import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import seaborn as sns import numpy as np import json from taxcalc import * from babel.numbers import format_currency from collections import defaultdict import copy def remove_decimal(S): S = str(S) S = S[:-3] return S def ind_currency(curr): curr_str = format_currency(curr, 'INR', locale='en_IN').replace(u'\xa0', u' ') return(remove_decimal(curr_str)) def run_calculator(reform, ref_num, reform_desc): # create Records object containing pit.csv and pit_weights.csv input data recs = Records(data='pit.csv', weights='pit_weights.csv') grecs = GSTRecords() crecs = CorpRecords() # create Policy object containing current-law policy pol = Policy() # specify Calculator object for current-law policy calc1 = Calculator(policy=pol, records=recs, gstrecords=grecs, corprecords=crecs, verbose=False) # specify Calculator object for reform in JSON file #print(reform['policy']) pol.implement_reform(reform['policy']) calc2 = Calculator(policy=pol, records=recs, gstrecords=grecs, corprecords=crecs, verbose=False) # loop through years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 and print out pitax wtd_tax_clp={} wtd_tax_ref={} wtd_tax_diff={} wtd_tot={} for year in range(START_YEAR, END_YEAR+1): calc1.advance_to_year(year) calc2.advance_to_year(year) calc1.calc_all() calc2.calc_all() wtd_tax_clp[year] = calc1.weighted_total('pitax') wtd_tax_ref[year] = calc2.weighted_total('pitax') wtd_tax_diff[year] = wtd_tax_ref[year] - wtd_tax_clp[year] if (year>=BASE_YEAR): print('******') print(f'Current Law: Tax Collection in Rs. Cr. for {year}:', end=' ') print(f'{ind_currency(wtd_tax_clp[year] * 1e-7)}') print(f' Reform-> \n{reform_desc}Reform: Tax Collection in Rs. Cr. for {year}:', end=' ') print(f'{ind_currency(wtd_tax_ref[year] * 1e-7)}') print(' Difference in Tax Collection:', end=' ') print(f'{ind_currency(wtd_tax_diff[year] * 1e-7)} Cr.') return(wtd_tax_clp, wtd_tax_ref, wtd_tax_diff, wtd_tot) def gen_reform(list_tdict): param_key_dict = dict(list_tdict) year_param = dict() for pkey, sdict in param_key_dict.items(): #print(f'pkey: {pkey}') #print(f'sdict: {sdict}') rdict = dict() for skey, val in sdict.items(): year = int(skey) rdict[year] = val year_param[pkey] = rdict year_key_dict = dict() years = set() for param, sdict in year_param.items(): for year, val in sdict.items(): if year not in years: years.add(year) year_key_dict[year] = dict() year_key_dict[year][param] = val rpol_dict = year_key_dict cons_dict = dict() behv_dict = dict() gdiff_base_dict = dict() gdiff_resp_dict = dict() growmodel_dict = dict() param_dict = dict() param_dict['policy'] = rpol_dict param_dict['consumption'] = cons_dict param_dict['behavior'] = behv_dict param_dict['growdiff_baseline'] = gdiff_base_dict param_dict['growdiff_response'] = gdiff_resp_dict param_dict['growmodel'] = growmodel_dict #print(f'param_dict: {param_dict}') return param_dict def get_reform_desc(list_tdict): ref_num = len(list_tdict) reform_desc = "" for i in range(ref_num): part1 = list_tdict[i][0][1:].upper() part2 = list(list_tdict[i][1].keys())[0] part3 = str(list(list_tdict[i][1].values())[0][0]) ref = (part1 + " in " + part2 + "->" + part3) reform_desc = reform_desc + ref + '\n' return(reform_desc) START_YEAR = 2017 END_YEAR = 2023 BASE_YEAR = 2019 # check if Calculator object for reform in JSON file is valid # using all the checks in the Calculator object reform_file = 'Budget2019_reform.json' txt = open(reform_file, 'r').read() json_str = re.sub('//.*', ' ', txt) raw_dict = json.loads(json_str) tdict = Policy.translate_json_reform_suffixes(raw_dict['policy']) list_tdict=list(tdict.items()) keys_tdict=list(tdict.keys()) ref_num = len(tdict) reform_desc=[] for i in range(ref_num): part1 = list_tdict[i][0][1:].upper() part2 = list(list_tdict[i][1].keys())[0] part3 = str(list(list_tdict[i][1].values())[0][0]) ref = (part1 + " in " + part2 + "->" + part3) reform_desc.append(ref) wtd_tax_clp={} wtd_tax_ref={} wtd_tax_diff={} wtd_tot={} reform={} #reform_diff={} # Calculating impact for full reform """ reform_overall = gen_reform(list_tdict) run_calculator(reform_overall, ref_num=99, reform_desc=reform_desc_combined) wtd_tax_clp['ref_99'], wtd_tax_ref['ref_99'], wtd_tax_diff['ref_99'], wtd_tot['ref_99'] = run_calculator(reform_overall, ref_num=99, reform_desc=reform_desc_combined) d = dict((k, v) for k, v in wtd_tax_diff['ref_99'].items() if k >= BASE_YEAR) reform_base = list(d.values()) reform_base = np.array(list(d.values())) reform_base = np.round(reform_base/10**7) reform_base = reform_base.astype(int) """ # Using stacking process, we first use one reform and then add subsequent reforms #print('**********************************************') list_tdict_orig = list_tdict[:] for i in range(ref_num): list_tdict = list_tdict_orig[0:i+1] reform_dict = gen_reform(list_tdict) ref='ref_'+str(i) wtd_tax_clp[ref], wtd_tax_ref[ref], wtd_tax_diff[ref], wtd_tot[ref] = run_calculator(reform_dict, i, get_reform_desc(list_tdict)) for i in range(ref_num): ref_tag='ref_'+str(i) d = dict((k, v) for k, v in wtd_tax_diff[ref_tag].items() if k >= BASE_YEAR) reform[i] = np.array(list(d.values())) reform[i] = np.round(reform[i]/10**7) reform[i] = reform[i].astype(int) for i in range(ref_num-1): reform[i+1] = reform[i+1] - reform[i] years = list(range(BASE_YEAR,END_YEAR+1)) N = len(years) width = 0.35 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5)) p={} bottom_num=np.zeros(N) for i in range(ref_num): p[i] =, reform[i], width, bottom=bottom_num, label="") bottom_num = np.array(bottom_num) + np.array(reform[i]) ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_ylabel('Rupees in Crores.', fontweight="bold") ax.set_xlabel('Year', fontweight="bold") plt.legend(reform_desc, loc=2) plt.suptitle('Composition of the Changes to Total Tax Collection', fontsize=16, fontweight="bold") plt.savefig('Composition of Tax Changes due to Reforms.png')