diff --git a/.stats.yml b/.stats.yml
index c56de3e0dc..051248005a 100644
--- a/.stats.yml
+++ b/.stats.yml
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-configured_endpoints: 1397
-openapi_spec_url: https://storage.googleapis.com/stainless-sdk-openapi-specs/cloudflare%2Fcloudflare-b2ba1107ac358119a40fb6ff04ef71393204afba24220e4b9f1611dcccd85b00.yml
+configured_endpoints: 1361
+openapi_spec_url: https://storage.googleapis.com/stainless-sdk-openapi-specs/cloudflare%2Fcloudflare-bc0b27a6ed686a5f7ea5742498072a682dae635643c49cea95a3e5292868faa3.yml
diff --git a/api.md b/api.md
index 2f262d7697..59a3852422 100644
--- a/api.md
+++ b/api.md
@@ -1189,15 +1189,6 @@ Methods:
- FirewallFilter
-- FilterCreateResponse
-- client.filters.create({ ...params }) -> FilterCreateResponse | null
-- client.filters.update(filterId, { ...params }) -> FirewallFilter
-- client.filters.list({ ...params }) -> FirewallFiltersV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.filters.delete(filterId, { ...params }) -> FirewallFilter
-- client.filters.get(filterId, { ...params }) -> FirewallFilter
# Firewall
@@ -1210,15 +1201,6 @@ Types:
- LockdownCIDRConfiguration
- LockdownIPConfiguration
- LockdownURL
-- LockdownDeleteResponse
-- client.firewall.lockdowns.create({ ...params }) -> Lockdown
-- client.firewall.lockdowns.update(lockDownsId, { ...params }) -> Lockdown
-- client.firewall.lockdowns.list({ ...params }) -> LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.firewall.lockdowns.delete(lockDownsId, { ...params }) -> LockdownDeleteResponse
-- client.firewall.lockdowns.get(lockDownsId, { ...params }) -> Lockdown
## Rules
@@ -1227,17 +1209,6 @@ Types:
- FirewallRule
- Product
- DeletedFilter
-- RuleCreateResponse
-- RuleEditResponse
-- client.firewall.rules.create({ ...params }) -> RuleCreateResponse | null
-- client.firewall.rules.update(ruleId, { ...params }) -> FirewallRule
-- client.firewall.rules.list({ ...params }) -> FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.firewall.rules.delete(ruleId, { ...params }) -> FirewallRule
-- client.firewall.rules.edit(ruleId, { ...params }) -> RuleEditResponse | null
-- client.firewall.rules.get(ruleId, { ...params }) -> FirewallRule
## AccessRules
@@ -1250,36 +1221,14 @@ Types:
- IPV6Configuration
- AccessRuleCreateResponse
- AccessRuleListResponse
-- AccessRuleDeleteResponse
-- AccessRuleEditResponse
-- AccessRuleGetResponse
- client.firewall.accessRules.create({ ...params }) -> AccessRuleCreateResponse
- client.firewall.accessRules.list({ ...params }) -> AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.firewall.accessRules.delete(ruleId, { ...params }) -> AccessRuleDeleteResponse | null
-- client.firewall.accessRules.edit(ruleId, { ...params }) -> AccessRuleEditResponse
-- client.firewall.accessRules.get(ruleId, { ...params }) -> AccessRuleGetResponse
## UARules
-- UARuleCreateResponse
-- UARuleUpdateResponse
-- UARuleListResponse
-- UARuleDeleteResponse
-- UARuleGetResponse
-- client.firewall.uaRules.create({ ...params }) -> UARuleCreateResponse
-- client.firewall.uaRules.update(uaRuleId, { ...params }) -> UARuleUpdateResponse
-- client.firewall.uaRules.list({ ...params }) -> UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.firewall.uaRules.delete(uaRuleId, { ...params }) -> UARuleDeleteResponse
-- client.firewall.uaRules.get(uaRuleId, { ...params }) -> UARuleGetResponse
## WAF
### Overrides
@@ -1290,28 +1239,9 @@ Types:
- OverrideURL
- RewriteAction
- WAFRule
-- OverrideDeleteResponse
-- client.firewall.waf.overrides.create({ ...params }) -> Override
-- client.firewall.waf.overrides.update(overridesId, { ...params }) -> Override
-- client.firewall.waf.overrides.list({ ...params }) -> OverridesV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.firewall.waf.overrides.delete(overridesId, { ...params }) -> OverrideDeleteResponse
-- client.firewall.waf.overrides.get(overridesId, { ...params }) -> Override
### Packages
-- PackageListResponse
-- PackageGetResponse
-- client.firewall.waf.packages.list({ ...params }) -> PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.firewall.waf.packages.get(packageId, { ...params }) -> PackageGetResponse
#### Groups
@@ -1620,15 +1550,6 @@ Types:
- Action
- Methods
- RateLimit
-- RateLimitDeleteResponse
-- client.rateLimits.create({ ...params }) -> RateLimit
-- client.rateLimits.list({ ...params }) -> RateLimitsV4PagePaginationArray
-- client.rateLimits.delete(rateLimitId, { ...params }) -> RateLimitDeleteResponse
-- client.rateLimits.edit(rateLimitId, { ...params }) -> RateLimit
-- client.rateLimits.get(rateLimitId, { ...params }) -> RateLimit
# SecondaryDNS
diff --git a/src/resources/filters.ts b/src/resources/filters.ts
index e3c48cb821..3189252bf6 100644
--- a/src/resources/filters.ts
+++ b/src/resources/filters.ts
@@ -1,101 +1,8 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
import { APIResource } from '../resource';
-import * as Core from '../core';
-import { V4PagePaginationArray, type V4PagePaginationArrayParams } from '../pagination';
-export class Filters extends APIResource {
- /**
- * Creates one or more filters.
- *
- * @deprecated The Filters API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- create(
- params: FilterCreateParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.post(`/zones/${zone_id}/filters`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: FilterCreateResponse | null;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing filter.
- *
- * @deprecated The Filters API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- update(
- filterId: string,
- params: FilterUpdateParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.put(`/zones/${zone_id}/filters/${filterId}`, {
- body: body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: FirewallFilter }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches filters in a zone. You can filter the results using several optional
- * parameters.
- *
- * @deprecated The Filters API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- list(
- params: FilterListParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.PagePromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return this._client.getAPIList(`/zones/${zone_id}/filters`, FirewallFiltersV4PagePaginationArray, {
- query,
- ...options,
- });
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an existing filter.
- *
- * @deprecated The Filters API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- delete(
- filterId: string,
- params: FilterDeleteParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.delete(`/zones/${zone_id}/filters/${filterId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: FirewallFilter;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of a filter.
- *
- * @deprecated The Filters API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- get(
- filterId: string,
- params: FilterGetParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.get(`/zones/${zone_id}/filters/${filterId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: FirewallFilter;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
-export class FirewallFiltersV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
+export class Filters extends APIResource {}
export interface FirewallFilter {
@@ -124,100 +31,3 @@ export interface FirewallFilter {
ref?: string;
-export interface FirewallFilterParam {
- /**
- * An informative summary of the filter.
- */
- description?: string;
- /**
- * The filter expression. For more information, refer to
- * [Expressions](https://developers.cloudflare.com/ruleset-engine/rules-language/expressions/).
- */
- expression?: string;
- /**
- * When true, indicates that the filter is currently paused.
- */
- paused?: boolean;
- /**
- * A short reference tag. Allows you to select related filters.
- */
- ref?: string;
-export type FilterCreateResponse = Array;
-export interface FilterCreateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The filter expression. For more information, refer to
- * [Expressions](https://developers.cloudflare.com/ruleset-engine/rules-language/expressions/).
- */
- expression: string;
-export interface FilterUpdateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param:
- */
- body: unknown;
-export interface FilterListParams extends V4PagePaginationArrayParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The unique identifier of the filter.
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A case-insensitive string to find in the description.
- */
- description?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A case-insensitive string to find in the expression.
- */
- expression?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: When true, indicates that the filter is currently paused.
- */
- paused?: boolean;
- /**
- * Query param: The filter ref (a short reference tag) to search for. Must be an
- * exact match.
- */
- ref?: string;
-export interface FilterDeleteParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface FilterGetParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/access-rules.ts b/src/resources/firewall/access-rules.ts
index 8840bfd661..054f7ec113 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/access-rules.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/access-rules.ts
@@ -85,127 +85,6 @@ export class AccessRules extends APIResource {
{ query, ...options },
- /**
- * Deletes an existing IP Access rule defined.
- *
- * Note: This operation will affect all zones in the account or zone.
- */
- delete(
- ruleId: string,
- params?: AccessRuleDeleteParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise;
- delete(ruleId: string, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise;
- delete(
- ruleId: string,
- params: AccessRuleDeleteParams | Core.RequestOptions = {},
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- if (isRequestOptions(params)) {
- return this.delete(ruleId, {}, params);
- }
- const { account_id, zone_id } = params;
- if (!account_id && !zone_id) {
- throw new CloudflareError('You must provide either account_id or zone_id.');
- }
- if (account_id && zone_id) {
- throw new CloudflareError('You cannot provide both account_id and zone_id.');
- }
- const { accountOrZone, accountOrZoneId } =
- account_id ?
- {
- accountOrZone: 'accounts',
- accountOrZoneId: account_id,
- }
- : {
- accountOrZone: 'zones',
- accountOrZoneId: zone_id,
- };
- return (
- this._client.delete(
- `/${accountOrZone}/${accountOrZoneId}/firewall/access_rules/rules/${ruleId}`,
- options,
- ) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: AccessRuleDeleteResponse | null }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an IP Access rule defined.
- *
- * Note: This operation will affect all zones in the account or zone.
- */
- edit(
- ruleId: string,
- params: AccessRuleEditParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { account_id, zone_id, ...body } = params;
- if (!account_id && !zone_id) {
- throw new CloudflareError('You must provide either account_id or zone_id.');
- }
- if (account_id && zone_id) {
- throw new CloudflareError('You cannot provide both account_id and zone_id.');
- }
- const { accountOrZone, accountOrZoneId } =
- account_id ?
- {
- accountOrZone: 'accounts',
- accountOrZoneId: account_id,
- }
- : {
- accountOrZone: 'zones',
- accountOrZoneId: zone_id,
- };
- return (
- this._client.patch(`/${accountOrZone}/${accountOrZoneId}/firewall/access_rules/rules/${ruleId}`, {
- body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: AccessRuleEditResponse }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of an IP Access rule defined.
- */
- get(
- ruleId: string,
- params?: AccessRuleGetParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise;
- get(ruleId: string, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise;
- get(
- ruleId: string,
- params: AccessRuleGetParams | Core.RequestOptions = {},
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- if (isRequestOptions(params)) {
- return this.get(ruleId, {}, params);
- }
- const { account_id, zone_id } = params;
- if (!account_id && !zone_id) {
- throw new CloudflareError('You must provide either account_id or zone_id.');
- }
- if (account_id && zone_id) {
- throw new CloudflareError('You cannot provide both account_id and zone_id.');
- }
- const { accountOrZone, accountOrZoneId } =
- account_id ?
- {
- accountOrZone: 'accounts',
- accountOrZoneId: account_id,
- }
- : {
- accountOrZone: 'zones',
- accountOrZoneId: zone_id,
- };
- return (
- this._client.get(
- `/${accountOrZone}/${accountOrZoneId}/firewall/access_rules/rules/${ruleId}`,
- options,
- ) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: AccessRuleGetResponse }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
export class AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
@@ -346,288 +225,9 @@ export interface IPV6ConfigurationParam {
value?: string;
-export interface AccessRuleCreateResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the IP Access rule.
- */
- id: string;
- /**
- * The available actions that a rule can apply to a matched request.
- */
- allowed_modes: Array<'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge'>;
- /**
- * The rule configuration.
- */
- configuration:
- | AccessRuleIPConfiguration
- | IPV6Configuration
- | AccessRuleCIDRConfiguration
- | ASNConfiguration
- | CountryConfiguration;
- /**
- * The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was created.
- */
- created_on?: string;
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was last modified.
- */
- modified_on?: string;
- /**
- * An informative summary of the rule, typically used as a reminder or explanation.
- */
- notes?: string;
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- scope?: AccessRuleCreateResponse.Scope;
-export namespace AccessRuleCreateResponse {
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- export interface Scope {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * The contact email address of the user.
- */
- email?: string;
- /**
- * The scope of the rule.
- */
- type?: 'user' | 'organization';
- }
-export interface AccessRuleListResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the IP Access rule.
- */
- id: string;
- /**
- * The available actions that a rule can apply to a matched request.
- */
- allowed_modes: Array<'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge'>;
- /**
- * The rule configuration.
- */
- configuration:
- | AccessRuleIPConfiguration
- | IPV6Configuration
- | AccessRuleCIDRConfiguration
- | ASNConfiguration
- | CountryConfiguration;
- /**
- * The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was created.
- */
- created_on?: string;
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was last modified.
- */
- modified_on?: string;
- /**
- * An informative summary of the rule, typically used as a reminder or explanation.
- */
- notes?: string;
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- scope?: AccessRuleListResponse.Scope;
-export namespace AccessRuleListResponse {
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- export interface Scope {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * The contact email address of the user.
- */
- email?: string;
- /**
- * The scope of the rule.
- */
- type?: 'user' | 'organization';
- }
-export interface AccessRuleDeleteResponse {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- id: string;
-export interface AccessRuleEditResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the IP Access rule.
- */
- id: string;
+export type AccessRuleCreateResponse = unknown | string | null;
- /**
- * The available actions that a rule can apply to a matched request.
- */
- allowed_modes: Array<'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge'>;
- /**
- * The rule configuration.
- */
- configuration:
- | AccessRuleIPConfiguration
- | IPV6Configuration
- | AccessRuleCIDRConfiguration
- | ASNConfiguration
- | CountryConfiguration;
- /**
- * The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was created.
- */
- created_on?: string;
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was last modified.
- */
- modified_on?: string;
- /**
- * An informative summary of the rule, typically used as a reminder or explanation.
- */
- notes?: string;
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- scope?: AccessRuleEditResponse.Scope;
-export namespace AccessRuleEditResponse {
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- export interface Scope {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * The contact email address of the user.
- */
- email?: string;
- /**
- * The scope of the rule.
- */
- type?: 'user' | 'organization';
- }
-export interface AccessRuleGetResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the IP Access rule.
- */
- id: string;
- /**
- * The available actions that a rule can apply to a matched request.
- */
- allowed_modes: Array<'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge'>;
- /**
- * The rule configuration.
- */
- configuration:
- | AccessRuleIPConfiguration
- | IPV6Configuration
- | AccessRuleCIDRConfiguration
- | ASNConfiguration
- | CountryConfiguration;
- /**
- * The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was created.
- */
- created_on?: string;
- /**
- * The timestamp of when the rule was last modified.
- */
- modified_on?: string;
- /**
- * An informative summary of the rule, typically used as a reminder or explanation.
- */
- notes?: string;
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- scope?: AccessRuleGetResponse.Scope;
-export namespace AccessRuleGetResponse {
- /**
- * All zones owned by the user will have the rule applied.
- */
- export interface Scope {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * The contact email address of the user.
- */
- email?: string;
- /**
- * The scope of the rule.
- */
- type?: 'user' | 'organization';
- }
+export type AccessRuleListResponse = unknown;
export interface AccessRuleCreateParams {
@@ -728,65 +328,6 @@ export namespace AccessRuleListParams {
-export interface AccessRuleDeleteParams {
- /**
- * The Account ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the Zone ID.
- */
- account_id?: string;
- /**
- * The Zone ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the Account ID.
- */
- zone_id?: string;
-export interface AccessRuleEditParams {
- /**
- * Body param: The rule configuration.
- */
- configuration:
- | AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam
- | IPV6ConfigurationParam
- | AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam
- | ASNConfigurationParam
- | CountryConfigurationParam;
- /**
- * Body param: The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * Path param: The Account ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the
- * Zone ID.
- */
- account_id?: string;
- /**
- * Path param: The Zone ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the
- * Account ID.
- */
- zone_id?: string;
- /**
- * Body param: An informative summary of the rule, typically used as a reminder or
- * explanation.
- */
- notes?: string;
-export interface AccessRuleGetParams {
- /**
- * The Account ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the Zone ID.
- */
- account_id?: string;
- /**
- * The Zone ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the Account ID.
- */
- zone_id?: string;
AccessRules.AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray = AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray;
export declare namespace AccessRules {
@@ -798,14 +339,8 @@ export declare namespace AccessRules {
type IPV6Configuration as IPV6Configuration,
type AccessRuleCreateResponse as AccessRuleCreateResponse,
type AccessRuleListResponse as AccessRuleListResponse,
- type AccessRuleDeleteResponse as AccessRuleDeleteResponse,
- type AccessRuleEditResponse as AccessRuleEditResponse,
- type AccessRuleGetResponse as AccessRuleGetResponse,
AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray as AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
type AccessRuleCreateParams as AccessRuleCreateParams,
type AccessRuleListParams as AccessRuleListParams,
- type AccessRuleDeleteParams as AccessRuleDeleteParams,
- type AccessRuleEditParams as AccessRuleEditParams,
- type AccessRuleGetParams as AccessRuleGetParams,
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/firewall.ts b/src/resources/firewall/firewall.ts
index 657c011a1a..1b40cf7238 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/firewall.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/firewall.ts
@@ -7,12 +7,6 @@ import {
- AccessRuleDeleteParams,
- AccessRuleDeleteResponse,
- AccessRuleEditParams,
- AccessRuleEditResponse,
- AccessRuleGetParams,
- AccessRuleGetResponse,
@@ -26,48 +20,14 @@ import {
- LockdownCreateParams,
- LockdownDeleteParams,
- LockdownDeleteResponse,
- LockdownGetParams,
- LockdownListParams,
- LockdownUpdateParams,
- LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray,
} from './lockdowns';
import * as RulesAPI from './rules';
-import {
- DeletedFilter,
- FirewallRule,
- FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray,
- Product,
- RuleCreateParams,
- RuleCreateResponse,
- RuleDeleteParams,
- RuleEditParams,
- RuleEditResponse,
- RuleGetParams,
- RuleListParams,
- RuleUpdateParams,
- Rules,
-} from './rules';
+import { DeletedFilter, FirewallRule, Product, Rules } from './rules';
import * as UARulesAPI from './ua-rules';
-import {
- UARuleCreateParams,
- UARuleCreateResponse,
- UARuleDeleteParams,
- UARuleDeleteResponse,
- UARuleGetParams,
- UARuleGetResponse,
- UARuleListParams,
- UARuleListResponse,
- UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- UARuleUpdateParams,
- UARuleUpdateResponse,
- UARules,
-} from './ua-rules';
+import { UARules } from './ua-rules';
import * as WAFAPI from './waf/waf';
import { WAF } from './waf/waf';
@@ -80,13 +40,10 @@ export class Firewall extends APIResource {
Firewall.Lockdowns = Lockdowns;
-Firewall.LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray = LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray;
Firewall.Rules = Rules;
-Firewall.FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray = FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray;
Firewall.AccessRules = AccessRules;
Firewall.AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray = AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray;
Firewall.UARules = UARules;
-Firewall.UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray = UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray;
Firewall.WAF = WAF;
export declare namespace Firewall {
@@ -97,13 +54,6 @@ export declare namespace Firewall {
type LockdownCIDRConfiguration as LockdownCIDRConfiguration,
type LockdownIPConfiguration as LockdownIPConfiguration,
type LockdownURL as LockdownURL,
- type LockdownDeleteResponse as LockdownDeleteResponse,
- LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray as LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray,
- type LockdownCreateParams as LockdownCreateParams,
- type LockdownUpdateParams as LockdownUpdateParams,
- type LockdownListParams as LockdownListParams,
- type LockdownDeleteParams as LockdownDeleteParams,
- type LockdownGetParams as LockdownGetParams,
export {
@@ -111,15 +61,6 @@ export declare namespace Firewall {
type FirewallRule as FirewallRule,
type Product as Product,
type DeletedFilter as DeletedFilter,
- type RuleCreateResponse as RuleCreateResponse,
- type RuleEditResponse as RuleEditResponse,
- FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray as FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type RuleCreateParams as RuleCreateParams,
- type RuleUpdateParams as RuleUpdateParams,
- type RuleListParams as RuleListParams,
- type RuleDeleteParams as RuleDeleteParams,
- type RuleEditParams as RuleEditParams,
- type RuleGetParams as RuleGetParams,
export {
@@ -131,31 +72,12 @@ export declare namespace Firewall {
type IPV6Configuration as IPV6Configuration,
type AccessRuleCreateResponse as AccessRuleCreateResponse,
type AccessRuleListResponse as AccessRuleListResponse,
- type AccessRuleDeleteResponse as AccessRuleDeleteResponse,
- type AccessRuleEditResponse as AccessRuleEditResponse,
- type AccessRuleGetResponse as AccessRuleGetResponse,
AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray as AccessRuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
type AccessRuleCreateParams as AccessRuleCreateParams,
type AccessRuleListParams as AccessRuleListParams,
- type AccessRuleDeleteParams as AccessRuleDeleteParams,
- type AccessRuleEditParams as AccessRuleEditParams,
- type AccessRuleGetParams as AccessRuleGetParams,
- export {
- UARules as UARules,
- type UARuleCreateResponse as UARuleCreateResponse,
- type UARuleUpdateResponse as UARuleUpdateResponse,
- type UARuleListResponse as UARuleListResponse,
- type UARuleDeleteResponse as UARuleDeleteResponse,
- type UARuleGetResponse as UARuleGetResponse,
- UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray as UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type UARuleCreateParams as UARuleCreateParams,
- type UARuleUpdateParams as UARuleUpdateParams,
- type UARuleListParams as UARuleListParams,
- type UARuleDeleteParams as UARuleDeleteParams,
- type UARuleGetParams as UARuleGetParams,
- };
+ export { UARules as UARules };
export { WAF as WAF };
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/index.ts b/src/resources/firewall/index.ts
index 3fb9e6a32f..cff35efe77 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/index.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/index.ts
@@ -10,58 +10,18 @@ export {
type IPV6Configuration,
type AccessRuleCreateResponse,
type AccessRuleListResponse,
- type AccessRuleDeleteResponse,
- type AccessRuleEditResponse,
- type AccessRuleGetResponse,
type AccessRuleCreateParams,
type AccessRuleListParams,
- type AccessRuleDeleteParams,
- type AccessRuleEditParams,
- type AccessRuleGetParams,
} from './access-rules';
export { Firewall } from './firewall';
export {
- FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray,
- Rules,
- type FirewallRule,
- type Product,
- type DeletedFilter,
- type RuleCreateResponse,
- type RuleEditResponse,
- type RuleCreateParams,
- type RuleUpdateParams,
- type RuleListParams,
- type RuleDeleteParams,
- type RuleEditParams,
- type RuleGetParams,
-} from './rules';
-export {
- LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray,
type Configuration,
type Lockdown,
type LockdownCIDRConfiguration,
type LockdownIPConfiguration,
type LockdownURL,
- type LockdownDeleteResponse,
- type LockdownCreateParams,
- type LockdownUpdateParams,
- type LockdownListParams,
- type LockdownDeleteParams,
- type LockdownGetParams,
} from './lockdowns';
-export {
- UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- UARules,
- type UARuleCreateResponse,
- type UARuleUpdateResponse,
- type UARuleListResponse,
- type UARuleDeleteResponse,
- type UARuleGetResponse,
- type UARuleCreateParams,
- type UARuleUpdateParams,
- type UARuleListParams,
- type UARuleDeleteParams,
- type UARuleGetParams,
-} from './ua-rules';
+export { Rules, type FirewallRule, type Product, type DeletedFilter } from './rules';
+export { UARules } from './ua-rules';
export { WAF } from './waf/index';
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/lockdowns.ts b/src/resources/firewall/lockdowns.ts
index c9af627664..0bc0f64250 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/lockdowns.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/lockdowns.ts
@@ -1,89 +1,8 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
import { APIResource } from '../../resource';
-import * as Core from '../../core';
-import * as OverridesAPI from './waf/overrides';
-import { V4PagePaginationArray, type V4PagePaginationArrayParams } from '../../pagination';
-export class Lockdowns extends APIResource {
- /**
- * Creates a new Zone Lockdown rule.
- */
- create(params: LockdownCreateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.post(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/lockdowns`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: Lockdown;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing Zone Lockdown rule.
- */
- update(
- lockDownsId: string,
- params: LockdownUpdateParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.put(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/lockdowns/${lockDownsId}`, {
- body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: Lockdown }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches Zone Lockdown rules. You can filter the results using several optional
- * parameters.
- */
- list(
- params: LockdownListParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.PagePromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return this._client.getAPIList(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/lockdowns`, LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray, {
- query,
- ...options,
- });
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an existing Zone Lockdown rule.
- */
- delete(
- lockDownsId: string,
- params: LockdownDeleteParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.delete(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/lockdowns/${lockDownsId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: LockdownDeleteResponse;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of a Zone Lockdown rule.
- */
- get(
- lockDownsId: string,
- params: LockdownGetParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.get(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/lockdowns/${lockDownsId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: Lockdown;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
-export class LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
+export class Lockdowns extends APIResource {}
* A list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges that will be allowed to access the URLs
@@ -92,13 +11,6 @@ export class LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray;
-export interface LockdownUpdateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: A list of IP addresses or CIDR ranges that will be allowed to access
- * the URLs specified in the Zone Lockdown rule. You can include any number of `ip`
- * or `ip_range` configurations.
- */
- configurations: ConfigurationParam;
- /**
- * Body param: The URLs to include in the current WAF override. You can use
- * wildcards. Each entered URL will be escaped before use, which means you can only
- * use simple wildcard patterns.
- */
- urls: Array;
-export interface LockdownListParams extends V4PagePaginationArrayParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The timestamp of when the rule was created.
- */
- created_on?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A string to search for in the description of existing rules.
- */
- description?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A string to search for in the description of existing rules.
- */
- description_search?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A single IP address to search for in existing rules.
- */
- ip?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A single IP address range to search for in existing rules.
- */
- ip_range_search?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A single IP address to search for in existing rules.
- */
- ip_search?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The timestamp of when the rule was last modified.
- */
- modified_on?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The priority of the rule to control the processing order. A lower
- * number indicates higher priority. If not provided, any rules with a configured
- * priority will be processed before rules without a priority.
- */
- priority?: number;
- /**
- * Query param: A single URI to search for in the list of URLs of existing rules.
- */
- uri_search?: string;
-export interface LockdownDeleteParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface LockdownGetParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-Lockdowns.LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray = LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray;
export declare namespace Lockdowns {
export {
type Configuration as Configuration,
@@ -322,12 +88,5 @@ export declare namespace Lockdowns {
type LockdownCIDRConfiguration as LockdownCIDRConfiguration,
type LockdownIPConfiguration as LockdownIPConfiguration,
type LockdownURL as LockdownURL,
- type LockdownDeleteResponse as LockdownDeleteResponse,
- LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray as LockdownsV4PagePaginationArray,
- type LockdownCreateParams as LockdownCreateParams,
- type LockdownUpdateParams as LockdownUpdateParams,
- type LockdownListParams as LockdownListParams,
- type LockdownDeleteParams as LockdownDeleteParams,
- type LockdownGetParams as LockdownGetParams,
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/rules.ts b/src/resources/firewall/rules.ts
index a76148ce24..b5d21c0bff 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/rules.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/rules.ts
@@ -1,119 +1,10 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
import { APIResource } from '../../resource';
-import * as Core from '../../core';
import * as FiltersAPI from '../filters';
import * as RateLimitsAPI from '../rate-limits';
-import { V4PagePaginationArray, type V4PagePaginationArrayParams } from '../../pagination';
-export class Rules extends APIResource {
- /**
- * Create one or more firewall rules.
- *
- * @deprecated The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- create(
- params: RuleCreateParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.post(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/rules`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: RuleCreateResponse | null;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing firewall rule.
- *
- * @deprecated The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- update(
- ruleId: string,
- params: RuleUpdateParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.put(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/rules/${ruleId}`, {
- body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: FirewallRule }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches firewall rules in a zone. You can filter the results using several
- * optional parameters.
- *
- * @deprecated The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- list(
- params: RuleListParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.PagePromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return this._client.getAPIList(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/rules`, FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray, {
- query,
- ...options,
- });
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an existing firewall rule.
- *
- * @deprecated The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- delete(
- ruleId: string,
- params: RuleDeleteParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.delete(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/rules/${ruleId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: FirewallRule;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the priority of an existing firewall rule.
- *
- * @deprecated The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- edit(
- ruleId: string,
- params: RuleEditParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.patch(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/rules/${ruleId}`, {
- body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: RuleEditResponse | null }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of a firewall rule.
- *
- * @deprecated The Firewall Rules API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#firewall-rules-api-and-filters-api for full details.
- */
- get(ruleId: string, params: RuleGetParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return (
- this._client.get(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/rules/${ruleId}`, {
- query,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: FirewallRule }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
-export class FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
+export class Rules extends APIResource {}
export interface FirewallRule {
@@ -171,224 +62,6 @@ export interface DeletedFilter {
deleted: boolean;
-export type RuleCreateResponse = Array;
-export type RuleEditResponse = Array;
-export interface RuleCreateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within
- * the configured period is exceeded.
- */
- action: RuleCreateParams.Action;
- /**
- * Body param:
- */
- filter: FiltersAPI.FirewallFilterParam;
-export namespace RuleCreateParams {
- /**
- * The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within the
- * configured period is exceeded.
- */
- export interface Action {
- /**
- * The action to perform.
- */
- mode?: 'simulate' | 'ban' | 'challenge' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- response?: Action.Response;
- /**
- * The time in seconds during which Cloudflare will perform the mitigation action.
- * Must be an integer value greater than or equal to the period. Notes: If "mode"
- * is "challenge", "managed_challenge", or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the
- * zone's Challenge Passage time and you should not provide this value.
- */
- timeout?: number;
- }
- export namespace Action {
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * The response body to return. The value must conform to the configured content
- * type.
- */
- body?: string;
- /**
- * The content type of the body. Must be one of the following: `text/plain`,
- * `text/xml`, or `application/json`.
- */
- content_type?: string;
- }
- }
-export interface RuleUpdateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within
- * the configured period is exceeded.
- */
- action: RuleUpdateParams.Action;
- /**
- * Body param:
- */
- filter: FiltersAPI.FirewallFilterParam;
-export namespace RuleUpdateParams {
- /**
- * The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within the
- * configured period is exceeded.
- */
- export interface Action {
- /**
- * The action to perform.
- */
- mode?: 'simulate' | 'ban' | 'challenge' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- response?: Action.Response;
- /**
- * The time in seconds during which Cloudflare will perform the mitigation action.
- * Must be an integer value greater than or equal to the period. Notes: If "mode"
- * is "challenge", "managed_challenge", or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the
- * zone's Challenge Passage time and you should not provide this value.
- */
- timeout?: number;
- }
- export namespace Action {
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * The response body to return. The value must conform to the configured content
- * type.
- */
- body?: string;
- /**
- * The content type of the body. Must be one of the following: `text/plain`,
- * `text/xml`, or `application/json`.
- */
- content_type?: string;
- }
- }
-export interface RuleListParams extends V4PagePaginationArrayParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The unique identifier of the firewall rule.
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The action to search for. Must be an exact match.
- */
- action?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A case-insensitive string to find in the description.
- */
- description?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: When true, indicates that the firewall rule is currently paused.
- */
- paused?: boolean;
-export interface RuleDeleteParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface RuleEditParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface RuleGetParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The unique identifier of the firewall rule.
- */
- id?: string;
-Rules.FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray = FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray;
export declare namespace Rules {
- export {
- type FirewallRule as FirewallRule,
- type Product as Product,
- type DeletedFilter as DeletedFilter,
- type RuleCreateResponse as RuleCreateResponse,
- type RuleEditResponse as RuleEditResponse,
- FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray as FirewallRulesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type RuleCreateParams as RuleCreateParams,
- type RuleUpdateParams as RuleUpdateParams,
- type RuleListParams as RuleListParams,
- type RuleDeleteParams as RuleDeleteParams,
- type RuleEditParams as RuleEditParams,
- type RuleGetParams as RuleGetParams,
- };
+ export { type FirewallRule as FirewallRule, type Product as Product, type DeletedFilter as DeletedFilter };
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/ua-rules.ts b/src/resources/firewall/ua-rules.ts
index 8c8a3d70c3..d8f2487f02 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/ua-rules.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/ua-rules.ts
@@ -1,244 +1,5 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
import { APIResource } from '../../resource';
-import * as Core from '../../core';
-import * as AccessRulesAPI from './access-rules';
-import { V4PagePaginationArray, type V4PagePaginationArrayParams } from '../../pagination';
-export class UARules extends APIResource {
- /**
- * Creates a new User Agent Blocking rule in a zone.
- */
- create(params: UARuleCreateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.post(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/ua_rules`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: UARuleCreateResponse;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing User Agent Blocking rule.
- */
- update(
- uaRuleId: string,
- params: UARuleUpdateParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.put(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/ua_rules/${uaRuleId}`, {
- body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: UARuleUpdateResponse }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches User Agent Blocking rules in a zone. You can filter the results using
- * several optional parameters.
- */
- list(
- params: UARuleListParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.PagePromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return this._client.getAPIList(
- `/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/ua_rules`,
- UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- { query, ...options },
- );
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an existing User Agent Blocking rule.
- */
- delete(
- uaRuleId: string,
- params: UARuleDeleteParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.delete(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/ua_rules/${uaRuleId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: UARuleDeleteResponse;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of a User Agent Blocking rule.
- */
- get(
- uaRuleId: string,
- params: UARuleGetParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.get(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/ua_rules/${uaRuleId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: UARuleGetResponse;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
-export class UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
-export type UARuleCreateResponse = unknown | string | null;
-export type UARuleUpdateResponse = unknown | string | null;
-export interface UARuleListResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the User Agent Blocking rule.
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * The configuration object for the current rule.
- */
- configuration?: UARuleListResponse.Configuration;
- /**
- * An informative summary of the rule.
- */
- description?: string;
- /**
- * The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode?: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * When true, indicates that the rule is currently paused.
- */
- paused?: boolean;
-export namespace UARuleListResponse {
- /**
- * The configuration object for the current rule.
- */
- export interface Configuration {
- /**
- * The configuration target for this rule. You must set the target to `ua` for User
- * Agent Blocking rules.
- */
- target?: string;
- /**
- * The exact user agent string to match. This value will be compared to the
- * received `User-Agent` HTTP header value.
- */
- value?: string;
- }
-export interface UARuleDeleteResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the User Agent Blocking rule.
- */
- id?: string;
-export type UARuleGetResponse = unknown | string | null;
-export interface UARuleCreateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The rule configuration.
- */
- configuration:
- | AccessRulesAPI.AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.IPV6ConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.ASNConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.CountryConfigurationParam;
- /**
- * Body param: The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
-export interface UARuleUpdateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The rule configuration.
- */
- configuration:
- | AccessRulesAPI.AccessRuleIPConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.IPV6ConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.AccessRuleCIDRConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.ASNConfigurationParam
- | AccessRulesAPI.CountryConfigurationParam;
- /**
- * Body param: The action to apply to a matched request.
- */
- mode: 'block' | 'challenge' | 'whitelist' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
-export interface UARuleListParams extends V4PagePaginationArrayParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A string to search for in the description of existing rules.
- */
- description?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A string to search for in the description of existing rules.
- */
- description_search?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: A string to search for in the user agent values of existing rules.
- */
- ua_search?: string;
-export interface UARuleDeleteParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface UARuleGetParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-UARules.UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray = UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray;
-export declare namespace UARules {
- export {
- type UARuleCreateResponse as UARuleCreateResponse,
- type UARuleUpdateResponse as UARuleUpdateResponse,
- type UARuleListResponse as UARuleListResponse,
- type UARuleDeleteResponse as UARuleDeleteResponse,
- type UARuleGetResponse as UARuleGetResponse,
- UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray as UARuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type UARuleCreateParams as UARuleCreateParams,
- type UARuleUpdateParams as UARuleUpdateParams,
- type UARuleListParams as UARuleListParams,
- type UARuleDeleteParams as UARuleDeleteParams,
- type UARuleGetParams as UARuleGetParams,
- };
+export class UARules extends APIResource {}
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/waf/index.ts b/src/resources/firewall/waf/index.ts
index 7f47a8efe3..8739fa4604 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/waf/index.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/waf/index.ts
@@ -1,25 +1,5 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-export {
- OverridesV4PagePaginationArray,
- Overrides,
- type Override,
- type OverrideURL,
- type RewriteAction,
- type WAFRule,
- type OverrideDeleteResponse,
- type OverrideCreateParams,
- type OverrideUpdateParams,
- type OverrideListParams,
- type OverrideDeleteParams,
- type OverrideGetParams,
-} from './overrides';
-export {
- PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- Packages,
- type PackageListResponse,
- type PackageGetResponse,
- type PackageListParams,
- type PackageGetParams,
-} from './packages/index';
+export { Overrides, type Override, type OverrideURL, type RewriteAction, type WAFRule } from './overrides';
+export { Packages } from './packages/index';
export { WAF } from './waf';
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/waf/overrides.ts b/src/resources/firewall/waf/overrides.ts
index f54c8195b5..92c4feaf84 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/waf/overrides.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/waf/overrides.ts
@@ -1,105 +1,8 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
import { APIResource } from '../../../resource';
-import * as Core from '../../../core';
-import { V4PagePaginationArray, type V4PagePaginationArrayParams } from '../../../pagination';
-export class Overrides extends APIResource {
- /**
- * Creates a URI-based WAF override for a zone.
- *
- * **Note:** Applies only to the
- * [previous version of WAF managed rules](https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/managed-rules-web-application-firewall-waf/understanding-waf-managed-rules-web-application-firewall/).
- */
- create(params: OverrideCreateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.post(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/waf/overrides`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: Override;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing URI-based WAF override.
- *
- * **Note:** Applies only to the
- * [previous version of WAF managed rules](https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/managed-rules-web-application-firewall-waf/understanding-waf-managed-rules-web-application-firewall/).
- */
- update(
- overridesId: string,
- params: OverrideUpdateParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.put(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/waf/overrides/${overridesId}`, {
- body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: Override }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the URI-based WAF overrides in a zone.
- *
- * **Note:** Applies only to the
- * [previous version of WAF managed rules](https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/managed-rules-web-application-firewall-waf/understanding-waf-managed-rules-web-application-firewall/).
- */
- list(
- params: OverrideListParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.PagePromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return this._client.getAPIList(
- `/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/waf/overrides`,
- OverridesV4PagePaginationArray,
- { query, ...options },
- );
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an existing URI-based WAF override.
- *
- * **Note:** Applies only to the
- * [previous version of WAF managed rules](https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/managed-rules-web-application-firewall-waf/understanding-waf-managed-rules-web-application-firewall/).
- */
- delete(
- overridesId: string,
- params: OverrideDeleteParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.delete(
- `/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/waf/overrides/${overridesId}`,
- options,
- ) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: OverrideDeleteResponse }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of a URI-based WAF override.
- *
- * **Note:** Applies only to the
- * [previous version of WAF managed rules](https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/managed-rules-web-application-firewall-waf/understanding-waf-managed-rules-web-application-firewall/).
- */
- get(
- overridesId: string,
- params: OverrideGetParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.get(
- `/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/waf/overrides/${overridesId}`,
- options,
- ) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: Override }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
-export class OverridesV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
+export class Overrides extends APIResource {}
export interface Override {
@@ -158,8 +61,6 @@ export interface Override {
export type OverrideURL = string;
-export type OverrideURLParam = string;
* Specifies that, when a WAF rule matches, its configured action will be replaced
* by the action configured in this object.
@@ -191,37 +92,6 @@ export interface RewriteAction {
simulate?: 'challenge' | 'block' | 'simulate' | 'disable' | 'default';
- * Specifies that, when a WAF rule matches, its configured action will be replaced
- * by the action configured in this object.
- */
-export interface RewriteActionParam {
- /**
- * The WAF rule action to apply.
- */
- block?: 'challenge' | 'block' | 'simulate' | 'disable' | 'default';
- /**
- * The WAF rule action to apply.
- */
- challenge?: 'challenge' | 'block' | 'simulate' | 'disable' | 'default';
- /**
- * The WAF rule action to apply.
- */
- default?: 'challenge' | 'block' | 'simulate' | 'disable' | 'default';
- /**
- * The WAF rule action to apply.
- */
- disable?: 'challenge' | 'block' | 'simulate' | 'disable' | 'default';
- /**
- * The WAF rule action to apply.
- */
- simulate?: 'challenge' | 'block' | 'simulate' | 'disable' | 'default';
* An object that allows you to override the action of specific WAF rules. Each key
* of this object must be the ID of a WAF rule, and each value must be a valid WAF
@@ -231,105 +101,11 @@ export interface RewriteActionParam {
export type WAFRule = Record;
- * An object that allows you to override the action of specific WAF rules. Each key
- * of this object must be the ID of a WAF rule, and each value must be a valid WAF
- * action. Unless you are disabling a rule, ensure that you also enable the rule
- * group that this WAF rule belongs to. When creating a new URI-based WAF override,
- * you must provide a `groups` object or a `rules` object.
- */
-export type WAFRuleParam = Record;
-export interface OverrideDeleteResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the WAF override.
- */
- id?: string;
-export interface OverrideCreateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The URLs to include in the current WAF override. You can use
- * wildcards. Each entered URL will be escaped before use, which means you can only
- * use simple wildcard patterns.
- */
- urls: Array;
-export interface OverrideUpdateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: Identifier
- */
- id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: Specifies that, when a WAF rule matches, its configured action will
- * be replaced by the action configured in this object.
- */
- rewrite_action: RewriteActionParam;
- /**
- * Body param: An object that allows you to override the action of specific WAF
- * rules. Each key of this object must be the ID of a WAF rule, and each value must
- * be a valid WAF action. Unless you are disabling a rule, ensure that you also
- * enable the rule group that this WAF rule belongs to. When creating a new
- * URI-based WAF override, you must provide a `groups` object or a `rules` object.
- */
- rules: WAFRuleParam;
- /**
- * Body param: The URLs to include in the current WAF override. You can use
- * wildcards. Each entered URL will be escaped before use, which means you can only
- * use simple wildcard patterns.
- */
- urls: Array;
-export interface OverrideListParams extends V4PagePaginationArrayParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface OverrideDeleteParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface OverrideGetParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-Overrides.OverridesV4PagePaginationArray = OverridesV4PagePaginationArray;
export declare namespace Overrides {
export {
type Override as Override,
type OverrideURL as OverrideURL,
type RewriteAction as RewriteAction,
type WAFRule as WAFRule,
- type OverrideDeleteResponse as OverrideDeleteResponse,
- OverridesV4PagePaginationArray as OverridesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type OverrideCreateParams as OverrideCreateParams,
- type OverrideUpdateParams as OverrideUpdateParams,
- type OverrideListParams as OverrideListParams,
- type OverrideDeleteParams as OverrideDeleteParams,
- type OverrideGetParams as OverrideGetParams,
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/index.ts b/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/index.ts
index 0e20a4f731..00c9ae0d8a 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/index.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/index.ts
@@ -10,14 +10,7 @@ export {
type GroupEditParams,
type GroupGetParams,
} from './groups';
-export {
- PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- Packages,
- type PackageListResponse,
- type PackageGetResponse,
- type PackageListParams,
- type PackageGetParams,
-} from './packages';
+export { Packages } from './packages';
export {
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/packages.ts b/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/packages.ts
index bab75abe14..09c70583c2 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/packages.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/waf/packages/packages.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
import { APIResource } from '../../../../resource';
-import * as Core from '../../../../core';
-import * as Shared from '../../../shared';
import * as GroupsAPI from './groups';
import {
@@ -27,121 +25,18 @@ import {
} from './rules';
-import { V4PagePaginationArray, type V4PagePaginationArrayParams } from '../../../../pagination';
export class Packages extends APIResource {
groups: GroupsAPI.Groups = new GroupsAPI.Groups(this._client);
rules: RulesAPI.Rules = new RulesAPI.Rules(this._client);
- /**
- * Fetches WAF packages for a zone.
- *
- * **Note:** Applies only to the
- * [previous version of WAF managed rules](https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/managed-rules-web-application-firewall-waf/understanding-waf-managed-rules-web-application-firewall/).
- */
- list(
- params: PackageListParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.PagePromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return this._client.getAPIList(
- `/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/waf/packages`,
- PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- { query, ...options },
- );
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of a WAF package.
- *
- * **Note:** Applies only to the
- * [previous version of WAF managed rules](https://developers.cloudflare.com/support/firewall/managed-rules-web-application-firewall-waf/understanding-waf-managed-rules-web-application-firewall/).
- */
- get(
- packageId: string,
- params: PackageGetParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return this._client.get(`/zones/${zone_id}/firewall/waf/packages/${packageId}`, options);
- }
-export class PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
-export type PackageListResponse = unknown;
-export type PackageGetResponse = PackageGetResponse.FirewallAPIResponseSingle | PackageGetResponse.Result;
-export namespace PackageGetResponse {
- export interface FirewallAPIResponseSingle {
- errors: Array;
- messages: Array;
- result: unknown | string | null;
- /**
- * Whether the API call was successful
- */
- success: true;
- }
- export interface Result {
- result?: unknown;
- }
-export interface PackageListParams extends V4PagePaginationArrayParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The direction used to sort returned packages.
- */
- direction?: 'asc' | 'desc';
- /**
- * Query param: When set to `all`, all the search requirements must match. When set
- * to `any`, only one of the search requirements has to match.
- */
- match?: 'any' | 'all';
- /**
- * Query param: The name of the WAF package.
- */
- name?: string;
- /**
- * Query param: The field used to sort returned packages.
- */
- order?: 'name';
-export interface PackageGetParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-Packages.PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray = PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray;
Packages.Groups = Groups;
Packages.GroupsV4PagePaginationArray = GroupsV4PagePaginationArray;
Packages.Rules = Rules;
Packages.RuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray = RuleListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray;
export declare namespace Packages {
- export {
- type PackageListResponse as PackageListResponse,
- type PackageGetResponse as PackageGetResponse,
- PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray as PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type PackageListParams as PackageListParams,
- type PackageGetParams as PackageGetParams,
- };
export {
Groups as Groups,
type Group as Group,
diff --git a/src/resources/firewall/waf/waf.ts b/src/resources/firewall/waf/waf.ts
index f16358ba96..d8604b9db6 100644
--- a/src/resources/firewall/waf/waf.ts
+++ b/src/resources/firewall/waf/waf.ts
@@ -2,29 +2,9 @@
import { APIResource } from '../../../resource';
import * as OverridesAPI from './overrides';
-import {
- Override,
- OverrideCreateParams,
- OverrideDeleteParams,
- OverrideDeleteResponse,
- OverrideGetParams,
- OverrideListParams,
- OverrideURL,
- OverrideUpdateParams,
- Overrides,
- OverridesV4PagePaginationArray,
- RewriteAction,
- WAFRule,
-} from './overrides';
+import { Override, OverrideURL, Overrides, RewriteAction, WAFRule } from './overrides';
import * as PackagesAPI from './packages/packages';
-import {
- PackageGetParams,
- PackageGetResponse,
- PackageListParams,
- PackageListResponse,
- PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- Packages,
-} from './packages/packages';
+import { Packages } from './packages/packages';
export class WAF extends APIResource {
overrides: OverridesAPI.Overrides = new OverridesAPI.Overrides(this._client);
@@ -32,9 +12,7 @@ export class WAF extends APIResource {
WAF.Overrides = Overrides;
-WAF.OverridesV4PagePaginationArray = OverridesV4PagePaginationArray;
WAF.Packages = Packages;
-WAF.PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray = PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray;
export declare namespace WAF {
export {
@@ -43,21 +21,7 @@ export declare namespace WAF {
type OverrideURL as OverrideURL,
type RewriteAction as RewriteAction,
type WAFRule as WAFRule,
- type OverrideDeleteResponse as OverrideDeleteResponse,
- OverridesV4PagePaginationArray as OverridesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type OverrideCreateParams as OverrideCreateParams,
- type OverrideUpdateParams as OverrideUpdateParams,
- type OverrideListParams as OverrideListParams,
- type OverrideDeleteParams as OverrideDeleteParams,
- type OverrideGetParams as OverrideGetParams,
- export {
- Packages as Packages,
- type PackageListResponse as PackageListResponse,
- type PackageGetResponse as PackageGetResponse,
- PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray as PackageListResponsesV4PagePaginationArray,
- type PackageListParams as PackageListParams,
- type PackageGetParams as PackageGetParams,
- };
+ export { Packages as Packages };
diff --git a/src/resources/rate-limits.ts b/src/resources/rate-limits.ts
index bb572da598..bfccbe5c86 100644
--- a/src/resources/rate-limits.ts
+++ b/src/resources/rate-limits.ts
@@ -1,99 +1,9 @@
// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
import { APIResource } from '../resource';
-import * as Core from '../core';
import * as RateLimitsAPI from './rate-limits';
-import { V4PagePaginationArray, type V4PagePaginationArrayParams } from '../pagination';
-export class RateLimits extends APIResource {
- /**
- * Creates a new rate limit for a zone. Refer to the object definition for a list
- * of required attributes.
- *
- * @deprecated Rate limiting API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#rate-limiting-api-previous-version for full details.
- */
- create(params: RateLimitCreateParams, options?: Core.RequestOptions): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.post(`/zones/${zone_id}/rate_limits`, { body, ...options }) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: RateLimit;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the rate limits for a zone.
- *
- * @deprecated Rate limiting API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#rate-limiting-api-previous-version for full details.
- */
- list(
- params: RateLimitListParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.PagePromise {
- const { zone_id, ...query } = params;
- return this._client.getAPIList(`/zones/${zone_id}/rate_limits`, RateLimitsV4PagePaginationArray, {
- query,
- ...options,
- });
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an existing rate limit.
- *
- * @deprecated Rate limiting API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#rate-limiting-api-previous-version for full details.
- */
- delete(
- rateLimitId: string,
- params: RateLimitDeleteParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.delete(`/zones/${zone_id}/rate_limits/${rateLimitId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: RateLimitDeleteResponse;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing rate limit.
- *
- * @deprecated Rate limiting API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#rate-limiting-api-previous-version for full details.
- */
- edit(
- rateLimitId: string,
- params: RateLimitEditParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id, ...body } = params;
- return (
- this._client.put(`/zones/${zone_id}/rate_limits/${rateLimitId}`, {
- body,
- ...options,
- }) as Core.APIPromise<{ result: RateLimit }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the details of a rate limit.
- *
- * @deprecated Rate limiting API is deprecated in favour of using the Ruleset Engine. See https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/reference/deprecations/#rate-limiting-api-previous-version for full details.
- */
- get(
- rateLimitId: string,
- params: RateLimitGetParams,
- options?: Core.RequestOptions,
- ): Core.APIPromise {
- const { zone_id } = params;
- return (
- this._client.get(`/zones/${zone_id}/rate_limits/${rateLimitId}`, options) as Core.APIPromise<{
- result: RateLimit;
- }>
- )._thenUnwrap((obj) => obj.result);
- }
-export class RateLimitsV4PagePaginationArray extends V4PagePaginationArray {}
+export class RateLimits extends APIResource {}
* The action to apply to a matched request. The `log` action is only available on
@@ -113,11 +23,6 @@ export type Action =
export type Methods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH' | 'HEAD' | '_ALL_';
- * An HTTP method or `_ALL_` to indicate all methods.
- */
-export type MethodsParam = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH' | 'HEAD' | '_ALL_';
export interface RateLimit {
* The unique identifier of the rate limit.
@@ -294,507 +199,3 @@ export namespace RateLimit {
-export interface RateLimitDeleteResponse {
- /**
- * The unique identifier of the rate limit.
- */
- id?: string;
- /**
- * The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within the
- * configured period is exceeded.
- */
- action?: RateLimitDeleteResponse.Action;
- /**
- * Criteria specifying when the current rate limit should be bypassed. You can
- * specify that the rate limit should not apply to one or more URLs.
- */
- bypass?: Array;
- /**
- * An informative summary of the rate limit. This value is sanitized and any tags
- * will be removed.
- */
- description?: string;
- /**
- * When true, indicates that the rate limit is currently disabled.
- */
- disabled?: boolean;
- /**
- * Determines which traffic the rate limit counts towards the threshold.
- */
- match?: RateLimitDeleteResponse.Match;
- /**
- * The time in seconds (an integer value) to count matching traffic. If the count
- * exceeds the configured threshold within this period, Cloudflare will perform the
- * configured action.
- */
- period?: number;
- /**
- * The threshold that will trigger the configured mitigation action. Configure this
- * value along with the `period` property to establish a threshold per period.
- */
- threshold?: number;
-export namespace RateLimitDeleteResponse {
- /**
- * The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within the
- * configured period is exceeded.
- */
- export interface Action {
- /**
- * The action to perform.
- */
- mode?: 'simulate' | 'ban' | 'challenge' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- response?: Action.Response;
- /**
- * The time in seconds during which Cloudflare will perform the mitigation action.
- * Must be an integer value greater than or equal to the period. Notes: If "mode"
- * is "challenge", "managed_challenge", or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the
- * zone's Challenge Passage time and you should not provide this value.
- */
- timeout?: number;
- }
- export namespace Action {
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * The response body to return. The value must conform to the configured content
- * type.
- */
- body?: string;
- /**
- * The content type of the body. Must be one of the following: `text/plain`,
- * `text/xml`, or `application/json`.
- */
- content_type?: string;
- }
- }
- export interface Bypass {
- name?: 'url';
- /**
- * The URL to bypass.
- */
- value?: string;
- }
- /**
- * Determines which traffic the rate limit counts towards the threshold.
- */
- export interface Match {
- headers?: Array;
- request?: Match.Request;
- response?: Match.Response;
- }
- export namespace Match {
- export interface Header {
- /**
- * The name of the response header to match.
- */
- name?: string;
- /**
- * The operator used when matching: `eq` means "equal" and `ne` means "not equal".
- */
- op?: 'eq' | 'ne';
- /**
- * The value of the response header, which must match exactly.
- */
- value?: string;
- }
- export interface Request {
- /**
- * The HTTP methods to match. You can specify a subset (for example,
- * `['POST','PUT']`) or all methods (`['_ALL_']`). This field is optional when
- * creating a rate limit.
- */
- methods?: Array;
- /**
- * The HTTP schemes to match. You can specify one scheme (`['HTTPS']`), both
- * schemes (`['HTTP','HTTPS']`), or all schemes (`['_ALL_']`). This field is
- * optional.
- */
- schemes?: Array;
- /**
- * The URL pattern to match, composed of a host and a path such as
- * `example.org/path*`. Normalization is applied before the pattern is matched. `*`
- * wildcards are expanded to match applicable traffic. Query strings are not
- * matched. Set the value to `*` to match all traffic to your zone.
- */
- url?: string;
- }
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * When true, only the uncached traffic served from your origin servers will count
- * towards rate limiting. In this case, any cached traffic served by Cloudflare
- * will not count towards rate limiting. This field is optional. Notes: This field
- * is deprecated. Instead, use response headers and set "origin_traffic" to "false"
- * to avoid legacy behaviour interacting with the "response_headers" property.
- */
- origin_traffic?: boolean;
- }
- }
-export interface RateLimitCreateParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within
- * the configured period is exceeded.
- */
- action: RateLimitCreateParams.Action;
- /**
- * Body param: Determines which traffic the rate limit counts towards the
- * threshold.
- */
- match: RateLimitCreateParams.Match;
- /**
- * Body param: The time in seconds (an integer value) to count matching traffic. If
- * the count exceeds the configured threshold within this period, Cloudflare will
- * perform the configured action.
- */
- period: number;
- /**
- * Body param: The threshold that will trigger the configured mitigation action.
- * Configure this value along with the `period` property to establish a threshold
- * per period.
- */
- threshold: number;
-export namespace RateLimitCreateParams {
- /**
- * The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within the
- * configured period is exceeded.
- */
- export interface Action {
- /**
- * The action to perform.
- */
- mode?: 'simulate' | 'ban' | 'challenge' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- response?: Action.Response;
- /**
- * The time in seconds during which Cloudflare will perform the mitigation action.
- * Must be an integer value greater than or equal to the period. Notes: If "mode"
- * is "challenge", "managed_challenge", or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the
- * zone's Challenge Passage time and you should not provide this value.
- */
- timeout?: number;
- }
- export namespace Action {
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * The response body to return. The value must conform to the configured content
- * type.
- */
- body?: string;
- /**
- * The content type of the body. Must be one of the following: `text/plain`,
- * `text/xml`, or `application/json`.
- */
- content_type?: string;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Determines which traffic the rate limit counts towards the threshold.
- */
- export interface Match {
- headers?: Array;
- request?: Match.Request;
- response?: Match.Response;
- }
- export namespace Match {
- export interface Header {
- /**
- * The name of the response header to match.
- */
- name?: string;
- /**
- * The operator used when matching: `eq` means "equal" and `ne` means "not equal".
- */
- op?: 'eq' | 'ne';
- /**
- * The value of the response header, which must match exactly.
- */
- value?: string;
- }
- export interface Request {
- /**
- * The HTTP methods to match. You can specify a subset (for example,
- * `['POST','PUT']`) or all methods (`['_ALL_']`). This field is optional when
- * creating a rate limit.
- */
- methods?: Array;
- /**
- * The HTTP schemes to match. You can specify one scheme (`['HTTPS']`), both
- * schemes (`['HTTP','HTTPS']`), or all schemes (`['_ALL_']`). This field is
- * optional.
- */
- schemes?: Array;
- /**
- * The URL pattern to match, composed of a host and a path such as
- * `example.org/path*`. Normalization is applied before the pattern is matched. `*`
- * wildcards are expanded to match applicable traffic. Query strings are not
- * matched. Set the value to `*` to match all traffic to your zone.
- */
- url?: string;
- }
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * When true, only the uncached traffic served from your origin servers will count
- * towards rate limiting. In this case, any cached traffic served by Cloudflare
- * will not count towards rate limiting. This field is optional. Notes: This field
- * is deprecated. Instead, use response headers and set "origin_traffic" to "false"
- * to avoid legacy behaviour interacting with the "response_headers" property.
- */
- origin_traffic?: boolean;
- }
- }
-export interface RateLimitListParams extends V4PagePaginationArrayParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface RateLimitDeleteParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
-export interface RateLimitEditParams {
- /**
- * Path param: Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
- /**
- * Body param: The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within
- * the configured period is exceeded.
- */
- action: RateLimitEditParams.Action;
- /**
- * Body param: Determines which traffic the rate limit counts towards the
- * threshold.
- */
- match: RateLimitEditParams.Match;
- /**
- * Body param: The time in seconds (an integer value) to count matching traffic. If
- * the count exceeds the configured threshold within this period, Cloudflare will
- * perform the configured action.
- */
- period: number;
- /**
- * Body param: The threshold that will trigger the configured mitigation action.
- * Configure this value along with the `period` property to establish a threshold
- * per period.
- */
- threshold: number;
-export namespace RateLimitEditParams {
- /**
- * The action to perform when the threshold of matched traffic within the
- * configured period is exceeded.
- */
- export interface Action {
- /**
- * The action to perform.
- */
- mode?: 'simulate' | 'ban' | 'challenge' | 'js_challenge' | 'managed_challenge';
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- response?: Action.Response;
- /**
- * The time in seconds during which Cloudflare will perform the mitigation action.
- * Must be an integer value greater than or equal to the period. Notes: If "mode"
- * is "challenge", "managed_challenge", or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the
- * zone's Challenge Passage time and you should not provide this value.
- */
- timeout?: number;
- }
- export namespace Action {
- /**
- * A custom content type and reponse to return when the threshold is exceeded. The
- * custom response configured in this object will override the custom error for the
- * zone. This object is optional. Notes: If you omit this object, Cloudflare will
- * use the default HTML error page. If "mode" is "challenge", "managed_challenge",
- * or "js_challenge", Cloudflare will use the zone challenge pages and you should
- * not provide the "response" object.
- */
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * The response body to return. The value must conform to the configured content
- * type.
- */
- body?: string;
- /**
- * The content type of the body. Must be one of the following: `text/plain`,
- * `text/xml`, or `application/json`.
- */
- content_type?: string;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Determines which traffic the rate limit counts towards the threshold.
- */
- export interface Match {
- headers?: Array;
- request?: Match.Request;
- response?: Match.Response;
- }
- export namespace Match {
- export interface Header {
- /**
- * The name of the response header to match.
- */
- name?: string;
- /**
- * The operator used when matching: `eq` means "equal" and `ne` means "not equal".
- */
- op?: 'eq' | 'ne';
- /**
- * The value of the response header, which must match exactly.
- */
- value?: string;
- }
- export interface Request {
- /**
- * The HTTP methods to match. You can specify a subset (for example,
- * `['POST','PUT']`) or all methods (`['_ALL_']`). This field is optional when
- * creating a rate limit.
- */
- methods?: Array;
- /**
- * The HTTP schemes to match. You can specify one scheme (`['HTTPS']`), both
- * schemes (`['HTTP','HTTPS']`), or all schemes (`['_ALL_']`). This field is
- * optional.
- */
- schemes?: Array;
- /**
- * The URL pattern to match, composed of a host and a path such as
- * `example.org/path*`. Normalization is applied before the pattern is matched. `*`
- * wildcards are expanded to match applicable traffic. Query strings are not
- * matched. Set the value to `*` to match all traffic to your zone.
- */
- url?: string;
- }
- export interface Response {
- /**
- * When true, only the uncached traffic served from your origin servers will count
- * towards rate limiting. In this case, any cached traffic served by Cloudflare
- * will not count towards rate limiting. This field is optional. Notes: This field
- * is deprecated. Instead, use response headers and set "origin_traffic" to "false"
- * to avoid legacy behaviour interacting with the "response_headers" property.
- */
- origin_traffic?: boolean;
- }
- }
-export interface RateLimitGetParams {
- /**
- * Identifier
- */
- zone_id: string;
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/filters.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/filters.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8da6641e4d..0000000000
--- a/tests/api-resources/filters.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';
-import { Response } from 'node-fetch';
-const client = new Cloudflare({
- apiKey: '144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194',
- apiEmail: 'user@example.com',
- baseURL: process.env['TEST_API_BASE_URL'] ?? '',
-describe('resource filters', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.filters.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- expression:
- '(http.request.uri.path ~ ".*wp-login.php" or http.request.uri.path ~ ".*xmlrpc.php") and ip.addr ne',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.filters.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- expression:
- '(http.request.uri.path ~ ".*wp-login.php" or http.request.uri.path ~ ".*xmlrpc.php") and ip.addr ne',
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.filters.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b61', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- body: {},
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.filters.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b61', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- body: {},
- });
- });
- test('list: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.filters.list({ zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353' });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('list: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.filters.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- id: '372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b61',
- description: 'browsers',
- expression: 'php',
- page: 1,
- paused: false,
- per_page: 5,
- ref: 'FIL-100',
- });
- });
- test('delete: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.filters.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b61', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('delete: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.filters.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b61', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
- test('get: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.filters.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b61', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('get: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.filters.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b61', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/firewall/access-rules.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/firewall/access-rules.test.ts
index d74b626157..cf1f23f825 100644
--- a/tests/api-resources/firewall/access-rules.test.ts
+++ b/tests/api-resources/firewall/access-rules.test.ts
@@ -47,58 +47,4 @@ describe('resource accessRules', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('delete', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.accessRules.delete('023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353', {
- account_id: 'account_id',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('edit: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.accessRules.edit('023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353', {
- configuration: {},
- mode: 'block',
- account_id: 'account_id',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('edit: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.accessRules.edit('023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353', {
- configuration: { target: 'ip', value: '' },
- mode: 'block',
- account_id: 'account_id',
- notes: 'This rule is enabled because of an event that occurred on date X.',
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('get', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.accessRules.get('023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353', {
- account_id: 'account_id',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/firewall/lockdowns.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/firewall/lockdowns.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b4b63f9f0..0000000000
--- a/tests/api-resources/firewall/lockdowns.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';
-import { Response } from 'node-fetch';
-const client = new Cloudflare({
- apiKey: '144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194',
- apiEmail: 'user@example.com',
- baseURL: process.env['TEST_API_BASE_URL'] ?? '',
-describe('resource lockdowns', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.lockdowns.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configurations: {},
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.lockdowns.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configurations: { target: 'ip', value: '' },
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.lockdowns.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configurations: {},
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.lockdowns.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configurations: { target: 'ip', value: '' },
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- });
- test('list: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.lockdowns.list({ zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353' });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('list: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.lockdowns.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- created_on: '2014-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z',
- description: 'endpoints',
- description_search: 'endpoints',
- ip: '',
- ip_range_search: '',
- ip_search: '',
- modified_on: '2014-01-01T05:20:00.12345Z',
- page: 1,
- per_page: 1,
- priority: 5,
- uri_search: '/some/path',
- });
- });
- test('delete: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.lockdowns.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('delete: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.lockdowns.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
- test('get: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.lockdowns.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('get: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.lockdowns.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/firewall/rules.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/firewall/rules.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e31e2aeeb..0000000000
--- a/tests/api-resources/firewall/rules.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';
-import { Response } from 'node-fetch';
-const client = new Cloudflare({
- apiKey: '144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194',
- apiEmail: 'user@example.com',
- baseURL: process.env['TEST_API_BASE_URL'] ?? '',
-describe('resource rules', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.rules.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {},
- filter: {},
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.rules.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {
- mode: 'simulate',
- response: { body: 'This request has been rate-limited.', content_type: 'text/xml' },
- timeout: 86400,
- },
- filter: {
- description: 'Restrict access from these browsers on this address range.',
- expression:
- '(http.request.uri.path ~ ".*wp-login.php" or http.request.uri.path ~ ".*xmlrpc.php") and ip.addr ne',
- paused: false,
- ref: 'FIL-100',
- },
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.rules.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {},
- filter: {},
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.rules.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {
- mode: 'simulate',
- response: { body: 'This request has been rate-limited.', content_type: 'text/xml' },
- timeout: 86400,
- },
- filter: {
- description: 'Restrict access from these browsers on this address range.',
- expression:
- '(http.request.uri.path ~ ".*wp-login.php" or http.request.uri.path ~ ".*xmlrpc.php") and ip.addr ne',
- paused: false,
- ref: 'FIL-100',
- },
- });
- });
- test('list: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.rules.list({ zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353' });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('list: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.rules.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- id: '372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60',
- action: 'block',
- description: 'mir',
- page: 1,
- paused: false,
- per_page: 5,
- });
- });
- test('delete: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.rules.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('delete: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.rules.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('edit: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.rules.edit('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('edit: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.rules.edit('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
- test('get: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.rules.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('get: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.rules.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- id: '372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b60',
- });
- });
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/firewall/ua-rules.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/firewall/ua-rules.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 19ac730ea9..0000000000
--- a/tests/api-resources/firewall/ua-rules.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';
-import { Response } from 'node-fetch';
-const client = new Cloudflare({
- apiKey: '144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194',
- apiEmail: 'user@example.com',
- baseURL: process.env['TEST_API_BASE_URL'] ?? '',
-describe('resource uaRules', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.uaRules.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configuration: {},
- mode: 'block',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.uaRules.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configuration: { target: 'ip', value: '' },
- mode: 'block',
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.uaRules.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configuration: {},
- mode: 'block',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.uaRules.update('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- configuration: { target: 'ip', value: '' },
- mode: 'block',
- });
- });
- test('list: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.uaRules.list({ zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353' });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('list: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.uaRules.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- description: 'abusive',
- description_search: 'abusive',
- page: 1,
- per_page: 1,
- ua_search: 'Safari',
- });
- });
- test('delete: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.uaRules.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('delete: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.uaRules.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
- test('get: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.uaRules.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('get: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.uaRules.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/firewall/waf/overrides.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/firewall/waf/overrides.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index ebfcc5a1c3..0000000000
--- a/tests/api-resources/firewall/waf/overrides.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';
-import { Response } from 'node-fetch';
-const client = new Cloudflare({
- apiKey: '144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194',
- apiEmail: 'user@example.com',
- baseURL: process.env['TEST_API_BASE_URL'] ?? '',
-describe('resource overrides', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.waf.overrides.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.waf.overrides.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.waf.overrides.update('de677e5818985db1285d0e80225f06e5', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- rewrite_action: {},
- rules: { '100015': 'challenge' },
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('update: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.waf.overrides.update('de677e5818985db1285d0e80225f06e5', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- rewrite_action: {
- block: 'challenge',
- challenge: 'challenge',
- default: 'challenge',
- disable: 'challenge',
- simulate: 'challenge',
- },
- rules: { '100015': 'challenge' },
- urls: ['shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*', 'shop.example.com/*'],
- });
- });
- test('list: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.waf.overrides.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('list: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.waf.overrides.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- page: 1,
- per_page: 5,
- });
- });
- test('delete: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.waf.overrides.delete('de677e5818985db1285d0e80225f06e5', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('delete: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.waf.overrides.delete('de677e5818985db1285d0e80225f06e5', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
- test('get: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.waf.overrides.get('de677e5818985db1285d0e80225f06e5', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('get: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.waf.overrides.get('de677e5818985db1285d0e80225f06e5', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/firewall/waf/packages/packages.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/firewall/waf/packages/packages.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 635987a357..0000000000
--- a/tests/api-resources/firewall/waf/packages/packages.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';
-import { Response } from 'node-fetch';
-const client = new Cloudflare({
- apiKey: '144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194',
- apiEmail: 'user@example.com',
- baseURL: process.env['TEST_API_BASE_URL'] ?? '',
-describe('resource packages', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('list: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.waf.packages.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('list: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.waf.packages.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- direction: 'asc',
- match: 'any',
- name: 'USER',
- order: 'name',
- page: 1,
- per_page: 5,
- });
- });
- test('get: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.firewall.waf.packages.get('023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('get: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.firewall.waf.packages.get('023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
diff --git a/tests/api-resources/rate-limits.test.ts b/tests/api-resources/rate-limits.test.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a2bf00d006..0000000000
--- a/tests/api-resources/rate-limits.test.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-import Cloudflare from 'cloudflare';
-import { Response } from 'node-fetch';
-const client = new Cloudflare({
- apiKey: '144c9defac04969c7bfad8efaa8ea194',
- apiEmail: 'user@example.com',
- baseURL: process.env['TEST_API_BASE_URL'] ?? '',
-describe('resource rateLimits', () => {
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.rateLimits.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {},
- match: {},
- period: 900,
- threshold: 60,
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('create: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.rateLimits.create({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {
- mode: 'simulate',
- response: { body: 'This request has been rate-limited.', content_type: 'text/xml' },
- timeout: 86400,
- },
- match: {
- headers: [
- { name: 'Cf-Cache-Status', op: 'eq', value: 'HIT' },
- { name: 'Cf-Cache-Status', op: 'eq', value: 'HIT' },
- { name: 'Cf-Cache-Status', op: 'eq', value: 'HIT' },
- ],
- request: { methods: ['GET', 'POST'], schemes: ['HTTP', 'HTTPS'], url: '*.example.org/path*' },
- response: { origin_traffic: true },
- },
- period: 900,
- threshold: 60,
- });
- });
- test('list: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.rateLimits.list({ zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353' });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('list: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.rateLimits.list({
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- page: 1,
- per_page: 1,
- });
- });
- test('delete: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.rateLimits.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('delete: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.rateLimits.delete('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('edit: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.rateLimits.edit('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {},
- match: {},
- period: 900,
- threshold: 60,
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- // TODO: investigate broken test
- test.skip('edit: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.rateLimits.edit('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- action: {
- mode: 'simulate',
- response: { body: 'This request has been rate-limited.', content_type: 'text/xml' },
- timeout: 86400,
- },
- match: {
- headers: [
- { name: 'Cf-Cache-Status', op: 'eq', value: 'HIT' },
- { name: 'Cf-Cache-Status', op: 'eq', value: 'HIT' },
- { name: 'Cf-Cache-Status', op: 'eq', value: 'HIT' },
- ],
- request: { methods: ['GET', 'POST'], schemes: ['HTTP', 'HTTPS'], url: '*.example.org/path*' },
- response: { origin_traffic: true },
- },
- period: 900,
- threshold: 60,
- });
- });
- test('get: only required params', async () => {
- const responsePromise = client.rateLimits.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- const rawResponse = await responsePromise.asResponse();
- expect(rawResponse).toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const response = await responsePromise;
- expect(response).not.toBeInstanceOf(Response);
- const dataAndResponse = await responsePromise.withResponse();
- expect(dataAndResponse.data).toBe(response);
- expect(dataAndResponse.response).toBe(rawResponse);
- });
- test('get: required and optional params', async () => {
- const response = await client.rateLimits.get('372e67954025e0ba6aaa6d586b9e0b59', {
- zone_id: '023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353',
- });
- });