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125 lines (78 loc) · 4.16 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (78 loc) · 4.16 KB


A programming judge built on top of the cirrus judging API. Built with the express framework on a postgreSQL database, rendered with EJS.


  • Automatic problem data generation in one command
  • Admin interface for editting users and configuration
  • Easy, highly configurable problem writing
  • Simple, one command deployment with docker


git clone
cd contest-judge
docker-compose up

By default, the server runs on port 5000. You can change this up editting the .env file.

There are a few environmental variables that you should change to ensure security.

File Default Description
POSTGRES_PASSWORD secret_pw The password used for the Postgres database that gets built in docker-compose
SECRET cookie_secret The secret key used to sign cookies. You should change this to something random
ADMIN_PASSWORD admin_pw A user named admin and password $ADMIN_PASSWORD if one does not already exist
PORT 8101 The port to run on

Directory Structure

EJS template files can be found in /views.

Static files can be found in /public. Scripts are located in /public/scripts and styles in /public/styles.

Styles are written with less and compiled with express middleware at runtime.

Serverside scripts are located in /server, with the main file at /index.js.

The configuration file is located at /config.json.


$ npm run dev

will restart the server on changes.

Problem Configuration

Problems are loaded through seperate directories, specified through the problemDirs of the root config. An example problem directory can be found in problems/sample. Note that the problem directories don't necessarily have to be under problems, though this may help with organization.

Each directory has its own config file, located in config.json under the root directory.

File Description
statement.txt The problem statement. Rendered with markdown and latex.
config.json Additional configuration for the problem. Overrides values set in the default in the problem directory root.
format.txt Optional. Specifies the format for automatic problem data generation.
data The directory storing problem data. Input and output files should be labeled ${num}.in and ${num}.out respectively, with num starting from 0 and going up (non-negative integers).
data/generated Auto-generated problem data.
solution Any solution files for the problem.

Problem Data Generation

npm run pdata:gen will generate the problem data for all problems that contain a format.txt.

You should also have a reference solution file, located at solution/*.java.


Comments begin with a #, and comment out everything on the line after it.

Each format file is divided into two parts, seperated by a line beginning with three dashes (---). The first part of the file is the configuration. The configuration consists of a key-value pair on each line, separated by a colon. Below lists valid configuration values.

Value Description
count Number of test cases to generate. Defaults to 1.

The rest of the file defines the format for the test data.


{a:b} is a value representing a random integer from a to b inclusive.

[TYPE:args...] declares an object with type TYPE.



Sample: [ARR:N,0,1e9]

Note that arrays will be outputed as N space separated values on a single line. For example, > F could generate 1 2 3 if F is [1, 2, 3].


VAR X ${value} declares a variable called X to some value. X can then be used later in both future variable declarations, as well as outputed.

> ${value} ${value} ${value}... will output all of the values onto a new line.


Generating and outputing an array of length N.

# Config
count: 15

# Variable declaration
VAR N {1:1e5}

VAR F [ARR:N,0,1e9]

# Input Format
> N
> F


  • Enable automatic problem data generation with any program