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API as a Service

API as a Service - API

This is the API for API as a Service.

With API as a Service you can easily build PHP APIs via a GUI.

If you want to try out our application quickly in the cloud, you can set it up as a workspace in Gitpod. Otherwise, please continue reading.

Open in Gitpod

Table of Contents

  1. Essential
  2. Installation
  3. Visit Docs
  4. Useful commands for development
  5. Continuous Integration
  6. Wiki




Application configuration is stored in .env file.

Application environment

You can change application environment to dev of prod by changing APP_ENV variable in .env file.

Database and credentials

An app database is created by default with user app and password app. root password is app.


Start Containers

To start the docker containers execute:

docker-compose up

If you want to use Docker Sync on OSX or Windows you can execute the command below from your OSX- or WSL-Console instead:

docker-sync-stack start

Build Backend

Install dependencies

docker-compose exec php composer install

If composer runs out of memory when doing this the first time you should run

docker-compose exec -e COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 php composer install

Generate JWT Certificate

docker-compose exec php openssl genrsa -out config/jwt/private.pem -aes256 4096
docker-compose exec php openssl rsa -pubout -in config/jwt/private.pem -out config/jwt/public.pem

Don't forget to update JWT_PASSPHRASE in .env file. By default it's app!

Deploy Database Schema

Update database credentials in .env and deploy schema:

docker-compose exec php php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction

If you want to modify the entities, don't forget to run:

docker-compose exec php php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff

If you want to load the fixtures run:

docker-compose exec php php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction

Create an administrator account

You should create an administrator account:

docker-compose exec php php bin/console acl:create-user EMAIL PASSWORD --admin

Retrieving an JWT Access Token

You can retrieve an JWT Access Token by posting your credentials to /auth/login_check:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost/auth/login_check \
-d '{ "email" : "EMAIL", "password" : "PASSWORD" }'

If your credentials are correct the server should respond with an JWT Access Token:

    "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOcm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9..."

Do not forget to send an Authorization HTTP-Header when requesting /aaas resources and set the value to Bearer YOUR_TOKEN. You get an 401 Unauthorized Error otherwise. See more information about that in our Wiki.

Visit Docs

For Swagger UI open https://localhost/docs in your browser.

Please note that Swagger UI is disabled when you set APP_ENV to prod in .env.

Useful commands for development

It is recommended to add short aliases for the following frequently used container commands:

  • docker-compose exec php /bin/bash to run a shell inside the php container
  • docker-compose exec php php to run php in container
  • docker-compose exec php php bin/console to run Symfony CLI commands
  • docker-compose exec php php bin/console cache:clear to clear cache
  • docker-compose exec php composer update to update composer dependencies
  • docker-compose exec mariadb mysql -u app -p app to run MySQL commands

Continuous Integration

Running PHPUnit Tests

Our test suite uses an app_test database whose container service can be viewed under mariadb_test in docker-compose.yml. You should run the commands below to populate this database with our schema and to load the data fixtures if you want to run the tests.

docker-compose exec php php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --env=test
docker-compose exec php php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction --env=test

The test environment uses another SSL key pair. Do not forget to generate it. Add -passout pass:app! when generating the private key and -passin pass:app! when generating the public key if you want to skip interaction.

docker-compose exec php openssl genrsa -out config/jwt/private-test.pem -aes256 4096
docker-compose exec php openssl rsa -pubout -in config/jwt/private-test.pem -out config/jwt/public-test.pem

If you want to run the testsuite execute the command below:

docker-compose exec php php bin/phpunit -c config/ci/phpunit.xml.dist

Generate PHP CodeSniffer XML Report

docker-compose exec php php vendor/bin/phpcs --report=xml --report-file=build/ci/phpcs.xml --standard=config/ci/phpcs.xml.dist

Generate PHPUnit Code Coverage HTML Report

docker-compose exec php php bin/phpunit -c config/ci/phpunit.xml.dist --coverage-html build/ci/coverage

Generate PHP Mess Detector HTML Report

docker-compose exec php php vendor/bin/phpmd src/ html config/ci/phpmd.xml.dist --reportfile build/ci/phpmd.html

Generate PHP Depend Metrics

docker-compose exec php php vendor/bin/pdepend --summary-xml=build/ci/php-pdepend.xml \
--jdepend-chart=build/ci/php-jdepend.svg --overview-pyramid=build/ci/php-pyramid.svg \
--ignore=src/Migrations/ src/


Visit our Wiki to familiarize yourself with the possibilities of AaaS API.