diff --git a/simulator/simulate.js b/simulator/simulate.js
index e3497dab..83eefe1f 100644
--- a/simulator/simulate.js
+++ b/simulator/simulate.js
@@ -16,6 +16,45 @@ var THREE_Text2D = require('three-text2d')
var THREE_GLTFLoader = require('three-gltf-loader') //using the examples folder like this is depricated three/examples/js/loaders/GLTFLoader.js')
+function make_sim_html()
+ return `
+ Move Dur: s
+ ⓘ
+ Alignment:
+ X:
+ Y:
+ Z:
+ J1:
+ J2:
+ J3:
+ J4:
+ J5:
+ J6:
+ J7:
+ `;
+var canSize;
+var goalRotation = {x:Math.PI*0.25,y:Math.PI*0.25};
+var goalPosition = {x:0,y:0,z:-1};
+var pRotation = {x:Math.PI*0.25,y:Math.PI*0.25};
+var pPosition = {x:0,y:0,z:-1};
var sim = {} //used to store sim "global" vars
sim.hi_rez = true
@@ -31,6 +70,12 @@ function init_simulation_maybe(){
function init_simulation(){
+ canSize =
+ {
+ width: misc_pane_id.clientWidth-50,
+ height: persistent_get("dde_window_height")-persistent_get("top_right_panel_height") - 220
+ };
sim.enable_rendering = false
@@ -54,15 +99,15 @@ function createCamera(){
sim.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(
75, //field of view in degrees. determines ratio of far clipping region is to near clipping region
- window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, //aspect ratio, If not same as canvas width and height,
+ canSize.width/canSize.height, //aspect ratio, If not same as canvas width and height,
//the image will be distorted.
0.1, //1, //0.1, //distance between camera and near clipping plane. Must be > 0.
4 //4 // 3 is too small and clips the table. was: 1000 //distance between camera an far clipping plane. Must be > near.
sim.camera.name = "camera"
sim.camera.position.x = 0 //to the right of the screen.
- sim.camera.position.y = 1 //up is positive
- sim.camera.position.z = 2 //2; //toward the viewer (out of the screen) is positive. 2
+ sim.camera.position.y = 0 //up is positive
+ sim.camera.position.z = 1 //2; //toward the viewer (out of the screen) is positive. 2
sim.camera.zoom = 1 //1 is the default. 0.79 //has no effect.
//new(75, width/height, 0.1, 4) pos[0, 1, 2]
@@ -128,7 +173,7 @@ function createLights(){
function createRenderer(){
sim.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias:true });//antialias helps with drawing the table lines. //example: https://threejs.org/docs/#Manual/Introduction/Creating_a_scene
sim.renderer.setSize( //sim.container.clientWidth, sim.container.clientHeight) //causes no canvas to appear
- window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
+ canSize.width,canSize.height);
//renderer.setPixelRatio( window.devicePixelRatio ); //causes no canvas to appear
//sim_graphics_pane_id.innerHTML = "" //done in video.js
sim.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true;
@@ -144,6 +189,8 @@ function createMeshGLTF(){
sim.table_height = 0.01905 //height (thickness of Dexcell surface). This is 3/4 of an inch. was: 0.1)
sim.table = draw_table(sim.scene, sim.table_width, sim.table_length, sim.table_height)
sim.J0 = new THREE.Object3D(); //0,0,0 //does not move w.r.t table.
sim.J0.rotation.y = Math.PI //radians for 180 degrees
sim.J0.name = "J0"
@@ -418,10 +465,10 @@ var render_demo = function () {
sim.J5.rotation.x += 0.02 //5th axis end effector twist
//rotate table when user clicks down and drags.
- if (sim.mouseDown){
+ /*if (sim.mouseDown){
- }
- sim.renderer.render(sim.scene, sim.camera);
+ }*/
+ //sim.renderer.render(sim.scene, sim.camera);
@@ -434,14 +481,15 @@ function sim_handle_mouse_move(){
sim.camera.zoom = sim.zoom_at_mouseDown + zoom_increment //(spdy * 0.1)
- else if (sim.altDown){
+ else if (sim.button == 1){
var panX_inc = mouseX_diff / 100
var panY_inc = mouseY_diff / 100
sim.table.position.x = sim.tableX_at_mouseDown + panX_inc
sim.table.position.y = sim.tableY_at_mouseDown - panY_inc
else {
- sim.table.rotation.x = sim.rotationX_at_mouseDown + (mouseY_diff / 100)
+ let newX = sim.rotationX_at_mouseDown + (mouseY_diff / 100);
+ if(newX<=Math.PI*0.5&&newX>=-Math.PI*0.5)sim.table.rotation.x = newX;
sim.table.rotation.y = sim.rotationY_at_mouseDown + (mouseX_diff / 100)
@@ -468,6 +516,7 @@ function init_mouse(){
sim.rotationY_at_mouseDown = 0
sim_graphics_pane_id.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
+ sim.button = event.button
sim.mouseDown = true
sim.shiftDown = event.shiftKey
sim.altDown = event.altKey
@@ -502,12 +551,13 @@ function draw_table(parent, table_width, table_length, table_height){
sim.table = new THREE.Mesh(geometryt, materialt)
sim.table.name = "table"
sim.table.receiveShadow = true;
- sim.table.position.x = -2.4 //-3.85
- sim.table.position.y = 2 //2.47
+ sim.table.position.x = 0 //-3.85
+ sim.table.position.y = 0 //2.47
sim.table.position.z = -1 //0
- sim.table.rotation.x = 1 //0 //0.53
- sim.table.rotation.y = 5 //5 shows table with +x to right, and +y away from camera. 1.8 //0 //-0.44
+ sim.table.rotation.x = Math.PI*0.25 //0 //0.53
+ sim.table.rotation.y = Math.PI*0.25 //5 shows table with +x to right, and +y away from camera. 1.8 //0 //-0.44
sim.table.rotation.z = 0
@@ -762,6 +812,8 @@ function gltf_render(){
// if (sim.mouseDown){
// stl_sim_handle_mouse_move()
// }
+ updateRotation();
+ updatePosition();
sim.renderer.render(sim.scene, sim.camera);
@@ -831,3 +883,60 @@ function stl_sim_handle_mouse_move(){
+function align_cam(position)
+ switch(position)
+ {
+ case(0):
+ goalRotation.x = 0;
+ goalRotation.y = Math.PI;
+ break;
+ case(1):
+ goalRotation.x = 0;
+ goalRotation.y = Math.PI*0.5;
+ break;
+ case(2):
+ goalRotation.x = Math.PI*0.5;
+ goalRotation.y = Math.PI*0.5;
+ break;
+ case(3):
+ goalRotation.x = Math.PI*0.25;
+ goalRotation.y = Math.PI*0.25;
+ goalPosition.x = 0;
+ goalPosition.y = 0;
+ goalPosition.z = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+function updateRotation()
+ if(pRotation.x != sim.table.rotation.x||pRotation.y != sim.table.rotation.y)
+ {
+ goalRotation.x = sim.table.rotation.x;
+ goalRotation.y = sim.table.rotation.y;
+ }
+ sim.table.rotation.x -= (sim.table.rotation.x-goalRotation.x)*0.04;
+ sim.table.rotation.y -= (sim.table.rotation.y-goalRotation.y)*0.04;
+ pRotation.x = sim.table.rotation.x;
+ pRotation.y = sim.table.rotation.y;
+function updatePosition()
+ if(pPosition.x != sim.table.position.x||pPosition.y != sim.table.position.y||pPosition.z != sim.table.position.z)
+ {
+ goalPosition.x = sim.table.position.x;
+ goalPosition.y = sim.table.position.y;
+ goalPosition.z = sim.table.position.z;
+ }
+ sim.table.position.x -= (sim.table.position.x-goalPosition.x)*0.04;
+ sim.table.position.y -= (sim.table.position.y-goalPosition.y)*0.04;
+ sim.table.position.z -= (sim.table.position.z-goalPosition.z)*0.04;
+ pPosition.x = sim.table.position.x;
+ pPosition.y = sim.table.position.y;
+ pPosition.z = sim.table.position.z;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/video.js b/video.js
index 5a68633c..3f166122 100644
--- a/video.js
+++ b/video.js
@@ -127,28 +127,28 @@ function show_in_misc_pane(content, arg1 = "", arg2){
try {
if (content === "Simulate Dexter") {
init_sim_in_process = true
- sim_pane_content_id.innerHTML =
- ' ' + //Simulate Job/Robot:
' +
- 'X: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
- ' Y: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
- ' Z: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
- '' +
- ' J1: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
- ' J2: ' +
- ' J3: ' +
- ' J4: ' +
- ' J5: ' +
- ' J6: ' +
- ' J7:
' +
- ''
+ sim_pane_content_id.innerHTML = make_sim_html();
+ // ' ' + //Simulate Job/Robot:
' +
+ // 'X: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
+ // ' Y: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
+ // ' Z: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
+ // '' +
+ // ' J1: ' + //"margin-left:5px;
+ // ' J2: ' +
+ // ' J3: ' +
+ // ' J4: ' +
+ // ' J5: ' +
+ // ' J6: ' +
+ // ' J7:
' +
+ // ''
//sim.renderer.render(sim.scene, sim.camera);