- open
in browser. - it's a bit slow so bear with it :-)
This app grabs all the headlines from the Guardian newspaper API and display them on a page. Clicking on a headline shows a summary of the article.
- A single page web app. Code is in frontend JavaScript, CSS and HTML.
- No libraries of frameworks. Not even testing framework - I wrote that.
This uses a static server to serve the HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. It sends requests to an API to get data from the Guardian and to summarise text.
Full instructions here.
As a busy politician
I can see all of today's headlines in one place
So I know what the big stories of the day are
As a busy politician
I can click a link to see the original news article
So that I can get an in depth understanding of a very important story
As a busy politician
I can see a summary of a news article
So I can get a few more details about an important story
As a busy politician
I can see a picture to illustrate each news article when I browse headlines
So that I have something nice to look at
As a busy politician
I can read the site comfortably on my phone
Just in case my laptop breaks
As a busy politician
I can see whizzy animations in the app
To make my news reading more fun
At the beginning of the project, I used this diagram to help me plan my flow.