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RISC-V full system
Resources to build a riscv disk image, a riscv boot loader and points to the gem5 scripts to run riscv Linux FS simulations.
Ayaz Akram

RISCV Full System

This document provides instructions to create a riscv disk image, a riscv boot loader (berkeley bootloader (bbl)) and also points to the associated gem5 scripts to run riscv Linux full system simulations. The boot loader bbl is compiled with a Linux kernel and a device tree as well.

The used disk image is based on busybox and UCanLinux. It is built using the instructions, mostly from here.

Note: All components are cross compiled on an x86 host using a riscv tool chain. We used 88b004d4c2a7d4e4f08b17ee32d2 commit of the riscv tool chain source while building the source (riscv gcc version 10.2.0).

We assume the following directory structure while following the instructions in this README file:

  |___ gem5/                                   # gem5 source code (to be cloned here)
  |___ riscv-disk                              # built disk image will go here
  |___ riscv-gnu-toolchain                     # riscv tool chain for cross compilation
  |___ riscv64-sample                          # UCanLinux source
  |       |__linux                             # linux source
  |       |__busybox                           # busybox source
  |       |__riscv-pk                          # riscv proxy kernel source (bbl)
  |       |__RootFS                            # root file system for disk image
  |___                               # This README file

RISCV Toolchain

We use RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain. To build the toolchain, follow the following instructions, assuming you are in the riscv-fs directory.

# install required libraries
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake autotools-dev curl python3 libmpc-dev libmpfr-dev libgmp-dev gawk build-essential bison flex texinfo gperf libtool patchutils bc zlib1g-dev libexpat-dev

# clone riscv gnu toolchain source
git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
git checkout 88b004d4c2a7d4e4f08b17ee32d2

# change the prefix to your directory
# of choice for installation of the
# toolchain
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv

# build the toolchain
make linux -j$(nproc)

Update the PATH environment variable so that the following instructions can figure out where to find the riscv toolchain.

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin/

Note: The above step is necessary and might cause errors while cross compiling different components for riscv if other methods are used to point to the toolchain.

UCanLinux Source

Clone the UCanLinux source.

# going back to base riscv-fs directory
cd ../

git clone

The following sections provide instructions to build both bbl and disk images.

Linux Kernel

Clone the latest LTS Linux kernel (v5.10):

cd riscv64-sample/
git clone --depth 1 --branch v5.10

To configure and compile the kernel:

cd linux

# copy the kernel config from the riscv64-sample
# directory (cloned previously)

cp ../kernel.config .config

# configure the kernel and build it
make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- menuconfig
make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-  all -j$(nproc)

This should generate a vmlinux image in the linux directory. A pre-built RISC-V 5.10 linux kernel can be downloaded here.

Bootloader (bbl)

To build the bootloader, clone the RISCV proxy kernel (pk) source, which is an application execution environment and contains the bbl source as well.

# going back to base riscv64-sample directory
cd ../
git clone

cd riscv-pk

mkdir build
cd build

apt-get install device-tree-compiler

# configure bbl build
../configure --host=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu --with-payload=../../linux/vmlinux --prefix=/opt/riscv/

make -j$(nproc)

chmod 755 bbl

# optional: strip the bbl binary
riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-strip bbl

This will produce a bbl bootloader binary with linux kernel in riscv-pk/build directory. A pre-built copy of this bootloard binary, with the linux kernel can be downloaded here.

Busy Box

Clone and compile the busybox:

# going back to riscv64-sample directory
cd ../..
git clone git://
cd busybox
git checkout 1_30_stable  # checkout the latest stable branch
make menuconfig
cp ../busybox.config .config  # optional
make menuconfig
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- all -j$(nproc)
make CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- install

Root File System for Disk Image

Next, we will be setting up a root file system:

# going back to riscv64-sample directory
cd ../

mkdir RootFS
cd RootFS
cp -a ../skeleton/* .

# copy linux tools/binaries from busbybox (created above)
cp -a ../busybox/_install/* .

# install modules from linux kernel compiled above
cd ../linux/
make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../RootFS modules_install

# install libraries from the toolchain built above
cd ../RootFS
cp -a /opt/riscv/sysroot/lib  .

# create empty directories
mkdir dev home mnt proc sys tmp var
cd etc/network
mkdir if-down.d  if-post-down.d  if-pre-up.d  if-up.d

# build m5 util for riscv and move
# it to the root file system as well
cd ../../../../
cd gem5/util/m5
scons build/riscv/out/m5
cp build/riscv/out/m5 ../../../riscv64-sample/RootFS/sbin/

Note: the default cross-compiler is riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-. To change the cross-compiler, you can set the cross-compiler using the scons sticky variable riscv.CROSS_COMPILE. For example,

scons riscv.CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- build/riscv/out/m5

Disk Image

Create a disk of 512MB size.

cd ../../../
dd if=/dev/zero of=riscv_disk bs=1M count=512

Making and mounting a root file system on the disk:

mkfs.ext2 -L riscv-rootfs riscv_disk

sudo mkdir /mnt/rootfs
sudo mount riscv_disk /mnt/rootfs

sudo cp -a riscv64-sample/RootFS/* /mnt/rootfs

sudo chown -R -h root:root /mnt/rootfs/
df /mnt/rootfs
sudo umount /mnt/rootfs

The disk image riscv_disk is ready to use. A pre-built, gzipped, disk image can be downloaded here.

Note: If you need to resize the disk image once it is created, you can do the following:

e2fsck -f riscv_disk
resize2fs ./riscv_disk 512M

Also, if it is required to change the contents of the disk image, it can be mounted as:

mount -o loop riscv_disk [some mount directory]

Example Run Script

An example configuration using this disk image with the boot loader can be found in configs/example/gem5_library/ in the gem5 repository.

To run this, you can execute the following within the gem5 repository:

scons build/RISCV/gem5.opt -j`nproc`
./build/RISCV/gem5.opt configs/example/gem5_library/

The gem5 stdlib will automatically download the resources as required. Once the simulation has booted you can interact with the system's console via telnet:

telnet localhost <port>

Another option is to use m5term provided by gem5. To compile and launch m5term,

cd gem5/util/term
make                         # compiling
./m5term localhost <port>    # launching the terminal

The linux has both login and password set as root.