For a quick introduction on how to build and install the Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark, and how to run some example applications, please refer to the Quick Start Guide. For a complete reference of the API definition of the SparkApplication
and ScheduledSparkApplication
custom resources, please refer to the API Specification.
The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark ships with a command-line tool called sparkctl
that offers additional features beyond what kubectl
is able to do. Documentation on sparkctl
can be found in README. If you are running the Spark Operator on Google Kubernetes Engine and want to use Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and/or BigQuery for reading/writing data, also refer to the GCP guide. The Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark will simply be referred to as the operator for the rest of this guide.
- Using a SparkApplication
- Writing a SparkApplication Spec
- Specifying Application Dependencies
- Specifying Spark Configuration
- Specifying Hadoop Configuration
- Writing Driver Specification
- Writing Executor Specification
- Mounting Secrets
- Mounting ConfigMaps
- Mounting Volumes
- Using Secrets As Environment Variables
- Using Image Pull Secrets
- Using Pod Affinity
- Using Tolerations
- Using Pod Security Context
- Using Sidecar Containers
- Python Support
- Monitoring
- Working with SparkApplications
- Running Spark Applications on a Schedule using a ScheduledSparkApplication
- Customizing the Operator
The operator runs Spark applications specified in Kubernetes objects of the SparkApplication
custom resource type. The most common way of using a SparkApplication
is store the SparkApplication
specification in a YAML file and use the kubectl
command or alternatively the sparkctl
command to work with the SparkApplication
. The operator automatically submits the application as configured in a SparkApplication
to run on the Kubernetes cluster and uses the SparkApplication
to collect and surface the status of the driver and executors to the user.
As with all other Kubernetes API objects, a SparkApplication
needs the apiVersion
, kind
, and metadata
fields. For general information about working with manifests, see object management using kubectl.
A SparkApplication
also needs a .spec
section. This section contains fields for specifying various aspects of an application including its type (Scala
, Java
, Python
, or R
), deployment mode (cluster
or client
), main application resource URI (e.g., the URI of the application jar), main class, arguments, etc. Node selectors are also supported via the optional field .spec.nodeSelector
It also has fields for specifying the unified container image (to use for both the driver and executors) and the image pull policy, namely, .spec.image
and .spec.imagePullPolicy
respectively. If a custom init-container (in both the driver and executor pods) image needs to be used, the optional field .spec.initContainerImage
can be used to specify it. If set, .spec.initContainerImage
overrides .spec.image
for the init-container image. Otherwise, the image specified by .spec.image
will be used for the init-container. It is invalid if both .spec.image
and .spec.initContainerImage
are not set.
Below is an example showing part of a SparkApplication
kind: SparkApplication
name: spark-pi
namespace: default
type: Scala
mode: cluster
mainClass: org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi
mainApplicationFile: local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.4.0.jar
Often Spark applications need additional files additionally to the main application resource to run. Such application dependencies can include for example jars and data files the application needs at runtime. When using the spark-submit
script to submit a Spark application, such dependencies are specified using the --jars
and --files
options. To support specification of application dependenies, a SparkApplication
uses an optional field .spec.deps
that in turn supports specifying jars and files, respectively. More specifically, the optional fields .spec.deps.jars
correspond to the --jars
and --files
options of the spark-submit
script, respectively.
Additionally, .spec.deps
also has fields for specifying the locations in the driver and executor containers where jars and files should be downloaded to, namely, .spec.deps.jarsDownloadDir
and .spec.deps.filesDownloadDir
. The optional fields .spec.deps.downloadTimeout
and .spec.deps.maxSimultaneousDownloads
are used to control the timeout and maximum parallelism of downloading dependencies that are hosted remotely, e.g., on an HTTP server, or in external storage such as HDFS, Google Cloud Storage, or AWS S3.
The following is an example specification with both container-local (i.e., within the container) and remote dependencies:
- local:///opt/spark-jars/gcs-connector.jar
- gs://spark-data/data-file-1.txt
- gs://spark-data/data-file-2.txt
There are two ways to add Spark configuration: setting individual Spark configuration properties using the optional field .spec.sparkConf
or mounting a special Kubernetes ConfigMap storing Spark configuration files (e.g. spark-defaults.conf
) using the optional field .spec.sparkConfigMap
. If .spec.sparkConfigMap
is used, additionally to mounting the ConfigMap into the driver and executors, the operator additionally sets the environment variable SPARK_CONF_DIR
to point to the mount path of the ConfigMap.
"spark.ui.port": 4045
"spark.eventLog.enabled": true
"spark.eventLog.dir": hdfs://hdfs-namenode-1:8020/spark/spark-events
There are two ways to add Hadoop configuration: setting individual Hadoop configuration properties using the optional field .spec.hadoopConf
or mounting a special Kubernetes ConfigMap storing Hadoop configuration files (e.g. core-site.xml
) using the optional field .spec.hadoopConfigMap
. The operator automatically adds the prefix spark.hadoop.
to the names of individual Hadoop configuration properties in .spec.hadoopConf
. If .spec.hadoopConfigMap
is used, additionally to mounting the ConfigMap into the driver and executors, the operator additionally sets the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR
to point to the mount path of the ConfigMap.
The following is an example showing the use of individual Hadoop configuration properties:
"": spark
"": spark
"": true
"": /mnt/secrets/key.json
The .spec
section of a SparkApplication
has a .spec.driver
field for configuring the driver. It allows users to set the memory and CPU resources to request for the driver pod, and the container image the driver should use. It also has fields for optionally specifying labels, annotations, and environment variables for the driver pod. By default, the driver pod name of an application is automatically generated by the Spark submission client. If instead you want to use a particular name for the driver pod, the optional field .spec.driver.podName
can be used. The driver pod by default uses the default
service account in the namespace it is running in to talk to the Kubernetes API server. The default
service account, however, may or may not have sufficient permissions to create executor pods and the headless service used by the executors to connect to the driver. If it does not and a custom service account that has the right permissions should be used instead, the optional field .spec.driver.serviceAccount
can be used to specify the name of the custom service account. When a custom container image is needed for the driver, the field .spec.driver.image
can be used to specify it. This overrides the image specified in .spec.image
if it is also set. It is invalid if both .spec.image
and .spec.driver.image
are not set.
For applications that need to mount Kubernetes Secrets or ConfigMaps into the driver pod, fields .spec.driver.secrets
and .spec.driver.configMaps
can be used. For more details, please refer to
Mounting Secrets and Mounting ConfigMaps.
The following is an example driver specification:
cores: 0.1
coreLimit: 200m
memory: 512m
version: 2.4.0
serviceAccount: spark
The .spec
section of a SparkApplication
has a .spec.executor
field for configuring the executors. It allows users to set the memory and CPU resources to request for the executor pods, and the container image the executors should use. It also has fields for optionally specifying labels, annotations, and environment variables for the executor pods. By default, a single executor is requested for an application. If more than one executor are needed, the optional field .spec.executor.instances
can be used to specify the number of executors to request. When a custom container image is needed for the executors, the field .spec.executor.image
can be used to specify it. This overrides the image specified in .spec.image
if it is also set. It is invalid if both .spec.image
and .spec.executor.image
are not set.
For applications that need to mount Kubernetes Secrets or ConfigMaps into the executor pods, fields .spec.executor.secrets
and .spec.executor.configMaps
can be used. For more details, please refer to
Mounting Secrets and Mounting ConfigMaps.
An example executor specification is shown below:
cores: 1
instances: 1
memory: 512m
version: 2.4.0
As mentioned above, both the driver specification and executor specification have an optional field secrets
for configuring the list of Kubernetes Secrets to be mounted into the driver and executors, respectively. The field is a map with the names of the Secrets as keys and values specifying the mount path and type of each Secret. For instance, the following example shows a driver specification with a Secret named gcp-svc-account
of type GCPServiceAccount
to be mounted to /mnt/secrets
in the driver pod.
- name: gcp-svc-account
path: /mnt/secrets
secretType: GCPServiceAccount
The type of a Secret as specified by the secretType
field is a hint to the operator on what extra configuration it needs to take care of for the specific type of Secrets. For example, if a Secret is of type GCPServiceAccount
, the operator additionally sets the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
to point to the JSON key file stored in the secret. Please refer to
Getting Started with Authentication for more information on how to authenticate with GCP services using a service account JSON key file. Note that the operator assumes that the key of the service account JSON key file in the Secret data map is key.json
so it is able to set the environment variable automatically. Similarly, if the type of a Secret is HadoopDelegationToken
, the operator additionally sets the environment variable HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION
to point to the file storing the Hadoop delegation token. In this case, the operator assumes that the key of the delegation token file in the Secret data map is hadoop.token
The secretType
field should have the value Generic
if no extra configuration is required.
Both the driver specification and executor specifications have an optional field for configuring
the list of Kubernetes ConfigMaps to be mounted into the driver and executors, respectively. The field is a map with keys being the names of the ConfigMaps and values specifying the mount path of each ConfigMap. For instance, the following example shows a driver specification with a ConfigMap named configmap1
to be mounted to /mnt/config-maps
in the driver pod.
- name: configmap1
path: /mnt/config-maps
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
A SparkApplication
can specify a Kubernetes ConfigMap storing Spark configuration files such as
or spark-defaults.conf
using the optional field .spec.sparkConfigMap
whose value is the name of the ConfigMap. The ConfigMap is assumed to be in the same namespace as that of the SparkApplication
. The operator mounts the ConfigMap onto path /etc/spark/conf
in both the driver and executors. Additionally, it also sets the environment variable SPARK_CONF_DIR
to point to /etc/spark/conf
in the driver and executors.
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
A SparkApplication
can specify a Kubernetes ConfigMap storing Hadoop configuration files such as core-site.xml
using the optional field .spec.hadoopConfigMap
whose value is the name of the ConfigMap. The ConfigMap is assumed to be in the same namespace as that of the SparkApplication
. The operator mounts the ConfigMap onto path /etc/hadoop/conf
in both the driver and executors. Additionally, it also sets the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR
to point to /etc/hadoop/conf
in the driver and executors.
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
The operator also supports mounting user-specified Kubernetes volumes into the driver and executors. A
has an optional field .spec.volumes
for specifying the list of volumes the driver and the executors need collectively. Then both the driver and executor specifications have an optional field volumeMounts
that specifies the volume mounts for the volumes needed by the driver and executors, respectively. The following is an example showing a SparkApplication
with both driver and executor volume mounts.
- name: spark-data
claimName: my-pvc
- name: spark-work
emptyDir: {}
- name: spark-work
mountPath: /mnt/spark/work
- name: spark-data
mountPath: /mnt/spark/data
- name: spark-work
mountPath: /mnt/spark/work
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
Note that this feature requires an image based on the latest Spark master branch.
A SparkApplication
can use secrets as environment variables, through the optional field .spec.driver.envSecretKeyRefs
for the driver pod and the optional field
for the executor pods. A envSecretKeyRefs
is a map from environment variable names to pairs consisting of a secret name and a secret key. Below is an example:
name: mysecret
key: username
name: mysecret
key: password
Note that this feature requires an image based on the latest Spark master branch.
For images that need image-pull secrets to be pulled, a SparkApplication
has an optional field .spec.imagePullSecrets
for specifying a list of image-pull secrets. Below is an example:
- secret1
- secret2
A SparkApplication
can specify an Affinity
for the driver or executor pod, using the optional field .spec.driver.affinity
or .spec.executor.affinity
. Below is an example:
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
A SparkApplication
can specify an Tolerations
for the driver or executor pod, using the optional field .spec.driver.tolerations
or .spec.executor.tolerations
. Below is an example:
- key: Key
operator: Exists
effect: NoSchedule
- key: Key
operator: Equal
value: Value
effect: NoSchedule
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
A SparkApplication
can specify a PodSecurityContext
for the driver or executor pod, using the optional field .spec.driver.securityContext
or .spec.executor.securityContext
. Below is an example:
runAsUser: 1000
runAsUser: 1000
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
A SparkApplication
can specify one or more optional sidecar containers for the driver or executor pod, using the optional field .spec.driver.sidecars
or .spec.executor.containers
. The specification of each sidecar container follows the Container API definition. Below is an example:
- name: "sidecar1"
image: "sidecar1:latest"
- name: "sidecar1"
image: "sidecar1:latest"
Note that the mutating admission webhook is needed to use this feature. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide on how to enable the mutating admission webhook.
Python support can be enabled by setting .spec.mainApplicationFile
with path to your python application. Optionaly, the .spec.pythonVersion
field can be used to set the major Python version of the docker image used to run the driver and executor containers. Below is an example showing part of a SparkApplication
type: Python
pythonVersion: 2
mainApplicationFile: local:///opt/spark/examples/src/main/python/
Some PySpark applications need additional Python packages to run. Such dependencies are specified using the optional field .spec.deps.pyFiles
, which translates to the --py-files
option of the spark-submit command.
- local:///opt/spark/examples/src/main/python/
- gs://spark-data/
In order to use the dependencies that are hosted remotely, the following PySpark code can be used in Spark 2.4.
python_dep_file_path = SparkFiles.get("")
Note that Python binding for PySpark is available in Apache Spark 2.4.
The operator supports using the Spark metric system to expose metrics to a variety of sinks. Particularly, it is able to automatically configure the metric system to expose metrics to Prometheus. Specifically, the field .spec.monitoring
specifies how application monitoring is handled and particularly how metrics are to be reported. The metric system is configured through the configuration file
, which gets its content from the field .spec.monitoring.metricsProperties
. The content of will be used by default if .spec.monitoring.metricsProperties
is not specified. You can choose to enable or disable reporting driver and executor metrics using the fields .spec.monitoring.exposeDriverMetrics
and .spec.monitoring.exposeExecutorMetrics
, respectively.
Further, the field .spec.monitoring.prometheus
specifies how metrics are exposed to Prometheus using the Prometheus JMX exporter. When .spec.monitoring.prometheus
is specified, the operator automatically configures the JMX exporter to run as a Java agent. The only required field of .spec.monitoring.prometheus
is jmxExporterJar
, which specified the path to the Prometheus JMX exporter Java agent jar in the container. If you use the image
, the jar is located at /prometheus/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.3.1.jar
. The field .spec.monitoring.prometheus.port
specifies the port the JMX exporter Java agent binds to and defaults to 8090
if not specified. The field .spec.monitoring.prometheus.configuration
specifies the content of the configuration to be used with the JMX exporter. The content of prometheus.yaml will be used by default if .spec.monitoring.prometheus.configuration
is not specified.
Below is an example that shows how to configure the metric system to expose metrics to Prometheus using the Prometheus JMX exporter. Note that the JMX exporter Java agent jar is listed as a dependency and will be downloaded to where .spec.dep.jarsDownloadDir
points to in Spark 2.3.x, which is /var/spark-data/spark-jars
by default. Things are different in Spark 2.4 as dependencies will be downloaded to the local working directory instead in Spark 2.4. A complete example can be found in examples/spark-pi-prometheus.yaml.
exposeDriverMetrics: true
jmxExporterJar: "/var/spark-data/spark-jars/jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.3.1.jar"
The operator automatically adds the annotations such as
on the driver and/or executor pods (depending on the values of .spec.monitoring.exposeDriverMetrics
and .spec.monitoring.exposeExecutorMetrics
) so the metrics exposed on the pods can be scraped by the Prometheus server in the same cluster.
A SparkApplication
can be created from a YAML file storing the SparkApplication
specification using either the kubectl apply -f <YAML file path>
command or the sparkctl create <YAML file path>
command. Please refer to the sparkctl
README for usage of the sparkctl create
command. Once a SparkApplication
is successfully created, the operator will receive it and submits the application as configured in the specification to run on the Kubernetes cluster.
A SparkApplication
can be deleted using either the kubectl delete <name>
command or the sparkctl delete <name>
command. Please refer to the sparkctl
README for usage of the sparkctl delete
command. Deleting a SparkApplication
deletes the Spark application associated with it. If the application is running when the deletion happens, the application is killed and all Kubernetes resources associated with the application are deleted or garbage collected.
A SparkApplication
can be updated using the kubectl apply -f <updated YAML file>
command. When a SparkApplication
is successfully updated, the operator will receive both the updated and old SparkApplication
objects. If the specification of the SparkApplication
has changed, the operator submits the application to run, using the updated specification. If the application is currently running, the operator kills the running application before submitting a new run with the updated specification. There is planned work to enhance the way SparkApplication
updates are handled. For example, if the change was to increase the number of executor instances, instead of killing the currently running application and starting a new run, it is a much better user experience to incrementally launch the additional executor pods.
A SparkApplication
can be checked using the kubectl describe sparkapplications <name>
command. The output of the command shows the specification and status of the SparkApplication
as well as events associated with it. The events communicate the overall process and errors of the SparkApplication
The operator supports automatic application restart with a configurable RestartPolicy
using the optional field
. The following is an example of a sample RestartPolicy
type: OnFailure
onFailureRetries: 3
onFailureRetryInterval: 10
onSubmissionFailureRetries: 5
onSubmissionFailureRetryInterval: 20
The valid types of restartPolicy include Never
, OnFailure
, and Always
. Upon termination of an application,
the operator determines if the application is subject to restart based on its termination state and the
in the specification. If the application is subject to restart, the operator restarts it by
submitting a new run of it. For OnFailure
, the Operator further supports setting limits on number of retries
via the onFailureRetries
and onSubmissionFailureRetries
fields. Additionally, if the submission retries has not been reached,
the operator retries submitting the application using a linear backoff with the interval specified by
and onSubmissionFailureRetryInterval
which are required for both OnFailure
and Always
The old resources like driver pod, ui service/ingress etc. are deleted if it still exists before submitting the new run, and a new driver pod is created by the submission
client so effectively the driver gets restarted.
The operator supports running a Spark application on a standard cron schedule using objects of the ScheduledSparkApplication
custom resource type. A ScheduledSparkApplication
object specifies a cron schedule on which the application should run and a SparkApplication
template from which a SparkApplication
object for each run of the application is created. The following is an example ScheduledSparkApplication
apiVersion: ""
kind: ScheduledSparkApplication
name: spark-pi-scheduled
namespace: default
schedule: "@every 5m"
concurrencyPolicy: Allow
successfulRunHistoryLimit: 1
failedRunHistoryLimit: 3
type: Scala
mode: cluster
mainClass: org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi
mainApplicationFile: local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples_2.11-2.3.0.jar
cores: 0.5
memory: 512m
cores: 1
instances: 1
memory: 512m
type: Never
The concurrency of runs of an application is controlled by .spec.concurrencyPolicy
, whose valid values are Allow
, Forbid
, and Replace
, with Allow
being the default. The meanings of each value is described below:
: more than one run of an application are allowed if for example the next run of the application is due even though the previous run has not completed yet.Forbid
: no more than one run of an application is allowed. The next run of the application can only start if the previous run has completed.Replace
: no more than one run of an application is allowed. When the next run of the application is due, the previous run is killed and the next run starts as a replacement.
A scheduled ScheduledSparkApplication
can be temporarily suspended (no future scheduled runs of the application will be triggered) by setting .spec.suspend
to true
. The schedule can be resumed by removing .spec.suspend
or setting it to false
. A ScheduledSparkApplication
can have names of SparkApplication
objects for the past runs of the application tracked in the Status
section as discussed below. The numbers of past successful runs and past failed runs to keep track of are controlled by field .spec.successfulRunHistoryLimit
and field .spec.failedRunHistoryLimit
, respectively. The example above allows 1 past successful run and 3 past failed runs to be tracked.
The Status
section of a ScheduledSparkApplication
object shows the time of the last run and the proposed time of the next run of the application, through .status.lastRun
and .status.nextRun
, respectively. The names of the SparkApplication
object for the most recent run (which may or may not be running) of the application are stored in .status.lastRunName
. The names of SparkApplication
objects of the past successful runs of the application are stored in .status.pastSuccessfulRunNames
. Similarly, the names of SparkApplication
objects of the past failed runs of the application are stored in .status.pastFailedRunNames
Note that certain restart policies (specified in .spec.template.restartPolicy
) may not work well with the specified schedule and concurrency policy of a ScheduledSparkApplication
. For example, a restart policy of Always
should never be used with a ScheduledSparkApplication
. In most cases, a restart policy of OnFailure
may not be a good choice as the next run usually picks up where the previous run left anyway. For these reasons, it's often the right choice to use a restart policy of Never
as the example above shows.
To customize the operator, you can follow the steps below:
- Compile Spark distribution with Kubernetes support as per Spark documentation.
- Create docker images to be used for Spark with docker-image tool.
- Create a new operator image based on the above image. You need to modify the
tag in the Dockerfile with your Spark image. - Build and push your operator image built above.
- Deploy the new image by modifying the /manifest/spark-operator.yaml file and specfiying your operator image.