrapolated muon track position falls"
+ "
(float, global radial (r) coordinates, cm)");
+ addColumn(tabProp,
+ "propagated_EtaPartition_rMin",
+ propagated_EtaPartition_rMin,
+ "lower edge in r global coordinates of the etaPartition"
+ "
where the extrapolated muon track position falls"
+ "
(float, global radial (r) coordinates, cm)");
+ ev.put(std::move(tabProp), "propagated");
+ }
+#include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/ModuleDef.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller.h b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b69d9656869cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#ifndef MuNtuple_MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller_h
+#define MuNtuple_MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller_h
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/src/MuNtupleBaseFiller.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/Muon.h"
+#include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/MuonFwd.h"
+#include "Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMGeometry.h"
+#include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
+#include "RecoMuon/TrackingTools/interface/MuonServiceProxy.h"
+#include "TrackingTools/TransientTrack/interface/TransientTrackBuilder.h"
+#include "TrackingTools/Records/interface/TransientTrackRecord.h"
+class MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller : public MuNtupleBaseFiller {
+ /// Constructor
+ MuNtupleGEMMuonFiller(const edm::ParameterSet &);
+ /// Fill descriptors
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions);
+ /// Fill tree branches for a given event
+ void fill(edm::Event &ev) final;
+ /// Get info from the ES by run
+ void getFromES(const edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &environment) final;
+ /// Get info from the ES for a given event
+ void getFromES(const edm::EventSetup &environment) final;
+ /// The RECO mu token
+ nano_mu::EDTokenHandle m_token;
+ /// Fill matches table
+ bool m_fillPropagated;
+ /// GEM Geometry
+ nano_mu::ESTokenHandle m_gemGeometry;
+ /// Transient Track Builder
+ nano_mu::ESTokenHandle m_transientTrackBuilder;
+ /// Muon service proxy
+ std::unique_ptr m_muonSP;
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller.cc b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..5222bdc53c2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include "DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller.h"
+MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller::MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller(const edm::ParameterSet& config)
+ : MuNtupleBaseFiller{config},
+ m_token{config, consumesCollector(), "gemRecHitTag"},
+ m_gemGeometry{consumesCollector()} {
+ produces();
+void MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
+ desc.add("label", "gemRecHits");
+ desc.add("gemRecHitTag", edm::InputTag{"gemRecHits"});
+ descriptions.addWithDefaultLabel(desc);
+void MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller::getFromES(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& environment) {
+ m_gemGeometry.getFromES(environment);
+void MuNtupleGEMRecHitFiller::fill(edm::Event& ev) {
+ unsigned int nRecHits{0};
+ std::vector cluster_size;
+ std::vector firstClusterStrip;
+ std::vector bx;
+ std::vector region;
+ std::vector chamber;
+ std::vector layer;
+ std::vector etaPartition;
+ std::vector loc_r;
+ std::vector loc_phi;
+ std::vector loc_x;
+ std::vector