Tool for creating a Systematics-insensitive Periodogram (SIP) to detect long period rotation in NASA's TESS mission data. Read more about TESS-SIP in our published Research Note of the American Astronomical Society.
SIP is a method of detrending telescope systematics simultaneously with calculating a Lomb-Scargle periodogram. You can read a more in-depth work of how SIP is used in NASA's Kepler/K2 data here.
This repository contains a Python tool to create a SIP. An example of a SIP output is below. You can run a simple notebook in the docs
folder to show how to use SIP.
from tess_sip import SIP
import lightkurve as lk
# Download target pixel files
tpfs = lk.search_targetpixelfile('TIC 288735205', mission='tess').download_all()
# Run SIP
r = SIP(tpfs)
is a dictionary containing all the information required to build a plot like the one below.
You can pip install this tool:
pip install tess_sip
To run this demo you will need to have lightkurve installed, with a minimum version number of v2.0.
This tool uses the lightkurve tool to build a SIP, and relies on the RegressionCorrector
and SparseDesignMatrix
lightkurve tools. The SIP project was developed in part at the
meeting, which took place globally in 2020 September. This research made use of Astropy a community-developed core Python package for Astronomy.