diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/README b/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/README
index 6d14f8c074e39..1dd3329635f74 100644
--- a/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/README
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/README
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
-setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc7_amd64_gcc900
+##setenv SCRAM_ARCH slc7_amd64_gcc900
+setenv SCRAM_ARCH ec8_amd64_gcc11
+voms-proxy-init -voms cms -rfc
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringGLOBAL.cc b/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringGLOBAL.cc
index e222626509a17..ee73a2dd80743 100644
--- a/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringGLOBAL.cc
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringGLOBAL.cc
@@ -3500,16 +3500,29 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RBX study:
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RBX study:
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RBX study:
+ int MaxLum000000 = 0;
+ MaxLum000000 = MaxLum;
cout << " RBX analysis START for **************************" << endl;
cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " << endl;
// int njeta = 22; int njphi = 18; int lsmax=2600;
int njeta = 22;
int njphi = 18;
- int lsmax = 1800;
- cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> int njeta = 22; int njphi = 18; int lsmax=1800; "
- << endl;
+ int lsmax0 = 1850;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> int njeta = 22; int njphi = 18; int lsmax0=1850; MaxLum = " << MaxLum << endl;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " << endl;
+ if (MaxLum > lsmax0) {
+ MaxLum = lsmax0;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " << endl;
+ cout << "*********************************** EXCEEDED limit for MaxLum, it's bigger lsmax0. So we do limit "
+ "MaxLum = lsmax0 "
+ << endl;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " << endl;
+ }
+ int lsmax = MaxLum;
+ //if (lsmax > 1800) lsmax = 1800;
double alexall[njeta][njphi][lsmax];
// for phi tables(!):
@@ -3524,12 +3537,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double blexho[njeta][lsmax];
double blexhf[njeta][lsmax];
- cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alexall [njeta][njphi][lsmax]; " << endl;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For massive:alexall AND for eta and phi tables:::: " << endl;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alex... [njeta][njphi][lsmax]; lsmax = MaxLum; " << endl;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alex... BUT, Max of lsmax = 1800 " << endl;
+ cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " << endl;
int maxbinsRBX = MaxLum;
int nx = maxbinsRBX; // # LS
cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maxbinsRBX = MaxLum; " << endl;
- if (MaxLum > lsmax)
- cout << "*********************************** ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR: MaxLum > 1800 " << endl;
cout << ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
@@ -7516,7 +7530,8 @@ HF: j = 0,1,2, 3 18,19,20,21
htmlFile << "" << std::endl;
ind = 0;
- for (int i = 1; i <= MaxLum; i++) {
+ // for (int i = 1; i <= MaxLum; i++) {
+ for (int i = 1; i <= MaxLum000000; i++) {
if ((ind % 2) == 1)
raw_class = "
@@ -8613,7 +8628,7 @@ HF: j = 0,1,2, 3 18,19,20,21
htmlFile << " " << std::endl;
// htmlFile << " 1. General information "<< std::endl;
- htmlFile << " 1. General information (Full number of LS = " << MaxLum << " ). " << std::endl;
+ htmlFile << " 1. General information (Full number of LS = " << MaxLum000000 << " ). " << std::endl;
htmlFile << " " << std::endl;
htmlFile << " " << std::endl;
diff --git a/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringMAP_Global.cc b/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringMAP_Global.cc
index 9513cf2af883c..2e65c48237fba 100644
--- a/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringMAP_Global.cc
+++ b/DPGAnalysis/HcalTools/macros/cmt/RemoteMonitoringMAP_Global.cc
@@ -24,6 +24,20 @@
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
// https://cms-conddb.cern.ch/eosweb/hcal/HcalRemoteMonitoring/GlobalRMT
@@ -39,6 +53,40 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ gStyle->SetStatX(0.91);
+ gStyle->SetStatY(0.75);
+ gStyle->SetStatW(0.20);
+ gStyle->SetStatH(0.10);
+ // gStyle->SetStatH(0.35);
+ //
+ // Float_t LeftOffset = 0.12;
+ //Float_t TopOffset = 0.12;
+ Float_t LeftOffset = 0.12;
+ Float_t TopOffset = 0.22;
+ gStyle->SetLineWidth(1);
+ gStyle->SetErrorX(0);
+ //---=[ Titles,Labels ]=-----------
+ gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); // title on/off
+ // gStyle->SetTitleColor(0); // title color
+ gStyle->SetTitleColor(1); // title color
+ // gStyle->SetTitleX(0.35); // title x-position
+ gStyle->SetTitleX(0.15); // title x-position
+ gStyle->SetTitleH(0.15); // title height
+ // gStyle->SetTitleW(0.53); // title width
+ gStyle->SetTitleW(0.60); // title width
+ gStyle->SetTitleFont(42); // title font
+ gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.07); // title font size
+ gStyle->SetPalette(1);
+ //---=[ Pad style ]=----------------
+ gStyle->SetPadTopMargin(TopOffset);
+ gStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(LeftOffset);
+ gStyle->SetPadRightMargin(TopOffset);
+ gStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(LeftOffset);
if (argc < 2)
return 1;
char fname[300];
@@ -112,6 +160,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
TCanvas *cHE = new TCanvas("cHE", "cHE", 1500, 1500);
// TCanvas *cONE = new TCanvas("cONE","cONE",500,500);
TCanvas *cONE = new TCanvas("cONE", "cONE", 1500, 500);
+ TCanvas *cHO = new TCanvas("cHO", "cHO", 500, 500);
TCanvas *cPED = new TCanvas("cPED", "cPED", 1000, 500);
//TCanvas *cHF = new TCanvas("cHF","cHF",1000,1000);
TCanvas *cHF = new TCanvas("cHF", "cHF", 1000, 1000);
@@ -141,8 +190,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//int k_max[5]={0,2,7,4,4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
int k_max[5] = {0, 4, 7, 4, 4}; // maximum depth for each subdet
- TH2F *Map_Ampl[33][5][ALLDEPTH]; // 2D histogramm for test,subdet,depth
- TH2F *Map_SUBGOOD[5][ALLDEPTH]; // 2d histogramm for subdet, depth
+ TH2F *Map_Ampl[33][5][ALLDEPTH]; // 2D histogramm for test,subdet,depth
+ //AZ2023 TH2F *Map_SUBGOOD[5][ALLDEPTH]; // 2d histogramm for subdet, depth
TH2F *Map_SUB[5][ALLDEPTH]; // 2d histogramm for subdet, depth
TH1F *HistAmplDepth[22][5][ALLDEPTH]; // 1d histogramm for test,subdet, depth
TH1F *HistAmpl[22][5]; // 1d histogramm for test,subdet
@@ -176,7 +225,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Map_SUB[4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HF");
Map_SUB[4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HF");
Map_SUB[4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HF");
+ //AZ2023:
+ /*
Map_SUBGOOD[1][1] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HB");
Map_SUBGOOD[1][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HB");
Map_SUBGOOD[1][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HB");
@@ -193,7 +243,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Map_SUBGOOD[4][2] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HF");
Map_SUBGOOD[4][3] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HF");
Map_SUBGOOD[4][4] = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HF");
//Test 0 Entries
@@ -693,22 +743,34 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (test == 2 && sub == 2) {
TH1F *kjkjkhj2 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHEtest1");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
- kjkjkhj2->SetTitle("HE, All Depth: shunt1");
+ kjkjkhj2->SetXTitle("HE, All Depth: shunt1");
TH1F *kjkjkhj3 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHEtest6");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
- kjkjkhj3->SetTitle("HE, All Depth: shunt6");
+ kjkjkhj3->SetXTitle("HE, All Depth: shunt6");
if (test == 2 && sub == 1) {
TH1F *kjkjkhb2 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHBtest1");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
- kjkjkhb2->SetTitle("HB, All Depth: shunt1");
+ kjkjkhb2->SetXTitle("HB, All Depth: shunt1");
TH1F *kjkjkhb3 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_AmplitudeHBtest6");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
- kjkjkhb3->SetTitle("HB, All Depth: shunt6");
+ kjkjkhb3->SetXTitle("HB, All Depth: shunt6");
@@ -1377,7 +1439,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- std::cout << " We are here to print general 2D MAP " << std::endl;
+ //AZ2023: std::cout << " We are here to print general 2D MAP " << std::endl;
@@ -1391,11 +1453,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// TH2F *Map_ALL = new TH2F("Map_All", "Map_all", 82, -41, 40, 72, 0, 71);
- TH2F *Map_ALL = new TH2F("Map_All", "Map_all", 82, -41, 41, 72, 0, 72);
+ //AZ2023:
+ //AZ2023 TH2F *Map_ALL = new TH2F("Map_All", "Map_all", 82, -41, 41, 72, 0, 72);
+ /*
int nx = Map_ALL->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
int ny = Map_ALL->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
cout << " nx= " << nx << " ny= " << ny << endl;
// int NBad = 0;
// int NWarn = 0;
// int NCalib = 0;
@@ -1411,6 +1476,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// int flag_W = 0;
// int flag_B = 0;
// int flag_P = 0;
+ //AZ2023:
+ /*
int fffffflag = 0;
std::cout << " Map_ALL SUBGOOD update " << std::endl;
for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {
@@ -1418,14 +1485,16 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++) {
if (Map_SUB[sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) != 0) {
- Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.5);
- Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.5);
+ //AZ2023 Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.5);
+ //AZ2023 Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.5);
+ //AZ2023:
+ /*
std::cout << " Map_ALL SUBGOOD filling............... " << std::endl;
for (int sub = 1; sub <= 4; sub++) {
for (int k = k_min[sub]; k <= k_max[sub]; k++) {
@@ -1442,47 +1511,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
//Rate 0.1 for displaying on whole detector map and subdetector map
if (Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) > 0.1) {
- Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 1.);
- Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 1.);
+ //AZ2023 Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 1.);
+ //AZ2023 Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 1.);
fffffflag = 1;
- /*
- if (flag_B == 0) {
- NBad += 1;
- Eta[2][NBad] = i - 41;
- Phi[2][NBad] = j - 1;
- Sub[2][NBad] = sub;
- Depth[2][NBad] = k;
- Comment[2][NBad] = Text[test];
- }
- else {
- Comment[2][NBad] += ", " + Text[test];
- flag_B = 1;
- }
if ((Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) != 0.) &&
(Map_Ampl[test][sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) < 0.001)) {
if (Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->GetBinContent(i, j) != 1.)
- Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.75);
- if (Map_ALL->GetBinContent(i, j) != 1.)
- Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.75);
+ //AZ2023 Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.75);
+ //AZ2023 if (Map_ALL->GetBinContent(i, j) != 1.)Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.75);
fffffflag = 2;
- /*
- if (flag_W == 0) {
- NWarn +=1;
- Eta[1][NWarn]=i-41;
- Phi[1][NWarn]=j-1;
- Sub[1][NWarn]=sub;
- Depth[1][NWarn]=k;
- Comment[1][NWarn]=Text[test];
- }
- else {Comment[1][NWarn]+=", "+Text[test];
- flag_W = 1;
- }
// if(fffffflag != 0) cout<<"Map_Ampl["<GetBinContent("<GetBinContent(i,j) << "fffffflag = "<< fffffflag <GetBinContent(i, j) != 1.0) Map_SUBGOOD[sub][k]->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.15);
+ //AZ2023 if (Map_ALL->GetBinContent(i, j) != 1.) Map_ALL->SetBinContent(i, j, 0.15);
// cout<<"Pedestals Map_Ampl["<GetBinContent("<GetBinContent(i,j)<Clear();
} // end sub
- TCanvas *cmain1 = new TCanvas("cmain1", "MAP", 200, 10, 1400, 1800);
+ TCanvas *cmain1 = new TCanvas("cmain1", "cmain1", 200, 10, 1400, 1800);
cmain1->Divide(2, 2);
@@ -1621,7 +1647,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
JDBEYESJ0->Draw("HIST same P0");
- JDBEYESJ0->Clear();
+ //JDBEYESJ0->Clear();
TH1F *JDBEYESJ1 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_totalAmplitudeHEperEvent");
@@ -1636,7 +1662,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
JDBEYESJ1->Draw("HIST same P0");
- JDBEYESJ1->Clear();
+ //JDBEYESJ1->Clear();
TH1F *JDBEYESJ2 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_totalAmplitudeHFperEvent");
@@ -1651,7 +1677,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
JDBEYESJ2->Draw("HIST same P0");
- JDBEYESJ2->Clear();
+ //JDBEYESJ2->Clear();
TH1F *JDBEYESJ3 = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_totalAmplitudeHOperEvent");
@@ -1666,17 +1692,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
JDBEYESJ3->Draw("HIST same P0");
- JDBEYESJ3->Clear();
+ //JDBEYESJ3->Clear();
- std::cout << " EVENTDEPENDENCE " << std::endl;
+ // std::cout << " EVENTDEPENDENCE " << std::endl;
+ //AZ2023:
+ /*
// ALL SubDet
TCanvas *cmain = new TCanvas("cmain", "MAP", 1000, 1000);
@@ -1693,11 +1717,702 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::cout << " MAP_ALL " << std::endl;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // 7. Correlation of Charge(=Amplitude) vs timing, fc (=TSN * 25 ns)
+ // three plots -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ TCanvas *corravstsn = new TCanvas("corravstsn", "corravstsn", 200, 10, 1400, 1800);
+ // three plots for HB:
+ corravstsn->Divide(2, 2);
+ corravstsn->cd(1);
+ TH2F *two11 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_TSnVsAyear2023_HB");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ two11->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ two11->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ two11->SetYTitle("timing HB \b");
+ two11->SetXTitle("Q,fc HB\b");
+ two11->SetMarkerColor(1);
+ two11->SetLineColor(1);
+ two11->Draw("BOX");
+ corravstsn->cd(2);
+ TH1F *TSNvsQ_HB = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HB");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
+ TSNvsQ_HB->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ TSNvsQ_HB->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
+ TSNvsQ_HB->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
+ TSNvsQ_HB->SetXTitle("Q,fc HB \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HB->SetYTitle("iev*ieta*iphi*idepth \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HB->SetMarkerColor(4);
+ TSNvsQ_HB->SetLineColor(0);
+ TSNvsQ_HB->SetMinimum(0.8);
+ TSNvsQ_HB->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->cd(3);
+ TH1F *twod1_HB = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear2023_HB");
+ TH1F *twod0_HB = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HB");
+ // twod1_HB->Sumw2();
+ // twod0_HB->Sumw2();
+ TH1F *Ceff_HB = (TH1F *)twod1_HB->Clone("Ceff_HB");
+ for (int x = 1; x <= twod1_HB->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); x++) {
+ twod1_HB->SetBinError(float(x), 0.001);
+ } //end x
+ Ceff_HB->Divide(twod1_HB, twod0_HB, 1, 1, "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Ceff_HB->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Ceff_HB->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Ceff_HB->SetXTitle("Q,fc \b");
+ Ceff_HB->SetYTitle("HB \b");
+ Ceff_HB->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Ceff_HB->SetLineColor(2);
+ Ceff_HB->SetMaximum(140.);
+ Ceff_HB->SetMinimum(30.);
+ Ceff_HB->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->Modified();
+ corravstsn->Update();
+ corravstsn->Print("corravstsnPLOTSHB.png");
+ corravstsn->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " corravstsnPLOTSHB.png created " << std::endl;
+ // three plots for HE:
+ corravstsn->Divide(2, 2);
+ corravstsn->cd(1);
+ TH2F *twoHE = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_TSnVsAyear2023_HE");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ twoHE->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ twoHE->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ twoHE->SetYTitle("timing HE \b");
+ twoHE->SetXTitle("Q,fc HE\b");
+ twoHE->SetMarkerColor(1);
+ twoHE->SetLineColor(1);
+ twoHE->Draw("BOX");
+ corravstsn->cd(2);
+ TH1F *TSNvsQ_HE = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HE");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
+ TSNvsQ_HE->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ TSNvsQ_HE->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
+ TSNvsQ_HE->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
+ TSNvsQ_HE->SetXTitle("Q,fc HE \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HE->SetYTitle("iev*ieta*iphi*idepth \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HE->SetMarkerColor(4);
+ TSNvsQ_HE->SetLineColor(0);
+ TSNvsQ_HE->SetMinimum(0.8);
+ TSNvsQ_HE->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->cd(3);
+ TH1F *twod1_HE = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear2023_HE");
+ TH1F *twod0_HE = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HE");
+ // twod1_HE->Sumw2();
+ // twod0_HE->Sumw2();
+ TH1F *Ceff_HE = (TH1F *)twod1_HE->Clone("Ceff_HE");
+ for (int x = 1; x <= twod1_HE->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); x++) {
+ twod1_HE->SetBinError(float(x), 0.001);
+ } //end x
+ Ceff_HE->Divide(twod1_HE, twod0_HE, 1, 1, "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Ceff_HE->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Ceff_HE->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Ceff_HE->SetXTitle("Q,fc \b");
+ Ceff_HE->SetYTitle("HE \b");
+ Ceff_HE->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Ceff_HE->SetLineColor(2);
+ Ceff_HE->SetMaximum(150.);
+ Ceff_HE->SetMinimum(25.);
+ Ceff_HE->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->Modified();
+ corravstsn->Update();
+ corravstsn->Print("corravstsnPLOTSHE.png");
+ corravstsn->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " corravstsnPLOTSHE.png created " << std::endl;
+ // three plots for HF:
+ corravstsn->Divide(2, 2);
+ corravstsn->cd(1);
+ TH2F *twoHF = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_TSnVsAyear2023_HF");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ twoHF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ twoHF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ twoHF->SetYTitle("timing HF \b");
+ twoHF->SetXTitle("Q,fc HF\b");
+ twoHF->SetMarkerColor(1);
+ twoHF->SetLineColor(1);
+ twoHF->Draw("BOX");
+ corravstsn->cd(2);
+ TH1F *TSNvsQ_HF = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HF");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
+ TSNvsQ_HF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ TSNvsQ_HF->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
+ TSNvsQ_HF->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
+ TSNvsQ_HF->SetXTitle("Q,fc HF \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HF->SetYTitle("iev*ieta*iphi*idepth \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HF->SetMarkerColor(4);
+ TSNvsQ_HF->SetLineColor(0);
+ TSNvsQ_HF->SetMinimum(0.8);
+ TSNvsQ_HF->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->cd(3);
+ TH1F *twod1_HF = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear2023_HF");
+ TH1F *twod0_HF = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HF");
+ // twod1_HF->Sumw2();
+ // twod0_HF->Sumw2();
+ TH1F *Ceff_HF = (TH1F *)twod1_HF->Clone("Ceff_HF");
+ for (int x = 1; x <= twod1_HF->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); x++) {
+ twod1_HF->SetBinError(float(x), 0.001);
+ } //end x
+ Ceff_HF->Divide(twod1_HF, twod0_HF, 1, 1, "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Ceff_HF->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Ceff_HF->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Ceff_HF->SetXTitle("Q,fc \b");
+ Ceff_HF->SetYTitle("HF \b");
+ Ceff_HF->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Ceff_HF->SetLineColor(2);
+ Ceff_HF->SetMaximum(50.);
+ Ceff_HF->SetMinimum(0.);
+ Ceff_HF->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->Modified();
+ corravstsn->Update();
+ corravstsn->Print("corravstsnPLOTSHF.png");
+ corravstsn->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " corravstsnPLOTSHF.png created " << std::endl;
+ // three plots for HO:
+ corravstsn->Divide(2, 2);
+ corravstsn->cd(1);
+ TH2F *twoHO = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h2_TSnVsAyear2023_HO");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ twoHO->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ twoHO->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ twoHO->SetYTitle("timing HO \b");
+ twoHO->SetXTitle("Q,fc HO\b");
+ twoHO->SetMarkerColor(1);
+ twoHO->SetLineColor(1);
+ twoHO->Draw("BOX");
+ corravstsn->cd(2);
+ TH1F *TSNvsQ_HO = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HO");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ gPad->SetLogy();
+ TSNvsQ_HO->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ TSNvsQ_HO->SetMarkerSize(0.6);
+ TSNvsQ_HO->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.04);
+ TSNvsQ_HO->SetXTitle("Q,fc HO \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HO->SetYTitle("iev*ieta*iphi*idepth \b");
+ TSNvsQ_HO->SetMarkerColor(4);
+ TSNvsQ_HO->SetLineColor(0);
+ TSNvsQ_HO->SetMinimum(0.8);
+ TSNvsQ_HO->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->cd(3);
+ TH1F *twod1_HO = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear2023_HO");
+ TH1F *twod0_HO = (TH1F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h1_TSnVsAyear20230_HO");
+ // twod1_HO->Sumw2();
+ // twod0_HO->Sumw2();
+ TH1F *Ceff_HO = (TH1F *)twod1_HO->Clone("Ceff_HO");
+ for (int x = 1; x <= twod1_HO->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); x++) {
+ twod1_HO->SetBinError(float(x), 0.001);
+ } //end x
+ Ceff_HO->Divide(twod1_HO, twod0_HO, 1, 1, "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Ceff_HO->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Ceff_HO->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Ceff_HO->SetXTitle("Q,fc \b");
+ Ceff_HO->SetYTitle("HO \b");
+ Ceff_HO->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Ceff_HO->SetLineColor(2);
+ Ceff_HO->SetMaximum(150.);
+ Ceff_HO->SetMinimum(70.);
+ Ceff_HO->Draw("E");
+ corravstsn->Modified();
+ corravstsn->Update();
+ corravstsn->Print("corravstsnPLOTSHO.png");
+ corravstsn->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " corravstsnPLOTSHO.png created " << std::endl;
+ // 2D plots (from 1 to 7) -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ TCanvas *cHBnew = new TCanvas("cHBnew", "cHBnew", 0, 10, 1400, 1800);
+ // 4 plots for HB:
+ cHBnew->Clear();
+ cHBnew->Divide(2, 2);
+ cHBnew->cd(1);
+ TH2F *dva1_HBDepth1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmeanA_HB");
+ TH2F *dva0_HBDepth1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HB");
+ // dva1_HBDepth1->Sumw2();
+ // dva0_HBDepth1->Sumw2();
+ TH2F *Seff_HBDepth1 = (TH2F *)dva1_HBDepth1->Clone("Seff_HBDepth1");
+ Seff_HBDepth1->Divide(dva1_HBDepth1, dva0_HBDepth1, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetZTitle(" HB Depth1 \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HBDepth1->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HBDepth1->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHBnew->cd(2);
+ TH2F *dva1_HBDepth2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmeanA_HB");
+ TH2F *dva0_HBDepth2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HB");
+ TH2F *Seff_HBDepth2 = (TH2F *)dva1_HBDepth2->Clone("Seff_HBDepth2");
+ Seff_HBDepth2->Divide(dva1_HBDepth2, dva0_HBDepth2, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetZTitle(" HB Depth2 \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HBDepth2->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HBDepth2->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHBnew->cd(3);
+ TH2F *dva1_HBDepth3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmeanA_HB");
+ TH2F *dva0_HBDepth3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HB");
+ TH2F *Seff_HBDepth3 = (TH2F *)dva1_HBDepth3->Clone("Seff_HBDepth3");
+ Seff_HBDepth3->Divide(dva1_HBDepth3, dva0_HBDepth3, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetZTitle(" HB Depth3 \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HBDepth3->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HBDepth3->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHBnew->cd(4);
+ TH2F *dva1_HBDepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA_HB");
+ TH2F *dva0_HBDepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HB");
+ TH2F *Seff_HBDepth4 = (TH2F *)dva1_HBDepth4->Clone("Seff_HBDepth4");
+ Seff_HBDepth4->Divide(dva1_HBDepth4, dva0_HBDepth4, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetZTitle(" HB Depth4 \b");
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HBDepth4->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HBDepth4->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHBnew->Modified();
+ cHBnew->Update();
+ cHBnew->Print("2DcorravstsnPLOTSHB.png");
+ cHBnew->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " 2DcorravstsnPLOTSHB.png created " << std::endl;
+ // clean-up
+ if (dva1_HBDepth1)
+ delete dva1_HBDepth1;
+ if (dva0_HBDepth1)
+ delete dva0_HBDepth1;
+ if (Seff_HBDepth1)
+ delete Seff_HBDepth1;
+ if (dva1_HBDepth2)
+ delete dva1_HBDepth2;
+ if (dva0_HBDepth2)
+ delete dva0_HBDepth2;
+ if (Seff_HBDepth2)
+ delete Seff_HBDepth2;
+ if (dva1_HBDepth3)
+ delete dva1_HBDepth3;
+ if (dva0_HBDepth3)
+ delete dva0_HBDepth3;
+ if (Seff_HBDepth3)
+ delete Seff_HBDepth3;
+ if (dva1_HBDepth4)
+ delete dva1_HBDepth4;
+ if (dva0_HBDepth4)
+ delete dva0_HBDepth4;
+ if (Seff_HBDepth4)
+ delete Seff_HBDepth4;
+ // 7 plots for HE:
+ TCanvas *cHEnew = new TCanvas("cHEnew", "cHEnew", 5, 10, 1400, 1800);
+ cHEnew->Clear();
+ cHEnew->Divide(2, 4);
+ cHEnew->cd(1);
+ TH2F *dva1_HEDepth1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmeanA_HE");
+ TH2F *dva0_HEDepth1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HE");
+ // dva1_HEDepth1->Sumw2();
+ // dva0_HEDepth1->Sumw2();
+ TH2F *Seff_HEDepth1 = (TH2F *)dva1_HEDepth1->Clone("Seff_HEDepth1");
+ Seff_HEDepth1->Divide(dva1_HEDepth1, dva0_HEDepth1, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetZTitle(" HE Depth1 \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HEDepth1->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HEDepth1->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHEnew->cd(2);
+ TH2F *dva1_HEDepth2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmeanA_HE");
+ TH2F *dva0_HEDepth2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HE");
+ TH2F *Seff_HEDepth2 = (TH2F *)dva1_HEDepth2->Clone("Seff_HEDepth2");
+ Seff_HEDepth2->Divide(dva1_HEDepth2, dva0_HEDepth2, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetZTitle(" HE Depth2 \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HEDepth2->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HEDepth2->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHEnew->cd(3);
+ TH2F *dva1_HEDepth3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmeanA_HE");
+ TH2F *dva0_HEDepth3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HE");
+ TH2F *Seff_HEDepth3 = (TH2F *)dva1_HEDepth3->Clone("Seff_HEDepth3");
+ Seff_HEDepth3->Divide(dva1_HEDepth3, dva0_HEDepth3, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetZTitle(" HE Depth3 \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HEDepth3->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HEDepth3->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHEnew->cd(4);
+ TH2F *dva1_HEDepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA_HE");
+ TH2F *dva0_HEDepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HE");
+ TH2F *Seff_HEDepth4 = (TH2F *)dva1_HEDepth4->Clone("Seff_HEDepth4");
+ Seff_HEDepth4->Divide(dva1_HEDepth4, dva0_HEDepth4, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetZTitle(" HE Depth4 \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HEDepth4->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HEDepth4->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHEnew->cd(5);
+ TH2F *dva1_HEDepth5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5TSmeanA_HE");
+ TH2F *dva0_HEDepth5 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth5_HE");
+ TH2F *Seff_HEDepth5 = (TH2F *)dva1_HEDepth5->Clone("Seff_HEDepth5");
+ Seff_HEDepth5->Divide(dva1_HEDepth5, dva0_HEDepth5, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetZTitle(" HE Depth5 \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HEDepth5->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HEDepth5->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHEnew->cd(6);
+ TH2F *dva1_HEDepth6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6TSmeanA_HE");
+ TH2F *dva0_HEDepth6 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth6_HE");
+ TH2F *Seff_HEDepth6 = (TH2F *)dva1_HEDepth6->Clone("Seff_HEDepth6");
+ Seff_HEDepth6->Divide(dva1_HEDepth6, dva0_HEDepth6, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetZTitle(" HE Depth6 \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HEDepth6->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HEDepth6->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHEnew->cd(7);
+ TH2F *dva1_HEDepth7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7TSmeanA_HE");
+ TH2F *dva0_HEDepth7 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth7_HE");
+ TH2F *Seff_HEDepth7 = (TH2F *)dva1_HEDepth7->Clone("Seff_HEDepth7");
+ Seff_HEDepth7->Divide(dva1_HEDepth7, dva0_HEDepth7, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetZTitle(" HE Depth7 \b");
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetMaximum(100.);
+ Seff_HEDepth7->SetMinimum(80.);
+ Seff_HEDepth7->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHEnew->Modified();
+ cHEnew->Update();
+ cHEnew->Print("2DcorravstsnPLOTSHE.png");
+ cHEnew->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " 2DcorravstsnPLOTSHE.png created " << std::endl;
+ // clean-up
+ if (dva1_HEDepth1)
+ delete dva1_HEDepth1;
+ if (dva0_HEDepth1)
+ delete dva0_HEDepth1;
+ if (Seff_HEDepth1)
+ delete Seff_HEDepth1;
+ if (dva1_HEDepth2)
+ delete dva1_HEDepth2;
+ if (dva0_HEDepth2)
+ delete dva0_HEDepth2;
+ if (Seff_HEDepth2)
+ delete Seff_HEDepth2;
+ if (dva1_HEDepth3)
+ delete dva1_HEDepth3;
+ if (dva0_HEDepth3)
+ delete dva0_HEDepth3;
+ if (Seff_HEDepth3)
+ delete Seff_HEDepth3;
+ if (dva1_HEDepth4)
+ delete dva1_HEDepth4;
+ if (dva0_HEDepth4)
+ delete dva0_HEDepth4;
+ if (Seff_HEDepth4)
+ delete Seff_HEDepth4;
+ if (dva1_HEDepth5)
+ delete dva1_HEDepth5;
+ if (dva0_HEDepth5)
+ delete dva0_HEDepth5;
+ if (Seff_HEDepth5)
+ delete Seff_HEDepth5;
+ if (dva1_HEDepth6)
+ delete dva1_HEDepth6;
+ if (dva0_HEDepth6)
+ delete dva0_HEDepth6;
+ if (Seff_HEDepth6)
+ delete Seff_HEDepth6;
+ if (dva1_HEDepth7)
+ delete dva1_HEDepth7;
+ if (dva0_HEDepth7)
+ delete dva0_HEDepth7;
+ if (Seff_HEDepth7)
+ delete Seff_HEDepth7;
+ // 4 plots for HF:
+ TCanvas *cHFnew = new TCanvas("cHFnew", "cHFnew", 200, 10, 1400, 1800);
+ cHFnew->Clear();
+ cHFnew->Divide(2, 2);
+ cHFnew->cd(1);
+ TH2F *dva1_HFDepth1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1TSmeanA_HF");
+ TH2F *dva0_HFDepth1 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth1_HF");
+ // dva1_HFDepth1->Sumw2();
+ // dva0_HFDepth1->Sumw2();
+ TH2F *Seff_HFDepth1 = (TH2F *)dva1_HFDepth1->Clone("Seff_HFDepth1");
+ Seff_HFDepth1->Divide(dva1_HFDepth1, dva0_HFDepth1, 25., 1., "B");
+ /*
+ for (int i=1;i<=Seff_HFDepth1->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();i++) {
+ for (int j=1;j<=Seff_HFDepth1->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();j++) {
+ double ccc1 = Seff_HFDepth1->GetBinContent(i,j) ;
+ // if(ccc1 > 0.) std::cout << "******************** i = " << i << " j = " << j << " ccc1 = " << ccc1 << std::endl;
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetBinContent(i,j,0.);
+ if(ccc1 > 0.) Seff_HFDepth1->SetBinContent(i,j,ccc1);
+ }
+ }
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetZTitle(" HF Depth1 \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetMaximum(50.);
+ Seff_HFDepth1->SetMinimum(20.);
+ Seff_HFDepth1->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHFnew->cd(2);
+ TH2F *dva1_HFDepth2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2TSmeanA_HF");
+ TH2F *dva0_HFDepth2 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth2_HF");
+ TH2F *Seff_HFDepth2 = (TH2F *)dva1_HFDepth2->Clone("Seff_HFDepth2");
+ Seff_HFDepth2->Divide(dva1_HFDepth2, dva0_HFDepth2, 25., 1., "B");
+ /*
+ for (int i=1;i<=Seff_HFDepth2->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();i++) {
+ for (int j=1;j<=Seff_HFDepth2->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();j++) {
+ double ccc1 = Seff_HFDepth2->GetBinContent(i,j) ;
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetBinContent(i,j,0.);
+ if(ccc1 > 0. ) Seff_HFDepth2->SetBinContent(i,j,ccc1);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetZTitle(" HF Depth2 \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetMaximum(50.);
+ Seff_HFDepth2->SetMinimum(20.);
+ Seff_HFDepth2->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHFnew->cd(3);
+ TH2F *dva1_HFDepth3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3TSmeanA_HF");
+ TH2F *dva0_HFDepth3 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth3_HF");
+ TH2F *Seff_HFDepth3 = (TH2F *)dva1_HFDepth3->Clone("Seff_HFDepth3");
+ Seff_HFDepth3->Divide(dva1_HFDepth3, dva0_HFDepth3, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetZTitle(" HF Depth3 \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetMaximum(50.);
+ Seff_HFDepth3->SetMinimum(20.);
+ Seff_HFDepth3->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHFnew->cd(4);
+ TH2F *dva1_HFDepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA_HF");
+ TH2F *dva0_HFDepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HF");
+ TH2F *Seff_HFDepth4 = (TH2F *)dva1_HFDepth4->Clone("Seff_HFDepth4");
+ Seff_HFDepth4->Divide(dva1_HFDepth4, dva0_HFDepth4, 25., 1., "B");
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetZTitle(" HF Depth4 \b");
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetMaximum(50.);
+ Seff_HFDepth4->SetMinimum(20.);
+ Seff_HFDepth4->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHFnew->Modified();
+ cHFnew->Update();
+ cHFnew->Print("2DcorravstsnPLOTSHF.png");
+ cHFnew->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " 2DcorravstsnPLOTSHF.png created " << std::endl;
+ if (dva1_HFDepth1)
+ delete dva1_HFDepth1;
+ if (dva0_HFDepth1)
+ delete dva0_HFDepth1;
+ if (Seff_HFDepth1)
+ delete Seff_HFDepth1;
+ if (dva1_HFDepth2)
+ delete dva1_HFDepth2;
+ if (dva0_HFDepth2)
+ delete dva0_HFDepth2;
+ if (Seff_HFDepth2)
+ delete Seff_HFDepth2;
+ if (dva1_HFDepth3)
+ delete dva1_HFDepth3;
+ if (dva0_HFDepth3)
+ delete dva0_HFDepth3;
+ if (Seff_HFDepth3)
+ delete Seff_HFDepth3;
+ if (dva1_HFDepth4)
+ delete dva1_HFDepth4;
+ if (dva0_HFDepth4)
+ delete dva0_HFDepth4;
+ if (Seff_HFDepth4)
+ delete Seff_HFDepth4;
+ // 1 plot for HO:
+ TCanvas *cHOnew = new TCanvas("cHOnew", "cHOnew", 200, 10, 1400, 1800);
+ // TCanvas *cHOnew = new TCanvas("cHOnew", "cHOnew", 1500, 500);
+ cHOnew->Clear();
+ cHOnew->Divide(1, 1);
+ cHOnew->cd(1);
+ TH2F *dva1_HODepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4TSmeanA_HO");
+ /*
+ for (int i=1;i<=dva1_HODepth4->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();i++) {
+ for (int j=1;j<=dva1_HODepth4->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();j++) {
+ double ccc1 = dva1_HODepth4->GetBinContent(i,j) ;
+ if(ccc1 > 0.) std::cout << "****** dva1_HODepth4 ************** i = " << i << " j = " << j << " ccc1 = " << ccc1 << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ TH2F *dva0_HODepth4 = (TH2F *)dir->FindObjectAny("h_mapDepth4_HO");
+ /*
+ for (int i=1;i<=dva0_HODepth4->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();i++) {
+ for (int j=1;j<=dva0_HODepth4->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();j++) {
+ double ccc1 = dva0_HODepth4->GetBinContent(i,j) ;
+ if(ccc1 > 0.) std::cout << "****** dva0_HODepth4 ************** i = " << i << " j = " << j << " ccc1 = " << ccc1 << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ TH2F *Seff_HODepth4 = (TH2F *)dva1_HODepth4->Clone("Seff_HODepth4");
+ /*
+ for (int x = 1; x <= Seff_HODepth4->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); x++) {
+ for (int y = 1; y <= Seff_HODepth4->GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); y++) {
+ // dva1_HODepth4->SetBinError(float(x), float(y), 0.001);
+ // Seff_HODepth4->SetBinContent(float(x), float(y), 0.0);
+ } //end x
+ } //end y
+ Seff_HODepth4->Divide(dva1_HODepth4, dva0_HODepth4, 25., 1., "B");
+ /*
+ for (int i=1;i<=Seff_HODepth4->GetXaxis()->GetNbins();i++) {
+ for (int j=1;j<=Seff_HODepth4->GetYaxis()->GetNbins();j++) {
+ double ccc1 = Seff_HODepth4->GetBinContent(i,j);
+ if(ccc1 > 0.) std::cout << "****** Seff_HODepth4 ************** i = " << i << " j = " << j << " ccc1 = " << ccc1 << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ gPad->SetGridy();
+ gPad->SetGridx();
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetMarkerStyle(20);
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetXTitle("#eta \b");
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetYTitle("#phi \b");
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetZTitle(" HO Depth4 \b");
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetMarkerColor(2);
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetLineColor(2);
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetMaximum(130.);
+ Seff_HODepth4->SetMinimum(70.);
+ Seff_HODepth4->Draw("COLZ");
+ cHOnew->Modified();
+ cHOnew->Update();
+ cHOnew->Print("2DcorravstsnPLOTSHO.png");
+ cHOnew->Clear();
+ // std::cout << " 2DcorravstsnPLOTSHO.png created " << std::endl;
+ if (dva1_HODepth4)
+ delete dva1_HODepth4;
+ if (dva0_HODepth4)
+ delete dva0_HODepth4;
+ if (Seff_HODepth4)
+ delete Seff_HODepth4;
+ // std::cout << " END OF 2023 " << std::endl;
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//====================================================================== html pages CREATING:
+ std::cout << " html pages CREATING: " << std::endl;
// Creating each test kind for each subdet html pages:
std::string raw_class, raw_class1, raw_class2, raw_class3;
@@ -1928,6 +2643,33 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ // Correlation of A vs TSn done in 2023 for Run3 and for GlobalRMT only
+ htmlFileT << " 7....... Correlation of A(=Q) vs timing(=25ns*MeanTSposition) " << std::endl;
+ htmlFileT << " 7.A..... 1)2D-correlation of timing vs Q,fc;.......... 2)Q,fc;................ 3)mean timing vs "
+ "Q,fc ....... "
+ << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 1)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 2)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 3)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 4)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ htmlFileT << " 7.B....... Mean timing in 2D space of eta-phi for different Depthes........ " << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 1)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 2)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 3)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ if (sub == 4)
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
+ htmlFileT << " " << std::endl;
htmlFileT << " |