Linguist is a simple Elixir Internationalization library
Add :linguist
to your mix.exs
def deps do
{:linguist, "~> 0.4"}
Update your dependencies:
$ mix deps.get
defmodule I18n do
use Linguist.Vocabulary
locale "en", [
flash: [
notice: [
hello: "hello %{first} %{last}",
bye: "bye now, %{name}!"
users: [
title: "Users",
profiles: [
title: "Profiles",
locale "fr", Path.join([__DIR__, "fr.exs"])
# fr.exs
flash: [
notice: [
hello: "salut %{first} %{last}"
iex> I18n.t!("en", "flash.notice.hello", first: "chris", last: "mccord")
"hello chris mccord"
iex> I18n.t!("fr", "flash.notice.hello", first: "chris", last: "mccord")
"salut chris mccord"
iex> I18n.t!("en", "users.title")
The key to use for pluralization is configurable, and should likely be an atom:
config :linguist, pluralization_key: :count
will cause the system to pluralize based on the count
parameter passed to the t