diff --git a/.stats.yml b/.stats.yml
index 21c949824d8..5ef8c274e40 100644
--- a/.stats.yml
+++ b/.stats.yml
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-configured_endpoints: 1352
+configured_endpoints: 1348
openapi_spec_url: https://storage.googleapis.com/stainless-sdk-openapi-specs/cloudflare%2Fcloudflare-e3875d4464358c7aee5cbb9a4e0e39f0e400536dfadb684e8f217a2800897d0e.yml
diff --git a/api.md b/api.md
index 8f78a3181fd..85216eb6939 100644
--- a/api.md
+++ b/api.md
@@ -4095,26 +4095,6 @@ Methods:
- client.magic_transit.sites.edit(site_id, \*, account_id, \*\*params) -> Site
- client.magic_transit.sites.get(site_id, \*, account_id) -> Site
-### AppConfiguration
-from cloudflare.types.magic_transit.sites import (
- AppConfigurationCreateResponse,
- AppConfigurationUpdateResponse,
- AppConfigurationListResponse,
- AppConfigurationDeleteResponse,
-- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.create(site_id, \*, account_id, \*\*params) -> Optional
-- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(app_config_id, \*, account_id, site_id, \*\*params) -> Optional
-- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.list(site_id, \*, account_id) -> SyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse]
-- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.delete(app_config_id, \*, account_id, site_id) -> Optional
### ACLs
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py b/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py
index 91db8e47261..8a2a07f48db 100644
--- a/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py
+++ b/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py
@@ -32,22 +32,8 @@
-from .app_configuration import (
- AppConfigurationResource,
- AsyncAppConfigurationResource,
- AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse,
- AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse,
- AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse,
- AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse,
__all__ = [
- "AppConfigurationResource",
- "AsyncAppConfigurationResource",
- "AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse",
- "AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse",
- "AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse",
- "AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse",
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration.py b/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ab626ae44b5..00000000000
--- a/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1049 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import Type, Optional, cast, overload
-import httpx
-from ...._types import NOT_GIVEN, Body, Query, Headers, NotGiven
-from ...._utils import (
- required_args,
- maybe_transform,
- async_maybe_transform,
-from ...._compat import cached_property
-from ...._resource import SyncAPIResource, AsyncAPIResource
-from ...._response import (
- to_raw_response_wrapper,
- to_streamed_response_wrapper,
- async_to_raw_response_wrapper,
- async_to_streamed_response_wrapper,
-from ...._wrappers import ResultWrapper
-from ....pagination import SyncSinglePage, AsyncSinglePage
-from ...._base_client import (
- AsyncPaginator,
- make_request_options,
-from ....types.magic_transit.sites import app_configuration_create_params, app_configuration_update_params
-from ....types.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration_list_response import AppConfigurationListResponse
-from ....types.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration_create_response import AppConfigurationCreateResponse
-from ....types.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration_delete_response import AppConfigurationDeleteResponse
-from ....types.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration_update_response import AppConfigurationUpdateResponse
-__all__ = ["AppConfigurationResource", "AsyncAppConfigurationResource"]
-class AppConfigurationResource(SyncAPIResource):
- @cached_property
- def with_raw_response(self) -> AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse:
- return AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse(self)
- @cached_property
- def with_streaming_response(self) -> AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse:
- return AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse(self)
- @overload
- def create(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- account_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]:
- """
- Creates a new App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: Magic account app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- def create(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- managed_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]:
- """
- Creates a new App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- managed_app_id: Managed app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @required_args(["account_id", "account_app_id"], ["account_id", "managed_app_id"])
- def create(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- account_app_id: str | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- managed_app_id: str | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]:
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- return self._post(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs",
- body=maybe_transform(
- {
- "account_app_id": account_app_id,
- "managed_app_id": managed_app_id,
- },
- app_configuration_create_params.AppConfigurationCreateParams,
- ),
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers,
- extra_query=extra_query,
- extra_body=extra_body,
- timeout=timeout,
- post_parser=ResultWrapper[Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]]._unwrapper,
- ),
- cast_to=cast(Type[Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]], ResultWrapper[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]),
- )
- @overload
- def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- body: object,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- body: object,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- account_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: Magic account app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- managed_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- managed_app_id: Managed app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- account_app_id: str,
- managed_app_id: Optional[str],
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: Magic account app ID.
- managed_app_id: **Must be set to null**
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- account_app_id: Optional[str],
- managed_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: **Must be set to null**
- managed_app_id: Managed app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @required_args(
- ["account_id", "site_id", "body"],
- ["account_id", "site_id", "account_app_id"],
- ["account_id", "site_id", "managed_app_id"],
- ["account_id", "site_id", "account_app_id", "managed_app_id"],
- )
- def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- body: object | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- account_app_id: str | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- managed_app_id: str | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- if not app_config_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received {app_config_id!r}")
- return self._put(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs/{app_config_id}",
- body=maybe_transform(body, app_configuration_update_params.AppConfigurationUpdateParams),
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers,
- extra_query=extra_query,
- extra_body=extra_body,
- timeout=timeout,
- post_parser=ResultWrapper[Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]]._unwrapper,
- ),
- cast_to=cast(Type[Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]], ResultWrapper[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]),
- )
- def list(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> SyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse]:
- """
- Lists App Configs associated with a site.
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- return self._get_api_list(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs",
- page=SyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse],
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers, extra_query=extra_query, extra_body=extra_body, timeout=timeout
- ),
- model=AppConfigurationListResponse,
- )
- def delete(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]:
- """
- Deletes specific App Config associated with a site.
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- if not app_config_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received {app_config_id!r}")
- return self._delete(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs/{app_config_id}",
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers,
- extra_query=extra_query,
- extra_body=extra_body,
- timeout=timeout,
- post_parser=ResultWrapper[Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]]._unwrapper,
- ),
- cast_to=cast(Type[Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]], ResultWrapper[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]),
- )
-class AsyncAppConfigurationResource(AsyncAPIResource):
- @cached_property
- def with_raw_response(self) -> AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse:
- return AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse(self)
- @cached_property
- def with_streaming_response(self) -> AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse:
- return AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse(self)
- @overload
- async def create(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- account_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]:
- """
- Creates a new App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: Magic account app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- async def create(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- managed_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]:
- """
- Creates a new App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- managed_app_id: Managed app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @required_args(["account_id", "account_app_id"], ["account_id", "managed_app_id"])
- async def create(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- account_app_id: str | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- managed_app_id: str | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]:
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- return await self._post(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs",
- body=await async_maybe_transform(
- {
- "account_app_id": account_app_id,
- "managed_app_id": managed_app_id,
- },
- app_configuration_create_params.AppConfigurationCreateParams,
- ),
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers,
- extra_query=extra_query,
- extra_body=extra_body,
- timeout=timeout,
- post_parser=ResultWrapper[Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]]._unwrapper,
- ),
- cast_to=cast(Type[Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]], ResultWrapper[AppConfigurationCreateResponse]),
- )
- @overload
- async def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- body: object,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- async def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- body: object,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- async def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- account_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: Magic account app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- async def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- managed_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- managed_app_id: Managed app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- async def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- account_app_id: str,
- managed_app_id: Optional[str],
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: Magic account app ID.
- managed_app_id: **Must be set to null**
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @overload
- async def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- account_app_id: Optional[str],
- managed_app_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- """
- Updates an App Config for a site
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- account_app_id: **Must be set to null**
- managed_app_id: Managed app ID.
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- ...
- @required_args(
- ["account_id", "site_id", "body"],
- ["account_id", "site_id", "account_app_id"],
- ["account_id", "site_id", "managed_app_id"],
- ["account_id", "site_id", "account_app_id", "managed_app_id"],
- )
- async def update(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- body: object | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- account_app_id: str | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- managed_app_id: str | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]:
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- if not app_config_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received {app_config_id!r}")
- return await self._put(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs/{app_config_id}",
- body=await async_maybe_transform(body, app_configuration_update_params.AppConfigurationUpdateParams),
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers,
- extra_query=extra_query,
- extra_body=extra_body,
- timeout=timeout,
- post_parser=ResultWrapper[Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]]._unwrapper,
- ),
- cast_to=cast(Type[Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]], ResultWrapper[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse]),
- )
- def list(
- self,
- site_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> AsyncPaginator[AppConfigurationListResponse, AsyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse]]:
- """
- Lists App Configs associated with a site.
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- return self._get_api_list(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs",
- page=AsyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse],
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers, extra_query=extra_query, extra_body=extra_body, timeout=timeout
- ),
- model=AppConfigurationListResponse,
- )
- async def delete(
- self,
- app_config_id: str,
- *,
- account_id: str,
- site_id: str,
- # Use the following arguments if you need to pass additional parameters to the API that aren't available via kwargs.
- # The extra values given here take precedence over values defined on the client or passed to this method.
- extra_headers: Headers | None = None,
- extra_query: Query | None = None,
- extra_body: Body | None = None,
- timeout: float | httpx.Timeout | None | NotGiven = NOT_GIVEN,
- ) -> Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]:
- """
- Deletes specific App Config associated with a site.
- Args:
- account_id: Identifier
- site_id: Identifier
- app_config_id: Identifier
- extra_headers: Send extra headers
- extra_query: Add additional query parameters to the request
- extra_body: Add additional JSON properties to the request
- timeout: Override the client-level default timeout for this request, in seconds
- """
- if not account_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received {account_id!r}")
- if not site_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received {site_id!r}")
- if not app_config_id:
- raise ValueError(f"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received {app_config_id!r}")
- return await self._delete(
- f"/accounts/{account_id}/magic/sites/{site_id}/app_configs/{app_config_id}",
- options=make_request_options(
- extra_headers=extra_headers,
- extra_query=extra_query,
- extra_body=extra_body,
- timeout=timeout,
- post_parser=ResultWrapper[Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]]._unwrapper,
- ),
- cast_to=cast(Type[Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]], ResultWrapper[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse]),
- )
-class AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse:
- def __init__(self, app_configuration: AppConfigurationResource) -> None:
- self._app_configuration = app_configuration
- self.create = to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.create,
- )
- self.update = to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.update,
- )
- self.list = to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.list,
- )
- self.delete = to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.delete,
- )
-class AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse:
- def __init__(self, app_configuration: AsyncAppConfigurationResource) -> None:
- self._app_configuration = app_configuration
- self.create = async_to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.create,
- )
- self.update = async_to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.update,
- )
- self.list = async_to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.list,
- )
- self.delete = async_to_raw_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.delete,
- )
-class AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse:
- def __init__(self, app_configuration: AppConfigurationResource) -> None:
- self._app_configuration = app_configuration
- self.create = to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.create,
- )
- self.update = to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.update,
- )
- self.list = to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.list,
- )
- self.delete = to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.delete,
- )
-class AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse:
- def __init__(self, app_configuration: AsyncAppConfigurationResource) -> None:
- self._app_configuration = app_configuration
- self.create = async_to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.create,
- )
- self.update = async_to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.update,
- )
- self.list = async_to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.list,
- )
- self.delete = async_to_streamed_response_wrapper(
- app_configuration.delete,
- )
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/sites.py b/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/sites.py
index 2c70cc30a7d..67c24a85c6f 100644
--- a/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/sites.py
+++ b/src/cloudflare/resources/magic_transit/sites/sites.py
@@ -49,14 +49,6 @@
-from .app_configuration import (
- AppConfigurationResource,
- AsyncAppConfigurationResource,
- AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse,
- AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse,
- AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse,
- AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse,
from ....types.magic_transit import (
@@ -70,10 +62,6 @@
class SitesResource(SyncAPIResource):
- @cached_property
- def app_configuration(self) -> AppConfigurationResource:
- return AppConfigurationResource(self._client)
def acls(self) -> ACLsResource:
return ACLsResource(self._client)
@@ -431,10 +419,6 @@ def get(
class AsyncSitesResource(AsyncAPIResource):
- @cached_property
- def app_configuration(self) -> AsyncAppConfigurationResource:
- return AsyncAppConfigurationResource(self._client)
def acls(self) -> AsyncACLsResource:
return AsyncACLsResource(self._client)
@@ -814,10 +798,6 @@ def __init__(self, sites: SitesResource) -> None:
- @cached_property
- def app_configuration(self) -> AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse:
- return AppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse(self._sites.app_configuration)
def acls(self) -> ACLsResourceWithRawResponse:
return ACLsResourceWithRawResponse(self._sites.acls)
@@ -854,10 +834,6 @@ def __init__(self, sites: AsyncSitesResource) -> None:
- @cached_property
- def app_configuration(self) -> AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse:
- return AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithRawResponse(self._sites.app_configuration)
def acls(self) -> AsyncACLsResourceWithRawResponse:
return AsyncACLsResourceWithRawResponse(self._sites.acls)
@@ -894,10 +870,6 @@ def __init__(self, sites: SitesResource) -> None:
- @cached_property
- def app_configuration(self) -> AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse:
- return AppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse(self._sites.app_configuration)
def acls(self) -> ACLsResourceWithStreamingResponse:
return ACLsResourceWithStreamingResponse(self._sites.acls)
@@ -934,10 +906,6 @@ def __init__(self, sites: AsyncSitesResource) -> None:
- @cached_property
- def app_configuration(self) -> AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse:
- return AsyncAppConfigurationResourceWithStreamingResponse(self._sites.app_configuration)
def acls(self) -> AsyncACLsResourceWithStreamingResponse:
return AsyncACLsResourceWithStreamingResponse(self._sites.acls)
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py
index 9ce9579033c..38f592bb4e6 100644
--- a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py
+++ b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/__init__.py
@@ -33,9 +33,3 @@
from .acl_configuration_param import ACLConfigurationParam as ACLConfigurationParam
from .lan_static_addressing_param import LANStaticAddressingParam as LANStaticAddressingParam
from .wan_static_addressing_param import WANStaticAddressingParam as WANStaticAddressingParam
-from .app_configuration_create_params import AppConfigurationCreateParams as AppConfigurationCreateParams
-from .app_configuration_list_response import AppConfigurationListResponse as AppConfigurationListResponse
-from .app_configuration_update_params import AppConfigurationUpdateParams as AppConfigurationUpdateParams
-from .app_configuration_create_response import AppConfigurationCreateResponse as AppConfigurationCreateResponse
-from .app_configuration_delete_response import AppConfigurationDeleteResponse as AppConfigurationDeleteResponse
-from .app_configuration_update_response import AppConfigurationUpdateResponse as AppConfigurationUpdateResponse
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_create_params.py b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_create_params.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e5293390127..00000000000
--- a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_create_params.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import Union
-from typing_extensions import Required, TypedDict
-__all__ = ["AppConfigurationCreateParams", "AccountApp", "ManagedApp"]
-class AccountApp(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- account_app_id: Required[str]
- """Magic account app ID."""
-class ManagedApp(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- managed_app_id: Required[str]
- """Managed app ID."""
-AppConfigurationCreateParams = Union[AccountApp, ManagedApp]
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_create_response.py b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_create_response.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 84e52fc8403..00000000000
--- a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_create_response.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from typing import Optional
-from ...._models import BaseModel
-__all__ = ["AppConfigurationCreateResponse"]
-class AppConfigurationCreateResponse(BaseModel):
- id: str
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: str
- """Identifier"""
- breakout: Optional[bool] = None
- """Whether to breakout traffic to the app's endpoints directly.
- Null preserves default behavior.
- """
- priority: Optional[int] = None
- """Priority of traffic.
- 0 is default, anything greater is prioritized. (Currently only 0 and 1 are
- supported)
- """
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_delete_response.py b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_delete_response.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bffa4cb833d..00000000000
--- a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_delete_response.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from typing import Optional
-from ...._models import BaseModel
-__all__ = ["AppConfigurationDeleteResponse"]
-class AppConfigurationDeleteResponse(BaseModel):
- id: str
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: str
- """Identifier"""
- breakout: Optional[bool] = None
- """Whether to breakout traffic to the app's endpoints directly.
- Null preserves default behavior.
- """
- priority: Optional[int] = None
- """Priority of traffic.
- 0 is default, anything greater is prioritized. (Currently only 0 and 1 are
- supported)
- """
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_list_response.py b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_list_response.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f8a52f3eb..00000000000
--- a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_list_response.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from typing import Optional
-from ...._models import BaseModel
-__all__ = ["AppConfigurationListResponse"]
-class AppConfigurationListResponse(BaseModel):
- id: str
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: str
- """Identifier"""
- breakout: Optional[bool] = None
- """Whether to breakout traffic to the app's endpoints directly.
- Null preserves default behavior.
- """
- priority: Optional[int] = None
- """Priority of traffic.
- 0 is default, anything greater is prioritized. (Currently only 0 and 1 are
- supported)
- """
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_update_params.py b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_update_params.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eb81278baa2..00000000000
--- a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_update_params.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import Union, Optional
-from typing_extensions import Required, TypedDict
-__all__ = [
- "AppConfigurationUpdateParams",
- "ChangeBreakoutBehavior",
- "ChangePriority",
- "UpdateAccountAppID",
- "UpdateManagedAppID",
- "AccountAppManagedApp",
- "ManagedAppAccountApp",
-class ChangeBreakoutBehavior(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- body: Required[object]
-class ChangePriority(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- body: Required[object]
-class UpdateAccountAppID(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- account_app_id: Required[str]
- """Magic account app ID."""
-class UpdateManagedAppID(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- managed_app_id: Required[str]
- """Managed app ID."""
-class AccountAppManagedApp(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- account_app_id: Required[str]
- """Magic account app ID."""
- managed_app_id: Required[Optional[str]]
- """**Must be set to null**"""
-class ManagedAppAccountApp(TypedDict, total=False):
- account_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: Required[str]
- """Identifier"""
- account_app_id: Required[Optional[str]]
- """**Must be set to null**"""
- managed_app_id: Required[str]
- """Managed app ID."""
-AppConfigurationUpdateParams = Union[
- ChangeBreakoutBehavior,
- ChangePriority,
- UpdateAccountAppID,
- UpdateManagedAppID,
- AccountAppManagedApp,
- ManagedAppAccountApp,
diff --git a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_update_response.py b/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_update_response.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf34ba7780..00000000000
--- a/src/cloudflare/types/magic_transit/sites/app_configuration_update_response.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from typing import Optional
-from ...._models import BaseModel
-__all__ = ["AppConfigurationUpdateResponse"]
-class AppConfigurationUpdateResponse(BaseModel):
- id: str
- """Identifier"""
- site_id: str
- """Identifier"""
- breakout: Optional[bool] = None
- """Whether to breakout traffic to the app's endpoints directly.
- Null preserves default behavior.
- """
- priority: Optional[int] = None
- """Priority of traffic.
- 0 is default, anything greater is prioritized. (Currently only 0 and 1 are
- supported)
- """
diff --git a/tests/api_resources/magic_transit/sites/test_app_configuration.py b/tests/api_resources/magic_transit/sites/test_app_configuration.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 742259f302f..00000000000
--- a/tests/api_resources/magic_transit/sites/test_app_configuration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1464 +0,0 @@
-# File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
-from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-from typing import Any, Optional, cast
-import pytest
-from cloudflare import Cloudflare, AsyncCloudflare
-from tests.utils import assert_matches_type
-from cloudflare.pagination import SyncSinglePage, AsyncSinglePage
-from cloudflare.types.magic_transit.sites import (
- AppConfigurationListResponse,
- AppConfigurationCreateResponse,
- AppConfigurationDeleteResponse,
- AppConfigurationUpdateResponse,
-base_url = os.environ.get("TEST_API_BASE_URL", "")
-class TestAppConfiguration:
- parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize("client", [False, True], indirect=True, ids=["loose", "strict"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_create_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_create_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_create_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_create_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_create_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_create_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_create_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_create_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_update_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_update_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_update_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_update_overload_1(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_update_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_update_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_update_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_update_overload_2(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_update_overload_3(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_update_overload_3(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_update_overload_3(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_update_overload_3(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_update_overload_4(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_update_overload_4(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_update_overload_4(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_update_overload_4(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_update_overload_5(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_update_overload_5(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_update_overload_5(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_update_overload_5(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_update_overload_6(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_update_overload_6(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_update_overload_6(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_update_overload_6(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_list(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert_matches_type(SyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_list(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(SyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_list(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(SyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_list(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.list(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- @parametrize
- def test_method_delete(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- def test_raw_response_delete(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- response = client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- def test_streaming_response_delete(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @parametrize
- def test_path_params_delete(self, client: Cloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
-class TestAsyncAppConfiguration:
- parametrize = pytest.mark.parametrize("async_client", [False, True], indirect=True, ids=["loose", "strict"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_create_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_create_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_create_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_create_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_create_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_create_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_create_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationCreateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_create_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.create(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_update_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_update_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_update_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_update_overload_1(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_update_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_update_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_update_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_update_overload_2(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- body={},
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- body={},
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_update_overload_3(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_update_overload_3(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_update_overload_3(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_update_overload_3(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_update_overload_4(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_update_overload_4(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_update_overload_4(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_update_overload_4(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_update_overload_5(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_update_overload_5(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_update_overload_5(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_update_overload_5(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="ac60d3d0435248289d446cedd870bcf4",
- managed_app_id="string",
- )
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_update_overload_6(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_update_overload_6(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_update_overload_6(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationUpdateResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @pytest.mark.skip(
- reason="prism errors - https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-python/actions/runs/9360388260/job/25765690361?pr=482#step:5:7212"
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_update_overload_6(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.update(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_app_id="string",
- managed_app_id="cloudflare",
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_list(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert_matches_type(AsyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_list(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(AsyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_list(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(AsyncSinglePage[AppConfigurationListResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_list(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.list(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.list(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- @parametrize
- async def test_method_delete(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- app_configuration = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- async def test_raw_response_delete(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- response = await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- assert response.is_closed is True
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- @parametrize
- async def test_streaming_response_delete(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- async with async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_streaming_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- ) as response:
- assert not response.is_closed
- assert response.http_request.headers.get("X-Stainless-Lang") == "python"
- app_configuration = await response.parse()
- assert_matches_type(Optional[AppConfigurationDeleteResponse], app_configuration, path=["response"])
- assert cast(Any, response.is_closed) is True
- @parametrize
- async def test_path_params_delete(self, async_client: AsyncCloudflare) -> None:
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `account_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `site_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="",
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected a non-empty value for `app_config_id` but received ''"):
- await async_client.magic_transit.sites.app_configuration.with_raw_response.delete(
- "",
- account_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- site_id="023e105f4ecef8ad9ca31a8372d0c353",
- )