This is a concept for extending the liquidity of a token actoss multiple EOSIO blockchains.
BOCORE team has released an inter-blockchain communication solution that is designed to have seamless token transfers between two networks:
BOS IBC requires dedicated servers running nodeos software with the IBC plugin, and these nodes are not suitable for anything else, like API service. Our proposed solution needs nodeos servers with State History Plugin enabled, and these servers can be used for other purposes.
BOS IBC requires a substantial amount of RAM in IBC contracts (15 or more megabytes, which is about $3500 in current prices on EOS mainnet. Our solution requires few hundred kilobytes of RAM for contract deployment.
BOS IBC software is huge, and costly to maintain. A developer needs to spend a significant amount of time in order to be able to support or troubleshoot the software.
BOS IBC performs a deep verification of transaction eventts, whereas our solution is based on a consensus of multiple independent oracles.
BOS IBC requires that the token has the same symbol in both networks. Our solution does not have such limitation.
is a token circulating its in native
is a counterpart token in another
blockchain. It's pegged 1-to-1 to TOKEN and its whole supply is equal to
the amount of TOKEN deposited on the gateway contract. TOKENPEG is a
standard token contract as defined in eosio.token
GitHub repository
and implements retire
and eos:telosgw
are a pair of gateway contracts
that operate together. Each instance is dedicated to working with only
one counterpart network and counterpart contract in it. The contracts
are fully symmetrical and run identical code.
and eos:alice
are a pair of accounts belonging to
the same user. They may or may not have identical public keys. They may
also have different account names.
and eos:chris
are arbitrary users in corresponding
,... telos:oracleN
,... eos:oracleN
are oracle accounts in both
networks. Server-side oracle tools are pushing transactions using these
The solution relies on a number of independent oracles that process events from the blockchain and submit the evidence to the gateway contracts. Oracles are selected so that independent teams are operating them. There are more oracles than it is required by quorum, and they compete to submit their input as fast as possible, in order to earn the rewards.
Each action on gateway contracts which is based on an event in counterpart network is submitted by oracles. Each oracle account submits the action independently from others. The gateway contract requires a certain quorum of oracles before accepting an event. If any of oracles is sending a different version of an event than others, the event is blocked and escalated for human intervention.
A new permission called oracle
is defined for oracles to send their
inputs. As the privates keys have to be stored on the servers, they
should be different from active
and owner
The goal of pairing is to establish a link between two accounts in
different blockchains. It is performed by a 3-step handshake from each
side. The steps don;t need to be synchronized, and can happen with any
time gap between pair
actions in both networks.
and eos:alice
are sending pair
action to the
gateway contract, indicating the account name in the counterpart
network. The gateway contracts create pairing entries with status
"pending". The pairing entries have also fields for keeping track of one
pending transfer: status flag, currency and amount. The user pays for
this RAM.
Oracles wait for these actions to appear in irreversible blocks in both
networks, and then send ackpair
action indicating the pair of account
names and transaction ID in which the other side sent pair
The gateway contract verifies oracle inputs and changes the pair status to "confirmed".
Oracles wait for the confirmed status to appear in irreversible block in
both networks, and send finalpair
action to the counterpart contract,
indicating the pair of contract names and transaction ID of ackpair
As soon as the gateway contract receives the quorum, it changes the pairing entry status to "established".
Once the user decides to disconnect the pairing, she sends unpair
action to one of the sides. The gateway contract changes the entry
status to "unpaired", and oracles send unpair
action to the gateway
contract on the other side.
Only token transfers from known accounts in "established" state are accepted by gateway contract, and all other transfers are rejected.
The user needs to pay for RAM needed by token balance on each side of the gateway.
The gateway contract keeps a record of which currencies Alice is willing to transfer.
If telos:alice
does not have TOKEN on her balance, she needs to send
to the TOKEN contract or have someone transfer some amount of
TOKEN to her.
needs to send open
action to TOKENPEG contract.
and eos:alice
send wantcurrency
action to the
gateway contracts indicating the corresondinhg token contract and
symbol. The gateway contract verifies that the they have a balance entry
in the token contracts.
Before any cross-chain transfers have happened, the telos:eosgw
has zero balance of TOKEN, and eos:telosgw
has zero balance of
Also total supply of TOKENPEG is zero.
Only telos:eosgw
has the permission to issue
Gateway contracts on both ends have a list of tokens they are accepting
in incoming transfers. Correspondingly, TOKEN is in the list of allowed
tokens in telos:eosgw
, and TOKENPEG is correspondingly in the list
of allowed tokens at eos:telosgw
. All incoming transfers in other
currency are rejected.
has a positive balance of TOKEN due to some past
activity. She wants to move some amount to EOS.
She makes a normal transfer
of TOKEN to telos:eosgw
arbitrary memo string.
verifies that Alice has "established" pairing status
and that the transfer is in accepted currency. It registers the payment
in Alice's pairing entry as a pending payment. Only one pending payment
is allowed for a user at a time.
Oracles wait for the transfer transaction to appear in irreversible
block, and send startxfer
actions to eos:telosgw
, indicating the
transfer arguments, transfer timestamp, and transaction ID.
verifies that eos:alice
has "established"
pairing status and that total supply of TOKENPEG plus transfer amount is
below the maximum supply.
Once the quorum of startxfer
is achieved, eos:telosgw
two inline actions: first, it issues the exact amount of TOKENPEG to
itself, and then makes transfer
of the total amount to
, with the same memo as was specified in the initial
transfer by telos:alice
If the quorum of startxfer
is achieved later than 10 minutes after
inbound transfer, eos:telosgw
rejects the action.
If outgoing transfer has not appeared in irreversible block within 10
minutes after the inbound transfer, the oracles send failedxfer
. In this case, eos:telosgw
transfers the total
amount of TOKEN back to telos:alice
If outbound transfer is seen in irreversible blocks within 10 minutes
after inbound transfer, oracles send okxfer
to eos:telosgw
. The
gateway contract deletes a pending transfer entry and sends a
notification to telos:alice
. If Alice runs a smart contract that
rejects such notifications, later cleanup
action will wipe the stalled
entries in pending transfers table.
Now eos:alice
is free to send TOKENPEG to any account within
eos, such as eos:chris
keeps the amount of TOKEN on its balance. It is only
allowed to send out the token as a result of a cross-chain transfer in
the opposite direction.
has a positive balance TOKENPEG due to some past
activity. She wants to transfer some amount back to Telos network.
She performs a transfer of TOKENPEG to eos:telosgw
, same way as in
the previous section.
The gateway contracts and oracles perform identical steps as in previous section, with the following exceptions:
upon receiving
is making only atransfer
of TOKEN, as it has a positive balance of it, and it is not allowed to issue TOKEN. -
upon receiving
burns the TOKENPEG by callingretire
action on its contract.
The organization behind TOKEN is primarily interested in flawless work of the gateway, and it is responsible for covering the operational costs. The users do not pay any transaction fees.
The operational costs comprise of the following components:
one-time RAM costs for deploying the contracts;
support team developing the service, fixing problems, and interviening in case of oracles misagreements;
Oracles hosting and operation.
The gateway maintainer defines a monthly budget to support the infrastructure, and TOKEN organization is to support the operational costs.
The payment for oracles is a fixed monthly amount distributed among oracles proportionally to their successful transactions.
Development costs are estimated as follows:
Programming and testing the gateway smart contract: US$3000.
Programming the oracle software, based on Chronicle output: US$3000.
Web UI programming: US$2000.
End-to-end testing: US$2000.
Total budget: US$10,000.
Copyright 2019 [email protected]
Ideas and contribution by Jesse Schulman (
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.