First: Thank you for your time and effort in making a contribution!
The preferred method to make requests for new terms--or for modifications to existing terms--is via our GitHub Issue Tracker. Note that you will need to be a registered GitHub user to use this service. If circumstances prevent the use of that method, consider submitting via the obci-user mailing list.
Check to see if the term already exists. Before submitting suggestions for new ontology terms, check whether the term already exists, either as a primary term or a synonym. To do this, search the ontology using Protege.
Provide suggestions for a name and definition. OBCI terms labels and definitions follow a standard format. When appropriate, please also provide synonyms and references (e.g. PMIDs). Provide cross references to any relevant external databases. OBCI editors can more easily process term requests when all of this information is provided.
Corrections or additional information. The more information available for each term, the more useful/usable it is. Please clearly indicate synonyms, database cross-references, notable publications, or clarifications.
Documentation requests. For documentation requests, please indicate the kind of information desired. If there are existing documents of the sort requested, a link to such exemplars would be helpful.
Acknowledgements. If you would like your contribution acknowledged, please also provide your ORCID identifier.
Labels. If appropriate, please add a label to your ticket. The labels menu is to the right of the editing boxes when adding a new issue in GitHub.
Write a detailed request. Please be specific in your request and include as many details as necessary, providing background information, and if possible, suggesting a solution. OBCI editors will be better equipped to address your suggestions if you offer details regarding what is wrong, why, and how to fix it.
Developer contact Tickets with insufficient detail or which need submitter action will be marked with a Submitter Response Needed label to alert the submitter.