It's important to be able to type at a decent clip in this new career you've embarked on! That said, it's not the end of the world if you struggle with typing, just take some time to practice, practice, practice!
- Take a baseline test to see how fast you currently type.
- To learn the basics in touch typing and to improve your speeds, try either typingstudy or typingclub.
- If you are already an accomplished touch typist, try to practice typing code, which has a ton of strange symbols.
- For shortcuts, try shortcutfoo. You'll want to know about some of the awesome sublime text shortcuts. You need to be able to:
- Type at least 40 words per minute
- Use common shortcuts in Sublime
- Read/Watch: Kirupa's tutorials on Javascript. Kirupa uses a lot of visual material and analogies. He's awesome.
- Play: Learn Javascript by playing a Game. The game default lanugage is Python - Be sure to select "Javascript" when prompted -Play: Learn Javascript by Game Challenges. -Watch/Do: Code Schools introduction to Javascript
Other JS Resources:
- Do: Code Academy. This is a long course, but is good for practice.
- Do: FreeCodeCamp. Learn to code while building projects for nonprofits
- Read: Code Enlightenment. A free e-book on JS.
- Watch/Do: Treehouse Front End Development course