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base repository: ckb-devrel/offckb
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base: v0.2.7
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head repository: ckb-devrel/offckb
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: v0.3.0
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Showing with 28,021 additions and 1,781 deletions.
  1. +10 −1 .eslintrc.js
  2. +1 −1 .github/workflows/canary-publish.yml
  3. +350 −36
  4. +8 −8 ckb/devnet/specs/dev.toml
  5. BIN ckb/devnet/specs/{omni_lock → omnilock}
  6. BIN ckb/devnet/specs/{spore-scripts → spore}/spore
  7. BIN ckb/devnet/specs/{spore-scripts/cluster → spore/spore_cluster}
  8. BIN ckb/devnet/specs/{spore-scripts/cluster_agent → spore/spore_cluster_agent}
  9. BIN ckb/devnet/specs/{spore-scripts/cluster_proxy → spore/spore_cluster_proxy}
  10. BIN ckb/devnet/specs/{spore-scripts → spore}/spore_extension_lua
  11. BIN ckb/devnet/specs/{xudt_rce → xudt}
  12. +3 −11 docs/
  13. +17 −0 docs/
  14. +14 −8 package.json
  15. +0 −31 src/cfg/const.ts
  16. +134 −4 src/cfg/setting.ts
  17. +117 −47 src/cli.ts
  18. +5 −7 src/cmd/balance.ts
  19. +7 −5 src/cmd/clean.ts
  20. +45 −9 src/cmd/config.ts
  21. +26 −8 src/cmd/create.ts
  22. +125 −0 src/cmd/debug.ts
  23. +33 −122 src/cmd/deploy.ts
  24. +0 −14 src/cmd/deployed-scripts.ts
  25. +57 −37 src/cmd/deposit.ts
  26. +0 −6 src/cmd/develop/build-account.ts
  27. +0 −104 src/cmd/develop/genkey.ts
  28. +0 −38 src/cmd/develop/init-chain.ts
  29. +0 −158 src/cmd/develop/install.ts
  30. +0 −136 src/cmd/develop/lumos-config.ts
  31. +29 −62 src/cmd/inject-config.ts
  32. +42 −8 src/cmd/list-hashes.ts
  33. +22 −0 src/cmd/mol.ts
  34. +25 −0 src/cmd/my-scripts.ts
  35. +29 −9 src/cmd/node.ts
  36. +26 −0 src/cmd/proxy-rpc.ts
  37. +77 −0 src/cmd/repl.ts
  38. +0 −18 src/cmd/sync-config.ts
  39. +34 −0 src/cmd/sync-scripts.ts
  40. +312 −0 src/cmd/system-scripts.ts
  41. +36 −0 src/cmd/transfer-all.ts
  42. +15 −15 src/cmd/transfer.ts
  43. +132 −0 src/deploy/index.ts
  44. +193 −0 src/deploy/migration.ts
  45. +84 −0 src/deploy/toml.ts
  46. +19 −0 src/deploy/util.ts
  47. +119 −0 src/molecule/mol.ts
  48. +25 −0 src/node/init-chain.ts
  49. +190 −0 src/node/install.ts
  50. +41 −0 src/scripts/gen.ts
  51. +19 −0 src/scripts/private.ts
  52. +231 −0 src/scripts/public.ts
  53. +58 −0 src/scripts/type.ts
  54. +63 −0 src/scripts/util.ts
  55. +265 −0 src/sdk/ckb.ts
  56. +21 −0 src/sdk/network.ts
  57. +32 −0 src/template/offckb-config.ts
  58. +28 −0 src/template/option.ts
  59. +37 −0 src/tools/ckb-debugger.ts
  60. +22 −0 src/tools/ckb-tx-dumper.ts
  61. +85 −0 src/tools/moleculec-es.ts
  62. +33 −0 src/tools/moleculec-go.ts
  63. +33 −0 src/tools/moleculec-rust.ts
  64. +69 −0 src/tools/rpc-proxy.ts
  65. +5 −0 src/{util/type.ts → type/base.ts}
  66. +0 −291 src/util/ckb.ts
  67. +0 −135 src/util/config.ts
  68. +6 −0 src/util/encoding.ts
  69. +7 −36 src/util/fs.ts
  70. +20 −7 src/util/git.ts
  71. +18 −15 src/util/request.ts
  72. +0 −13 src/util/template.ts
  73. +15 −4 src/util/validator.ts
  74. +0 −98 templates/config.json
  75. +1 −1 templates/next-js-template/frontend/app/page.tsx
  76. +3 −0 templates/
  77. +1 −1 templates/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/components/home.client.tsx
  78. +3 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/.gitignore
  79. +1,390 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/Cargo.lock
  80. +15 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/Cargo.toml
  81. +123 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/Makefile
  82. +118 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/
  83. +2 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/contracts/hello-world/.gitignore
  84. +7 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/contracts/hello-world/Cargo.toml
  85. +77 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/contracts/hello-world/Makefile
  86. +7 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/contracts/hello-world/
  87. +18 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/contracts/hello-world/src/
  88. +1 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/.env
  89. +3 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/.eslintrc.json
  90. +36 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/.gitignore
  91. +44 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/
  92. BIN templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/app/favicon.ico
  93. +7 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/app/globals.css
  94. +22 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/app/layout.tsx
  95. +110 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/app/page.tsx
  96. +23 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/app/wallet-client.ts
  97. +181 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/app/wallet.tsx
  98. +17 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/next.config.mjs
  99. +147 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/offckb.config.ts
  100. +6,000 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/package-lock.json
  101. +28 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/package.json
  102. +8 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/postcss.config.mjs
  103. +1 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/public/next.svg
  104. +1 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/public/vercel.svg
  105. +19 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/tailwind.config.ts
  106. +26 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/frontend/tsconfig.json
  107. +32 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/scripts/find_clang
  108. +66 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/scripts/reproducible_build_docker
  109. +8 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/tests/Cargo.toml
  110. +112 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/tests/src/
  111. +63 −0 templates/v3/next-js-template/tests/src/
  112. +149 −0 templates/v3/offckb.config.example.ts
  113. +3 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/.gitignore
  114. +1,368 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/Cargo.lock
  115. +15 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/Cargo.toml
  116. +123 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/Makefile
  117. +123 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/
  118. +2 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/contracts/hello-world/.gitignore
  119. +7 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/contracts/hello-world/Cargo.toml
  120. +77 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/contracts/hello-world/Makefile
  121. +7 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/contracts/hello-world/
  122. +18 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/contracts/hello-world/src/
  123. +84 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/.eslintrc.cjs
  124. +5 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/.gitignore
  125. +36 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/
  126. +108 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/components/home.client.tsx
  127. +21 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/components/wallet-client.client.ts
  128. +178 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/components/wallet.client.tsx
  129. +18 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/entry.client.tsx
  130. +122 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/entry.server.tsx
  131. +7 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/root.css
  132. +45 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/root.tsx
  133. +15 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/app/routes/_index.tsx
  134. +155 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/offckb.config.ts
  135. +12,290 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/package-lock.json
  136. +45 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/package.json
  137. +6 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/postcss.config.js
  138. BIN templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/public/favicon.ico
  139. +8 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/tailwind.config.js
  140. +32 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/tsconfig.json
  141. +10 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/frontend/vite.config.ts
  142. +32 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/scripts/find_clang
  143. +66 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/scripts/reproducible_build_docker
  144. +8 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/tests/Cargo.toml
  145. +112 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/tests/src/
  146. +63 −0 templates/v3/remix-vite-template/tests/src/
  147. +3 −3 tsconfig.json
  148. +471 −274 yarn.lock
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion .eslintrc.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -9,6 +9,15 @@ module.exports = {
ignorePatterns: ['node_modules/'],
rules: {
// Other rules...
"@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "off"
"@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "off",
'no-constant-condition': 'off',
"@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "warn",
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [
'error', // or 'off' to disable entirely
argsIgnorePattern: '^_', // Ignore unused function arguments that start with an underscore
varsIgnorePattern: '^_' // Ignore unused variables that start with an underscore
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/canary-publish.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: Canary release on new commit
- develop
- 'v0.*.x'
- '**/package.json'
