[MASTER] profile=no persistent=yes ignore=migrations cache-size=500 [MESSAGES CONTROL] # C0111 Missing docstring # E1120 No value passed for parameter 'cls' infunction call # I0011 Warning locally suppressed using disable-msg # I0012 Warning locally suppressed using disable-msg # W0704 Except doesn't do anything Used when an except clause does nothing but "pass" and there is no "else" clause # W0142 Used * or * magic* Used when a function or method is called using *args or **kwargs to dispatch arguments. # W0212 Access to a protected member %s of a client class # W0232 Class has no __init__ method Used when a class has no __init__ method, neither its parent classes. # W0613 Unused argument %r Used when a function or method argument is not used. # W0511 TODO/FIXME... # W0702 No exception's type specified Used when an except clause doesn't specify exceptions type to catch. # R0201 Method could be a function # R0904 Too many public methods # E1101 Instance of '*' has no '*' member # E1103 Instance of '*' has no '*' member (but some types could not be inferred) disable=C0111,E1101,E1103,E1120,I0011,I0012,W0704,W0142,W0212,W0232,W0613,W0702,R0201,R0904,W0511 [REPORTS] output-format=parseable include-ids=yes [BASIC] no-docstring-rgx=__.*__|_.* class-rgx=[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ function-rgx=[a-zA_][a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,70}$ method-rgx=[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]{2,70}$ const-rgx=(([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|([a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)|(__.*__)|register|urlpatterns)$ good-names=_,i,j,k,e,qs,pk,setUp,tearDown,el,ns,fd,js [TYPECHECK] # Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A # mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive). ignore-mixin-members=yes # List of classes names for which member attributes should not be checked # (useful for classes with attributes dynamically set). ignored-classes=SQLObject,WSGIRequest # When zope mode is activated, add a predefined set of Zope acquired attributes # to generated-members. zope=no # List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference # system, and so shouldn't trigger E0201 when accessed. generated-members=objects,DoesNotExist,id,pk,_meta,base_fields,context,views,save # List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes defining-attr-methods=__init__,__new__,setUp [VARIABLES] init-import=no dummy-variables-rgx=_|dummy [SIMILARITIES] min-similarity-lines=6 ignore-comments=yes ignore-docstrings=yes [MISCELLANEOUS] notes=FIXME,XXX,TODO [FORMAT] max-line-length=120 max-module-lines=500 indent-string=' ' [DESIGN] max-args=10 max-locals=15 max-returns=6 max-branchs=12 max-statements=50 max-parents=10 max-attributes=10 min-public-methods=0 max-public-methods=100