By now you probably understood that this library provides adapter-classes that can implement various virus-scanner engines.
By default, the ClamAV
engine is the default adapter, but you could easily create your own adapters for the engine of your choice.
$adapter = new ClamAVAdapter('...');
$result = $adapter->scan(['/path/to/scary/file', '/path/to/scary/dir']);
// do we have a virus?
$result->hasVirus(); // returns either true or false
// what was scanned?
$result->getFiles(); // returns all the files that were scanned during the operation, as an array of strings (absolute paths)
// what whas detected then?
$result->getDetections(); // returns an array of `Detection` instances if one or more viruses were detected
If you want to see an adapter for a real virus-scanner, check out the ClamAv adapter.