A curated list of awesome CMI DAIR libraries, software and resources.
- Cross Species Mapper - Compare cognitive ontology between humans and macaques
- flowview - Explore and analyze Nipype workflow graphs
- brainviewer - Portable & fast JavaScript brain imaging component
- neurothumb - Operating system level thumbnail generator for neuroimaging data formats
- NifyOne - Platform for bulk visualization of large-scale neuroimaging datasets
- quick-viz - Cookie cutter brain imaging visualization scripts
- Bids2Table - Efficiently index and query large-scale BIDS datasets and derivatives
- BIDS Apps
- tsconcat - Concatenate MRI time series
- ba-timeseries-gradients - Run BrainSpace on BIDS-compliant datasets
- yamerge - YAML file preprocessor
- TextKNNClassifier - Compression algorithm based k-nearest neighbors classifier for text data
- afnidespike - Python/NumPy wrapper around AFNIs despike utility functions for educational purposes
- Algonauts 2023 - Code for the CMI-DAIR submission to the Algonauts 2023 Challenge (team "BlobGPT")
- Awesome CMI DAIR - A curated list of awesome CMI DAIR libraries, software and resources
- DAIR Python Template Repository - Python package boilerplate
- μnifti.h - Minimal header only NIfTI definitions and utilities