Impementation of SMPP 3.4 in Akka using akka-streams.
Currently this is pretty bare-bones; constants have been mostly defined. Case classes exist for all the PDUs. Parsing PDUs from TCP and serializing them works.
The artifacts are currently just hosted on my bintray; cross-built for Scala 2.11 and 2.12.
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("chadselph", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "me.chadrs" %% "akka-smpp" % "0.4.1"
should do the trick.
SMPP is implemented as an akka extension and is inspired by akka-http/spray.
To start an SMPP server:
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
val pduEcho: Flow[EsmeRequest, SmscResponse, Unit].map(identity)
val binding = Smpp(system).listen(interface = "", port = 2775)
binding.connections.foreach { connection =>
If you don't want to create a Flow manually, you can create a simple one using the SMPPServerFlow:
class MyServerFlow extends SmppServerFlow {
override def handleBindTransmitter(bindRequest: BindTransmitter): Future[BindTransmitterResp] = future {
if(bindRequest.systemId == "admin") {
BindTransmitterResp(CommandStatus.ESME_ROK, bindRequest.sequenceNumber, None, None)
} else {
BindTransmitterResp(CommandStatus.ESME_EINVSMSCID, bindRequest.sequenceNumber, None, None)
override def handleSubmitSm(submitSm): Future[SubmitSmResp] = {
val msgId = "123412"
system.dispatcher.scheduler(5.seconds) {
val f = this.submitDeliverSm(...) // fake delivery receipt
f.onComplete {
case Success(rsp: SubmitSmResp) => // esme got dlr
case Failure(ex) => // maybe retry or something
Future.successful(SubmitSmResp(CommandStatus.ESME_ROK, submitSm.sequenceNumber, Some(msgId))
Each of the methods return a Future of the response type to allow for async or synchronous
responses. If the future fails with an SmppProtocolException(commandStatus)
, then it
will return a GenericNack
with commandStatus
as the error. If the future fails any other way,
the response PDU will be a GenericNack
with error of ESME_RSYSERR.
To change this behavior, override handleError
which is a PartialFunction[(Exception, EsmeRequest), SmscResponse]
- Parse valid TLVs
- Framework for validating Bind / BindResp in server
- Switch out Enumeration for something better with AnyVal
- More PDU Builders
- Make examples work
- Language for SMPP test suites
Suppose you want to verify the behavior of your vendor for some particular edge case or strange scenario. This section is for you.
withBoundClient("host", 2775, "user", "pass") { client =>
val sn1 = client.getNextSequenceNumber
val submitSm = PduBuilder.submitSm(to="my-handset-number", from="+12345678900", shortMessage=OctectString.ascii("2 msg with same seq#"))
// did we receive the message twice on our handset?
val sn2 = client.getNextSequenceNumber
val submitSm3 = submitSm2.copy(shortMessage = OctetString.ascii("same seq number, but different content"))
For the first version of this library, the coding style is purposely very simple. This leads to a certain amount of boilerplate that I would eventually like to rewrite to be more idiomatically-Scala. But the goal for now is that a Java or Python could easily understand all the code without learning many magic Scala features.
That being said, it is Scala idiomatic in terms of preferring immutable data, avoiding null
, and
providing Async APIs.
PDUs like SubmitSm and DeliverSm have a lot of parameters, and very few that actually matter. I didn't like
the idea of having the protocol case classes be opinionated enough to have "default" values, and this quickly
became a pain point of using the API. Instead, reasonable defaults now live in the akkasmpp.protocol.PduBuilder
import akkasmpp.protocol.PduBuilder
import akkasmpp.protocol.ParameterTypes.{TypeOfNumber, COctetString, OctetString}
val source: COctetString = COctetString
val dest: COctetString =
val msg: OctetString = OctetString(99, 104, 0, 100)
val builder = new PduBuilder(defaultTypeOfNumber = TypeOfNumber.International) // override any defaults you want in here with by-name parameters
builder.submitSm(sourceAddr = source, destinationAddr = dest, shortMessage = msg) // also lets you override anything
Probably not. It has been used for internal tools and load testing, but as far as I know, not in any production scale, customer-facing systems. Because it has been used as a tool for inter-op testing, it has successfully parsed and sent PDUs to/from around one hundred carriers / SMS aggregators.
If you've used it to build something bigger, feel free to reach out and let me know what problems you ran into.
There already exist several SMPP libraries in Java. To my knowledge, this is the only one in Scala.
- Cloudhopper is a nice async (netty) library that I've used from Scala before but suffers from very mutable APIs and lack of type safety. Fine for Java, but in Scala, this doesn't feel natural.
- jsmpp is a blocking Java API for SMPP.
- OpenSMPP Similar to JSMPP and also lacks immutable PDUs.