This recipe uses matplotlib
to plot color-coded datapoint numbers for languages in a CLDF dataset
on a geographical map.
Requirements on Ubuntu or Debian Linux systems:
Install the following deb packages:
apt-get install libgeo-proj4-perl libgeos-3.4.2 libgeos++-dev
and python packages:
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
pip install pyproj
pip install pycldf
pip install pyglottolog
To install mpl_toolkits.basemap
export GEOS_DIR=/usr
curl -O -J -L
tar -xzvf basemap-1.1.0.tar.gz
cd basemap-1.1.0/
python install
If no geo coordinates are available in the CLDF dataset, the script tries to lookup
coordinates in Glottolog. This is done using pyglottolog
, using the data in a local
clone or export of clld/glottolog.
The script is run from the commandline using the following syntax:
$ python --glottolog-repos PATH/TO/CLLD/GLOTTOLOG PATH/TO/DATASET/*-metadata.json OUTPUT.[png|svg]
This recipe can be used to visualize the infamously sparse matrix of WALS datapoints
with the darker dots corresponding to WALS 100 and 200 language samples
Thanks to @Anaphory for contributing this recipe.