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Releases: chanan/BlazorStrap

BlazorStrap 5.0.103

06 Feb 10:14
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BlazorStrap 5.0.101

13 Jan 01:53
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  • There was a minor issue with BSContainer using flags when it should not have been. This is now fixed.

BlazorStrap 5.0.0

09 Jan 19:10
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BlazorStrap 5.0.0 for Bootstrap 5.1

Important: For Bootstrap 4.x continue to target 1.x


  • aria-expanded and data-bs-toggle="collapse" to BSAccordionItem button.
  • data-bs-toggle="collapse" to BSToggle when used inside BSCollapse


  • BSToggle and BSAcorddionItem will now toggle aria-expanded prior to rerendering. This better matches Bootstraps native JavaScript library and allows text decorators to refresh right away.
  • Sub dropdown menus no longer use poppers by default. Bootstrap 5.1 already had classes to handle it.
  • The Resize event will now only sends once to Blazor when first resized from smaller then navbar expanded size. This change is to avoid Blazor from getting spammed with meaningless resize events.


  • There was an issue with allow click outside option enabled on dropdowns. That kept the event listener active even when the drop down was closed. Reopening the dropdown anywhere you clicked.


01 Jan 08:53
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5.0.0-RC-5 Pre-release

BlazorStrap targeting Bootstrap 5.1

Note: Continue to target 1.X for BootStrap 4. These versions are not fully compatible with each other.

  • Changed: Event Handler is no longer static
  • Background changes to how JavaScript is called.


31 Dec 09:07
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5.0.0-RC-3 Pre-release

Hotfix for #471


31 Dec 07:20
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5.0.0-RC-2 Pre-release

BlazorStrap targeting Bootstrap 5.1

Note: Continue to target 1.X for BootStrap 4. These versions are not fully compatible with each other.

  • New Feature: BSToaster this is injected via our IBlazorStrap Service and allows you to create Toasts on the fly all managed for you. Place <BSToaster/> where you like on your page. The toasts use position absolute. You can set them to Top Right, Top Left, Top Middle, Middle Right, Middle Left, Middle Middle, Bottom Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Middle. Independently. All options are shared with the normal BSToast but have an optional CloseAfter.
  • Fixes inputs used outside of edit context will no longer give a field identifier exception


30 Dec 07:03
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5.0.0-RC-1 Pre-release

BlazorStrap targeting Bootstrap 5.1

Note: Continue to target 1.X for BootStrap 4. These versions are not fully compatible with each other.

  • Added: Auto active links
  • Added: Carousel now has an event que for clicking and ShowAsync, HideAsync
  • Added: Breadcrumbs giving a BasePath will now automatically generate. See docs for example.
  • Added: Url parameter to BSPaginationItem
  • Added: Missing examples in docs.
  • Fixes: Carousel indicator issue.
  • Fixes: OnShown, OnHidden will not longer block the thread in rare cases.
  • Fixes: Wrong class given on BSPaginationItem

Known Issue:
#470 Opps code fix is in place.


29 Dec 08:24
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5.0.0-Preview-4 Pre-release

BlazorStrap targeting Bootstrap 5.1

Note: Continue to target 1.X for BootStrap 4. These versions are not fully compatible with each other.

There should be no more breaking changes from this point. If the listed known issues does not affect your project you are safe to use it in production. All future updates will be bug fixes and addons

  • Added: Events for Toggled components, OnShow, OnHide, OnHidden, OnShown
  • Added: Option on BSCollapse to disable animations. Helps with themes that just find the navbar and not animate it out.
  • Added: BSCard and now place holder images see docs.
  • Added: blazorstrap.min.js
  • Added: All Toggle Components such as Modal, OffCanvas now have public ShowAsync, HideAsync, and ToggleAsync
  • Added: Support for multiselect
  • Added: .NET 6 TimeOnly, DateOnly input class types
  • Fixed: Binding issue on inputs
  • Fixed: Progress bar now correctly values each size.
  • Changed: BSButton IsLink now uses the new .bnt-link and no longer renders as a <a> tag
  • Changed: BSLink now has IsButton for adding .btn classes to <a> tags
  • Changed: Cards now use the 4.0 build style
  • Changed: BSCollapse now animates fully with JavaScript
  • Removed: IsBasic Parameter
  • Removes: BSDiv there was no point to this tag.

Known Issues

  • Clicking Carousel indicators can cause odd affect if the slide is moving or just finished when you click.


27 Dec 05:11
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5.0.0-Preview-1 Pre-release

BlazorStrap targeting Bootstrap 5.1

Note: Continue to target 1.X for BootStrap 4. These versions are not fully compatible with each other.


26 Dec 02:01
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5.0.0-Alpha-1 Pre-release

BlazorStrap targeting Bootstrap 5.1

Note: Continue to target 1.X for BootStrap 4. These versions are not fully compatible with each other. This is an Alpha release most components are established expect breaking changes in feature releases.

Known Bugs:

  • Modal to Modal Switching does not work correctly.
  • Cards are very basic lacking customization switches.
  • Docs are incomplete