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Ansible Role: Cobalt Strike

An Ansible Role to install Cobalt Strike and to configure it either as Operator (client) or Teamserver (server).

If configured as Teamserver, it will start automatically with the supplied password and C2 profile.

If configured as Operator, it will download the artifact and resource kit automatically.

The role installs Cobalt Strike into a cobalstrike folder in your user's home directory ~/cobaltstrike. Any additional downloads like kits and profiles are put in respective folders inside that directory, so ~/cobaltstrike/profiles and ~/cobaltstrike/kits.

The script includes options to use C2Concealer to request a Let's Encrypt for your C2 domain, and supply hostnames for use with custom domains, for example with domain fronting.



Role Variables

Variable Default Comments (type)
cobalt_strike_role operator Defaults to operator
teamserver_password password password for your Teamserver
license_key aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd Must be a valid license key. Running with the default in this role will fail.
cdn_endpoint If using a CDN endpoint for the Host Header in the C2 profile, provide the URL to it
variants 1 CS C2 profile variants in C2Concealer
c2concealer_option 2 Selects Let's Encrypt option in C2Concealer
c2_hostname Hostname to generate TLS certificate for. Should be your real C2 server.
keystore_password Welcome1 Keystore password for TLS cert generated in C2Concealer
c2_profile_filename template.profile Specify the file name of a custom C2 profile to start the Teamserver with. Must be placed in the profiles directory in the cobaltstrike directory. The template.profile file does not exist by default.


C2Concealer, but will be installed automatically on the Teamserver.

Example Playbook

- hosts: cobalt_strike_infrastructure
      - name: include cobalt_strike role
          name: cobalt_strike
        tags: always

Example where only certain tasks from the role is run. Here: tasks/configure-teamserver.yml

- hosts: cobalt_strike_infrastructure
      - name: include cobalt_strike role
          name: cobalt_strike
          tasks_from: configure-teamserver
        tags: always

Vars example for Teamserver

cobalt_strike_role: teamserver

You can execute the playbook with --extra-vars to avoid placing your license key or password in any code.

ansible-playbook -i inventory cobaltstrike_playbook.yml --extra-vars '{"license_key":"aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd","teamserver_password":"password"}'

Installing as operator only requires a license key variable.

ansible-playbook -i inventory cobaltstrike_playbook.yml --extra-vars '{"license_key":"aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd"}'



Author Information

This role was created in 2020 by @chryzsh.