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Running a Genesis Validator Node manually


Make sure you have all prerequisites set up

Deployment steps

1. Put cosmovisor binary to /usr/bin/, set proper owner and execution permissions

2. Locate the genesis app version to genesis application version directory

  • Create $HOME/.dcl/cosmovisor/genesis/bin directory.
  • Copy dcld binary to it, set proper owner and execution permissions. Please note that execution permissions on dcld should be granted to all (i.e. User, Group and Others classes) because cosmovisor requires execution permission on the application binary to be granted to Others class.

3. Choose the chain ID. Every network (for example, test-net, main-net, etc.) must have a unique chain ID

4. Configure CLI

  • ./dcld config chain-id <chain-id>
    • Use testnet-2.0 for <chain-id> if you want to connect to the persistent Test Net - the chosen unique chain ID.
  • ./dcld config output json - Output format (text/json).

5. Initilize the node

./dcld init "<node-name>" --chain-id "<chain-id>"

6. Configure p2p and consensus parameters in [~/.dcl/config.toml] file

pex = false
addr_book_strict = false

create_empty_blocks = false
create_empty_blocks_interval = "600s" # 10 mins

7. (Optional) Enable state sync snapshots in[~/.dcl/app.toml] file

snapshot-interval = "snapshot-interval"
snapshot-keep-recent = "snapshot-keep-recent"

8. Create keys for a node admin and a trustee genesis accounts

./dcld keys add "<key-name>" 2>&1 | tee "<key-name>"
  • Remember generated address and pubkey they will be used later. You can retrieve address and pubkey values anytime using ./dcld keys show <name>. Of course, only on the machine where the keypair was generated.

Notes: It's important to keep the generated data (especially a mnemonic that allows to recover a key) in a safe place

*** Steps (9-10) can be automated using run_dcl_node script

Run node:

./run_dcl_node -t genesis -c "<chain-id>" --gen-key-name "<node-admin-key>" [--gen-key-name-trustee "<trustee-key>"] "<node-name>"

This command:

  • generates genesis.json file with the following entries:

    • a genesis account with NodeAdmin role
    • (if a trustee key is provided) a genesis account with Trustee role
    • a genesis txn that makes the local node a validator
  • configures and starts the node

  • the script assumes that:

    • current user is going to be used for cosmovisor service to run as
    • current user is in sudoers list
  • you may likely want to note the summary that this script prints, in particular: node's address, public key and ID.

9. Prepare genesis node configuration

  • Add genesis account with the generated key and Trustee, NodeAdmin roles: ./dcld add-genesis-account --address=<address> --pubkey=<pubkey> --roles="Trustee,NodeAdmin"
  • Optionally, add other genesis accounts using the same command.
  • Create genesis transaction: ./dcld gentx --from <name>, where <name> is the keys' name specified at Step 5.
  • Collect genesis transactions: ./dcld collect-gentxs.
  • Validate genesis file: ./dcld validate-genesis.
  • Genesis file is located in $HOME/.dcl/config/genesis.json. Give this file to each new node admin.

10. Run node

  • Open 26656 (p2p) and 26657 (RPC) ports.

    • sudo ufw allow 26656/tcp
    • sudo ufw allow 26657/tcp
  • Edit cosmovisor.service

    • Replace ubuntu with a username you want to start service on behalf
  • Copy service configuration.

    • cp cosmovisor.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • Make your node public:

    • Open $HOME/.dcl/config/config.toml
    • Find the line under # TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on
    • Change it to: laddr = "tcp://"
  • Optionally, edit $HOME/.dcl/config/config.toml in order to set different setting (like listen address).

  • Enable the service: sudo systemctl enable cosmovisor

  • Start node: sudo systemctl start cosmovisor

  • For testing purpose the node process can be started directly: ./dcld start (instead of two previous systemctl commands using cosmovisor service). Service mode is recommended for demo and production environment.

  • Use systemctl status cosmovisor to get the node service status.

  • Use journalctl -u cosmovisor.service -f to see node logs.

  • You can also check node status by executing the command ./dcld status to get the current status. The value of latest_block_height reflects the current node height.

  • Add the following line to the end of $HOME/.profile file:

    • export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dcl/cosmovisor/current/bin
  • Execute the following command to apply the updated $PATH immediately:

    • source $HOME/.profile

11. Check that genesis account is created

  • In order to ensure that account is created and has assigned role you can use the command: dcld query auth account --address=<address>.

12. Check the node is running and participates in consensus

  • Get the list of all nodes: dcld query validator all-nodes. The node must present in the list and has the following params: power:10 and jailed:false.

  • Get the node status: dcld status --node tcp://<node_ip>:26657. The value of node ip matches to [rpc] laddr field in $HOME/.dcl/config/config.toml (TCP or UNIX socket address for the RPC server to listen on).
    Make sure that result.sync_info.latest_block_height is increasing over the time (once in about 10 mins).

  • Get the list of nodes participating in the consensus for the last block: dcld query tendermint-validator-set.

    • You can pass the additional value to get the result for a specific height: dcld query tendermint-validator-set 100.
    • As for the genesis state we have just 1 node, the command should return only our node at this phase.

13. Congrats! You are an owner of the genesis validator node