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Helena Richie edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 12 revisions

General + Hydro

Cholla supports restarting a simulation from a checkpoint. Currently, hydro, MHD, dust, cosmology, scalars, and particles are all supported in restarts.

Cholla can read either concatenated or raw (un-concatenated) output files using either the Read_Grid_Cat or Read_Grid initial conditions function in the input parameter file. These functions can also be called using command line overriding with no change to the input parameter file. For example,

./bin/cholla input_file.txt  # original run
./bin/cholla input_file.txt init=Read_Grid indir=./dirname/ outdir=./dirname/ nfile=4  # restart

Cholla requires that the restart has the same number of processes as the original simulation. Input data should be located in [indir], which should end with a slash (/) and may be a relative path. [outdir] is the directory where new data will be written. The files located in [indir] are expected to be named according to [nfile].h5.[rank], where time = [**nfile**] * outstep and [rank] is the MPI rank ID.

Loading hydro is governed by Grid3D::Read_Grid() in src/io/io.cpp.


Expects [indir][nfile]_particles.h5.[rank]

Loading particles is governed by this section of code

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