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Dashboard Tests


Updated 8/16/2019

Data and data updates properly update map, charts/time series, and table. Upper Right always shows updated information

  • Navigate to Lenawee County EMS and make sure that there is 1 marker on the map.

    • Upper right stats should show 1 total, up 1 incident, and N/A percent.
    • The date range should be Aug 03 2019 to Aug 09, 2019.
    • Clicking on the marker shows a popup with Aug 03, 2019 // Lenawee 25-34 American Indian or Alaska Native Male
    • The time series shows 1 incident on Sat 03
      • The average line exists
      • The bar height should be 1
      • The brushed area/ macro view should show shorter bars with an average line that stays close to the x-axis
    • The demographic charts show data for 1 incident
      • There is 1 bar in the 25-34 age range
      • The gender donut shows data for 1 Male
      • There is 1 bar in the American Indian or Alaska Native race category
    • The HTML table shows 1 data point
      • Aug 03, 2019 // Lenawee // 25-34 // Male // American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Expand the time frame to 3 Months using the time series period buttons

    • Upper right stats should be 8 total, up 1 incidents, and +14%
    • Map loads 8 markers inside Lenawee County. No markers load outside of the county boundaries
      • Move the map so the entire county is outside of the map window. i.e. find Detroit
        • Data in upper right shows 0 incidents, 0 increase/decrease, N/A percent, and time series, charts, and table are empty
      • Zoom into the map so only a portion of the markers in Lenawee are on the map window
        • Data in upper right, time series, charts, and table reflect number of markers in map window
    • The time series has updated to show 8 total incidents
      • The brushed area expands to show data from May to August
      • The average line exists
      • Bars have a height of 1
    • The demographics show data for 8 incidents
      • 0 data 0-25 range, 3 in the 25-34 range, 3 in the 35-44 range, 2 in the 45-54 range, and 0 in the 55+ range
      • 4 male incidents and 4 female incidents
      • 2 White, 5 Black, 1 American Indian or Alaska Native
    • The html table shows 8 incidents
      • Table is not sorted in any particular order

Time series toggles work -- charts, table, map update. Upper right updates. Date range in top bar updates.

  • Toggle the time series in Lenawee County

    • 1 week 1 point - marker, table, demographics show data for 1 incident
    • 2 weeks 1 point - marker, table, demographics show data for 1 incident
    • 1 month 3 points - markers, table, demographics show data for 3 incidents
    • 3 months 8 points - markers, table, demographics show data for 8 incidents
    • YTD 16 points - markers, table, demographics show data for 16 incidents
      • HTML table shows reduced data to 10 points
        • Clicking 20 rows shows all 16 data points

HTML table reduces data, toggles rows, and filters based on chart selections

  • Navigate to Bay County and brush entire time series (approx. Aug 11, 2018 to Aug 09, 2019)

    • check for 22 data points
  • Sort HTML table by age ascending and click 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, Male, Female, White, and Black

    • Upper right shows 9 total, 9 increase, N/A percent
    • 9 Markers on map, 9 points on time series
    • Table remains sorted by Age and has 25-34 at the top
  • Sort by Race, Gender, and Date to check ascending and descending sorts

  • Reset gender and race using reset button on gender chart and race chart

    • Upper right shows 27 total, 17 increase, N/A percent
    • 17 markers on map, 17 incidents in time series
    • Table remains sorted by last selected parameter (date, age, gender, race)
  • Reset demographics using the button under demographic charts

    • Upper right shows 22 total, 22 increase, N/A percent
    • HTML table should remain sorted by last selected filter
  • Toggle 10, 20, and 50 rows

    • 10 and 20 rows reduce data to 10 and 20 rows respectively
    • 50 rows shows all 22 data points

Unknowns work properly and can be selected/sorted

  • Navigate to Charlevoix County and brush the entire time series
    • 8 total, up 8 incidents, N/A percent --> reflected in charts, markers, table
    • Check that Gender chart shows 1 Unknown and Race chart shows 1 Unknown
    • Find point in the HTML table by sorting Gender descending
      • Jan 19, 2019 // Charlevoix // 0-25 // Unknown // Unknown

General Checks

  • check for transitions
  • check for marker loads
  • check for time series data
  • In YTD
    • brush a small box and move it around to check that incident decreases show a down arrow and green and negative percent
    • check for 0 incidents showing black 0. 0 increases or decreases should show +/ 0% in red/green
    • check that N/A percents exist and are in black
  • For demographic charts
    • check that demographics are selected and the charts are highlighted. other demographic charts should transition to updated values