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cjcliffe edited this page Feb 21, 2011 · 3 revisions


The Face class is used to represent a triangle or quad as part of a Mesh. It can be used for higher level polygons but they are not currently supported for compiling and rendering.


### _Face()_
## Structure:
  • Face
    • points[] - Array of point indices from the related Mesh
    • point_normals[] - Array of normals for each point [X,Y,Z]
    • uvs[] - Array of [U,V] pairs for each point
    • normal - Normal for this face [X,Y,Z]
    • material - Material ID (Material.mat_id reference) for this face
    • segment - Mesh segment this face belongs to

## Methods:
### _setUV( uvs, point_num )_ **Purpose**: Set the UV coordinates for this face. **Parameters**: *uvs* - A single pair or array of U,V coordinates. If single pair ` [0,0] `provided without *point_num* it will be appended to ` Face.uvs[] `, otherwise it will be applied to the specified *point_num*. If multiple U,V pairs are supplied ` [ [0,1], [0,0], [1,0] ] ` they will replace the face's ` Face.uvs[] ` array directly. *point_num* - The point index for the supplied U,V pair. **Returns**: none


Flip the face point winding so that the normal is facing in the opposite direction when calculated.

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