All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- [Web]: Show more information about a conversation's comment on the comments report.
- [Web]: Improves the user registration form.
- [Web]: Improves the user interface of the conversation edit/create form.
- [Web]: Fixes the cluster modal, on the conversation dashboard page.
- [Web]: Renames ej_tools app to ej_integrations.
- [API and Web]: Renames anonymous_votes_limit attribute to anonymous_votes.
- [Web]: Removes the Mautic integration.
- [API]: Save phone_number during user registration.
- Upgrades Django version to 4.2 .
- Fixes Profile app migrations.
- Refactoring ej_clusters app to use Django IntegerChoices instead of django-boogie EnumField.
- [Web]: Fixes user's report perfomance issue.
- [API]: Improves the Profile endpoint to give API clients the capability to update the user profile.
- [Web and API]: Add a checkbox and an input field in the conversation form to control when to send to the user questions about their profile.
- [API]: Refactors the Comments endpoint to return at least one comment for an unauthenticated request.
- [API]: do not use the secret_id as the user's password when receiving a PUT request in the User update action.
- Add an environment variable to disable returning skipped votes. This affects the API and the web platform.
- Add a new form for creating personas.
- Returns the conversation's id in the board endpoint.
- Adds drf-spectacular package to generate API documentation and schema.
- Adds an endpoint to retrieve a board's conversations.
- Adds more parameters to gunicorn server.
- Adds more parameters to optimize PostgreSQL connections.
- Adds a variable to avoid compiling assets if the server is API only.
- Refactors conversations list endpoint to filter the response by tags.
- fix: don't encode user secret_id with JWT_SECRET if it is null.
- Removes coreapi and dj-rest-auth dependencies.
- Adds new users API endpoint to update an user using the secret_id field.
- Exposes the anonymous_votes_limit field on conversation API.
- Adds new form for managing personas and clusters.
- Allows an user to delete a board.
- Refactors token endpoint to returns an access_token using the secret_id field.
- New checkbox field in Conversation form to disable participants from adding comments.
- SMTP module accepts configuring SMTP servers without using anymail package.
- Upgrades to Python 3.9
- Comments API returns 403 if conversation have comment addition disabled.
- Fixes conversation time chart start_date and end_date.
- Renames user default board to "Explorar".
- When voting as a persona, the comment will stay at the same position.
- Fixes participation page overflow.
- Adds to the documentation a reference to an EJ thesis developed by an UnB student.
- Improves navigation menu interface, based on Figma prototypes.
- Enables the user to visualize some cluster statistics by clicking on it in the conversation panel.
- New side navigation menu for logged user.
- Add the convergence column to the comments report.
- New side navigation menu for conversation participant.
- [api]: Adds support for JWT authentication.
- Fix comment report statistics when selecting multiple clusters.
- Fix side navigation menu when editing a conversation.
- Shows conversation title in the side navigation menu.
- Fix bug that breaks Django when clusterizing personas without votes.
- [mobile]: Fix side navigation menu for conversation participant.
- Revert the commit that includes comments without votes in the comments report.
- Participate on conversations with votes and comments
- Add conversation to favorites
- Track your comments on conversations viewing how they perform with other users
- Create new conversations and organize them on boards
- Accept or reject comments with reasoning
- Define stereotypes on conversations to read reports of opinion groups
- Fill your profile information with a personalized picture
- Read basic documentation about how to use EJPlatform