Instruction for getting a local version of DIALS for development purposes. By following these intructions, you will have a fully functional version of DIALS (including the data finding, data downloading and ingesting, frontend rendering, and API) that runs locally on your computer, useful for debugging an issue or developing new features.
Note: make sure you are doing all the modifications to this repository (if any) in your own fork, and then make a pull request to merge them in the production repository; do not make changes directly in the production repository.
First, make your own fork of the DIALS repository on GitHub. Then, make a local instance on your computer using the usual git clone
, for exampe:
git clone<YOUR GITHUB USERNAME>/dials.git
The first step is to get some DQMIO data that will be used by your local instance of DIALS. There are essentially two methods: the first one is mounting the production CMS-Store path (CERN's T2 disk storage) so it can be read by your local instance as well; the second one is copying a small number of DQMIO files to your local machine. Whatever method you choose, you will anyway need a grid certificate for querying DBS (the central CMS file database, basically the backend behind DAS). Even in case where you will use locally copied files, you still need the grid certificate because the dataset metadata will be queried anyway. Check here how to generate a certificate. You can put the resulting usercert.pem
and userkey.pem
in a location of your choice, and provide the path as an environment variable (see instructions further below).
DIALS will execute an indexing pipeline, querying all available datasets and all available files within each dataset from DBS. The dataset index just contains the names and some metadata on the available datasets, so querying it is not a problem. However, the file index is used to trigger file ingestion jobs, implying that your local DIALS instance will attempt to download and/or ingest a huge number of DQMIO files. To avoid running out of space, you can provide a dummy DBS response to the indexing pipeline. This dummy response just contains a few files, that should be enough for testing and debugging. An example can be found in etl/mocks/dbs.json
. To activate it, you have to provide the path to this file as an environment variable (see instruction further below).
The file ingestion jobs will try to load the DQMIO files specified in the DBS response (production/mocked), if you don't have eos mounted locally or sample files this pipeline will fail acusing FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE
The first way of accessing the data is by mounting the appropriate EOS directory locally.
The following command will mount the production data directory from EOS in read-only mode:
mkdir -p ./etl/mocks/DQMIO_for_DIALS_local_dev
sshfs -o default_permissions,ro <YOUR-LXPLUS-USER> ./etl/mocks/DQMIO_for_DIALS_local_dev
In case you need to unmount (turning off the computer/losing connection to lxplus will umount automatically) you can run the following command:
umount ./DQMIO_for_DIALS_local_dev
(Note the use of umount
rather than unmount
Note: this approach can give issues if you use Docker for running DIALS (see below), since the mount does not seem to be visible inside the Docker container. Therefore, the second approach, discussed below, is recommended.
Instead of mounting the production DQMIO data, you can setup a directory that behaves exactly like production.
To use this approach, simply copy the content of the folder /eos/project-m/mlplayground/public/DQMIO_for_DIALS_local_dev
into a new ./etl/mocks/DQMIO_for_DIALS_local_dev
folder, e.g. as follows:
scp -r <YOUR-LXPLUS-USER> ./etl/mocks
Note: you should make sure that your dummy DBS response file is in sync with the files you actually copy to the local directory. They are in sync at the time of writing, but you might need to make modifications if you are using different files than the ones already set in the example.
There are two broad approaches for setting up the environment and running a local version of DIALS: the first involves setting up the environment yourself, which can be a bit of a mess, but is easier once it is set up correctly; the second one uses a docker container instead, which is easier to set up but a little more tricky to interact with while developing. The latter approach is detailed here, the former in the next section.
The advantage of using Docker is that you don't need a lot of packages or other dependencies.
You will however need the packages pyyaml
and python-decouple
. You can install them using pip install pyyaml python-decouple
For installing Docker, follow the steps here: Use the instructions under ‘Install using the apt repository’. If you already have docker installed, you can skip this step, or follow the instructions for upgrading instead of installing.
Then, follow some additional steps here to avoid typing sudo every time: It seems necessary to reboot the computer for these changes to take effect.
Create a .env
file inside the backend
folder with the following variables:
Create a .env
file inside the backend
folder following the template file for native environment here or for docker environment here, and update the placeholders.
Note: you need to fill in the application secrets, request them to the application maintainers.
Note: optionally, you can also modify the
, for example if you're only interested in a single workspace for your purposes.
Create a .env
file inside the etl
folder following the template file for native environment here or for docker environment here, and update the placeholders.
- Note:
is optional, if do not set it the application will try to ingest all available files in DBS.
The etl
, backend
and frontend
ship a Dockerfile
that can be used for local development. Furthermore, the DIALS repository ships the script
to automatically generate a docker-compose file based on the environment variables (e.g. related to how many workspace you want to use for development). You can optionally specify a path to where your local DIALS instance will store its database. This is useful to not have to re-download and/or re-ingest the files every time you launch your DIALS instance; instead it will read the database from where you stored it in a previous session.
./scripts/ --pg-persistent-path /mnt/dials-pg-data
You can start all services by first building, then starting the database and then starting from the repository root's directory:
docker compose build
docker compose up dials-init
docker compose up
Note: in some cases, Permission denied errors
might show up related to the userkey.pem
file when starting the indexing pipeline (see instructions below), even though the userkey.pem
file is correctly set and publicly readable. If this occurs, you might want to check your user ID and group ID with echo $(id -u)
and echo $(id -g)
respectively. If they are not equal to the standard (1000
), you should replace the docker compose build
above by the modified command below:
docker compose build --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g)
After running docker compose up
, you should see a whole bunch of messages in the terminal. Once you start seeing messages ending in Events of group {task} enabled by remote.
, the launch is complete and DIALS is up and running!
You can additionally check that DIALS is correctly running by running the command (in a separate terminal) docker ps
. If everything went well, you should see something like this:
81765d44592e dials_frontend "docker-entrypoint.s…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp dials-frontend
fe3bfd7c084c dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-csc-bulk
fec0501e6d1c dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes>5555/tcp, :::5555->5555/tcp dials-flower
15d46df20bae dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-csc-priority
684bf5b1c590 dials_backend "python ru…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes>8000/tcp, :::8000->8000/tcp dials-backend
75129249fca6 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-jetmet-bulk
376651d7e7aa dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-common-indexer
5457add93b70 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-egamma-priority
84d7579e8e55 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-ecal-priority
a5c5c169ad25 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-beat-scheduler
1ddefde9b55b dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 2 minutes dials-tracker-priority
a9a531ec4ba9 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-hcal-bulk
991418bbb585 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-ecal-bulk
dc2ceb05851a dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-private-bulk
3559615921e2 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-hcal-priority
dbeaf5400e28 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-egamma-bulk
69cf337c5220 dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-jetmet-priority
dc7a3eb6f4ac dials_etl "bash -c 'celery --a…" 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes dials-tracker-bulk
67b69b897c86 postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" 22 hours ago Up 3 minutes (healthy)>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp postgresql-local
d429b32d6206 redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" 22 hours ago Up 3 minutes (healthy)>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp redis-local
For killing all processes, use the ctrl+c keys.
In principle, the indexing, downloading and ingestion procedure is automatically launched at the start of every hour. However, for testing purposes, one can force the indexing by running the trigger-indexing
script from inside the docker container with:
docker exec -it dials-flower bash -c 'python3 indexing -s'
Tasks can be monitored trough flower.
Open a web browser and enter localhost:5555
in the address bar.
The webpage will ask for a login, the default username and password for local development is admin
Open a web browser and enter localhost:3000
in the address bar.
Open a web browser and enter localhost:8000
in the address bar.
docker compose up dials-purge
In case you stop the containers before finishing all tasks in celery queue you may need to clear redis before restarting the ETL from 0, this can be quickly done by flushing the database using redis-cli
inside the container:
docker exec -it redis-local bash
docker compose down
docker compose --profile=donotstart down
docker images dials\* -q | xargs docker rmi
The etl and backend uses Python
, the third-party dependencies are managed by poetry
and note that explicitly the etl has a hard dependency on ROOT
. After having all these dependencies you can run poetry install --no-root
to install all the etl and backend dependencies specified in pyproject.toml
. Then you should configure pre-commit
by running poetry run pre-commit install
, this will ensure code standardization.
The frontend uses Node.js
and the third-party dependencies are managed by yarn
that can be installed using npm install -g yarn
. Then you can run yarn install
to install the frontend dependencies specified in package.json
. Note that the frontend will not work if code does not agree with eslint
configuration, to fix any style problems you can run yarn run lint
Note: in case you will be using Docker, the above setup steps are not needed. On the other hand, you will need the pyyaml
package to generate the docker compose file.
Considering the main application will only communicate with the database using PostgreSQL DBMS (i.e. not messing with database files directly), running the DBMS decoupled from the main application is less stressful and successfully simulates the production environment. It goes without saying that is much easier to run Postgres using Docker and using the -v
flag we can bind-mount the data stored inside the container in the host in order to have a persistent database across development sessions. You can find more information about postgres container here.
docker run -d \
--name postgresql_local \
--restart always \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-v /mnt/postgresql_local_docker_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
-p 5432:5432 \
The same arguments used for running PostgreSQL locally also holds for running Redis (our in-memory database acting as message broker for our job queues) locally. Differently from PostgreSQL in development there is not real need for persistent store, so we will launch the counter ephemerally. You can find more information about redis container here.
docker run -d \
--restart always \
--name redis_local \
-p 6379:6379 \
Since we are running postgres and redis trough docker outside the same docker network the application would be execute, we just need to update some environment variables.
Refer to the backend environment variables in docker section and update the following variables:
Refer to the etl environment variables in docker section and update the following variables:
From within repository root's directory
or etl
you can use the
script or the poe task poe start-etl
to start the entire etl stack in one command.
Note that before starting the ETL natively you need to setup the database, in order to do this from within etl
you can run alembic upgrade head
. If you need to clean the database you can run alembic downgrade -1
Note: If running the commands separated you should execute then inside the etl
From within repository root's directory
or backend
you can use the
script or the poe task poe start-api
to start the entire backend stack in one command.
Note: If running the commands separated you should execute then inside the backend
Inside the frontend
directory you can using the script yarn run start
to start the react-scripts development server.
The ETL part of this application is memory hungry, each celery queue consumes at idle at least 200MiB of RAM. By default we are using one queue for indexing, one queue for the beat scheduler, each workspace needs 2 queues (bulk and priority) and for each unique primary dataset that all workspace depends on we have 2*N downloading queues (bulk and priority).
It is possible to run locally 5 workspaces with 9 unique primary datasets, if you have at least 8GiB of RAM free (keep in mind that the memory consumption can be grater while ingesting the data, because the application will read some DQMIO root files). If you don´t have all this available run you can test the application with few workspaces and primary datasets.
Lets say you want to test only the tracker
workspace with only the ZeroBias
dataset, you'll need to modify the following environment variables:
DJANGO_WORKSPACES={"tracker": "cms-dqm-runregistry-offline-tracker-certifiers"}
And you'll also need to update the etl.config.json
"workspaces": [
"name": "tracker",
"primary_datasets": [
"dbs_pattern": "/ZeroBias/*Run202*/DQMIO",
"dbs_instance": "global"
"me_startswith": [
"bulk_ingesting_queue": "tracker-bulk",
"priority_ingesting_queue": "tracker-priority"
If you are very limited in RAM you can also decrease the ingestion chunk size in the same file (beware that the ingestion will be slower when you decrease the chunk size):
"common_chunk_size": 1000,
"th2_chunk_size": 200,
The QA server is very useful test environment for CERN's authentication service, but you can't reach it if you outside CERN's network. So it is important to always tunnel your connection trough lxtunnel
, since the QA authentication server can only be accessible trough CERN. For doing that you can use sshuttle, it is a “poor man’s VPN” solution which works on macOS and Linux. It uses SSH tunnelling to transparently redirect certain parts of your traffic to the internal network.
This is the command I use (I save it in my zshrc file):
tunnel_to_cern () {
sshuttle --dns -v -r --python=python3
The lxtunnel
alias resolves to the following ssh config:
Host lxtunnel
User <your-cern-username>
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
More information on tunneling to CERN can be found here and here.
Beware that if you running with docker, the docker network will not go trough sshuttle tunnel, so you'll need to run all the containers in the host
network mode (this do not work on Mac). You can generate a specific docker compose file for this with the script
. Note that you'll need to start the frontend with qa
script: yarn run start:qa