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Advanced Pipelines with CloudBees Core

In this set of exercise we will continue to explore Pipeline Shared Libraries and use a Shared Library of custom steps to:

  • make our Declarative Pipeline more readable
  • build a Docker image for the helloworld-nodejs app with Kaniko - a tool to build container images without a Docker daemon; perfect for a Kubernetes cluster
  • push that Docker image to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry
  • deploy the helloworld-nodejs app to Kubernetes.

But before we do all of that we will update the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script to be more dynamic - and then create a Shared Library custom step to improve on that example.

We will also take a look at the CloudBees Core Cross Team Collaboration feature and how it can improve team collaboration by connecting Team Pipelines across Masters to deliver software faster.

Starting Here or Catching Up?

If you are starting with this set of exercises or just need to catch up, you may get the the correct version of the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script for starting these exercises from this branch.

Dynamic Properties for Pipelines

The Custom Marker feature of CloudBees Core provides a lot of control and easy management of Pipelines for your dev teams' Pipelines. But it does not give individual teams much flexibility. In this exercise we are going to update the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script to read in the .nodejs-app marker file from the helloworld-nodejs repository as a properties file using the readProperties step of the Pipeline Utilities plugin. This will allow individual dev teams to override certain properties of the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template.

We have been installing two specific Node.js packages - express and pug - for everyone but what if there are dev teams that want to use different or additional packages. We can allow individual teams to set a npmPackages propety in the .nodejs-app marker file and then load that file with the readProperties step. We can then use that value to override the packages installed by default in the nodejs container steps of the App Setup nested stage.

  1. Open the GitHub editor for the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script in the master branch of your forked custom-marker-pipelines repository.
  2. The readProperties step will read a file in the current working directory and return a map of String keys and values. In order to use this map of key/value pairs in our Pipeine script we will assign it as a value of a newly defined Groovy variable. However, the Declarative syntax does not allow defining or assigning values to variables. So we will need to use the script block again - this time so that we can assign the output of the readProperties step to use in our nodejs steps. Add the following script block right after the checkout scm step of the Nodejs Setup nested stage of the Web Tests parent stage:
                script {
                  //use the Pipeline Utility Steps plugin readProperties step to read the .nodejs-app custom marker file 
                  def props = readProperties file: '.nodejs-app'
                  env.npmPackages = props['npmPackages']
  1. Next replace the npm i -S express pug command of the nodejs sh step with the value of the npmPackages property - note the use of triple double-quotes instead of triple single-quotes - this is required to support the string interpolation of our npmPackages variable. The entire nodejs container block should match the following:
                container('nodejs') {
                  sh """
                    npm i -S ${npmPackages}
                    node ./hello.js &
  1. Commit the changes and then navigate to the master branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in Blue Ocean on your Team Master and run the job. The browser tests should both fail. The reason they should fail is because we didn't add an npmPackages property to the .nodejs-app marker file in the helloworld-nodejs repository:

    The express framework and pug templating are what the majority of the dev teams use for Node.js development. So what we really want is to specify a set of default values, and then allow different dev teams to override those values if they are using different packages. Lucky for us, the readProperties step includes a parameter aptly named defaults that allows us to provide a map containing default key/values. We will update the readProperties script block with a map of default values and add the defaults parameter set to that map so our script block looks like so:

                script {
                  //define default values that may be overridden via the .nodejs-app file
                  def d = [npmPackages: 'express pug']
                  //use the Pipeline Utility Steps plugin readProperties step to read the .nodejs-app custom marker file 
                  def props = readProperties defaults: d, file: '.nodejs-app'
                  env.npmPackages = props['npmPackages']
  1. Commit the changes and then navigate to the master branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in Blue Ocean on your Team Master and run the job. The job will complete successfully using the default values we specified for npmPackages.

Custom Steps with Pipeline Shared Libraries

In this exercise we are going to add a custom step to our Pipeline from the Pipeline Shared Library we created and configured earlier. This custom step will provide functionality to set default values based on default Jenkins environmental variables and will provide a reusable way of using the readProperties step with Delcarative Pipelines and make our Pipeline script more readable.

Pipeline Directory Structure

Remember, Shared Libraries have a very specific directory structure as follows wiht our focus being on the vars directory for this exercise:

+- src                     # Groovy source files
|   +- org
|       +- foo
|           +- Bar.groovy  # for class
+- vars
|   +- foo.groovy          # for global 'foo' variable
|   +- foo.txt             # help for 'foo' variable
+- resources               # resource files (external libraries only)
|   +- org
|       +- foo
|           +- bar.json    # static helper data for

The src directory should look like standard Java source directory structure and will contain Java Classes written in Groovy. This directory is added to the classpath when executing Pipelines. We won't be going over using Groovy source files for Shared Libraries today, but you can find more information about them here.

The vars directory hosts scripts that define global variables accessible from Pipeline. The basename of each .groovy file should be a Groovy (~ Java) identifier, conventionally camelCased. The matching .txt, if present, can contain documentation, processed through the system’s configured markup formatter (so it may really be HTML, Markdown, etc., though the txt extension is required).

The Groovy source files in these directories get the same “CPS transformation” as in Scripted Pipeline.

A resources directory allows the libraryResource step to be used to load associated non-Groovy files as a String value in your Pipeline script.

Create a Custom Step

For this workshop we will only be using the simpler and more straight-forward global variables to define reusable Pipeline script from a Shared Library. But before we create a new global variable we need to decide what it needs to do. Pipeline Shared Libraries are like any other shared framework or utility - the purpose being to simplify our Jenkinsfiles and to adhere to DRY principle of software development. Also, with the advent of two different syntaxes for Pipelines - Declarative and Scripted - it is sometimes useful to use Shared Library custom steps to encapsulate Scripted syntax making Declarative Pipelines more readable. We will do just that for the readProperties script block that we added above. We will call our custom step defineProps - we can't use readProperties because then our new custom step would override and replace the readProperties step from the Pipeline Utilities plugin and we will actually use that step in our custom step as you will see below.

  1. In the master branch of your forked pipeline-library repostiory navigate to the vars directory and open the defineProps.groovy with the GitHub editor.

  2. The file will be empty, but we will implement a call method as the call method allows the global variable to be invoked in a manner similar to a regular Pipeline step:
// vars/defineProps.groovy
def call(String file, Map defaults) {
  //use the Pipeline Utility Steps plugin readProperties step to read the file
  def props = readProperties defaults: defaults, file: file
  for ( e in props ) {
    env.setProperty(e.key, e.value)

NOTE: We could actually define the defaults directly in the custom step like def call(String file, Map defaults = [npmPackages: 'express pug']) and then you wouldn't have to provide the second parameter when calling this step from your Pipeline script - but we will actually want to reuse this particular custom step across many Pipeline templates, not just the on for Node.js applications, so it doesn't make much sense to have a global default across all application types.

  1. Commit the defineProps.groovy file.
  2. Next we will create a defineProps.txt file in the vars directory. We will format it as HTML as we are using the Safe HTML Markup Formatter that is configured for all the Team Masters via CJOC.

    This will provide dynamically generated documentation on whatever Jenkins instance the Shared Library is installed for our custom step:

<h2>defineProps step</h2>
A custom step for using the <pre>readProperties</pre> step from the Pipeline Utilities plugin specifically from a Declarative Pipeline. 
	<dd><pre>String</pre><b>REQUIRED</b> the file, including path, to be read from the workspace as the properties file</dd>
	<dd><pre>Map</pre><b>OPTIONAL</b> default values for passed in properties file</dd>

	defineProps('.nodejs-app', [npmPackages: 'express pug'])
  1. Even though we wrote it as HTML, we still have to save it with a .txt extension as mentioned above. Commit the defineProps.txt file.

NOTE: Global Variable Documentation for custom steps will only be availale under a Pipeline job that uses it and has run successfully at least once.

Use a Custom Step

With the Pipeline Shared Library already configured for your Team Master and a global variable to use, we will use it in the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script.

  1. Open the GitHub editor for the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script in the master branch of your forked custom-marker-pipelines repository.
  2. Replace the script block where we are using the readProperties step with our new custom step - defineProps. Update the Nodejs Setup nested stage of the Web Tests parent stage to match the following:
            stage('Nodejs Setup') {
              steps {
                checkout scm
                defineProps('.nodejs-app', [npmPackages: 'express pug'])            
                container('nodejs') {
                  sh """
                    npm i -S ${npmPackages}
                    node ./hello.js &
  1. Not only have we created a reusable custom step, we have also made our Declartive Pipeline script much more readable. Commit the changes and then navigate to the master branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in Blue Ocean on your Team Master and run the job. The job will run successfully.
  2. Exit to the class UI and click on the Pipeline Syntax link in the left navigation menu. Then click on the Global Variables Reference link and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will find the documentation that we created for our defineProps custom step:

Shared Library Steps for the 'Build and Push Image' and 'Deploy' Stages

So the Tests stage of our Pipeline executes actual Testcafe tests but the Build and Push Image and Deploy stages still don't do much. Let's change that by using some Shared Library custom steps that have already been created for everyone. If you open your pipeline-library repostiory in GitHub and switch to the completed branch you will notice a number of additional groovy files in the vars directory and a number of additional resources - including the vars/defineProps.groovy file and resources/podtemplates/nodejs-app/test-pod.yml file that we added above.

The completed branch contains the following global variables and resource files:

+- vars
|   +- defineProps.groovy         # readProperties helper for Declarative Pipelines
|   +- defineProps.txt            # help text for 'defineProps' custom step
|   +- dockerBuildPush.groovy     # custom step for 'Build and Push Image' stage to build an image with Kaniko and pust it to an ECR
|   +- gitShortCommit.groovy      # sets an environment variable with specified length of full commmit sha - defaults to 7
|   +- imageNameTag.groovy        # custom step to dynamically provide name and tag of image based on GitHub org/repo:branch
|   +- kubeDeploy.groovy          # custom step for the 'Deploy' stage
|   +- setECRLifecyclePolicy.groovy # custom step used by the dockerBuildPush custom step to set ECR Lifecycle Policy for all pushed Docker images
+- resources                      # resource files (external libraries only)
|   +- podtemplates
|       +- awsCli.yml             # Pod Template with container that has the AWS CLI installed
|       +- dockerBuildPush.yml    # Pod Template with a tool called Kaniko - used to build and push Docker images to ECR without Docker
|       +- kubeDeploy.yml         # Pod Template with container for k8s deployments
|       +- nodejs-app
|           +- web-test-pod.yml       # k8s Pod config for **Node.js** app web testing
|           +- load-test-pod.yml      # k8s Pod config for **Node.js** app load testing
|   +- k8s
|       +- basicDeploy.yml        # k8s configuration to deploy basic apps with ingress
|   +- aws
|       +- ecr
|           +- lifecycle-policy
|               +- tempImagePolicy.json #AWS ECR Image Lifecycle Policy for all Docker images pushed to ECR

As you can see, there are quite a few additional custom steps and resources, and rather than take the time creating them together in this workshop, we will just use the completed versions.

Update Your Team Master's 'cd-accel' Shared Library

Before we can use the the additional custom steps* and library resources described above we need get make them available to our Pipeline script. We could just merge the completed branch of your forked pipeline-library repository to the master branch. But we won't waste our time with that, as a simple update to the library step in your nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script will allow us to target a different branch. That is because when we first configured the Shared Library in our GitHub Organization project folder, we left the Allow default version to be overridden property checked - this will allow us to override the version (branch, tag, or specific commit) of the Shared Library directly in our Pipeline script.

  1. Open the GitHub editor for the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script in the master branch of your forked custom-marker-pipelines repository.
  2. Update the library step to match the following:
library 'cd-accel@completed' 
  1. Notice that we appended @completed to the name of our Shared Library. It doesn't get much easier than that. Commit the changes and then navigate to the master branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in Blue Ocean on your Team Master and run the job. The job will run successfully - but the cd-accel Shared Library will now come from the completed branch as can be seen in the Console Ouput in the classic UI:
[Pipeline] library
Loading library cd-accel@completed
20:42:16 GitHub API Usage: Current quota has 53 remaining (5 under budget). Next quota of 60 in 51 min
Examining bee-cd/pipeline-library
Attempting to resolve completed as a branch
Resolved completed as branch completed at revision 7fe7310cf0f05bfa7d61164f9dc9fdbc4c381198

Update the 'Build and Push Image' Stage

We will now update the Build and Push Image stage to use the dockerBuildPush custom step described above.

  1. Open the GitHub editor for the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script in the master branch of your forked custom-marker-pipelines repository.
  2. Replace the entire Build and Push Imag stage with the version below:
    stage('Build and Push Image') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'master'
      steps {
        dockerBuildPush(env.IMAGE_NAME, env.IMAGE_TAG) {
          unstash 'app'
      post {
        success {
          slackSend "${JOB_NAME} pipeline job is awaiting approval at: ${RUN_DISPLAY_URL}"
  1. Some interesting things to note from the updated Deploy stage:
    1. We no longer have an agent defined. If you look at the dockerBuildPush.groovy in the completed branch of your pipeline-library repopsitory you will see that it defines a node which is basically the non-Declarative way of specifying an agent section.
    2. The unstash step is inside of the dockerBuildPush step block. This is called a closure and allows you to run additional, arbritary steps inside of a custom step.
  2. Commit the changes and then navigate to the master branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in Blue Ocean on your Team Master and run the job. The job will run successfully and everyone will have a brand new Docker Image in the Amazon Elastic Container Registry we are using for this workshop. All in all, as you can see below, there is a lot more going on in the Build and Push Image stage now:

Update the 'Deploy' Stage

Now that we have successfully built a Docker image for our helloworld-nodejs app we want to deploy it. We will update the Deploy stage to use the kubeDeploy custom step described above to deploy our applications to Kubernetes.

  1. Open the GitHub editor for the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script in the master branch of your forked custom-marker-pipelines repository.
  2. Replace the entire Deploy stage with the version below:
    stage('Deploy') {
      when {
        beforeAgent true
        branch 'master'
      options {
        timeout(time: 60, unit: 'SECONDS') 
      input {
        message "Should we deploy?"
        submitterParameter "APPROVER"
      steps {
        kubeDeploy(env.IMAGE_NAME, env.IMAGE_TAG)
  1. Commit the changes and then navigate to the master branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in Blue Ocean on your Team Master and run the job. The job will run successfully and there is a clickable link to your deployed app in the last step of the Deploy stage:

    In your app, notice the 'Build Number' and 'Commit' id in the footer:

Cross Team Collaboration

In this exercise we are going to demonstrate CloudBee's Core Cross Team Collaboration feature.

Cross-Team Master Events

We already have a job on the beedemo-ops Team Master that will publish an event.

That event will be published across Team Masters via the CloudBees Operations Center event router.

The Cross Team Collaboration feature has a configurable router for routing events and you will need to configure the Notification router on your Team Master before you will be able to receive the event published by the beedemo-ops Team Master.

  1. First you need to update the Notification Router Implementation to use the Operations Center Messaging router by clicking on the Manage Jenkins link - on the left side at the root of your Team Master (classic ui).

  2. Next, scroll down and click on Configure Notification link.

  3. Check the Enabled checkbox and under Notification Router Implementation select the Operations Center Messaging option, and the click the Save button.

  4. Before the hello-api Pipeline's hello-api-push-event can trigger our helloworld-nodejs Pipeline job we must listen for the event. We do that by adding a trigger to our nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script.
  5. Open the GitHub editor for the nodejs-app/Jenkinsfile.template Pipeline script in the master branch of your forked custom-marker-pipelines repository.
  6. Add the following trigger block just above the top-level stages block:
  triggers {
    eventTrigger simpleMatch('hello-api-push-event')
  1. Commit the changes and then navigate to the master branch of your helloworld-nodejs job in Blue Ocean on your Team Master and run the job.

**NOTE:**After first adding a new trigger you must run the job at least once so that the trigger is saved to the Jenkins job configuration (similar to what was necessary for the buildDiscarder and preserveStashes options earlier).

  1. Now I will run the hello-api job and everyone should see the master branch of their helloworld-nodejs job triggered.