##Elevator Modeling Problem## Model elevators in a skyscraper
I'm starting by considering the actions that need to take place, including the inputs and outputs:
- when the elevator stops on a floor to let off passengers, we need a function to determine whether the elevator can take more passengers. Along with this, the function should also indicate to the elevator when to open and close its doors.
- when a user requests the elevator, we need a function that determines which elevator picks up the user
This is the function to deal with #1. I will define the variables later:
function capacity (inPeople, outPeople) {
if((currentPeople+inPeople-outPeople) <= maxCapacity) {
doorOpen = true;
currentPeople += inPeople-outPeople;
doorOpen = false;
}, 30000);
} else {
doorOpen = false;
return doorOpen;
This is the function to deal with #2:
function pickUp (floorUser, directionUser) {
allElevators.every(function(elevator) {
if (elevator.directionElevator==='up' && directionUser==='up' && (floorUser-elevator.currentFloor)>=0){
elevator.takeUser = true;
return false; // returning false in order to break every function
} else if (elevator.directionElevator==='down' && directionUser==='down' && (floorUser-elevator.currentFloor)<=0){
elevator.takeUser = true;
return false; // returning false in order to break every function
} else {
elevator.takeUser = false;
Next, I want to consider the structure of the data.
Constructor Function for Elevator
var Elevator = {
this.maxCapacity = 10; //10 indicates number of people
this.capacity = function (inPeople, outPeople) {
if((this.currentPeople+inPeople-outPeople) <= this.maxCapacity) {
this.doorOpen = true;
this.currentPeople += inPeople-outPeople;
this.doorOpen = false;
}, 30000);
} else {
this.doorOpen = false;
return this.doorOpen;
Prototype to Initialize Elevator
Elevator.prototype.initialize = function() {
this.doorsOpen = false;
this.currentFloor = 0;
this.currentPeople = 0;
this.directionElevator = 'up';
this.takeUser = false;
In order for the pickUp function to search through all the elevators, there needs to be an array to store these elevators and a function to add a new elevator to this array.
All the Elevators
var allElevators = []; //array to store all the elevators
function newElevator () {
allElevators.push( new Elevator() );
return allElevators;
This code is at this JSFiddle.