SIFT is an algorithm introduced by David G.Lowe in 1999.
This code is based on the work of Matthew Towes at École de technologie supérieure ÉTS.
This is a CUDA implementation of the base code.
There is also a fast descriptor computation using BRIEF and 2 other method introduced in the linked publication.
You will need at least cmake 3.10 and cuda installed on your computer.
- Download it !
- Go in main directory and cmake the CMAKEList file.
- Once all the makefile are create use the make to finish the installation
- The first make will download all needed library so it will take time.
This algorithm is design to extract features from 3D volumes. The main format are accepted ( Nifti and Analyse format)
./featExtract [options] <input image> <output features>
<input image>: nifti (.nii,.hdr,.nii.gz) or raw input volume (IEEE 32-bit float, little endian).
<output features>: output file with features.
-w : output feature geometry in world coordinates, NIFTI qto_xyz matrix (default is voxel units).
-2+ : double input image size.
-2- : halve input image size.
-d[0-9] : set GPU device id to be used, without this option CPU version will be used
-b : Use the BRIEF descriptor format
-br : Use the RRIEF descriptor format
-bn : Use the NRRIEF descriptor format
Aug 2, 2019 : Publication of CUDA 3D SIFT
Dec 19, 2021 : Publication of "GPU optimization of the 3D Scale-invariant Feature Transform Algorithm and a Novel BRIEF-inspired 3D Fast Descriptor"
Jean-Baptiste CARLUER at École de technologie supérieure ÉTS.