Simple plugin providing a common interface to list files in the media library.
- Easy media library query
- Android support (iOS coming soon)
- Pagination
- On the fly thumbnail generation (images only)
$ cordova plugin add
mediaLister.readLibrary({thumbnail: true, limit: 40, mediaTypes: ['image']}, function (result) {
// [{
// "id": 4238,
// "dateModified": 1433332510,
// "title": "DSC_0003",
// "height": 2160,
// "width": 3840,
// "path": "/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/100ANDRO/DSC_0003.JPG",
// "dateAdded": 1433332510,
// "mediaType": "image",
// "thumbnailPath": "/data/data/",
// "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
// "size": "1811261"
// }]
console.log(result.nextOptions); // suport for pagination
// {
// limit: 40,
// thumbnail: true,
// mediaTypes: ['image'],
// offset: 8
// }
}, function (err) {
- Limit thumbnail cache size
This plugin is under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more info.