- Authentication and Authorization
- Log in, Logout, Update, and reset password.
- User profile
- Update username, photo, email, password, and other information
- A user can be either a regular user or an admin or a lead guide or a guide.
- When a user signs up, that user by default regular user.
- Tour
- Manage booking, check tour map, check users' reviews and rating
- Tours can be created by an admin user or a lead-guide.
- Tours can be seen by every user.
- Tours can be updated by an admin user or a lead guide.
- Tours can be deleted by an admin user or a lead-guide.
- Bookings
- Only regular users can book tours (make a payment).
- Regular users can not book the same tour twice.
- Regular users can see all the tours they have booked.
- An admin user or a lead guide can see every booking on the app.
- An admin user or a lead guide can delete any booking.
- An admin user or a lead guide can create a booking (manually, without payment).
- An admin user or a lead guide can not create a booking for the same user twice.
- An admin user or a lead guide can edit any booking.
- Reviews
- Only regular users can write reviews for tours that they have booked.
- All users can see the reviews of each tour.
- Regular users can edit and delete their own reviews.
- Regular users can not review the same tour twice.
- An admin can delete any review.
- Favorite Tours
- A regular user can add any of their booked tours to their list of favorite tours.
- A regular user can remove a tour from their list of favorite tours.
- A regular user can not add a tour to their list of favorite tours when it is already a favorite.
- Credit card Payment
- Review and rating
- Allow users to add a review directly at the website after they have taken a tour
- Booking
- Prevent duplicate bookings after a user has booked that exact tour, implement favorite tours
- Advanced authentication features
- Signup, confirm user email, log in with refresh token, two-factor authentication
- And More! There's always room for improvement!
If you wish to play around with the code base in your local environment, do the following
* Clone this repo to your local machine.
* Using the terminal, navigate to the cloned repo.
* Install all the necessary dependencies, as stipulated in the package.json file.
* If you don't already have one, set up accounts with: MONGODB, MAPBOX, STRIPE, SENDGRID, and MAILTRAP. Please ensure to have at least basic knowledge of how these services work.
* In your .env file, set environment variables for the following:
* DATABASE=your Mongodb database URL
* DATABASE_PASSWORD=your MongoDB password
* SECRET=your JSON web token secret
* EMAIL_USERNAME=your mailtrap username
* EMAIL_PASSWORD=your mailtrap password
* EMAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io
* EMAIL_FROM=your real-life email address
* SENDGRID_PASSWORD=your sendgrid password
* STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=your stripe secret key
* STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET=your stripe webhook secret
* Start the server.
* Your app should be running just fine.
- This project is part of the online course I've taken at Udemy. Thanks to Jonas Schmedtmann for creating this awesome course! Link to the course: Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More: The Complete Bootcamp 2019