This is a "portal" application that provides sign-in and certificate services for an OAuth/OIDC resource server. This code is specifically intended to work with the hapi-fhir-jpaserver-oauth (public link TBD) project that provides a FHIR server API protected by OAuth bearer authentication.
- Many thanks to Atos Spain S.A for the original FHIR OAuth integration and the repository this code is forked from:
OAuth2 authentication to manage client login and access to Keycloak OIDC tokens (it needs a Keycloak url, realm and client_id to work) to allow login based on user and password.
- 21CFR11 addendum to the FHIR PRO Implementation Guide -
- Published Site:
- The KeyCloak proxy authentication server - (this repository)
- The example client -
- Java 8
- Maven for Java dependency management
- Spring Boot
- keycloak server
- Lombok for the models
It exposes an API with these operations:
- [POST] /login - get a token given user name and password
- [GET] /user - get the logged in username/principal
- [POST] /sign - request a signed client identity certificate
Compile and package the project with
mvn clean package
and execute
java -jar target/auth.jar
It can also be run as:
mvn spring-boot:run
Go to your browser and type http://localhost:8081/swagger-ui.html
Use the application properties according to your Keycloak server configuration.
- Create a realm for your project
- Create a client in the realm
- Valid Redirect URIs: Put "http://localhost:9090/*"
- Create a valid role
- Create a new user, set a password
The Keycloak parameters are configured using environment variables, that are referenced in the application.yml
file. Assuming that realm="test", client_id="test" and url="localhost:9090":
docker run --name auth -d -e KEYCLOAK_URL=http://localhost:9090/auth -e KEYCLOAK_REALM=test -e KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID=test health/auth
Logging can be also configured using LOGGING_FOLDER
and sharing a volume (this is useful for example for ELK processing). The level of the logging can be configured with LOGGING_MODE
docker run --name auth -d -v /home/docker/log/test:/log/test -e KEYCLOAK_URL=http://localhost:9090/auth -e KEYCLOAK_REALM=test -e KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID=test -e LOGGING_FOLDER=/log/test -e LOGGING_MODE=dev health/auth
Apache 2.0
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