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811 lines (498 loc) · 38.4 KB

File metadata and controls

811 lines (498 loc) · 38.4 KB

0.15.27 / 01.04.2022

  • (Might potentially be a minor CSS breaking change) Replaced <Select/>'s CSS variable --rrui-select-arrow-border-width with four separate side-specific border width. The reason was Next.js 12 incorrectly handling a "combined" border-width CSS property.

  • Added arrowComponent property on <Select/> component.

0.15.23 / 18.02.2022

  • (Might potentially be a minor CSS breaking change) Added expandAnimationDuration property on <SlideOutMenu/> component. By default it's 220ms. When changing the --rrui-slideout-menu-animation-duration CSS variable value, also pass that value as this property.

  • (Might potentially be a minor CSS breaking change) Renamed --rrui-slideout-menu-animation-duration CSS variable to --rrui-slide-out-menu-animation-duration (with a dash between "slide" and "out").

  • Added some CSS variable on <SlideOutMenu/>:

    • --rrui-slide-out-menu-vertical-padding
    • --rrui-slide-out-menu-box-shadow
    • --rrui-slide-out-menu-opacity (which is 1 by default)

0.15.13 / 12.02.2022

  • (Minor CSS breaking change) Removed --rrui-input-field-border-bottom-width CSS variable and CSS rule. Now, only --rrui-input-field-border-width variable is used, which is 1px by default.

  • (Might potentially be a minor CSS breaking change) Added --rrui-input-field-box-shadow CSS variable.

  • (Might potentially be a minor CSS breaking change) Renamed --rrui-input-field-shadow-radius--autofill CSS variable to --rrui-input-field-box-shadow-radius--autofill.

  • (Might potentially be a minor CSS breaking change) Removed .rrui__date-picker--disabled CSS class (seems to be not used).

  • Removed the workaround for removing Chrome <input/> autofill background color:

:root {
  --rrui-input-field-background-color--autofill : var(--rrui-input-field-background-color);
  --rrui-input-field-background-color-focus--autofill : var(--rrui-input-field-background-color-focus);
  --rrui-input-field-background-color-error--autofill : var(--rrui-input-field-background-color-error);
  --rrui-input-field-background-color-error-focus--autofill : var(--rrui-input-field-background-color-error-focus);
  --rrui-input-field-box-shadow-radius--autofill : 1000px;

/* Overrides Chrome autofill yellow background color. */
  box-shadow : 0 0 0 var(--rrui-input-field-box-shadow-radius--autofill) var(--rrui-input-field-background-color--autofill) inset;

/* Overrides Chrome autofill yellow background color (when `<TextInput/>` is focused). */
  box-shadow : 0 0 0 var(--rrui-input-field-box-shadow-radius--autofill) var(--rrui-input-field-background-color-focus--autofill) inset;

/* Overrides Chrome autofill yellow background color (when `<TextInput/>` is invalid). */
  box-shadow : 0 0 0 var(--rrui-input-field-box-shadow-radius--autofill) var(--rrui-input-field-background-color-error--autofill) inset;

/* Overrides Chrome autofill yellow background color (when `<TextInput/>` is invalid). */
/* Overrides the corresponding `:focus` CSS rule. */
  box-shadow : 0 0 0 var(--rrui-input-field-box-shadow-radius--autofill) var(--rrui-input-field-background-color-error-focus--autofill) inset;

0.15.12 / 27.01.2022

  • Renamed <DatePicker/>'s defaultMonthDate property to initialCalendarDate.
  • Fixed <DatePicker/>'s aria-label stuff:
    • Supports aria-describedby property.
    • Supports aria-label property.
    • Removed getAriaLabel() property.
  • Removed the default format placeholder on <DatePicker/>. Pass a placeholder manually to show it.

0.15.9 / 26.01.2022

  • Refactored <DatePicker/> component.
  • Added defaultMonthDate property on <DatePicker/>.
  • (could be a "breaking" change for some, but not significant) Moved background-color and border-radius from .DayPicker-Day to .DayPicker-Day:before.
  • (could be a "breaking" change for some, but not significant) Removed <DatePicker/>'s noon property.
  • (could be a "breaking" change for some, but not significant) Removed <DatePicker/>'s localeUtils property.
  • (could be a "breaking" change for some, but not significant) Removed <DatePicker/>'s months property.
  • (could be a "breaking" change for some, but not significant) Removed <DatePicker/>'s weekdaysLong property.
  • (could be a "breaking" change for some, but not significant) Removed <DatePicker/>'s weekdaysShort property.
  • (could be a "breaking" change for some, but not significant) Removed <DatePicker/>'s firstDayOfWeek property.

0.15.0 / 12.08.2021

  • <DatePicker/>: utc is true by default, noon is false by default.

  • Updated react and react-dom version requirement from 16.3 to 16.8.

  • Removed deprecated <FileUpload/> action property.

  • <Snackbar/> wraps the message content in a <p class="rrui__snackbar__text"/> only if the message content is a string (not a React element).

  • (misc) <DatePicker/> doesn't expand the calendar on programmatic focus or focus via Tab key.

0.14.199 / 25.01.2021

  • (CSS breaking change) The <ExpansionPanel/> component has some breaking changes in this version: renamed some CSS class names, removed some CSS variables.

0.14.192 / 31.07.2020

  • Refactored <Expandable/> .toggle().

0.14.180 / 13.11.2019

  • <TextInput/> now does React.forwardRef().

0.14.176 / 23.09.2019

  • (CSS breaking change) <Snackbar/> markup simplified: there's no rrui__snackbar__container now and if component property is passed then it's not wrapped in rrui__snackbar__text. <Snackbar/> CSS styles changed a bit.

0.14.169 / 19.09.2019

  • (breaking change) React >= 16.3 is required now.

0.14.167 / 18.09.2019

  • (CSS breaking change) Renamed --rrui-input-field-border-width CSS variable to --rrui-input-field-border-bottom-width. --rrui-input-field-border-width CSS variable is now named correctly.

  • (CSS breaking change) Renamed --rrui-expansion-panel-heading-height CSS variable to --rrui-expansion-panel-header-height ("heading" -> "header").

  • (CSS breaking change) Renamed --rrui-expansion-panel-heading-height-expanded CSS variable to --rrui-expansion-panel-header-height-expanded ("heading" -> "header").

  • (CSS breaking change) Renamed --rrui-expansion-panel-border-color-focus CSS variable to --rrui-expansion-panel-icon-start-border-color-focus (added "-icon-start").

  • (CSS breaking change) Renamed --rrui-expansion-panel-border-color-active CSS variable to --rrui-expansion-panel-icon-start-border-color-active (added "-icon-start").

0.14.164 / 18.09.2019

  • (CSS change) Changed the animation of <ExpandableMenu/>: it's now "fade upwards" rather than "expand". Added button property for the toggler button component (demo example has been updated).

0.14.158 / 08.09.2019

  • (CSS change) Added .rrui__input CSS class to <Switch/> that makes it height equal to input height. Also <Switch/> label is now limited to a single line (not multi-line).

0.14.153 / 22.08.2019

  • (CSS change, shouldn't be a "breaking" one) Added color: inherit to .rrui__button-reset (that means "to all buttons").
  • <Tooltip/>'s hideTimeout property was renamed to hideDelay. hideTimeout still works but is deprecated.

0.14.148 / 18.07.2019

  • Adjusted <Modal/> padding.

0.14.146 / 03.07.2019

  • Fixed --rrui-input-field-text-color CSS variable not previously being applied: it applies color to <input/>s and is --rrui-black-color by default.

0.14.137 / 20.05.2019

  • (CSS small breaking change) Previously when <Switch/> had children it also had .rrui__input CSS class attached. Now this CSS class is not being attached to such <Switch/>.

  • Added rightContent: true/false property to <Switch/> for placing children on the right side of the toggle.

0.14.134 / 30.04.2019

  • Changed <Snackbar/> styles a bit (stretches to full width on mobile; min-height instead of height on .rrui__snackbar; <div className="rrui__snackbar__text"> -> <p className="rrui__snackbar__text" style="margin: 0">; Added padding-top and padding-bottom to .rrui__snackbar__text). Added action and close parameters to <Snackbar/>.

0.14.135 / 06.05.2019

  • Added placement to <Tooltip/>: "top", "left", "bottom", "right".

  • Renamed CSS variables: --rrui-tooltip-y-visible -> --rrui-tooltip-visible-distance, --rrui-tooltip-y-hidden -> --rrui-tooltip-hidden-distance.

0.14.133 / 25.04.2019

  • Changed <Tooltip/>'s top positions: removed margin-top and added three CSS variables:
--rrui-tooltip-animation-duration : 120ms;
--rrui-tooltip-y-visible : -0.4em;
--rrui-tooltip-y-hidden  : -0.1em;

0.14.130 / 09.04.2019

  • Added the missing -webkit-appearance : none on .rrui__input-field.

  • Added background-color to .rrui__input-field.

  • Added icon property to <TextInput/>.

  • Changed <MenuIcon/> design (incl. animation).

0.14.127 / 24.01.2019

  • --rrui-card-text-color default value changed from currentColor to --rrui-black-color because currentColor had some issues in MS Edge (not in IE).

  • Removed color: currentColor from .rrui__slideout-menu__item (that was a weird CSS rule).

0.14.124 / 22.01.2019

  • Removed react-dnd from the library because it's buggy and is no longer supported. Replaced with simple native HTML file drag-n-drop.

  • Multiple file upload/drop now passes an Array instead of an DataTransferItemsList or FileList to onChange().

0.14.97 / 20.12.2018

  • Fixed <ActivityIndicator/> SVG path animation using 100% CPU for some reason. <ActivityIndicator/> component got replaced for that, and the line thickness is now fixed compared of the older percentage value. Line thickness can be set as .rrui__activity-indicator__arc { border-width: ... }.

0.14.87 / 12.12.2018

  • (CSS breaking change) Removed the default padding from .rrui__date-picker .rrui__expandable__content and added the default padding to .DayPicker-wrapper. Also changed the positioning of .DayPicker-NavButtons. Added a border to .DayPicker-wrapper when it's focused (accessibility).

0.14.84 / 12.12.2018

  • Fixed rrui__outline CSS class across components.

0.14.83 / 11.12.2018

  • Removed default aria-haspopup and aria-label attributes from <MenuButton/>: pass them manually if required.

  • Renamed rrui__outline to rrui__outline--default. rrui__outline is now always added to all focusable components and can be used to define custom "outline"-like styling (for example, via box-shadow).

  • Added <KeyboardNavigationListener/> component which sets rrui__tabbing CSS class on document.body. It can be used to only show outlines on buttons/links when the user is actually tabbing. It's still not considered a 100%-formally-correct solution because "screen readers" still emit all kinds of mouse events. It's more of an experimental feature.

  • Added buttonAriaLabel property to <DatePicker/>.

0.14.81 / 09.12.2018

  • Added focus on <SlideOutMenu/> upon expanding it. Added close <SlideOutMenu/> on Escape. Added focus on <MenuButton/> upon collapsing the menu.

0.14.80 / 09.12.2018

  • Renamed <Modal/>'s contentLabel to ariaLabel. contentLabel still works but is deprecated.

  • Added togglerAriaHasPopup property to <ExpandableMenu/>.

0.14.79 / 07.12.2018

  • Removed the recently added showOutline() function. Use rrui__outline CSS class directly to retain outlines.

  • <ExpandableMenu/> now accepts toggler, togglerAriaLabel and togglerClassName properties. The older way of toggler being the first child is now deprecated.

  • <FileUpload/>'s .rrui__file-upload__area now has tabIndex property which is 0 by default (for accessibility), and pressing Enter or Spacebar triggers click event. <DropFileUpload/> and <DropFilesUpload/> both wrap <FileUpload/>.

  • Some ARIA-related fixes.

0.14.76 / 07.12.2018

  • A couple of :focus fixes (accessibility).

  • Added showOutline(true) function for not adding outline: none CSS rule to buttons, inputs and selects (some people prefer this).

  • Increased default <MenuButton/> width and height. Shouldn't break anyone's code because users of this library almost 100% re-define the menu button dimensions.

  • Fixed <Select/> focusing on the toggler <button/> instead of the hidden <select/>.

0.14.51 / 08.10.2018

  • (CSS breaking change) Introduced a list of "CSS variables" for components for easier customization. This may possibly cause a couple of small breaking changes to CSS: color property is now being explicitly set on components (e.g. <Select/> options) instead of being not defined which could potentially overwrite someone's color if it was previously being inherited from a parent. Also, <TextInput/> now has background-color, color and font-size: inherit set explicitly (previously wasn't set and was using defaults for these). Also <Checkbox/> box size changed from unit * 2 to 0.9em. Also renamed --rrui-list-icon-margin to --rrui-list-icon-margin.

0.14.42 / 06.10.2018

  • (breaking change) <Modal/>'s closeButton was previously styled as float: right which resulted in multiline content for single-line notifications. Re-styled closeButton without float using flex.

0.14.38 / 29.09.2018

  • (CSS breaking change) Refactored <SlideOutMenu/> styles.

  • <SlideOutMenu/> animation duration increased (added a new CSS variable for that).

  • <SlideOutMenu/> now takes an optional anchor property which can be one of: left, right, top, bottom.

  • <SlideOutMenu/> now takes an optional fullscreen boolean property.

0.14.35 / 27.09.2018

  • Refactored menu icon component, and it's now exported as <MenuIcon/>.

  • (breaking change) Removed .rrui__menu-button-icon-x class, use .rrui__menu-icon instead.

0.14.25 / 22.08.2018

  • Removed reset property from <Snackbar/>. It's not required now.

0.14.13 / 14.08.2018

  • Added value property to <List/> and renamed onSelectItem to onChange. onSelectItem property still works but is deprecated.

  • Added the currently selected item indication to <List/> (and the components using it like <Select/> and <Autocomplete/>): .rrui__list__item--selected.

0.14.10 / 28.07.2018

  • .rrui__file-upload component now has two children: .rrui__file-upload__area and .rrui__input-error. This is unlikely to break existing code because .rrui__input-error is display: none, so if error is not passed then it doesn't matter much which CSS class is customized: .rrui__file-upload or .rrui__file-upload__area.

  • Renamed <FileUpload/> action property to onChange. action still works but is deprecated.

  • Added <DropFileUpload/> and <DropMultiFileUpload/>.

0.14.7 / 27.07.2018

  • Reduced React requirements for most components (now >= 0.14) for PureComponent.

  • (breaking change) Renamed SegmentedControl to Switcher and rrui__segmented-control__... to rrui__switcher__....

0.14.6 / 26.07.2018

  • Rewrote <List/> without using <React.Fragment/> for older React support (>= 15.3.0 for PureComponent support).

0.14.4 / 22.07.2018

  • (could be a minor breaking change) indicateInvalid is now true by default, and is considered an "undocumented" feature.

0.14.0 / 20.07.2018

  • (breaking change) Changed how <List.Item/> works: it is now just a wrapper for its children. If <List onSelectItem/> or <List.Item onSelect/> are present then it creates a <button/>. Otherwise it just renders children (adding some props to them, like onClick and onMouseDown).

  • (breaking change) <Snackbar/> no longer receives value of type String — only an object of shape { content, type, component, ... } is accepted.

  • (breaking change) Renamed SegmentedControl to Switcher and rrui__segmented-control__... to rrui__switcher__....

  • (could be a minor breaking change) indicateInvalid is now true by default, and is considered an "undocumented" feature.

0.13.0 / 12.07.2018

  • (breaking change) React >= 16.3 is required ("React Portals" are used for <Tooltip/>, which requires React >= 16; react-dnd@5 requires React >= 16.3). Still, components other than <Tooltip/> and @DragAndDrop can be used with older React.

  • (breaking change) react-dnd updated from version 2.x to version 5.x.

  • (breaking change) Some things got refactored so something might theoretically break.

  • (breaking change) <MenuButton/> changed the icon for SVG to a CSS-animated HTML.

  • (breaking change) Rewrote <Select/> and split it into <Select/>, <Autocomplete/> and <ExpandableMenu/>; their CSS structure got rewritten and CSS class names changed. Extracted <Select.Separator/> into <Divider/>. Due to the rewrite of <Select/> it may possibly be a breaking change for existing applications in some non-generic cases.

  • (breaking change) <Select menu/> toggler property moved to children of <ExpandableMenu/>.

  • (breaking change) Renamed <CollapsibleMenu/> to <SlideOutMenu/>.

  • (breaking change) Renamed <Select/>'s concise property to icon.

  • (breaking change) Renamed <Select/>'s maxItems property to scrollMaxItems.

  • (breaking change) Renamed <Select/>'s autocompleteShowAll property to showAllMatchingOptions.

  • (breaking change) <Select/> icon can now only be a React component (not an element). <Select/> toggler can now only be a React component (not an element).

  • (breaking change) <Select/> onToggle property replaced with onExpand and onCollapse.

  • (breaking change) <DatePicker/> design changed.

  • (breaking change) <Button/>'s action property is deprecated, use onClick instead.

  • (breaking change) <Tooltip/> now accepts content property instead of text, and content is now a React.Element instead of a function.

  • (breaking change) <TextInput/> no longer accepts email and password properties. Use type="..." directly instead.

  • (breaking change) .rrui__button--link CSS class renamed to .rrui__button-reset--link.

  • (breaking change) Select.Fullscreen.css renamed to Expandable.Fullscreen.css.

  • (breaking change) DatePicker.Fullscreen.css merged into Expandable.Fullscreen.css.

  • <TextInput/> now accepts inputComponent property.

  • Added <List/> component.

0.12.13 / 01.05.2018

  • (breaking change) <Select/>: autocomplete now always renders only <input type="text"/> (not a button), and native <select/> is always rendered in a transparent overlay so that native select is activated on mobile devices when there's too much options (for better UX) and custom select is always activated on desktop (if no touchstart has been received). .rrui__select__native-expanded CSS class removed and replaced with .rrui__select__native (mostly the same). Removed onFocus property of <Select/>.

  • (breaking change) <Select/> no longer accepts both label and placeholder.

0.12.5 / 28.04.2018

  • (breaking change) small-screen.css file has been split into individual per-component files (see the updated README).

  • (breaking change) <DatePicker/> icon is now a React component instead of a React element, and there's a default one, and the icon is hidden by default via CSS (a developer must explicitly set display: block for .rrui__date-picker__icon in order for the icon to be visible), and also .rrui__date-picker__icon CSS class styling changed.

  • Fixed <Select autocomplete/> input focus upon expansion on mobile devices.

  • Fixed <Select/> too many options rendered when collapsed.

0.12.0 / 23.04.2018

  • (breaking change) Introduced CSS variables which must be set before including the CSS files on a page (see the updated README).

  • (breaking change) <Button/> now comes with default margin-left and margin-right (previously had no margins). And the busy indicator changed from a spinner to an underline.

  • (breaking change) <MenuButton/> now comes with negative margin.

  • (breaking change) On small screens (see small-screen.css) the "Close" cross for fullscreen <Select/> is now on the bottom-right (not on the top-right).

  • (breaking change) On small screens (see small-screen.css) <Select/>s and <DatePicker/>s now expand themselves to fullscreen even if inside <Modal/>s, and the expand animation changed from "dropdown" to "fade-in/scale".

  • (breaking change) Changed <Modal/> CSS styles (including small-screen.css): .rrui__modal__content class (which defines all CSS styles and animations for opening/closing) was renamed to .rrui__modal__contents (along with rrui__modal__content--fullscreen and .rrui__modal__content-body). <Modal/> now provides three child components: <Modal.Content/>, <Modal.Title/> and <Modal.Actions/>. Before .rrui__modal__content-body had margin — now that margin has been moved to these three new child components. Tweaked <Modal/> opening/closing animation on small screens (see small-screen.css).

  • (breaking change) <Modal/>'s closeButton property removed and replaced with closeButtonIcon property (which is for the icon, not for the button). closeButtonIcon is now either a Component (not Element) or true (which renders a default cross icon).

  • (breaking change) <Select/>'s closeButton property removed and replaced with closeButtonIcon property (which is for the icon, not for the button).

  • (breaking change) <DatePicker/>'s closeButton property removed and replaced with closeButtonIcon property (which is for the icon, not for the button).

  • (breaking change) If someone was overriding .rrui__close__icon CSS styles: its padding was moved to .rrui__close.

  • (breaking change) <Snackbar/> CSS styles changed and it is now positioned in the left bottom corner of the screen (with some margin) instead of being in the middle on the bottom (without margin).

  • (breaking change) <Select/>'s list of options (except autocomplete) has been moved up to cover the toggler button: added margin-top to .rrui__select__options.

  • (breaking change) <Select/>'s .rrui__select__option side padding reduced a bit: changed .rrui__select__option's padding-left/padding-right and min-width, .rrui__select__options--left-aligned's left, .rrui__select__options--right-aligned's right and .rrui__select__options's min-width.

  • (breaking change) <Select menu/>'s .rrui__select__option side padding changed a bit.

  • (breaking change) .rrui__select--menu is now display: inline-block by default.

  • (breaking change) <Switch/> layout and styling changed a bit, added .rrui__switch__box.

  • (breaking change) <Tooltip/> sizes changed.

  • (breaking change) <Button/> was rewritten (the <button/> is no longer wrapped in a <div/>). <Button/> now has default height. linkDownload property removed (pass download property directly instead).

  • (breaking change) <SegmentedControl/> now stretched to full width by default.

  • (breaking change) <Snackbar/> CSS changed: it now resides in the lower bottom corner. Hide animation time changed from 400 to 195. content can now also be a React component taking hide property (a function that hides the notification).

  • (breaking change) <Select autocomplete/> now goes fullscreen.

  • (breaking change) <TextInput/> no longer takes an input property.

0.11.0 / 20.04.2018

  • Migrated to new React 17 lifecycles (componentWillReceiveProps -> getDerivedStateFromProps) and new React 17 Context API. Still compatible with older versions of React.

  • Refactored <Select/> and implemented async getOptions() for asynchronous autocomplete.

  • (breaking change) <Select/>. Arrow CSS styles tweaked: margin-top: 0.2em; margin-right: 0.4em; border-width: 0.35em 0.22em 0 0.22em; (inside style.css). The closeButton property is now a React.Component (not React.Element). closeAriaLabel property renamed to closeLabel. rrui__select__toggler height: 100% removed. Added line-height rule to .rrui__select__option CSS class. .rrui__select__option:hover background-color tweaked from #fbfdfd to #f7f7f7.

  • (breaking change) <DatePicker/> closeButtonLabel property removed and replaced the "Close" button with a cross icon with position: fixed (changed the styles inside style.css and small-screen.css). The new property is closeButton and is a React.Component (not React.Element).

  • (breaking change) Changed <Checkbox/> design.

  • (breaking change) <Menu/> now doesn't take router property from context. Instead, <Menu/> now listens directly to history transitions. <Menu/>'s .rrui__slideout-menu--shown CSS class renamed to .rrui__slideout-menu--expanded. <Page/> now has .rrui__page--menu-overlay CSS class added on menu expanded which adds a semi-transparent overlay.

0.10.28 / 26.02.2018

  • Disabled "scroll into view" feature for <Select/> in IE.

0.10.15 / 11.01.2018

  • CSS has been split on per-component basis (not icluding small-screen.css) and is available in the styles folder of the package.

0.10.0 / 10.10.2017

  • (CSS breaking change) .rrui__text-input__input -> .rrui__input-field

  • (CSS breaking change) .rrui__text-input__input--multiline -> .rrui__input-field--multiline

0.9.1 / 20.09.2017

(CSS breaking change) Refactored <Select/> CSS class names:

  • .rrui__select__selected--autocomplete -> .rrui__select__autocomplete

  • .rrui__select__selected -> .rrui__select__button

  • .rrui__select__selected--nothing -> .rrui__select__button--empty

  • .rrui__select__selected--expanded -> .rrui__select__button--expanded

  • .rrui__select__selected--disabled -> .rrui__select__button--disabled

  • .rrui__select__selected--invalid -> .rrui__select__button--invalid

(CSS breaking change) Focused input label CSS selector changed. From this:

/* Focused input label */
.rrui__text-input__input:focus    + .rrui__input-label:not(.rrui__text-input__label--placeholder),
.rrui__select__button:focus       + .rrui__input-label,
.rrui__select__autocomplete:focus + .rrui__input-label,
.rrui__date-picker__input:focus   + .rrui__input-label

To this:

/* Focused input label */
.rrui__input-element:focus + .rrui__input-label

And the floating label now floats to top always when the input is focused regardless of whether it's empty or not.

So this:

  transform: ...

Changes into this:

.rrui__input-field:not(:focus) + .rrui__text-input__label--placeholder
  transform: ...

(CSS breaking change) <Select/>'s autocomplete <input/> is now .rrui__text-input__input.

(CSS breaking change) <Select/>'s <option/>s have now height set.

0.8.55 / 18.09.2017

  • Added <Select compact/> property which makes the <Select/> not stretch to 100% width by making it inline-block.
  • (CSS breaking change) <Select concise/> are now inline-block too (but I guess perhaps no one even used that property since it's concise which means "inline" to me).
  • Added .rrui__select--menu CSS class so .rrui__select__options:not(.rrui__select__options--menu) becomes just .rrui__select__options which simplifies the stylesheet.

0.8.22 / 27.07.2017

  • (CSS breaking change) <Switch/> CSS classes got refactored but it shouldn't break anyone's apps.

0.8.0 / 03.05.2017

  • (CSS breaking change) Removed vertical padding from the first and the last <Select/> <li/> options and moved it to .rrui__select__options <ul/> itself. So if someone customized .rrui__select__options-list-item:first-child and .rrui__select__options-list-item:last-child vertical padding then those padding customizations should be moved to .rrui__select__options itself.
  • (CSS breaking change) Added .rrui__select__option:hover and .rrui__select__option--focused:hover background color for better UX.

0.7.11 / 15.04.2017

  • Added selectYearsIntoPast and selectYearsIntoFuture to <DatePicker/>.
  • <DatePicker/> is now more strict while parsing keyboard input.

0.7.0 / 12.04.2017

  • (breaking change) Dropped inline styles in favour of the CSS stylesheet (seems more convenient and theoretically more performant). Including the CSS via require() is the recommended way now.
  • (breaking change) Changed the path to style from /styles/react-responsive-ui.css to just style.css.
  • (breaking change) <Menu/> has been rewritten and no longer accepts items and instead accepts children. And it's always slideout now. Renamed Menu to CollapsibleMenu.

0.6.4 / 11.04.2017

  • Dropped both moment and date-fns in favour of a custom date formatter and parser (to reduce bundle size)

0.6.0 / 10.04.2017

Refactoring component styling to better match CSS grid styling (.col-x):

  • (breaking change) Now it stretches the inputs to full column width by default. Because everyone uses CSS grids today (like Bootstrap Grid). See react-responsive-ui.css diff for the change (a simple width: 100% rule).
  • (breaking change) Changed <Select/> and <DatePicker/> markup a bit: they're now wrapped in a <div className="rrui__input"/> wrapper (and added height: 100% CSS rule for the contents).
  • <Modal/> now receives className parameter.
  • Added stretch flag for <Button/>s to stretch them to full width.
  • Added floatingLabel boolean flag for <TextInput/>.

0.5.0 / 06.03.2017

  • (breaking change) Moved position: relative from inline styles to CSS for <Button/>, <Switch/>, <DatePicker/>, <SegmentedControl/>.
  • (breaking change) Refactored CSS classes for <Select/> and <DatePicker/>.
  • (breaking change) Refactored CSS classes for <Switch/>.
  • Fixed day clicking bug in <DatePicker/> on mobile devices.
  • Moved slideout menu styles to CSS classes .rrui__slideout-menu, .rrui__slideout-menu--shown, .rrui__slideout-menu-list-item and .rrui__menu__item

0.4.0 / 03.03.2017

  • (breaking change) <Modal/> now no longer takes actions, create the buttons manually instead. title property is gone too, use <h1/> instead. Changed .rrui__modal__top-padding and .rrui__modal__bottom-padding into .rrui__modal__margin. cancel property is gone, use closeLabel instead. Changed some styles for modal (see the relevant commit)
  • (breaking change) <Form/>'s action has been renamed to submit.
  • (might be a breaking change) Moved <Select/> option list styles from inline to .rrui__select__options

0.3.0 / 25.02.2017

  • (could be a breaking change) Moving position: relative from inline styles to the CSS file therefore if using an edited CSS file from older versions add position: relative for .rrui__select

0.2.14 / 07.02.2017

  • Added a custom input property for <TextInput/>

0.2.11 / 06.02.2017

  • Added .rrui__fixed-full-width CSS class for self-adjusting the width of specific DOM elements when a modal opens

0.2.10 / 05.02.2017

  • Added fullscreen mode for <Modal/>
  • (breaking change) Refactoring <Modal/> (for better fullscreen support)

0.2.5 / 04.02.2017

  • (breaking change) Renamed .rrui__text-input__label to .rrui__input-label
  • <TextInput/> can now have both a placeholder and a label
  • Added labels to <Select/> and <DatePicker/> (analogous to text input)
  • (breaking change) Renamed .rrui__text-input__error to .rrui__input-error
  • (breaking change) Renamed label property of <Select/> to placeholer
  • (breaking change) Renamed .rrui__text-input__field and .rrui__text-input__input--single-line to .rrui__input and .rrui__input--multiline

0.2.0 / 03.02.2017

  • (breaking change) Renamed .rrui__text-input__field to .rrui__text-input__input. .rrui__text-input__field now wraps .rrui__text-input__input and .rrui__text-input__label. This is done to be able to set .rrui__text-input__field exact height while also keeping height: auto for description and error message.
  • Dropped description property on <TextInput/>

0.1.67 / 03.02.2017

  • Removed --primary and --border button flavours (use className manually instead since there are usually more than two kinds of buttons in an application UI)
  • Button contents are now a <div/> and the button itself is not made opacity: 0 during busy state but instead that contents <div/> is
  • Refactoring floating label input

0.1.50 / 21.01.2017

  • Added drag'n'drop components

0.1.48 / 20.01.2017

  • (breaking change) Renamed shown property of Modal to isOpen
  • (breaking change) Renamed .rrui__button__link CSS class to .rrui__button__button .rrui__button__button--link
  • For "rich" components now not rendering static HTML fallback by default (unless fallback property is explicitly set to true) since it's a very exotic use case and therefore is not default behaviour now

0.1.27 / 07.01.2017

  • Added <DatePicker/> via react-day-picker and moment

0.1.25 / 30.12.2016

  • Added className and style properties to <Select/>

0.1.22 / 24.12.2016

  • Fixed autocomplete up/down selection bug

0.1.19 / 20.12.2016

  • (breaking change) Renamed .rrui__select__option--selected CSS class to .rrui__select__option--focused
  • <Select/> now automatically scrolls the options list down to the selected item and also while navigating with arrow keys

0.1.0 / 05.12.2016

  • Initial release.