# Code owners groups and a brief description of their areas:
# @cilium/azure              Integration with Azure
# @cilium/ci-structure       Continuous integration, testing
# @cilium/cli                Commandline interfaces
# @cilium/contributing       Developer documentation & tools
# @cilium/github-sec         GitHub security (handling of secrets, consequences of pull_request_target, etc.)
# @cilium/sig-bgp            BGP integration
# @cilium/sig-clustermesh    Clustermesh and external workloads
# @cilium/sig-hubble         Hubble integration
# @cilium/sig-k8s            K8s integration, K8s CNI plugin
# @cilium/vendor             Vendoring, dependency management

# The following filepaths should be sorted so that more specific paths occur
# after the less specific paths, otherwise the ownership for the specific paths
# is not properly picked up in Github.
* @cilium/cli
/CODEOWNERS @cilium/contributing
/.github/ @cilium/contributing
/.github/cilium-cli-test-job-chart/ @cilium/github-sec @cilium/ci-structure
/.github/gcp-vm-startup.sh @cilium/ci-structure
/.github/get-kubeconfig.sh @cilium/github-sec @cilium/ci-structure
/.github/in-cluster-test-scripts/ @cilium/ci-structure
/.github/kind-config*.yaml @cilium/ci-structure
/.github/tools/ @cilium/ci-structure
/.github/workflows/ @cilium/github-sec @cilium/ci-structure
/bgp/ @cilium/sig-bgp
/cmd/ @cilium/cli
/clustermesh/ @cilium/sig-clustermesh
/connectivity/ @cilium/cli
/hubble/ @cilium/sig-hubble
/install/azure.go @cilium/azure
/internal/cli/ @cilium/cli
/k8s/ @cilium/sig-k8s
/go.sum @cilium/vendor
/go.mod @cilium/vendor
/vendor/ @cilium/vendor