Welcome to Cloud Native Patterns 2.0!
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That is to say, I have not fully committed to a second edition, but am seriously toying with the idea. All of the patterns that I cover in the book are as relevant today as they were when I originally published in 2019, but there have been advancements in platforms and frameworks. As I always say, as a developer/architect, you need to understand all of these patterns, but you often won't have to implement them yourself - that comes from said platforms and frameworks! Keep an eye here to see the coding examples updated to take advantage of the latest/greatest!
I'm not yet sure how much detail I'll put in the READMEs since the original repo was designed as a companion to the book, but I will capture instructions that differ from that in the book.
The samples in this repo have been tested with:
- Maven 3.9.9
- Java 21
- Spring Boot 3.3.4 (as spec'd in the poms)
You'll also need:
- git
If you experience any issues with the samples herein, please reach out over social LinkedIn and/or file an issue.