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daemonburrito edited this page May 6, 2011 · 7 revisions


The SceneObject class is a container used to represent an object in a Scene. A SceneObject can contain meshes, child SceneObjects or simply be a "Null" pointer or target for reference or animation.


SceneObject( mesh, name )


  • mesh - A Mesh, null to represent an 'Empty' or an Object Constructor. Object constructor is equivalent to object structure.
  • name (optional) - String name for the SceneObject used for referencing/retrieval.

Object Constructor:

  • init object
    • position - Position in Scene or relative to parent, default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0].
    • rotation - Rotation in Scene or relative to parent, default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0].
    • scale - Scale in Scene or relative to parent, default: [1.0,1.0,1.0].
    • motion - A Motion belonging to this SceneObject, default: null.
    • name - Name of SceneObject for referencing/retrieval, default: null.
    • mesh - A Mesh, default: null.


bindChild( childSceneObject )


Bind another SceneObject as a child of this object. The child object's transformation becomes relative to the parent.


childSceneObject - Another SceneObject to bind as a child.



getAABB( )


Retrieve the SceneObject's current axis-aligned bounding box information. The AABB is just a bounding box that contains the SceneObject's mesh's transformed bounding box in world space.


Axis-aligned bounding box, format: [ [minX, minY, minZ] , [maxX, maxY, maxZ] ].

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