- 📦 add exports map [502fbf1]
- 💥 remove overwrite option (never worked) [b88713c]
- 🏷️ simplify StorageLike type [57f07b1]
- 📝 add nuxt usage docs [c9e47ea]
- 📝 add type persistence limitation and workaround [aa52a70]
- ✨ Add beforeRestore and afterRestore hooks [fbba368]
- ⚗️ move to vitest [bc3c350]
- 🚚 rename private parameters to be more explicit [60b97b2]
- 📝 fix typo in code example [03c2fa1]
- 📝 add repository to package.json [d027f60]
- ⬆️ upgrade pinia to v2.0.0 [d8151b1]
- 🎉 initial commit [2fa1802]