This would be a short tutorial on how to make a your membership to a community visible or maybe hidden for a particular reason. I know we would all want our membership to be visible and that's why this was created.
After joining a community as a member, Github automatically makes it hidden(private), making only the members of the same community to see your membership, not the public at large. So, you need to enable this yourself, for people to discover you!
This is mine, it is visible to everyone, why?
Because I enabled it myself!
1. Click the people tab
You have to be on the community page, where you are a member and click the people
2. Search and find out your name
Then you would find a list of the community members, then search out and find your name and we can all see from the picture below, that there is a difference,
only an account is made public and the others private. So you would have to click the private
button to toggle it public
3. Changing the visiblity
After clicking it, something like this, as shown in the image below would show up. Then you would have to pick any one of your choice, either
public or private.
I feel this has helped out in making your membership visiblilty either public or private!