This directory includes Code of Conduct Transparency reports. Full information on our Code of Conduct, Reporting Guidelines and Enforcement Manual can be found in The Carpentries handbook
# The Carpentries Code of Conduct Transparency Report
## Overview
### Reports
Between yyyy-mm-dd and yyyy-mm-dd, the Code of Conduct committee processed <number of reports, 'NO' when none> formal incident report.
### Potential Code of Conduct Breaches
There was <number of reports, 'NO' when none> report of an incident.
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### Summary of Police Matters
There were <number of reports, 'NO' when none> police matters.
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### Policy changes
There were <number of reports, 'NO' when none> policy changes.
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### Committee changes
- <number of reports, 'NO' when none> members stepped down from (or joined) the committee.
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### Further relevant information
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