This is a basic example of how the Zokka compiler allows us to override package
versions in order to fix a bug in elm/core
has a bug which can cause an application to hang forever with
certain String
operations, as demonstrated in
We can use Zokka to override the default elm/core
with a version of elm/core
that fixes this bug.
To compare and contrast Elm vs Zokka, we can first use Elm to build this.
elm make src/Main.elm
Now when you open index.html
in your web browser of choice, you should see a
blank page that is just hanging due to infinite Javascript execution.
Let's switch to Zokka.
zokka make src/Main.elm
Now open index.html
again in your web browser. You should see The length of hangsInVanillaElm is 1
Now go ahead and open elm.json
. You'll see that we've added a new field called
, which tells us we are overriding elm/core
with zokka/elm-core-1-0-override
version 1.0.0
contains the bug fix that we are using. This means
everywhere in our dependency tree we replace elm/core:1.0.5
, even in transitive dependencies.
This allows us to take full advantage of all the bug fixes provided in our override package.