The purpose is to reduce the akka message overhead when sending a message across network.
Currently in akka 2.3.4, when you want to send a message across network, it will contains at least three part:
- Sender ActorRef Path
- Receiver ActorRef Path
- Message payload.
For sender and receiver actorRef path, each will take around 100 bytes - 200 bytes for network, this is not trivival network overhead. There is an option to configure not sending sender address, actorRef.tell(msg, ActorRef.noSender)
, however, there is no option to short the receiver ActorRef path currently.
The code here shows a way to hack akka framework to reduce the reciever ActorRef overhead. After the hack, the receiver ActorRef path will only take about 10 bytes.
Check!topic/akka-user/Pf4lInh8oPc for the background story and discussions.
sbt package to build the jar
then, you need to configure in application.conf = "akka.remote.AliasRemoteActorRefProvider"
- After that, the target actor(the target you want to send message to) need to call
val aliasActorRef = context.provider.asInstanceOf[AliasActorRefProvider].getAliasActorRef
to get a alias ActorRef.
Then the target actor actor(the target you want to send message to) need to pass the aliasActorRef to source actor(which send message), like this
source ! aliasActorRef
In source ator, it need to record the aliasActorRef of target actor. When it need to send message to target actor, it need to use this aliasActorRef.
aliasActorRef.tell("message", ActorRef.noSender)
There are two places
The latter will only serialze the shortten alias path when transfer through network. For example, the original path may be:akka://sytem@ip:port/user/.../myActorName
, after shortten, the path looks like"s://s<id>"
, the id will map to a unique Actor in current ActorSystem. -
The second hack lies in
. It will use implementation of AliasRemoteActorRefProvider instead. In the hacked version,AliasRemoteActorRefProvider.resolveActorRefWithLocalAddress
will parse the short version of ActorPath, resolve it to a full ActorPath in current ActorSystem.