All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
For better traceability add the corresponding GitHub issue number in each changelog entry, please.
- #965 Implement proxy functionality of the IRS policy store
- #737 Added concept: Contract table -> parts link action
- XXX Added interceptor to EdcRestTemplates to log requests
- XXX Removed EdcNotifiactionMockServiceImpl class and replaced with mocks
- XXX updated JsonSchemaTest now the test pulls the latest version of the json file
- #1017 added file for CC BY 4.0 license for TRG 7
- #1017 updated contributing, notice, and readme files for TRG 7
- #1010 Made submodel path configurable
- #838 Added User experience > Table design section in arc42 documentation
- #1010 Updated IRS Helm Version from 5.1.6 to 5.1.7
- XXX increase spotbugs-plugin version from to
- XXX increase install-plugin version from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
- XXX increase testcontainer-postgresql version from 1.19.7 to 1.19.8
- XXX increase json-unit-assertj version from 3.2.2 to 3.2.7
- XXX increase aquasecurity/trivy-action version from 0.19.0 to 0.20.0
- XXX increase mikefarah/yq version from 4.43.1 to 4.44.1
- #859 added autocomplete on subset of assets in notification creation/edit view
- #997 added publish assets state check to parts table
- #XXX added border to dashboard notifications table and view all count
- #778 return empty PageResult when no contract agreement Ids are found instead of http 404 in /contacts API
- #XXX Fixed some sonar issues in frontend application
- #958 Fixed bug where available parts filter was reset when list of affected parts are zero in notification creation
- XXX Removed EdcNotifiactionMockServiceImpl class and replaced with mocks
- #XXX Switched eclipse-temurin:21-jre-alpine@sha256:fb4150a30569aadae9d693d949684a00653411528e62498b9900940c9b5b8a66 to 23467b3e42617ca197f43f58bc5fb03ca4cb059d68acd49c67128bfded132d67
- #837 Moved data import and IrsResponseMappers under same interface and shared methods
- #947 Updating irs-helm from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2 to use latest catena-x policy
- #963 update irs-client-lib.version from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4-SNAPSHOT to fix /contracts api
- #989 changed german word "Eigen" to "Eigene"
- #992 improved uux in selection of columns in table settings
- #994 moved search bar above new and existing configurations
- #994 disable inputs of newly added bpn configurations
- #995 disable creation and editof notifications for admin role
- #991 make menu table headers unvisible to not block column and filters of tables
- #915 Updated user manual documentation (chapters and screenshots)
- #998 fixed bug where global search bar could search for BPN and adjusted placeholder label to reflect column names
- #913 Changed severity icons
- #978 Fixed edc policy creation with edc version 0.7.0
- #844 Validation for BPN to Notification API (Create / Edit), Fixed pagination
- #726 Added @Preauthorize annotation to dashboard controller
- #849 Added concept: Notifications to multiple BPNs
- #837 Added digital twin type to data provisioning workflow to be able to lookup shells created by trace-x
- #783 Validation that receiver of a notification must not be same as sender.
- #831 Added concept: Notification data model revision
- #859 Enable autocomplete API to filter for given assets
- #778 Added counterPartyId to getCatalogRequest
- #837 migrate to irs-helm 7.1.1
- #837 migrate to irs-decentral-client-library to 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT
- #844 Prefilled bpn on investigation creation
- #843 Refactored e2e tests, added edit notification e2e test case
- #828 fix duplicates in traction_battery_code_subcomponent table
- #617 redesigned inbox table
- #603 Upgraded SingleLevelBomAsBuilt, SingleLevelBomAsPlanned & SingleLevelBomAsBuilt to 3.0.0
- #603 Upgraded Batch, SerialPart and JustInSequencePart to 3.0.0
- #603 Upgraded PartAsPlanned to 2.0.0
- #918 Merged parts and other parts into one table
- #918 Fixed translations and normal case for autocomplete values
- #778 update EDC from 0.5.3 to 0.7.0
- #XXX update of lombok from 1.18.30 to 1.18.32
- #XXX update of findsecbugs plugin from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0
- #XXX update of commons-compress from 1.26.0 to 1.26.1
- #XXX update of logback from 1.5.5 to 1.5.6
- #XXX update of cucumber-bom from 7.16.1 to 7.17.0
- #XXX Updated spring boot from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5
- #XXX Bumped logback-core & logback-classic from 1.5.4 to 1.5.5
- #602 digitalTwinType instead of semanticId. DigitalTwinType causes problems in release 24.05
- #780 store api documenation in docs/api to conform with TRG 1.08
- #622 Notification Update API
- #774 Added initial concept for handling multiple BPNs
- #834 Added possiblity to exclude elements from the results of the asset api filter
- #586 BPDM lookup feature
- XXX Updated insomnia collection
- #834 Behaviour of parts selection in edit / create notification view
- #823 migrate to irs-helm 6.18.0
- #636 migrate to digital-twin-registry version 0.4.9 from 0.3.22
- #622 Added functionallity to edit existing notifications within CREATED state
- #602 use digitalTwinType instead of semanticId to determine asBuilt or asPlanned assets
- Spell check arc42 documentation and administration guide and make it consistent
- bump ch.qos.logback:logback-core from 1.4.14 to 1.5.4
- bump peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.3 to 4.0.0
- bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0
- bump from 2023.0.0 to 2023.0.1
- bump org.awaitility:awaitility from 3.0.0 to 4.2.1
- bump org.asciidoctor:asciidoctorj-diagram from 2.2.13 to 2.3.0
- bump io.cucumber:cucumber-bom from 7.15.0 to 7.16.1
- #547 Removed classification check on alert / investigation update callback methods
- #695 OAuth2.0 Client scope configuration
- #606 Added error message into notifications on failure
- #596 Added Policy management documentation
- Added overview of the scheduler tasks in documentation
- #736 Added Contract Detailed View
- #706 Created notification classes to support both alert and investigations
- #706 Notification controller having the same endpoints as alerts and investigations controllers
- #736 add contractAgreementId as searchable field for /contracts
- Added capitalization section in
- #616 Allow edc notification update with empty asset list
- #630 Added Parts extended detailed view
- #709 Bumped spring-core from 6.0.17 to 6.1.5
- #606 cucumber tests retry on error
- #606 refactored response model to only be used by common model package tx-models
- #709 Fixed CVE-2024-22257 overriding spring-security-core from 6.1.7 to 6.2.3
- #596 Policy management has been moved to different module
- #616 Merged quality investigations / alerts into a single view
- #762 updated documentation for release 24.5
- #706 StartNotificationRequest now requires additional parameter type ("ALERT", "INVESTIGATION") which
- #706 Search criteria allows to filter by new type parameter
- #706 Notification response have new title parameter
- #718 update tj-actions/changed-files from v42 to v44
- #718 update maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.5 to 3.5.0
- #718 update jsonschema2pojo-core from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1
- #718 migrate Spring Boot from 3.1.9 to 3.2.4
- #630 Updated user manual with new part detailed view also for supplier and customer parts
- #736 fixed bug in request logic of contracts detailed view
- Improved the release documentation
- #706 QualityNotification naming in code replaced with Notification
- Shedlock, resilence4j, templateResolver as not used anymore
- #706 Removed alert and investigation specific classes and services to replace them with merged notification classes
- #421 Added contract agreement view
- #515 Service Unavailable Response on Notification failure
- #536 Added import state PUBLISHED_TO_CORE_SERVICES in frontend
- #420 add /contracts api to fetch contract agreement information from EDC for assets
- #423 Notification will be created/persisted in case of a edc notification
- Added a step to the pull-request-backend.yml which checks if the pom.xml(root) properties have some versions ending with -SNAPSHOT
- Added a PostConstruct method in PolicyStartUpConfig to allow Integration tests to run without errors in stack traces.
- #536 added new ImportState to asset PUBLISHED_TO_CORE_SERVICES indicating edc assets and dtr shells were created for given asset
- #536 added cron job responsible to publish assets in PUBLISHED_TO_CORE_SERVICES import state to edc and dtr
- #652 add GitHub action to publish Swagger to Swaggerhub
- Updated to the latest release guide (added more steps)
- #515 Fixed notification toast click area
- #625 increased height of tables
- #423 Moved errorMessages from investigation/alert to notification list
- Updated matrix adding release C-X 24.3 and 23.12
- #536 rework /policies to respond with policies from the IRS policy store
- #536 sync assets logic was adjusted to create IRS jobs only for assets that are not in TRANSIENT or IN_SYNC states
- #536 Updated Arc42 documentation and user-manual with publish assets informations
- Bumped softprops/action-gh-release from v1 to v2
- Bumped azure/setup-helm from v3 to v4
- Bumped aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0
- Bupped cucumber-bom from 7.12.1 to 7.15.0
- Bumped jetbrains-annotation from 24.0.1 to 24.1.0
- Bumped commons-logging from 1.2 to 1.3.0
- Bumped shedlock from 5.11.0 to 5.12.0
- Overridden transitive commons-compress version by 1.26.1 to fix CVE-2024-26308
- Overridden transitive commons-codec version by 1.16.1 to fix CVE-2024-26308
- Update irs-registry-client from version 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.6.0
- Updated review-message for check pom for -SNAPSHOT workflow
- Changed base image from eclipse-temurin:17-jre-alpine to eclipse-temurin:21-jre-alpine
- Changed build image from maven:3-openjdk-17-slim to maven:3-openjdk-18-slim
- #742 rework test management strategy for frontend and backend part
- #625 Removed the header and breadcrumbs section from app layout
Added concept #638: Contract agreement admin view
Added support for meta key for multi sorting on tables
Added concept #578: Consistent null values
- Spring-core bumped from 6.0.16 to 6.0.17
- Updated user manual
- JSON Schema generation for valid submodel mapping
- Added support for meta key for multi sorting on tables
- Added error description and retry button to error toast when creating notifications
- Bumped version mikefarah/[email protected] to mikefarah/[email protected]
- Bumped version lombok from 1.18.28 to 1.18.30
- Bumped version ts-graphviz/setup-graphviz@v1 to ts-graphviz/setup-graphviz@v2
- Bumped version Schedlock 5.10.0 to 5.11.0
- updated yarn.lock file
- #542 Fixed bug where it where filter was reset when sorting in other parts table
- Removed EDC notification asset classes and replaced with IRS lib implementation
- #528 Removed sorting tooltip on quality incidents tables on dashboard page
- updated publish-documentation workflow with two new steps
- changed @ApiModelProperty annotation with @Schema
- added logic to consume tombstone information from IRS for assets
- removed frontend/dist folder from codeQL scan
- Added tombstone icon to parts table and error description in parts detail view
- Endpoint (assets/import/report/{importJobId}) for retrieving import report
- Added concept #568: Policy management
- Added concept #436: Intermediate status handling
- Added add Parts view concept
- Added separate Docker notices for both front- and backend
- actions/chache bumped from v3 to v4
- borales/actions-yarn bumped from v4 to v5
- peter-evans/create-pull-request bumped from v5 to v6
- peter-evans/dockerhub-description bumped from v3 to v4
- aquasecurity/trivy-action bumped from 0.16.1 to 0.17.0
- sonar-maven-plugin bumped from to
- rest-assured bumped from 5.3.2 to 5.4.0
- testcontainer-postgresql bumped from 1.19.1 to 1.19.4
- tomcat-embed-websocket bumped from 10.1.16 to 10.1.18
- IrsCallbackController is now validating jobId to prevent log injections from unwanted usage
- Bump irs-helm version from 6.13.0 to 6.14.1
- Bump irs-client-lib version from 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT
- Changed Add Parts concept to Edit Parts concept
- Investigations/Alerts for assets_as_planned parts
- Added AVD-KSV-0014 to trivy ignore
- Added tooltips on functionalities that are unauthorized or unavailable
- Added concept for adaptions for IndustryCore Changes CX-0126 and CX-0127
- Added concept #521 revoked notification handling
- Added eclipse trace-x matrix channel to and
- Updated Irs Library from 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.5.1-SNAPSHOT
- Changed some java implementations according to security findings ( business logic unchanged )
- Adjusted sync logic to create jobs only for related BomLifecycles
- Spring core updated from 6.0.14 to 6.0.16
- Springboot updated from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7
- Updated Angular and its dependencies from 15.2.8 to latest version 16 release
- Implemented asset publisher component functionality
- Updated postgres to version 15.4
- Update Spring version to 3.1.8
- Migrated from okhttpclient (feign implementation) to resttemplate.
- Refactored rest templates
- Bumped jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.8 to 0.8.11
- Bumped cypress-io/github-action from 6.6.0 to 6.6.1
- Bumped tj-actions/changed-files from v41 to v42
- Fixed some response type descriptions within swagger documentation
- Error handling when publishing assets
- Test Release
- Import Data Service for data provisioning
- Added UI to publish own assets
- Sequence Diagrams for Data Provisioning Flow
- Added User Manual for Data import
- Added github action to connect pull request with github issue
- Added bpn validator to bpn edc mapping
- Added new /irs/job/callback endpoint to handle irs job finished callback
- Added Asset import info to parts table and parts detail view
- SubmodelServerService for calling submodel server with feign client
- Added GET /policies endpoint to retrieve accepted policies
- Added POST assets/publish endpoint to publish transient assets
- Fixed security findings
- Rework GET alerts and investigations endpoint to POST to send a request body
- Fixed deadline overlap issues for Q-investigations in update menu
- Fixed sorting of asPlanned parts
- Fixed unlimited filter parameter length by setting it to 1000 characters max
- Adjusted cypress tests to new cancellation flow
- Fixed bug where applying a filter in one table erroneously affected sorting in the other table
- Moved UpdateAssetRequest to tx-models module
- updated Compatibility Matrix
- Irs Jobs are now created with callback parameter set to new /irs/job/callback endpoint
- Upgraded irs version from 6.12.0 to 6.13.0
- Switched from OAuth2.0 to API Key authentication for IRS API Requests
- switched from json-schema-friend:0.12.3 to json-schema-validator:5.4.0 for import file validation
- Moved logic for active notifications to frontend
- Updated com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to
- Updated actions/github-script from 5 to 7
- Updated org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.1.2 to 3.2.5
- Updated org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.0.0-M8 to 3.2.5
- Updated aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.16.0 to 0.16.1
- Updated actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4
- Updated github/codeql-action from 2 to 3
- Updated actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4
- Updated com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.37.1 to 9.37.3
- Changed some java implementations according to security findings ( business logic unchanged )
- Updated createIrsPolicyIfMissing() method to validate policies based on rightOperand values rather than policyIDs
- Shell descriptor entity with underlying logic
- Added an option for testdata upload in Argo Workflow
- Validation for import data
- GitHub action that ensures an up-to-date
- Restricted datefield on investigation creation to be only clickable and not editable
- Removed duplication of request notification component and combined it into a reusable component
- bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.14.0 to 0.16.0
- bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5
- bump mikefarah/yq from 4.40.2 to 4.40.5
- bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4
- bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jxr-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
- bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
- bump schedlock.version from 5.9.1 to 5.10.0
- fixed bug where filter was reset when sorting filtered notifications
- redesigned notification status confirmation modal
- bump irs version from 6.9.1 to 6.12.0
- moved rights and roles matrix from arc42 doc to administration guide
- Moved accepted policy to helm environments
- Request IRS policy store to accept IRS policies in addition to our own policy
- Removed registry lookups feature
- new filtering capabilities ( receivedQualityAlertIdsInStatusActive, sentQualityAlertIdsInStatusActive, receivedQualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive, sentQualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive )
- Validation check if table-settings correct and reset on invalid state
- Added Api-Input in Argo Workflow to fix bugs
- Added implementation for cucumber tests for quality investigations
- Added implementation of cypress tests for quality alerts
- Separation of auto complete mechanism (selected / searched elements)
- Added new step definition for cucumber tests "I use assets with ids {string}" allowing to specify assets used for notification creation
- Added autocomplete endpoints for notifications
- Added BPN column to parts table
- Emit change check to observables in frontend
- Added an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) into the Architecture Documentation to visually represent our tables and their relationships.
- Added a step for testing input and included an option for a hard refresh in Argo Workflow
- Added manufacturer_id to assets_as_planned
- Added local filtering and auto complete for notifications
- Added a drag-and-drop option for JSON files and an endpoint to receive them
- Filter configuration for tables to be resuable and easy to adapt
- Realigned some mappings e.g. (manufacturer / manufacturerName) to be more clear
- Updated mikefarah/yq from 4.35.2 to 4.40.2
- Upgraded maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
- Upgraded nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.31 to 9.37.1
- Upgraded maven-install-plugin from 3.0.1 to 3.1.1
- Upgraded json-unit-assertj from 2.38.0 to 3.2.2
- Upgraded asciidoctorj-diagram from 2.2.9 to 2.2.13
- Cucumber test steps for creating notifications no longer support default assetId when no asset is provided with previous step
- Upgraded the Upload_Testdata job in Argo Workflow to fix bugs
- Auto format for frontend source code applied
- Updated user-manual for Parts filtering autocomplete functionality
- Fixed issue when requesting autocomplete api endpoints with no size provided
- Default pagination size to 50.
- Split up bpn column in notification table views to show bpn and name separately
- Changed detailed part view action from clicking on list item to a menu action column
- Changed FE fieldName mapping to fix bug for properties catenaxSiteId and function
- Fix of global search field
- Parts autocomplete API now is case insensitive when using "startWith" parameter
- changed mapping for manufacturerName when syncing assets_as_planned so it is being resolved when assets are resolved
- Behaviour of auto complete toggle selections
- Updated springboot version from 3.1.3 to 3.1.6
- updated spring core version from 6.0.13 to 6.0.14
- Update tomcat-embed-websocket from 10.0.15 to 10.0.16
- Update logback-classic and logback-core version to 1.4.14 to mitigate high finding
- Fixed sorting on empty notification tables
- removed asset filters ( qualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive, qualityInvestigationIdsInStatusActive )
- Removed Cucumber tests steps for creating alerts with two parts as new step definition is enough for the same feature
- Upgraded irs-client library from 1.4.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.4.1
- Backend/Frontend [TRACEFOSS-2728]: Investigations / Alerts: Transition of the message status will take some time. If it fails the user will not be informed.
- DEPENDENCIES_FRONTEND,,, LICENSE file to frontend docker image
- Added a step-by-step guide to register a server in pgAdmin in the database dump README
- Documentation about technical users
- Added new dashboard layout and additional widgets
- Fixed helm repository path for backend & frontend (wrong prefix)
- Refactored dashboard response
- Updated user manual
- Autocomplete endpoints changed owner String type param to Owner for input validation and sql injection prevention
- Autocomplete endpoints repository uses now criteria api rather than native query
- Fixed several bugs in local filtering of the parts table
- apk upgrade in docker image built as requested by TRG 4.02
- Cypress Login to E2E Environment to enable cypress e2e tests.
- Fixed bug in argo workflow which allows to successfully run on INT-A/INT-B
- database dumps for environments A and B, along with a README guide for database recovery.
- New job named 'print_environment' to the Argo-workflow that prints the selected environment to the GitHub Step Summary.
- Added NOTIFICATION_COUNT_EQUAL filter strategy for Assets as built Specifications
- Added new supported filter for notifications assetId that allows filtering alerts and investigations by assetId
- Added autocompletion and local filter selection on parts table
- Fixed bug in argo workflow which allows to successfully upload testdata
- No logging option for cypress
Fixed table-settings reset bug
Changed datepicker in FE to date range picker
Fixed name of veracode backend job
Bump jetty-http from 11.0.15 to 11.0.17
Assets response have now list of notification ids rather than count of existing notifications
Frontend adapt to backend api changes for activeAlerts and activeInvestigations
Reconfigured all docker images user settings
Adapted memory / cpu requests and limits in default values helm file
Fixed textarea field for dialog.
Removed duplicated cancel buttons from investigation and alerts workflows
Migrate to not deprecated methods in HTTP security
Bump actions/setup-node@ from v3 to v4
Bump helm/chart-releaser-action from v1.5.0 to v1.6.0
Bump aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0
Bump cypress-io/github-action from v6.5.0 to v6.6.0
Bump spring-core version from 6.0.12 to 6.0.13
Bump compiler-plugin version 3.10.1 to 3.11.0
Bump commons-io version 2.13.0 to 2.15.0
Update IRS-helm version from 6.8.0 to 6.9.1
Update EDC from 0.5.0 to 0.5.3
Added owner param to distinctFilterValues endpoints
- Added Table columns settings in part tables to show/hide/reorder table columns
- new endpoints supporting filtering feature for investigations and alers api/investigations api/alerts
- Added support for aspectmodel traction battery code
- Added missing translations
- support for date ranges BEFORE_LOCAL_DATE and AFTER_LOCAL_DATE providing both will cause filter result to return only relevant date ranges
- added supported searchCriteriaFieldsMappers for investigations, alerts, assetsAsBuilt and assetAsPlanned related endpoints
- added cache busting to build output of FE application
- added Argo Github-Action
- handling for invalid LocalDate string provided in filterCriteria for date related filtering
- support for filtering join tables for Specification searchCriteria
- added PR comment in case of HIGH/CRITICAL dependency check findings
- Functionality to indicate that no Dependency Check findings occur in a PR
- Badge to show successful Dependency Check status
- Updated user manual to reflect the table column settings feature
- Fixed a bug which removed all parts asBuilt selection at once when creating notifications
- Changed Filter to support Logical operator (AND,OR) on searchCriteria
- Adapt frontend to use the changed filter logic with the correct operator per use case
- Reworked business logic of /registry/reload to always sync all assets
- Only include configured severities into report
- Shedlock version from 5.7.0 to 5.9.1
- Swagger Annotation Version from 1.6.11 to 1.6.12
- Testcontainer Postgresql Version from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.20.13 to 7.23.2 in frontend
- distinctFilterValues endpoints now support startWith parameter that will cause result to contain only suggestions starting with given string
- changed qualityNotification filtering changed from side to channel as response field name
- changed assetAsBuilt filtering manufacturerId to businessPartner
- IRS-Client-Lib from 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT to 1.4.0
- Decoupled dependency check in a separate GitHub action
- Mitigated Dependency Check findings
- Removed &filterOperator=AND from filtering requests
- Removed no longer needed endpoints api/investigations/created, api/investigations/received, api/alerts/created, api/alerts/received
- added multisorting in FE for notifications
- added possiblity to add operator to searchquery of assets
- added global search field and combined with the OR operator to be able to search for multiple elements in the database
- Filter for each assetAsBuilt table attribute
- Filter for each assetAsPlanned table attribute
- Extended testdata to reflect better overview of assets
- Extended testdata to reflect better overview of assets
- Support for TractionBatteryCode
- Support for JustInSequence Semantice data model in FE
- Added country flags icons to manufacturing Country
- new submodelserver related API endpoints for data provisioning /api/submodel/data/{id}
- Added global search field to other parts
- Added possiblity to provide multiple semanticDataModels in filter
- Added two new columns for amount of open Notifications per part in part views (asBuilt)
- Added test dependencies to dash ip check
- Added datepicker for date fields inside of the table filters
- updated IRS helm chart from 6.6.1 to 6.7.2
- Updated policy related logic to reflect IRS changes
- Moved response handling from the backend folder to the model folder, addressing a TODO item.
- replaced StartQualityAlertRequest with StartQualityNotification
- updated mikefarah/yq from 4.35.1 to 4.35.2
- updated maven-site-plugin from 4.0.0-M5 to 4.0.0-M9
- updated testcontainer-postgresql from 1.17.6 to 1.19.0
- updated docker/build-push-action from 4 to 5
- Updated user manual to reflect current state of the part views
- Fixed dash IP GitHub action that scans Backend dependencies
- Date format of manufacturingDate, validityPeriodFrom, validityPeriodUntil, functionValidFrom, functionValidTo to be OffsetDateTime for Business logic and Instant for Database
- Changed types of OffsetDates within the database to be a timestamp including timezone
- Fixxed mapping of idShort
- Changed date formats of assets to have offsetDateTime instead of Date or LocalDateTime
- Aligned date formats in the rest api for assets
- Increased version of jetty-http from 11.0.15 to 11.0.17 and excluded from edc package
- Bump versions in frontend dependencies
- Owner filter and replaced it with the new filter query param
- Removed profile based feature flag for investigations / alerts
- Splitscreen View with sliders on parts and otherParts View
- New test data for as planned assets aswell as JustInSequence and TractionBatteryCode
- Toggle for parts and other parts to switch views asPlanned/asBuilt
- LocalStorage to be used for saving view setting
- archunit tests as preparation for good quality architecture checks
- safety and security doc including roles matrix
- handling for duplicate shellDescriptor ids when refreshing registry
- added sorting for /api/investigations received and created endpoints
- added sorting for /api/alerts received and created endpoints
- integration tests uses flyway now rather than hibernate schema auto creation
- irs helm updated from 6.5.0 to 6.6.1
- BpnEntity now contains BpnEdcMappingEntity fields
- Directories of bpnEntity to match architecture
- Mapping logic of catena-x site id and manufacturerPartId for AssetsAsPlanned
- Old edc code not necessary anymore
- BpnEdcMappingEntity removed with related repository
- OAuth2 client credentials rest template interceptor
- Configuration for left and right policies to use registry client library
- Add support for JustInSequence aspect model
- TRG Github Action Pipeline for quality checks
- ErrorMessage field to investigation and alerts
- Cucumber tests for quality investigations
- Refactored asset structure to allow new API for assets-as-planned
- Optional parameter "receiverBpn" to /investigations endpoint
- NEW API /api/assets/as-planned
- NEW API DELETE /api/registry
- NEW API GET /api/shelldescriptors
- cascading sorting functionality by allowing multiple sort query parameters on APIs
- cascading sorting functionality for Parts and OtherParts tables in FE
- NEW API GET /api/assets/as-planned/distinctFilterValues
- NEW API GET /api/assets/as-built/distinctFilterValues
- Added Batch 2.0.0 support
- Updated some patch version for used dependencies.
- API BREAKING CHANGE: /api/assets changed to /api/assets/as-built
- Changed digitalTwinRegistryRestTemplate to use token in requests
- Update asBuild test data to 1.5.3 and asPlanned to 1.5.1
- Changed transfer notification logic not to break iteration loop when sending notifications to bpn with more than 1 connector endpoints
- Decentral flow only using bpn for resolving globalAssetIds
- Logic of commitId retrieval by frontend has changed
- Readme / Docker Notice information as required in TRGs
- Removed references to GitHub registry and added docker hub for tractusx instead
- Removed UX breaking black status box
- Updated cypress-io/github-action from 5.8.4 to 6.0.0
- Updated asciidoctor-maven-plugin from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4
- Updated owasp:dependency-check from 8.3.1 to 8.4.0
- Updated commons-io from 2.11.0 to 2.13.0
- Updated snakeyaml from 2.0 to 2.1
- Split up Parts View in Frontend to parts asBUilt and asPlanned
- Replaced own implementation of getCatalog, negotiateAgreement, and validatePolicy with irs-client-library implementation.
- Updated irs-registry-client from 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- Updated irs-helm from 6.4.1 to 6.5.0
- Migrated groovy integration tests to SpringBootTests
- API GET/api/assets/as-built allow Search criteria to be provided
- API GET/api/assets/as-planned allow Search criteria to be provided
- Upgraded aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.11.2 to 0.12.0
- Upgraded actions/checkout from 3 to 4
- Upgraded maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0
- Upgraded swagger-annotations from 1.6.10 to 1.6.11
- Upgraded spring-boot-maven-plugin from 3.0.2 to 3.1.3
- Upgraded shedlock.version from 5.5.0 to 5.7.0
- Upgraded mikefarah/yq from 4.34.2 to 4.35.1
- Upgraded snakeyaml from 2.0 to 2.2
- Upgraded docker/login-action from 2 to 3
- Upgraded cypress-io/github-action 6.0.0 to 6.5.0
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-1458]: AdminView: No validation of BPN for BPN EDC URL mapping
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-589]: Backend API access without login returns incorrect HTTP status code (500 instead of 401)
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-2148]: Endpoints for parts and notifications returns unsorted list
- Frontend [TRACEFOSS-2149]: Sorting on empty table causes unhandled error view
- Security [TRACEFOSS-829]: CVE Strict-Transport-Security header - The HSTS Warning and Error may allow attackers to bypass HSTS
- Security [TRACEFOSS-830]: CVE one stack trace disclosure (Java) in the target web server's HTTP response
- Security [TRACEFOSS-919]: Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled SQL Primary Key CWE ID 566
- Security [TRACEFOSS-984]: Improper Output Neutralization for Logs CWE ID 117
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1313]: Using components with known vulnerabilities
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1314]: Open Redirect - host header injection
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1315]: No additional authentication component (MFA) during login process
- Environment [TRACEFOSS-2164]: HTTP Requests for syncing the submodel server inoperable~~
- All elements from 6.0.1-rc1,rc2,rc3,rc4
- updated IRS helm chart from 6.6.1 to 6.7.2
- updated policy related logic to reflect IRS changes
- Updated irs-registry-client from 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- Updated irs-helm from 6.4.1 to 6.5.0
- OAuth2 client credentials rest template interceptor
- Configuration for left and right policies to use registry client library
- TRG Github Action Pipeline for quality checks
- ErrorMessage field to investigation and alerts
- Changed digitalTwinRegistryRestTemplate to use token in requests
- Update asBuild test data to 1.5.3 and asPlanned to 1.5.1
- Changed transfer notification logic not to break iteration loop when sending notifications to bpn with more than 1 connector endpoints
- added handling for null manufacturerName in IrsJobResponse, if null is passed it is replaced with "UNKNOWN_MANUFACTURER"
- Moved all parts of app config to helm charts to be fully configurable
- Helmignore config params for wrong values.yaml files
- Home / Source URL in Helm Chart
- Name Overrides in Helmchart for pgadmin, irs-helm and tractusx-connector
- Added decentral registry approach
- Added discovery finder / edc discovery service for looking up edc urls of receiver of notifications
- Added about component with additional Workflow to load repo info into the component
- Add Transformer to support new EDC constraint operator format
- Modified IRS Policies support to handle multiple policies
- Readme titles to match TRGs
- Updated Irs helm chart to 6.3.1
- Update EDC dependencies to 0.1.3
- Update implementation to use EDC 0.5.0
- Spring Security Config Update from 6.0.3 to 6.0.5
- Logic of commitId retrieval by frontend has changed
- Readme / Docker Notice information as required in TRGs
- Removed references to GitHub registry and added docker hub for tractusx instead
- Spring Boot Update from: 3.0.7 to 3.1.2
- Spring Core Update from: 6.0.8 to 6.0.11
- unused classes and methods
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-1458]: AdminView: No validation of BPN for BPN EDC URL mapping
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-589]: Backend API access without login returns incorrect HTTP status code (500 instead of 401)
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-2148]: Endpoints for parts and notifications returns unsorted list
- Frontend [TRACEFOSS-2149]: Sorting on empty table causes unhandled error view
- Security [TRACEFOSS-829]: CVE Strict-Transport-Security header - The HSTS Warning and Error may allow attackers to bypass HSTS
- Security [TRACEFOSS-830]: CVE one stack trace disclosure (Java) in the target web server's HTTP response
- Security [TRACEFOSS-919]: Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled SQL Primary Key CWE ID 566
- Security [TRACEFOSS-984]: Improper Output Neutralization for Logs CWE ID 117
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1313]: Using components with known vulnerabilities
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1314]: Open Redirect - host header injection
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1315]: No additional authentication component (MFA) during login process
- Environment [TRACEFOSS-2164]: HTTP Requests for syncing the submodel server inoperable~~
- Moved all parts of app config to helm charts to be fully configurable
- Helmignore config params for wrong values.yaml files
- Home / Source URL in Helm Chart
- Name Overrides in Helmchart for pgadmin, irs-helm and tractusx-connector
- Added decentral registry approach
- Added discovery finder / edc discovery service for looking up edc urls of receiver of notifications
- Added about component with additional Workflow to load repo info into the component
- Add Transformer to support new EDC constraint operator format
- Modified IRS Policies support to handle multiple policies
- Readme titles to match TRGs
- Updated Irs helm chart to 6.3.1
- Update EDC dependencies to 0.1.3
- Update implementation to use EDC 0.5.0
- Spring Security Config Update from 6.0.3 to 6.0.5
- Spring Boot Update from: 3.0.7 to 3.1.2
- Spring Core Update from: 6.0.8 to 6.0.11
- unused classes and methods
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-1458]: AdminView: No validation of BPN for BPN EDC URL mapping
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-589]: Backend API access without login returns incorrect HTTP status code (500 instead of 401)
- Backend [TRACEFOSS-2148]: Endpoints for parts and notifications returns unsorted list
- Frontend [TRACEFOSS-2149]: Sorting on empty table causes unhandled error view
- Security [TRACEFOSS-829]: CVE Strict-Transport-Security header - The HSTS Warning and Error may allow attackers to bypass HSTS
- Security [TRACEFOSS-830]: CVE one stack trace disclosure (Java) in the target web server's HTTP response
- Security [TRACEFOSS-919]: Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled SQL Primary Key CWE ID 566
- Security [TRACEFOSS-984]: Improper Output Neutralization for Logs CWE ID 117
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1313]: Using components with known vulnerabilities
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1314]: Open Redirect - host header injection
- Security [TRACEFOSS-1315]: No additional authentication component (MFA) during login process
- Environment [TRACEFOSS-2164]: HTTP Requests for syncing the submodel server inoperable~~
- Added back button in notification detailed view
- Added alert detail view
- EDC SPI Dependency for using provided models
- Added default response types to apis
- Irs policies support ( on application startup registers policies in irs instance )
- Added helm upgrade workflow to test upgradeability of the helm charts
- Added helm test backwards compatability to test the helm charts with the latest kubernetes versions
- Changed Layout in notification detailed view
- Changed request parameter for registerjob request to irs to match requirements of irs
- Migration of edc 0.4.1 endpoints and api flow
- fixed bug where language switcher did not update to the selected language
- Changed SerialPartTypization aspect model to SerialPart
- Changed AssemblyPartRelationship aspect model to SingleLevelBomAsBuilt
- Changed semantic data model to be displayed in camel case
- Spring profiles for integration int-a and int-b environments
- Quality Alert feature
- Updated testdata to reflect asPlanned assets
- Added asPlanned lifecycle to the asset domain
- Added Semantic Data Model 'PartAsPlanned'
- Upgraded cypress-io/github-action from 5.8.0 to 5.8.3
- Upgraded jruby from to
- Upgraded aquasecurity/trivy-action from 0.10.0 to 0.11.2
- Upgraded maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.3 to 3.4.5
- Updated spring boot to 3.0.7 to fix: CVE-2023-20883
- Fixed calculation of otherParts amount within dashboard response
- Fixed incorrect label mapping in notification action modals
- Added translationContext "commonAlert" to all modal components
- Send quality alert to customer / action on queued items
- Adapt asset synchronization from IRS
- Cors configuration for environment e2e-a and e2e-b
- GitHubAction to update dependencies files on merge to main
- Added testdata with batches
- Added Semantic Data Model to frontend to support batches
- Added batch aspect to the asset import process
- Updated registry urls within env profiles
- Changed error message for notification status transitions
- Replaced DELETE Pod Requests with StatefulSets
- Made Quality Alerts Tab visible
- bump json-unit-assertj from 2.36.1 to 2.38.0
- bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2022.0.2 to 2022.0.3
- bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4 #158
- Refactored logic to save different kind of assets related to their aspect
- Bpn Mapping fallback in INT environment profile - has been removed
- Added option to hide "Investigation for components" in part-detail.component.html
- E2E A & B env profile configuration
- Added tests for SonarQube exclusions
- Added alerts controller
- Inbox for quality alerts (marked with WIP role)
- Sortable columns in notification.component.ts and related components
- Insomnia Collection for Alerts api
- Added E2E cucumber test for sending notification
- Refactored other-parts.component.html - split into new components: supplier-parts.component.html and customer-parts.component.html
- Bump cypress-io/github-action from 5.6.2 to 5.7.1
- Bump surefire-plugin.version from 3.0.0-M8 to 3.0.0
- Bump java-jwt from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0
- Bump asciidoctor-maven-plugin from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
- Bump spring-cloud-dependencies from 2022.0.1 to 2022.0.2
- Bump asciidoctorj from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8
- Use Selective dependency resolutions for @angular-devkit/build-angular to keep 15.2.8 version locked (so @angular-builders/custom-webpack uses the same version as well)
- Aligned help button and user icon in the header to official C-X styleguide
- Changed logic of merging response from irs to match the correct ids of the relationships
- Updated open api collection to detect security issues on rest api
- Upgraded karma package dependency: to 4.2.3 (to solve Insufficient validation when decoding a Socket.IO packet)
- Corrected alignment for severity and other fields in section "Overview" in quality investigation detail page
- Upgraded cypress-io/github-action from 5.7.1 to 5.8.0
- Changed trivy.yml settings for frontend (use "--format sarif" instead of "--template sarif.tpl")
- Removed selection column on Customer Parts page
- Removed classes: AssetFacade, Constants, Command, ContractAgreementRequest, ContractOfferRequest, AssetFacadeTest
- Removed log flooding in asset sync process
- Added logic to push image to docker hub for eclipse-tractusx repository
- Added testdata to database to ensure working notification flow
- Added base implementation for quality notifications which can be used for alerts and investigations
- Updated Publish documentation workflow to convert and deploy documentation as markdown (.md)
- Bumped cypress-io/github-action from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2
- Bumped veracode/[email protected] to 0.2.6
- Updated catena links from readme to reflext tractusx links
- Updated path of digital twin registry for dev environment
- Updated swagger api doc and added collection
- Updated dev setup documentation
- Changed logic of investigations to be more extensible for alerts
- Upgraded irs from 5.0.9 to 5.3.0
- Upgraded @angular-devkit/build-angular to ^15.0.0 (to have the same dependency as @angular-builders/custom-webpack has)
- Fix sonar bug in minimap.d3.ts
- Upgraded karma dependencies (use^6.4.2 to solve Uncaught Exception vulnerability)
- Refactored investigation class to be qualitynotification to reflect a base class for future extensions
- Renamed notification table to investigation_notification to be able to understand the difference of notification source
- Not needed enum params in UpdateInvestigationRequest
- Added tx-root pom for maven multi module project
- Added tx-parent-spring-boot for using spring boot dependencies
- Added tx-models
- Added possibility to configure realm in FE
- Added license headers to helm chart files
- Added possibility to create an alert within my parts page, marked with WIP
- Added additional irs request on irs-service to also include SingleLevelUsageAsBuilt param
- Added owner column to asset table
- Added upstream visibility for parts
- Added bpn-url mapping api which provides simple CRUD operations
- Added project lombok
- Added Dockerfile to root directory
- Added helm-test workflow
- Added new testdata set for bom lifecycle "asBuilt"
- Added a custom Pageable Scheme
- Updated spring-boot:core from 6.0.6 to 6.0.8 for cve-2023-20863
- backend directory and module to tx-backend
- backend/cucumber-tests directory to tx-cucumber-tests
- Updated mapping of assets
- Alignment of user and groups between helmchart and application
- Updated readme links
- Container labelling refactored
- Increased table size tenfold. From 5, 10, 25 to 50, 100, 250
- Moved dash-ip tool to root-pom to have a managed version
- Updated backend dependencies to reflect current state
- Updated notifications contract policy to include trace policy constraint
- Switched from GET catalog (edc) to POST catalog
- Moved Investigation JPA implementation to the correct folder structure
- Moved Notification JPA implementation to the correct folder structure
- Fixed bug to reflect investigation status on assets
- Added documentation on the usage of testdata
- Removed usage of add-license-header script in FE hook
- Removed usage of map and map component
- Removed supplierPart boolean from asset
- Removed all excluded files from kics scan
- Created BPN - BPN - EDC configuration page with mappings for notification flow
- Refactored messageId of a notification to have own uuid instead of reusing notificationId
- Changed receive / update edc callbacks to match one seperate method for each process
- Updated the Notification Publisher to request initial notifications to the /receive endpoint and updates to the related /update endpoint
- Updated cypress-io/github-action from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1
- Updated peaceiris/actions-gh-pages from 3.9.2 to 3.9.3
- Upgraded base image from sha256@2b33ef284e6dc43a61903cef6d36dbce13414a9e5444e2c96cdd5e35123f9903 to: sha256@c26a727c4883eb73d32351be8bacb3e70f390c2c94f078dc493495ed93c60c2f
- Fixed parts not being marked as under investigation
- Adapt notification receiver side to accept severity by real name instead of enum constant
- Improved admin page navigation (as a left side menu)
- Combined results of discovery service and fallback mock service to provide bpn url mappings
- Updated EDC Provider to 0.3.0 version
- Replaced jib with docker-build-push action in workflows
- Helm lint, test and install action workflow
- Updated frontend and backend dependency file and requested review for open license issues
- Updated broken links in readme
- Refactored github action workflow to isolate latest and release version tags
- Added missing license headers to files
- Synchronized configuration for runAsUser for container images
- Adapt default values.yaml to allow installation of helm charts in any environment
- Some unit tests for better code quality
- Fixed edc notification flow bug
- Updated org.springframework/spring-expression from 6.0.6 to 6.0.7
- Updated net.minidev/json-smart from 2.4.8 to 2.4.10
- Updated documentation of application
- Added persistent history of EDC Notifications
- Added validation for UpdateInvestigationRequest, reason for (decline, accepted, close)
- Added Title to sections that might be cut of with three dots (...)
- Added documentation regarding base docker image and prepared for future QG updates
- Added hint to input field with additional information for max and min length validation
- Added feature to table to be able to clear all selections or only the current page
- Added license headers to all chart specific files
- Added information about the specific base image used by our docker images
- Validation logic of edc notification flow
- Restructured helm charts to an parent helm chart which includes frontend and backend
- Updated database fields within Investigation table (accept_reason, decline_reason, close_reason)
- Used same shadow for other parts table than we use for my parts table
- Improved visibility of text that might be too large.
- Changed mapping of partNumber from customerPartId to manufacturerPartId
- Adapted catena style guide for colors
- Removed quality type from ui but kept base functionality for future use
- Improved and separated *.md documentation, especially
- Improved error page styles and fixed menu urls in terms of 404 pages
- Improved visibility for field validation and added * to required fields
- Improved validation error message for max and min length
- Updated Investigation model with
fields - Improved UX for table selection
- Updated all environment specific helm chart files to follow same structure
- Upgraded all environments to use most recent release of irs including edc charts 0.3.0
- Removed unnecessary properties on irs charts
- Removed catena specific value files
- Updated from 8.8.25 to 8.9.2
- Updated angular/language-service from 15.1.5 to 15.2.2
- Updated veracode action from 0.2.4 to 0.2.5
- Updated trivy-action to use version instead of sha and set to 0.9.2
- Updated cypress action from 5.0.7 to 5.6.0
- Added functionality to update & close notifications – Quality Investigations
- Included a guide for connecting sonarcloud to IntelliJ ->
- Added properties targetDate and severity to the Quality Investigations
- Included reason for accept, decline and closure of a Quality Investigation
- Added additional information to be displayed on the Quality Investigation detail page
- Added native datetime component to be used for Quality Investigation
- Merged the backend repository into this repository within /backend
- Added beta environment
- Changed github action docker-release to have maven cache instead of previously used gradle
- Fixed a bug which caused the wrong bpn sender was set
- Added the default param to the irs/jobs api lookupBPNs and set it to true
- Added targetdate to the notification creation.
- Removed duplicated dependencies / Added version numbers for all dependencies for better managing
- Moved the frontend application to /frontend
- Updated to spring boot 3
- Fixed jersey-client cve
- Fixed spring-web cve
- Fixed spring-security-oauth-client cve
- Some minor updates on dependencies
- Restructured pom to use properties for all versions
- Added functionality to close notifications – Quality Investigations
- Fixed Sending and saving quality investigation closure reason
- Added connector lookup dataspace discovery service functionality for finding EDC url
1.1.0 - 2023-02-06
- Functionality to send and receive notifications – Quality Investigations
- EDC router component to support notifications and data ingest process in parallel
- Arc42 documentation
- Endpoints introducing proper validation for request body depending on the endpoint type
- Email Feature from application for security reasons
Using the "relationships" structure instead of "AssemblyPartRelationship" in the IRS response.
1.0.0 - 2022-12-12
- Traceability BoM asBuilt - with the use of IRS we retrieve a BoM tree for lifecycle "as built" for serialized parts as well as batches, which as a prerequisite are provided to the Catena-X network.
- Usage of the aspects "SerialPartTypification", “Batch” and "AssemblyPartRelationship".
- Tree built in the downwards direction top-down/parent-child. Visualization of the BoM tree and list view of own manufactured as well as being supplied with parts.
0.1.0 - 2022-09-21
- BoM asBuilt Fetch parts and supplier parts, display details, display part tree
- EDC and IRS integration