Any contribution to OpenRCT2 is welcome and valued. Contributions can be in the form of bug reports, translation or code additions / changes. Please read this document to learn how to contribute as effectively as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask in the gitter chat room.
To report a bug, ensure you have a GitHub account. Search the issues page to see if the bug has already been reported. If not, create a new issue and write the steps to reproduce. Upload a saved game if possible as this is very helpful for users to replicate the bug. Please state which architecture and version of the game you are running, e.g.
OpenRCT2, v0.0.6-develop build 84ddd12 provided by AppVeyor
Windows (x86-64)
This can be found either at the bottom left of the title screen or by running:
openrct2 --version
For Windows builds, OpenRCT2 will generate a memory dump and saved game when the game crashes unexpectedly. The game
will open explorer to these files automatically for you. They are placed inside your configured user directory which
by default is %HOMEPATH%\Documents\OpenRCT2
Translation is managed in a separate repository, OpenRCT2/Localisation. You will find more information there.
- First, ensure you have a GitHub account and fork the OpenRCT2 repository.
- Create a new branch from develop (unless you are contributing to another) and commit your changes to that.
- Submit a new pull request.
- Wait for other users to test and review your changes.
If you are contributing to OpenRCT2, please add your name to ./
so that you can be credited for your
work outside and inside the game.
If you need to add a new localisable string to OpenRCT2, please add your new string entry to ./data/language/english_uk.txt
It is important that you only edit English (UK) in the OpenRCT2 repository as this is the base language that is used for
translation to other languages. A separate repository OpenRCT2/Localisation is used for translation pull requests, and changes
to that repository are merged with the OpenRCT2 main repository every night. When your pull request is merged, it is helpful
to create a new issue in the OpenRCT2/Localisation repository about the new strings you have added. This notifies translators
so that they can translate the new strings as quick as possible. Similarly if you change any existing string, it is more
important that you create an issue as this can be more easily overlooked.
When coding, please also add a string constant for your strings to ./src/localisation/string_ids.h
OpenRCT2 currently does not have a strict coding style. This will be implemented after the entire game is implemented and undergoes heavy refactoring. For now, it is recommended that you only write C files as the majority of the game is currently in C. Exceptions are to modules that have no direct relationship to original code such as the new software audio mixer, the HTTP integration and the Twitch integration.