To run the experiments, run the following commands:
cd terraform/
# initialize working directory:
terraform init
# provision the droplets and run the experiments:
terraform apply -var="DO_API_TOKEN=use_your_own_do_token" -var="SSH_KEY_FILE=$HOME/.ssh/" -var="pvt_key=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" -var="NODES=10" -var="ROUNDS=25" -var="NUM_LEAVES=32"
Check out for more variables. These variables can be assigned on the commandline. Check out the terraform documentation on assigning variables.
To destroy the droplets that were created above afterwards:
terraform destroy -var="DO_API_TOKEN=use_your_own_do_token" -var="SSH_KEY_FILE=$HOME/.ssh/" -var="pvt_key=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"